Auto-Suggested Words / Creating Textbox From User Entries

May 17, 2010

I want to create a text box that learn form users entries... I know how to use that but with fixed values I set. I want whenever a user type a word it will be added to a text file (or any other way you know) and if the user typed the word again it will be shown from like drop-down list, like google does...

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Auto Suggest Of Words As A User Types

Mar 23, 2011

what I want to do is have an auto suggest of words as a user types, the code that I have works only once.For example: if you type.. hel, it will suggest hello but once you press space and type hel, again it doesn't suggest hello, I need it to suggest words even after you press space.


<h3>Auto Suggest</h3>
<input type="text" size="30" value="" id="inputString" onkeyup="lookup(this.value);" onblur="fill();" />[code]....

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Creating Form To Allow User To Enter Various Words?

Sep 30, 2009

I am new to JavaScript and was wonder how I would go about creating a form to allow the user to enter various words, one at a time. These words are added to an array and displayed in the page using the textarea form element. Each time a new word is entered, it is added to the array, and then the array is sorted in alphabetical order before the words in the array are displayed in the textarea, one per line. I have tried lots and lots of different methods to accomplish this, and I can get it half working when I use the alert function, but I need this to display on the page in a textarea rather than in an alert box, I tried to get it to write to the page using a document.write function, but like I said I am new to JavaScript and unfortunately cant get any of it working.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]">
<title>JavaScript Page One</title>
<FORM name="history">
<INPUT name="command" type="text" value="">
<INPUT type="button" value="Add to List" onclick="f_store(document.history.command.value)">
<INPUT name="history" type="button" value="Show List" onclick="f_print()">
<SCRIPT language="JavaScript">
function MakeArray( n ) {
if( n <= 0 ) {
this.length = 0;
return this;
} .....

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JQuery :: [auto-complete] Enable Creation Of New List Entries?

Sep 9, 2009

I would like to add a "Create new..." item to my autocomplete lists togive users a way to create new items. This item would stick at eitherthe top of the bottom of the suggestion list and, when selected, firea callback where I could display a dialog to collect the formationfor the new entry, which would then go into the autocomplete list.I could easily be missing something but this doesn't look possible outof the box.More explanation: I'm selecting from a list of people. If the personI'm looking for isn't in the list I need to pop up a dialog so I canenter their name, email, etc. That new person then gets put into theautocomplete list and selected into the form field.I've been poking around the source code but haven't been able tofigure out a way to implement this yet

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No Empty Entries For Textbox & Listbox Validation

Jan 28, 2010

I have this form that validates a few textboxes & a dropdownlist. And when it is not filled in, the border of the textboxes and dropdownlist would turn red, followed by an alert message notifying which field have not been filled in.Else, the border will revert back to black, and the form will be submitted successfully. Right now, I would like to prevent the user from entering blanks (like entering a space to cheat the system). How should I tweak the codes to make it work?

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JQuery :: Validating Textbox Entries Using The .blur Event?

Jul 15, 2011

I am sure that this is a BASIC question for javascript gurus but I'm struggling to resolve.The form starts with the cursor focus in the FROM ACCT NUMBER FIELD. When I tab to the next field without entering any value in this text field I want to send an alert to the user that the field is required and put the cursor back on that field. I attempted to do that using:

$(function() {
$("#ARTransferForm\:fromAccountNumber").blur(function() {
var fromAcctNumLen = $("#ARTransferForm\:fromAccountNumber").val().length;


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Creating Words And Letters With Shadow Effect?

Jun 30, 2011

I would like some help in how to "shadow effect" words and letters in.I don't know anything about Javascript butI know there has to be a simple way to do this and be able to change the shadow color, whether shadow is left or right, size, etc.

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Highlighting Multiple Words In A Textbox?

Nov 11, 2009

I have a regular expression that returns multiple matches. For e.g. If the user types a string "980ee,34223,werw" in a textbox, the regular expression match returns "ee" and "werw". I would like to highlight both "ee" and "werw" in the textbox.

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Count The Number Of Words In A Textbox?

Apr 13, 2010

I have a piece of Javascript which i'm using to count the number of words in a textbox, which works nicely.

However the text called into that textbox is called dynamically from a database and the amount of words called into that box is ONLY shown when the user clicks on the textbox using onkeyup or I can create it when I use onClick.

is there anyway you can say on page load or something similar rather than having to click a box using onkeyup or onClick?

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JQuery :: Count The Words Of Textbox?

Jan 5, 2012

I have text box when the user types the word intext-box,Then I need to count the words and display below.Below is the Image


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Creating Html Tags - Textbox URL And Textbox Anchor

Jul 17, 2011

I wanna make a form that receives: textbox URL And textbox Anchor

And result will be two anchors one <a href, and one phpBB



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Piece Of Code That Reads A Table And Inserts New Entries Into A Listbox On The User Side?

Jun 16, 2010

What I want is a piece of code that reads a table and inserts new entries into a listbox on the user side. I dont want to have to "refresh" the page to get new entries into the listbox.Essentially, the table will get updated by an app on one side and I want users to be able to view the updates as they occur.

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Creating A Search Box To Type Custom Words Which Link To Places?

Mar 3, 2010

Recently in my IT class, we made a HTML page which would open a popup box, where the user could enter a key word. When the user pressed enter, the page would navigate to a specific page. The code we used was:

<script language = "JavaScript">
where = window.prompt ("Please tell me where you would like to go.");
switch (where){[code].....

implement this code on my workplaces server, and have the keywords link to other html documents within the server. However when I tested this, for some reason the links are not working.

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Banning Certain Words Being Inputted By The User?

Aug 5, 2009

Do you know a function for banning certain words being inputted by the user eg I want to stop a user uploading offensive words and code tags like <script>, <div> etc.. and messing with the site display

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Creating Array Of Textbox?

Sep 8, 2010

i have a drop down list which contains various items,on selection of one of a item,a text box and submit button appears,for this i have used javascript and div i want to enter the no in that text box and on submitting the number of textbox has to appear on that page,how can i do it?

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Creating Textbox That Uses If Statement

Sep 9, 2010

I'm trying to create a textbox that uses an if statement. If the words vgn, vgx, vgc, pcv, pcg are typed into the textbox it will input a "-" in front of those letters in the textbox , "else" it will input nothing.
Input: vgn
Output: vgn-

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Words After XHRObject Likeopen, SetRequestHeader, Onreadystatechange And Send Arethese Are Reserve Words?

Oct 13, 2009

i have this javascript question below,

var xHRObject = false;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {


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JQuery :: Auto-complete With Scrollbar For Textbox

Apr 7, 2010

I am using autocomplete with scrollbar for my textbox. Autocomplete for touch screen and browser(ie8).I can scroll up and down using the mouse wheel but i want to Use the mouse button to scroll up or down by dragging the scroll bar. if i use mouse button it moves the focus away from the text box field.Autocomplete is working only when using the keyboard not with the user defined keys.

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Adding Textbox To Auto-sum Order Form?

Jul 14, 2010

I am messing with this whole day, 'cos I wanted to try and figure this out by myself instead of going on forums.I failed, as you may see. So, to cut it short:I needed to calculate my prices on-the-fly and display it in textbox with javascript.Well I did succeed with values of radio button an checbox, but as i know very little javascript, I don't know how to expand the code i got from here: what I would LOVE to know, is how can I make this happen:I have a textbox:<input type="text" name="podstranice" size="19" lass="podstr"nkeyup=";">and when a user inputs a number in it, javascript multiplies it with some other number, say 10 (its a price*quantity thing) and adds it to the total price along with data from checkboxes and radio buttons.And so, this is my javascript. It is basically identical to one on the link, but you can view it better this way I think.

// Calculate the total for items in the form which are selected.
function calculateTotal(inputItem) {
with (inputItem.form) {


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Script That Allows User To Mouseover Swedish Words And Have Static Translation Box Show Translation

Aug 12, 2009

I'm working on a personal blog because I'll be visiting Sweden for 4 months. I've found / hacked a script that allows the user to mouseover swedish words and have a static translation box show the translation.

Working site at [url]

The current code I use to, say, translate "sverige" to "sweden" is:

To be honest though I'm not exactly sure why this works. I'm not sure why it uses the <a> tags and I'm pretty sure it's javascript but I don't use an <script> coding in my html and it still works...

What I would like to do:

Because I'll be using this a lot on my page I'd like to create a function to shorten what I have to type.

Something along the lines of:

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Auto Div Refresh And Easy User Changability

Jul 1, 2010

I need to make a website that will be used as a traffic light system. So i will have a page with loads of divs starting red, that will change to green when clicked once, and back to red if clicked again, so on, so on. These changes will need to be viewable live on another computer, so changes need to save and will also need to automatically refresh without distrubing the rest of the page.

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Auto Complete Fields If A User Is Found?

May 22, 2010

I have a Patient intake form which takes Patient information like FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, DATE OF BIRTH, ADDRESS, CITY, and POSTAL CODE.When a user enters FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME and DATE OF BIRTH it should fill the rest of the fields (ADDRESS, CITY, POSTAL CODE) if I have a record in my database.I am using JAVA with MYSQL and I pull records when a user leaves DATE OF BIRTH textbox.I don�t know weather I should store everything in a dropdown or I should have a separate form for the matched records from where the user can click the record and fill the rest of the fields.

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Auto-complete Fields If A User Is Found?

May 22, 2010

I have a Patient intake form which takes Patient information like FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME, DATE OF BIRTH, ADDRESS, CITY, and POSTAL CODE.When a user enters FIRSTNAME, LASTNAME and DATE OF BIRTH it should fill the rest of the fields (ADDRESS, CITY, POSTAL CODE) if I have a record in my database.I am using JAVA with MYSQL and I pull records when a user leaves DATE OF BIRTH textbox.I don�t know weather I should store everything in a dropdown or I should have a separate form for the matched records from where the user can click the record and fill the rest of the fields.

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Auto Send User If Password Script Is True?

Nov 3, 2010

Let me first say I am not a java programmer but I can follow the tutorials and get some things to work. Here I am trying to create a password protected page, realizing the level of security is not very high.

This page of code, link1.html, will be blank and if the correct password is entered then I want to automatically link to another page, barcs.html.

<meta content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"


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Auto Update Price When A User Changes Options To An Item?

Dec 22, 2011

What i am trying to do is allow a user to get a quote on how much an item would be if they wanted to sell it. all the data is being generated dynamically on the item and passed to this JavaScript correctly. The issue is when a user changes his mind and switches his options a few times the price goes out of wack and some times will actually be more then the original price. For example. If the item was in mint condition it would be 100 dollars. If it is " good condition" then it would loose lets say 20 percent, so it would be worth 80 dollars. Now each item has 3 sections of questions, what is the condition of the item, any "modifiers" like water damage or functional issues, and then third section is if its missing any parts or cables. All of this is being asked on 1 page, and when a user changes any of the options it should update the price on that page with out the user needing to press update. So condition goes, 100%, 70%, 40%, 20%. Modifiers are 50 percent of current price of item, so if it was "perfect (yes I know an item cant be perfect and have water damage but this is just an example) thus being 100 dollars, and has water damage, that would make it now worth 50 dollars, and has functional issues, now worth 25 dollars. If it was missing cables, it would loose lets say 5 dollars so now its worth 20 dollars. Thats an example on how i calculate the value of the items. So once again, the actual amount is being passed correctly to this script, but when you make to many changes its not happy.


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JQuery :: Make Script Smaller By Creating A Function That Controlls Every Textboxes Instead Of One Textbox?

Aug 18, 2010

make my script smaller by creating a function that controlls every textboxes instead of one textbox. See below my code that I want to make it smaller...



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