I have images inside of a container that is inside of an iframe. When I click on an image, content underneath is revealed by sliding everything underneath it down. The problem I have is that when it slides the content down, all the other images and content are cut off. I want it that when the content extends past the height of the div#container, it autoresizes, if that's possible. But I don't wanna use the iframe scrollbar. Only the parent scrollbar.
Here's a link for the entire code of the Website. Open up index.html, click on Salvation and click on one or two of the images, and you'll see what I'm talking about. The salvation.html is the source for the iframe.
The *small, medium fullsize* text will be off to the left (in IE8 or IE9, works fine in Chrome, FireFox) and will not be aligned with the left edge of the image.
Code [URL] Line 154:
Code JavaScript: ShowView.prototype.setImageSrc = function (imagesrc) { var image = $('img#image');
From what I can tell the `container.width(imageWidth);` is not rendered in IE8 or IE9. If the page is refreshed then it works. Using the built in developer tool shows the correct value in the html but if you use selector tool in the developer tool outline does not reflect the changed width value.I've tried using vanilla javascript. That did not work. I've tried setting the image source twice. That did not work either.
I am trying to make the div container the exact dimension of the users screen (ex. if the users resolution is 1024*768, 1280*720, 800*600 ect. the div will auto adjust to that size). How can I do this using javascript?
Also, how would I make the div the height of users screen, but the width 200% wider that the visitors resolution?
I am using autocomplete with scrollbar for my textbox. Autocomplete for touch screen and browser(ie8).I can scroll up and down using the mouse wheel but i want to Use the mouse button to scroll up or down by dragging the scroll bar. if i use mouse button it moves the focus away from the text box field.Autocomplete is working only when using the keyboard not with the user defined keys.
I have a mysql database with a bunch of quotations in it. I created a blog at http:[url]....At the top of the blog is an iframe window that directs to http:[url]....On that page it uses php to pull out a random quote from the database. The iframe window displays that quote onto the blog.It works great except that the height is not automatically resizing.Is there a way I can use javascript to do this instead? Here is some pseudo-code of what I'd like to be able to do: (p.s. I do not know javascript or much of anything so I am looking for people to tell me how to ACTUALLY do this)
var stringvariable = http://aro2220.com/blog/index.html;
I am designing a website and I just want that if a user open it on any resolution then it will fit it self to that resolution and no scroll bars will come like google, yahoo etc. I know it is possible but not know how?
I'm close, but the issue is that if the window is opened at a size that is SMALLER than the original image, it wont scale down to the smaller size until i first make the window bigger, THEN size it down smaller. The image itself is big (its fashion photography so it needs to be high res) and the js sets the minimum width at 1070. Id like to have the image as big as possible and then on page load automatically drop down to as low as 1070px if the window size is small. Here is the js:
Using the very basic jqModal example, isn't it supposed to auto size and auto center the modal on the page? I placed a table that was wider than the modal's default settings and it's off the page and does not create scroll bars on the page to see the hidden section of the modal.
The default class is
Now, I know I can change the width of the modal but what about the positioning?
I don't know if this can be done in Javascript, or requires any other language but i was wondering if this would be possible.I would like to embed this Javascript code in to a PHP file and then for it to run automatically upon the PHP file loading:
I have been creating a drop down menu system using fireworks MX and the javascript it creates. On a PC browser, it's fine. On a mac browser (IE5) the scrollbars want to scroll right across the page and right down when there is nothing else to view. Obviously this doesn't look too pretty! And i'm sure it's got something to do with the .js.
Has anyone else come across this or maybe know of a fix?
ok I created a javascript which opens up a new window and leads to a new page. now in the old browser version there is no scrollbar! alotugh I added scrollbar="yes". what can I do?
I am trying to have a container div generated by the DOM, holdeverything inside the body. I can't get it to hold the contents in the body.
<html><head> <style type="text/css"> body { text-align:center; } #container { width:200px; margin: 0 auto; text-align:left; border:solid 1px #000; padding:5px; } </style> <script type="text/javascript"> var d = document; function insert(){ var box = d.createElement('div'); box.id = "container"; d.body.insertBefore(box, d.body.firstChild) // not what I want // d.body.appendChild(box); } window.onload=insert; </script> </head> <body> This content should be centered and inside the div. <h3>This text also.</h3> </body> </html>
Is it possible to display the select box without scrollbar in my program there is a need for that . The code attached below contains 2 select box and four buttons and the button is used to interchange the data's in the select box....
Is there some possibility with php to put the horizontal scroll bar of the web brwser into the center if the "width" of web page are bigger then the "width" of the web browser screen?So I don't need to scroll to right if I open the page, but the horizontal scroll bar will be positioned in the center.That code should do the same think like I when I take the scroll bar and put it in the center position, but this should be happen when I load the page automatically.
Is there some possibility to put the horizontal scroll bar of the web browser into the center if the "width" of web page are bigger then the "width" of the web browser screen?
So I don't need to scroll to right if I open the page, but the horizontal scroll bar will be positioned in the center.
That code should do the same think like I when I take the scroll bar and put it in the center position, but this should be happen when I load the page automatically.
Id like to control scrolling of two divs with one scrollbar as in this example here
At the same time i want to customize the scrollbar. Ive been using Flexcroll which work fine on a single div. But as soon as i insert flexcroll.js to head of document in the example, the sync of the two divs breaks and only the div with Flexcroll attached scrolls.
Anyone know how to solve this? You can find the code im using in the example or i can post.I dont have to use Flexcroll, so if you know of any other application that can customize scrollbar and control scroll on two divs at the same time.
I am trying to make a webpage and there is something that I want on it, however, I have no idea how to get it. I want a scrollbar that has jpegs. I want a person to be able to scroll through thumbnails (in the scrollbar) and click on it and be brought to the link. Does anyone know of a script that I can get that will do that? I know nothing about writing scripts.
My HTML is shown in an iframe. There is a link in the HTML that needs the ID of the iframe to be used in the onclick event. How do I get it? I tried accessing the target property, but it turns out to be undefined. Also I do not know the frame number in the parent's frame collection. SO I cannot do parent.frames[2].id.
I want to do this with js and not with any html/css tables, image fills or whatever other trick, but I don't know how...
Say I have multiple DIV containers below each other, which contain multiple DIV boxes floating next to each other. None of the DIV elements have a fixed height:
<div id="container1"> <div id="box1">some text</div> <div id="box2">some double more text</div> <div id="box3">some other text</div>
I want for each container (separately) to have the contained box divs to fit the biggest one in height.
For example, in container1, if box2 contains more text than the others, I want box1 and box3 height to fit box2. And in container2, if box4 has more text than the others, I want box5 and box6 height to fit box4, etc.
In my dreamworld, the solution would be flexible and fully automated, which means, it would look for all container divs of class x or Id x and apply the same rule to all child divs.
I have heard of jquery "equalheights" plugin but I don't think it can do that ? or then I misunderstood something. Could I be using some "get element by class" function and then apply a style.height to the divs?
I am using the YUI library to do the following.I use YAHOO.util.Connect.asyncRequest to obtain some HTML from the server.I then use new YAHOO.widget.Dialog(...) passing it the ID of a dynamically created DIV and then loading it with the HTML obtained earlier.Now the HTML I receive has some javascript in it, and this works perfectly in Firefox. But in IE the javascript doesn't run. It doesn't seem to work in Chrome either guess I want to know if this is a known problem, or have I done something wrong. And if it is a known problem are there any workarounds?