Alternating CSS Stylesheet - Cookie Part?

Jul 27, 2011

so I have this script that alternates my CSS stylesheets and it's working great. The thing is, there was a cookie coding that was included but it doesn't work. Basically what I want to do is that the browser remembers which stylesheet the user had chosen and keep it the same for all pages, for a determined period of time.

Here's my code:


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Jquery :: Cart Image - Alternating Row Color Of Dropdown Part

Apr 6, 2011

I have an oscommerce web site with a cart in the header which shows/hides the content when you hover over it. What I'm trying to do is alternate the row color of the part that drops down when items have been added to the cart but I'm just not getting it right no matter what I try.

Code JavaScript:
$(function(){ // wait for the document to load
var globals = {
cart_fetch_file:"cart_fetch.php?" + session_id ,
cart_fetch: false,
loading_image: '<center><img src="images/assets/loading.gif" align="middle" vspace="8" alt=""></center>',
cart_image_width: image_width,
cart_image_height: image_height,
cart_opacity: 1,
box_status: false,
timer: "",
speed: "fast",
text_cart_quantity: text_cart_quantity,
text_cart_subtotal: text_cart_subtotal, .....

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Cookie To Remember Enable/disable Of Css Stylesheet

Oct 31, 2005

I want to make my site more accessable without duplicating my website.

I have included a link on each page that allows a user to view my site without loading my css stylesheet. The only problem is that a visitor has to click on the link in every page. I want to use a cookie, but I cant get my head round writing the cookie script, that will remember the enable/disable links throughout my site (preferably for just the session). Code:

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Alternating Background Colors: JS V PHP

Oct 24, 2010

Out of pure curiosity: Assuming tabulated data in HTML is being generated by a PHP script, would it be better to alternate each row's background color with PHP or rely on JS to do it? One is run client-side and the other server-side so my guess you have to take the whole web app as a whole and see which side should be spared the additional workload. Is it situational or is there an absolute rule? In a vacuum, I guess you could argue PHP would be better since it cannot be turned off in the way JS can (unless plugins like NoScript can block PHP as well), but I don't have enough experience with either to be sure.

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Alternating Message Text Box?

Feb 27, 2010

I have this alternating text box working, but I still have some problems.

when I add this line (in the style section)
textarea.test {
width: 350px;


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How To Create Alternating Image With Target

Dec 29, 2005

How can i create an alternating banner image using javascript with each image has its own url target. and uses cookie to display.

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How To Give Table Alternating Row Colors

Jun 11, 2010

I read this article: [URL]...I want to Combine this example with the example given in Part 1 to give this table of revenues alternating row colors!

Here are my combining codes: It is quite clear there must be something with them because I can't see the expected result after running. Help me find that mistake.


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Dynamically Generated Table With Alternating Row Colors?

Aug 4, 2009

I'm using a javascript to alternate table rows and it works fine by table id, and on the first loop. This is all inside a conditional, in which the table tag is repeated.

On the second and subsequent loops, the alternating row color fails because there can only be one unique id call to a page. Right?

What's the script that will allow unlimited reiterations of tables with alternating row colors, using class?

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JQuery :: Alternating Bg Colors In A List Depending On Boolean Value

Apr 22, 2009

I have a list that looks like this:

<ul id="thisList">
<li class="this0">content</li>
<li class="this1">content</li>
<li class="this1">content</li>


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JavaScript Menu With Alternating (onclick) Button Images

Mar 20, 2007

I am new to JavaScript and have been plugging away at it trying build a menu for site I am developing. My colleague has suggested I use Flash, which I could, but I think it is unnecessary and JavaScript is ideal for this use.

I have been building a menu that has a sub menu that appears below all of the main menu items. I have got this working and will include the code I used to do this below.

Now I want to change the button image so that it is visible which sub-menu the items that appear below belong to. Code:

which was very helpful and with some playing around I can now get my existing menu to complete part of my task. But I have 4 menu items and therefore need to use a "var" command to allow me to define different button images for different menus. Code:

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Make A List Of Hyperlinks That Users Can Customize And Save As A Cookie By Clicking A Button And Automatically Retrieve The Cookie

Jan 26, 2011

Can I make a list of hyperlinks that users can customize and save as a cookie by clicking a button and automatically retrieve the cookie so it remembers their list next time? This is kind of what I want to do:


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Cookie Editing - Using - Only Displays Certain Text If The Cookie Is A Certain Number

Apr 30, 2009

I am making a sort of text based game (Just a hobby) I like to do that sort of thing. So, anyway, considering all I can really do is code HTML, and very, very light javascript, I kinda need some help.

I basicly know how to do everything except affect & Use the cookies. So what I need to do with them is to

#1.) Have a code to change the cookie number, say... on the click of a button.

#2.) Have a code where it only displays certain text if the cookie is a certain number.

I cant code JS and have no idea how hard/easy this is.

If it is insanely hard & needs a master coder, just tell me and ill take it off. I dont want to be wasting anyones time.

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IE6 Always Rejects A Particular Cookie Regardless Of Privacy/cookie Setting

Jul 23, 2005

I have an embedded system with a web interface. One of the web pages
has a small JavaScript program that, when run on IE6, always displays
the message that cookies need to be enabled:

if (document.cookie.indexOf('asm_session') == -1)
document.cookie = 'asm_session=0'
if (document.cookie.indexOf('asm_session') == -1)
document.write("Advanced System Management access requires
cookies to be enabled."+'<br><br>');

This problem only occurs with IE6, not Mozilla. It also only happens
on some of the embedded systems, but this problem exists for everyone
running IE6.

The problem isn't limited to the Javascript code, either. On another
web page from this embedded system, a cookie is set the normal way,
via the HTTP header. This cookie is also rejected.

When I display any page that attempts to set a cookie, IE6 displays
the blocked icon and says that cookies on that URL are blocked.
However, I have set all privacy and cookie options to their most
permissive. I've spent the past hour changing every option I can find
that's even remotely related to cookies and privacy, and nothing
changes. Does anyone have any idea what's going on?

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Retrieving Cookie Data Through Document.cookie

Jul 20, 2005

In my web application we are able to store large data in the browser
cookie keeping in mind the limit of 300 cookies per cookie file, 20
keys per cookie per domain and 4KB max size of each cookie. We are
unable to retreive this large amount of data immediately after storing
through document.cookie in IE browser (The same works fine in

Is there any limit on the size of the data that can be retreived using
document.cookie in IE browser? Could you please suggest a solution to
this problem I am facing.

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Import Stylesheet

Feb 9, 2006

I hopen a new empty window from js code:
var win ="","debug","width=500,height=300,modal,dialog,resizable");
and I add some element to the new window:
win.document.write("&lt;img src="image.gif&gt;");

How can I add the stylesheet information of the file x.css
(how and where I must write in the new window the line:
<?xml-stylesheet href="x.css" type="text/css"?> )

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Can I Add Javascript To A Stylesheet?

Mar 16, 2006

I am just about ok with html. Much less so with css. I have however used a
style sheet to link most of the pages in my websitever have to use my site!!!! Code:

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Change Stylesheet According To OS

Sep 7, 2010

I am using @font-face tag in my website. Everything works fine in Mac, Vista and Win 7, but fonts are incredibly ugly in XP. This is because font anti-aliasing is kept at very primitive level by default. In my opinion, the best way through this problem is to make a JS to change style according to user's OS. If it is Win XP, a simple stylesheet is used, if it is not- the standard one. I am using PHP embedded in HTML (index.php, rather than index.html) everywhere, so this complicates things a little. I am trying the following script, but it does not work:

<script type="text/javascript">
var browserInfo=string;
if (browserInfo.indexOf("XP")=-1)

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Enable/disable One Alt Stylesheet, How To?

Jul 23, 2005

I have exactly one external, alternate stylesheet that I want to enable or disable by form controls, on one page only (not saved across pages).

I used:

<link rel="alternate stylesheet" id="style-compact" etc...>

<input name="view" type="radio"

<input name="view" type="radio" checked="yes"

Is this the best way to do it? I want to reference the alt-stylesheet by
name (or similar), not index.

It works in my Camino & Safari. In IE-Mac, I can enable the stylesheet,
but not (subsequently) disable it again -- parts of the page just

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GetElementByID, Change The Stylesheet

Nov 25, 2006

I want to change the stylesheet for this page. Why the form select doesn't work?

link id="est" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="est.css">

function Changue() {
var posibles = document.forms[0].XXX;


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Dynamically Changing A Stylesheet

Jul 20, 2005

I have a piece of javascript I need to modify. Right now it changes a stylesheet in the document between style.css and no_indent.css. These
are in the head of my document:

<link rel=stylesheet href=/style.css>
<link rel=stylesheet href=/no_indent.css>
<link rel=stylesheet href=/style.css>

What the code below does is toggle between the two depending on what link is clicked. Here are the links:

<a href=javascript:changeSheets(1)>Threaded</a>
<a href=javascript:changeSheets(2)>Flat</a>

What I want to do is have one link that will toggle between the two
stylesheets. So the page loads style.css initially. If the link is
clicked once it changes to no_indent.css. If it's clicked again it
changes back to style.css, and so on.

Can anyone let me know how to do this?


function changeSheets(whichSheet){
var c=document.styleSheets.length;
for(var i=0;i<c;i++){

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Stylesheet Selector Not Working In IE8

Jan 20, 2010

I have been using some javascript to select stylesheets (dependent upon window sizes) without problems, until IE8. I have stripped the code down to the following which seems to be where it fails in IE8.

The normal stylesheet is the same as default. Without this older versions of IE go straight to large (without javascript).

For these settings, all browsers display the default (or normal?) stylesheet without the script.

When the script is run Firefox, Opera and older versions of IE will use the default stylesheet combined with the large stylesheet. IE8 uses only the default and ignores large. It doesnt appear to matter where in the page the script is run.(it has never worked in Safari, Chrome and older versions of Opera).

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Access To Layers Stylesheet

Jul 14, 2002

can someone tell me quickly what the path to a layers z-index is on both ie and ns? i thought this was it for ie but can't seem to get it to work??

document.all('layername').style.z-index = 1;

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Stylesheet Problem With Generated Nodes

Dec 15, 2006

I'm having trouble applying a stylesheet to content I'm generating after the fact.

Here's the sample code:

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Detect Screen Change Stylesheet

Jul 20, 2005

I have a perl script that i use to render a html page. In that page i call out a stylesheet. If the user has a 800x600 display the fonts are really too big.

Since screen resolution is a function of the client and I have this javascript ot detect the srecc size:

function ck_res()
if ( (screen.width != 1024) && (screen.height != 768) )
alert(" This graphic is best viewed at 1024 x 768 ! ");
// use a different stylesheet

How would I go about changing the style sheet that is being called on the page?

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Permanently Changing Stylesheet Using Javascript

Jul 20, 2005

I would like to be able to write some code in Javascript preferably
(PHP is also all right) which allows the admin of a website to be able
to change stylesheet attributes from a GUI browser interface without
having them to change the text file themselves. (i.e., working on the
supposition that the admin is IT illiterate). Simple things like
table heading colours, backgrounds, font sizes need to be changed this

The browser should then read from the changed textfile the next time
the site is refreshed and it should therefore be permanent. Is this
at all possible? If so, how do I update the textfile?

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JQuery :: Use CSS Selectors That Are Not Defined In A Stylesheet?

Jun 8, 2010

Is it common to use CSS selectors that are not defined in a stylesheet (or anywhere else) to identify HTML elements? When using jQuery in ASP.Net with controls that implement INamingContainer, all it's children's ID's are automatically generated based on the id of the child control and the id of the container control (such as the Panel control) so we couldn't simply use $("#myChildControl") for a child control with the id of 'myChildControl'. The resulting client id would be something like 'mypanel_mychildcontrol' and for autogenerated controls within grids/tables, the id's get even more complicated and should be 'guessed'. So, how does/would people identify these types of controls when there are no preset CSS selector's for them?

On the server side, we can use the ClientID to get the generated ID, but for some things, I just want to do this totally on the client side without messing with code-behind.

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