Changing Z-index On Mouseover?
Jun 29, 2011
I'm having a real hard time trying to get a simple rollover working correctly on my site using inline javascript.
I have an set of five images in a gallery that are covered by one larger image 'Rollover.jpg'. When you roll over the larger image it gets hidden so it reveals the five images below it code below:
<div id="menuRo" onmouseover="document.getElementById('rollover').style.visibility= 'hidden', style.zIndex = -1;" onmouseout="document.getElementById('rollover').style.visibility= 'visible',
i then added the line ",style.zIndex = -1;" so on mouseover the main image would drop below the five images and remain hidden, so that the five images become clickable; and then ",style.zIndex = 1;" on mouseoute, so the image appears back ontop covering the five images on mouseout.
However, I just get this crazy flickering on mouseover now, so I'm wondering if I have my inline code setup correctly?
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Dec 22, 2009
I'm not completely sure this is javascript, but is there a way of changing the z-index of my flash object when hovering over it?
Here is a link to my page:[URL].. As you can see, you cannot click on the link in the main content area because the menu is on a higher z-index than the content. I need a way for the content to be on a higher z-index than the menu until the menu is hovered over, in which case the z-index of the menu will be higher.
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Aug 19, 2011
I have three images nested in three divs that I want to change size on mouseover, but since they're each in their own div, I can't effect their z-indexes relative to one another without targeting their parent divs.I thought I'd be able to contain the images in an <a> tag with z-index style in a mouseover, but I can get it to work. What am I doing wrong here? [code]I've tried a few approaches to the function's targeting, like document.getElementById(, etc, but still nothing.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a page with 3 divisions overlaying each other. I dynamically
change the visibility to switch between them. On the Mac version of IE
5.1 I am not able to activate the scroll bars after making a division
visible. Only the originally displayed division works. I am able to
click on the data (option select lists) in all of the divisions. There
is no problem when I use Netscape.
I would like to dynamically change the z-index to see if that would
help. Can someone tell me how?
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Apr 18, 2009
Would like to say right away that I'm a massive newbie on this and the project below is something I'm creating for others but also to help me learn at the same time. First of all I have my Index file. This contains 3 divs (MainDiv TopDiv and BottomDiv) in which I load iframes onto using innerhtml using this code.
function loadPageX(pageAddress,containerID
var el=document.getElementById(containerID)
el.innerHTML="<iframe src="" + pageAddress + ""height="100%" frameborder="0" width="100%" ALLOWTRANSPARENCY="true"></iframe>"
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Jul 26, 2010
I am desperate to solve an issue with z-index. If you look at one of my examples:[URL]... I am trying to make a website where I have button (menu) and when clicked they slide out a page form the right. The site never changes the whole page it just slides in new content on nav click. This page works well in some aspects. each button slides out a page like I want. One problem is that I want the content to slide out from under part of the background picture and to see all of the content I’d like to mouseover the content and it comes above the bit of picture. If you click on page (portfolio) it does this. Whats funny is this whole concept works in IE (believe it or not) but not in the other browsers. What seems to happen is the z-index’s wont let the mouseovers take affect. I’d like to change the z-index when button clicked so the active content is always on top. The second issue is I’d like to close the open content when opening another content page. I have no idea how to do that in this slider case.
btw (I didnt write the slide function and would not have used <button> but not sure how to make it work from any link, I have tried dozens of different ways to do all this but nothing has worked)
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Mar 20, 2011
I'm working at masking my fantasy football site hosted by my provider onto my own subdomain, since they can't allow me point a dns at their servers.I did manage to mask the webaddress to my sub doman with a php script. But it also only masks the initial visit, and th link name.
And now i'm trying to learn how mask the various url/links in the menus.As I little about javascript, can someone show me a way to mask the url address when a user mouses over them? The links themselves wont' change, I'm just trying to mask the link names on the mouseover to look like their on my own domain.
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Jul 30, 2011
I am probably use way too much code to have this done.. but this is what I came up with..
$(function() {
.mouseover(function() {
var src = $(this).attr("src").match(/[^.]+/) + "_over.png";
Problem is it doesn't do anything. When I only have one image set to change on mouseover it works fine.. I put two or more in there it doesn't work on any of the images.
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Jun 30, 2011
I have just bought a JS animated web template. I made changes to the file names on the splash page (index.html) and 2 landing pages Now everything is all messed up.
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May 12, 2010
I currently have an image and underneath it there are 6 thumbnails. When I run the cursor over them the big image changes. This works fine. However, I would like to have text beside the big picture that also changes depending on the thumbnail over which I am hovering.
I have tried to work it out myself but failed miserably. I have tried forums, but can't find what I need. My code as it stands at the moment is:
<script type="text/javascript">
if (document.images) {image0 = new Image;
image0.src = "i/p0.png";
image1 = new Image;
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Mar 6, 2011
I am trying to get an image to change when the onmouseover function on a text link.
My code is as follows:
I have seen this working on another site [url] but I cant seem to get it working.
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Apr 7, 2010
Here's my code (it is fired, and does find the object, but won't change the background image): But it's not the image that's the problme, because even trying to change the background-color doesn't work either.[code]...
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Jun 17, 2011
I have a menu with 4 links and 4 images associated with them. By default, the image from link 1 is displayed on the page. I would like to change the image with its corresponding one, each time i mouseover one of the other three links.
I'm trying to make the following code work unsuccesfully
In the <head> section i have this:
<script type="text/javascript">
img1 = new Image();
img1.src = "images/party/party.jpg";
I would like when i point to Icecream, the picture on the left to change to the Icecream picture and so on.
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Sep 13, 2011
I have a problem when changing images and image maps with mouseover and click events in IE. Firefox, Chrome and Safari all work well but IE does not. It's hard to describe but when I mouse over a hot spot the image changes and then right away changes back. you can see it here (http:url....): here is the Javascript code:
var current_overID = "";
var last_overID = "";
function item (img_name,width,height)[code]....
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Jun 25, 2002
Is there any way to have the background color change in a cell only when the mouse is over the link? This is what I have so far:
<td class=topnav2 onClick="location.href='AboutAD/overview.htm'" onMouseOut="'#9966FF'"onMouseOver=" roundColor='#660099'" bgcolor="#9966FF" width="107" height="45"valign="middle">
<a class="topnav2" href="AboutAD/overview.htm">About Alzheimer's</a>
Currently you rollover the cell it changes color, I just want this effect when you roll over the text.
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Apr 8, 2011
I'm currently trying to code a jQuery base memory game for school. I however got one problem right now. The cards are supposed to change picture on mouseover and change back on mouse leave. However, if you click on a picture, that card isn't supposed to turn back right away. I thought I could fix this with classes, but it doesn't work. Here's a part of the code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$("img.spelkort").mouseover(function() {
$("img.spelkort.hover").mouseleave(function() {
$("img.spelkort").click(function() {
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Sep 17, 2009
I added mouse in and mouse out affect like this in $
(document).ready function
$(".StripMe tr").mouseover(function(){
My question is if i used jquery post method to change some div content, than this new div won't have mouseover and mouseout affect anymore, is there anyway to achieve it. Is that needed to trigger ready function again? Another question is can anyone teach me how to add click and dblclick event to the same div, because if i add both of them then it won't trigger dblckick event.
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Feb 29, 2004
I'm trying to create an onClick that will change an embedded html page. I'm using the same syntax that works for both <img> and <iframe>.
<object id="thing" data="page1.html" type="text/html">
error message
There must be some fundamental difference between changing an image or iframe "src" and changing an object's "data" that totally escapes me because the above script won't update/refresh/reload/change the existing embedded page (page1.html) to page2.html.
I have run the script with an "alert(document.getElementById('thing').data)" tacked onto the end of the above script, and it does, in fact, return "page2.html" in the dialogue box. So, maybe, I just need to refresh the object (without reloading the whole page!)?
I've noticed that <object> is usually used with applets and flash and sound and there seem to be commands to "run" them, but I can't find any terms to handle updating an embedded html document. Maybe there really just isn't any way to do this yet aside from iframe?
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Jan 26, 2009
I have the below array called "results". When I loop through all document elements I would like to check "field_name" against the "results" array and see if it exists and what index number it is at??
// Split the comma delimited response into an array
results = result.split("~");
//Loop through array and populate fields[code].....
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Aug 25, 2010
I am trying to get the index of a li with a specific class. I know I'm selecting the right object because I can apply a CSS class to it (eg change border colour) but when I try to get the index it returns -1. But I know the object exists as I can alter it. :-s
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var active = $("#tertiarynavigation .bordered").get(0);
var num = $("#tertiarynavigation li").index(active);
alert("Index: " + num);
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Nov 3, 2011
I have a problem with layers. In my example there's a link inside div#msg with 'z-index:1' and a overlay with 'z-index:2'. Now when "mousedown" fires, will change the div#msg z-index value from 1 to 3 to be on Top, so the link become a clickable link.
The question is, it is possible to make the link on top and open it with just one click?
This example can do that but won't open the link!
HTML Code:
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Jan 23, 2010
What trying to achieve is to have a div which when you mouseover a div and h4 within will change properties.This is working but when you mouseover the div and pass over either the border of the containing div or the h4 text the animate/fadeTo repeat again. Is someone able to tell what Im doing wrong? Also you may notice the function is effecting more than one container div at a time which is not what Im going for.
Is there a way to seperate them like this or somehow?
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Oct 15, 2010
I've tested across IE7,Firefox, Chrome, Safari and the only browser I experience this issue in is Opera. I have 3 icons at the bottom of the page (facebook, rainbow, charity logo) and on mouseover the whole site expands downwards (it's not supposed to do that). I've googled for reasons why it would do this but have found none. [URL]...
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Jan 12, 2011
I currently have a normal link like Code:<a href="" class="link">sitepoint</a> and when a user clicks on it I want to be able to change the "link" class to a different class. However, I don't want to add anything to the actual link html. Is it possible to do this using javascript without modifying the original link code?
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Feb 2, 2011
I am trying to dynamically clear the value of a form input field and then submit the form.When I used $('#my_field').val('') to clear the field, it was cleared on the screen but when the form was submitted the original value of the input field was posted.My browser is FireFox and I can see using FireBug that when the field is cleared, firebug is still showing the html code with the old value. E.G. <input type="text" value="old_value" />The same situation occurred if I used $('#my_field').attr('value', '') to clear the field.The same situation occurred if I actually changed the value of the field rather than just clearing it.To work around this problem I ended up using the $('#my_field').removeAttr('value') to clear the field before it was submitted.
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May 7, 2009
I am a complete novice when it come to Javascript. I copied the script for displaying random images at a specific interval (from I would appreciate knowing whether the following is possible:
The pages are based on tables, so the parts that change are all cells.
1. Can I define text instead of an image in the array? i.e. can I have the image change to say an apple in one cell and the next cell have text explaining what an apple is?
2. Would it be possible to put a countdown timer for when the image/text is going to change?
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