I am trying to make the div container the exact dimension of the users screen (ex. if the users resolution is 1024*768, 1280*720, 800*600 ect. the div will auto adjust to that size). How can I do this using javascript?
Also, how would I make the div the height of users screen, but the width 200% wider that the visitors resolution?
I have a web application with an aspanel, users can add images, the program automatically make the thumbnail. when user click on thumbnail they can see a pop up modal page.
Images are in different sizes, so what I need to achieve is to get the screen resolution or browser visible area and re-size the image according to this resolution. (users could have different type of computer screen with different resolution), I need a Javascript or jquery code.
All I want to do is to resize my background image say bg.jpg as per the visitor's screen resolution.On internet, I did find working javascripts but they used the if (width= height= ) thing.
I am looking at an easier way to have the background-image for a site be resized so that it looks the same across all screen resolutions (or at least close enough). The way I am doing it now is by using Javascript to get the width of the screen and then loading an appropriate sized image. Looks like this:
I have a web application with an aspanel, users can add images, the program automatically make the thumbnail. when user click on thumbnail they can see a pop up modal page.Images are in different sizes,so what I need to achieve is to get the screen resolution or browser visible area and re-size the image according to this resolution.(users could have different type of computer screen with different resolution), I need a JavaScript or jquery code.
So my task was to build basically photo-based department org-charts for a SharePoint 2007 environment. Not sure why I was asked to do this as the last time I web designed was when Netscape 4.0 and IE4 were still duking it out, but whatever.I inserted my images (125x125) into tables and everything looks great. on my screen.Boss's screen, a slightly smaller monitor with a lower resolution, not so much.I'd like to be able to dynamically resize the image display sizes based on detected screen resolutions, or failing that, have at least 2 image libraries using 75x75 and 125x125 and then load one image size or the other based again on detected screen resolutions.
I am designing a website and I just want that if a user open it on any resolution then it will fit it self to that resolution and no scroll bars will come like google, yahoo etc. I know it is possible but not know how?
I am looking to resize my entire webpage down to specific smaller resolution and add it to an iframe. I do not need it to "auto-resize" depending on viewpoint, just shrink it to a smaller size.How can I use javascript to resize the entire page to my dimensions?
I have images inside of a container that is inside of an iframe. When I click on an image, content underneath is revealed by sliding everything underneath it down. The problem I have is that when it slides the content down, all the other images and content are cut off. I want it that when the content extends past the height of the div#container, it autoresizes, if that's possible. But I don't wanna use the iframe scrollbar. Only the parent scrollbar.
Here's a link for the entire code of the Website. Open up index.html, click on Salvation and click on one or two of the images, and you'll see what I'm talking about. The salvation.html is the source for the iframe.
I am appending an image via Javascript but IE6 will NOT consistently resize the image to its natural width and height. The exact dimensions of the image vary but are always 100x100 or less.ave tried using CSS like {width:auto;height:auto;} but this is not reliable. I append "?" + now.getMilliseconds() to the image SRC to prevent the browser caching it (because the image can change but the filename doesn't). If I omit this query string, then IE6 seems to resize the images correctly.I also have to float the image and I've noticed that removing the float fixes the problem. I tried to use display:inline instead of float but it didn't work.
I am re-designing my website and I want it to resize itself according to each visitors browser and resolution settings. I have been trying for hours to solve this issue but have found nothing. Here is the URL for the problem page.
I'm using this script as an auto resize function for an iframe, but can't get it to work in safari. <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function calcheight(){ var the_iframe = document.getElementById('paymentHistory'); var the_document = (the_iframe.contentWindow - the_iframe.contentDocument); if(the_document.document) the_document = the_document.document; var the_height= the_document.body.scrollHeight;} //--> </script> To call the function, I have <iframe id="paymentHistory" onload="calcHeight()" src="/andy/admin/categories/printpaymenthistory.php"></iframe>
Im looking for a code like the one below that automatically resizes posted images to desired size while at the same time the resized images are clickable for full size which opens in another window.
I'm using the Sortable/Portlets UI Code. Is it possible to auto-resize the Containment Height's. Bascially I have a DIV that acts as a container with a black background, when I sort these elements I want the container DIV height to change to match. OR is it possible to stop the bottom sortables from having sortables placed underneath them?
Is there a plugin that will do this? Or does anyone have an idea about how to implement something like this? The idea is for a sign company to have customers customize the text for their signs. They want to allow users to input text and have it update the sign image live with the text and resize it if the text string get's too long.
I have a mysql database with a bunch of quotations in it. I created a blog at http:[url]....At the top of the blog is an iframe window that directs to http:[url]....On that page it uses php to pull out a random quote from the database. The iframe window displays that quote onto the blog.It works great except that the height is not automatically resizing.Is there a way I can use javascript to do this instead? Here is some pseudo-code of what I'd like to be able to do: (p.s. I do not know javascript or much of anything so I am looking for people to tell me how to ACTUALLY do this)
var stringvariable = http://aro2220.com/blog/index.html;
I would like to be able to resize my current window to 1024x768 and center it at the same time. I know how to resize (window.resizeTo(1024,768)) but I don't know how to center the window. The only examples I can find are opening new windows such as this:[URL] I'm restricted in that I have to have the script on one page and I cannot open new windows e.g. open a new popup window and close the opener.
I currently have multiple combos ofimage with a description text below it.I want to lay them out inrowsand inline. So if the width of page is not enough the next one should startbeginning of next row. Each image and text is currently house by a div with float left and a set width, but if you look at the attached screenshot (1.jpg), The Oracle - eBusiness Suite gets stuck because of the differentsheight due to text size and if I set a height too, then some of the text gets covered up (2.jpg). I was thinking if I can maybe use J Query to automatically adjust height to divs on the same rowto fit the biggest text size on that row?Evenjust changing all divs to that heightbe would be ok if it'seasier.
Im using the cycle plugin trying to make a banner slide tha is 100% the width of the window, my problem is that when i resize de window the banner does not align center, it stays somo what left align. So is there a way to keep the slides align center after you resize the window usingthe cycle plugin? or is there another plugin that i can do that? I attached a image to ilustrate, the white banner with the cat should align center when i resize the windows but it stays left align.
I'm trying to develop a function to resize a control upon window resize. In regular javascript I would make a global array of control names and append code to the event that cycles through and resizes each control.For example
var proportionalizedImages=new Array(); proportionalizedImages.push(document.getElementById(ctrl)); if (window.addEventListener)[code]....
I'm wondering if there's a more elegant way to do this in jQuery. I've played around with it a bit, but i'm unsure how to get the control object to the resize function triggered by window resize without a global variable.
I'm trying to scale the text with the size of the window (I've also got all the layout sizes in ems, so this should keep the aspect ratio of everything the same as the window is resized). The code that I've got at the moment doesn't do anything -
Is there anyway to make a custom resize function that resizes one of my div elements on the webpage the same amount of pixels as the browser window gets resized?