Ajax :: Call In Progress Page Elements All Lag
Jun 2, 2011
I have a web app that performs a lot of ongoing ajax requests to keep multiple elements all up to date as time goes by, so there are almost always ajax calls going on in the background - this is neccessary in this situation. Now for the problem (aka annoyance), when there's an ajax call in progress page elements all lag, e.g. If I hover over a:hover etc everything lags and if I disable the ajax calls and do the hovers they all respond immediately. Is there some kind of way I can stop my ajax calls from making the page feel so damn laggy?
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Aug 12, 2010
I need to upload image without refreshing a page and show the progress of uploading.How can i do it?
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Dec 1, 2009
How could I go about doing this?
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Feb 27, 2009
I am working on a site that must drag and drop items, I use scriptaculous 1.8.2, effects, dragdrop.js.But now I am lost, I kan drag, i can drop and invoke the onEnd or on Drop event, but can't find it out to get the data from the dragged and the dropped element together.What are I am trying:
1) Have element that is dragable, and and element that is dropable
2) The data of the dragable must be put in an ajax request(already coded) so I can update the mysql database so that:(1)The data at the position of the dragable gets removed(2)and the position of the dropable gets filled with that dataWhat do I ask:
1) How can I call the data of the dragable?
2) How can I call the data of the dropable?
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Apr 16, 2011
I used this page for making upload progress bar. I downloaded it and uploaded it to the server (you can see it here), and I signed up to Google Maps API and I pasted the code, but it doesn't work. It uploads the file, but it doesn't write the upload progress
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Dec 9, 2010
I am trying to call submit.php with ajax but nothing was happening. when I narrowed it down I found that http.status=500.everything i have read about this says that this is a server error but I can put other website in the same folder on the same server and it works fine.this is the ajax call
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
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Oct 28, 2010
I have a ajax function implementation: when the user is on one site, the ajax call keeps checking the server every 5 seconds if there is a server url change. If there is, there will be a message displayed to direct the user to go to another site. when the user go to another site, the ajax keeps checking every 10 seconds, if there is condition met, the message will be displayed to direct user to go back to the previous site. Also, after the message is displayed, ajax call keeps checking if there is another condition met, if there is, the message will automatically disappear.
The use case is: when one server is down, the message will direct the user to another site. On another site, when the previous server is up, the user could be redirected to the previous site. When the message is displayed (when server is down), the user may not follow the link to do anything. He/she may simply leave the message on and go to lunch or something, when he/she comes back, the server may be already up and the message should be disappeared instead of keeping showing the message. Therefore, the message should be displayed or disappeared automatically based on the ajax call condition.
I implemented the ajax function and it did check and displayed message. However, it wont' display the message only right after the user login or the user does a "refresh" to the page. After the message is displayed, when another condition met, the message won't disappear until the page is refreshed. Then the ajax calls keep doing every 10 seconds. The ajax call seems fine since when I set a alert, I did see the popup message show up every 10 seconds (but only after I refreshed the page.) Now the problem is: the message can't be automatically displayed. It can only happen when there is new page load (refresh). How can I solve this problem. I'm thinking of putting "windows.location.reload;" to load the page right after the condition met. But kind of feel I don't need to do this.
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Sep 18, 2009
Even though my javascript/ajax knowledge is very low,I have a python script that runs from php with exec command. It takes about 5-10 seconds to complete. While the python script is processing I would like to show a progress bar to the user. In fact, it doesn't need to be a progress bar, a 'loading... bar' would be more than enough.As I have already said, I don' know much about this, but I think I need ajax to do this. Googling about this I have found this blockUI plugin that seems great.
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Jan 30, 2010
like theres two pages.page one calls page two and displays the output of page 2 on page 1 via ajax.now can i click on page 2's output(on page one) and have it execute another javascript function to call AJAX(a third page)
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Jun 30, 2009
I need to load a content management system webpage on the front end system using .net, for that i'm storing my page URL's in sql database,
I'm now reading the page url using javascript and putting it in a variable, i now need to pass this Variable to my .aspx page using AJAX Call.
How can i pass my own parameters to ajax call and in response i need to print the content from the database in my .html page.
how to do this?
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Jul 22, 2009
I am writing up a page to collect user input, and then generate an excel file.
The generation of the excel file is slow (more than 30 sec), so I decide to separate the input stage and file creation stage.
What I do is, collect user input, save to mysql, and pass a url (to the page of excel file creation) to javascript. Javascript will be triggered by setTimeout and run ajax to call the url after 2-3 seconds. This is the page structure of how I do it code...
The problem is, when the ajax is called, I cannot navigate around the pages (in the iframe of index.php). There is no error, but seems to be "loading". I have tried to use the same browser window to access the same site on the server, and also other sites on the Internet, to make sure the server is not busy to respond or the network is fully occupied.
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Mar 25, 2009
I am trying to use jQuery's AJAX functionality to make a progress bar. A request is submited via AJAX, which starts importing data to a database. Once submited another AJAX request is called on an interval which checks the progress of this import, a progress meter is then updated using this information. However, the progress AJAX call which is fired on the submit of the form only returns once the import has complete. Its like its being blocked by the initial request? How I can get both calls to work at the same time?
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Oct 9, 2010
Trying to call the same Ajax function twice on initial load of the page, but only the second one executed. I try to load mainpage, and inside mainpage I try to use ajax to load content1.asp to div1 and content2.asp to div2.
Test scenario (based on the Situation below):
- Page loaded, 1st ajax function skipped, 2nd ajax function loaded
- Remarked 1st ajax function, then 2nd ajax function loaded
- Remarked 2nd ajax function, then 1st ajax function loaded
- Moved the 2nd ajax function to above 1st ajax function, the 2nd ajax function is skipped.
- the 1st ajax function always skipped. But Why? How to ensure both ajax is called upon loading of the page?
<div id="div1"></div>
<div id="div2"></div>
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
ajax('div1', 'GET', 'page1.asp');
ajax('div2', 'GET', 'page2.asp');
ajax.js -
function ajax(strDivID, strMethod, strURL){
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
{// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari
xmlhttp=new XMLHttpRequest();
{// code for IE6, IE5
xmlhttp=new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status==200){
if (strMethod="POST"){
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Aug 16, 2011
I have a problem with my code, using Chrome. The same code works perfectly in FF & IE
var ajax_load1 = "<img src='_img/loader2.gif' alt='loading...' /><br>Please wait, we are checking your domain.";
//load() functions
var loadUrl = "module_1/1.php";
" is being ran after the ajax request is done. As I said before, this behavior occurs only while using Chrome.
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Oct 6, 2010
I have a form which goes to my insert page which inserts the data into the table. Except I didn't want to do a redirect to another page so I thought I would do an Ajax call. Both pages work until I change it to an ajax call.
I am pretty certain that it is because I took out the <form action="insert.php"> because otherwise the page would redirect but if that is the case I don't know my way around it and if it isn't the problem I'm not sure what is.
But here is my code:
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Mar 2, 2009
I have made a page thats makes an AJAX call to the server gets the time and displays it. In the OPEN method i have set
req.open("GET","/timerProg.cgi?param1="+new date(),false);
I have set the last parameter as false as i am expecting a synchronous request so that time displayed should be consistent.
I am using new date() since the browser is caching my request and displaying the same output everytime as i dont know any other alternative.
The alternative so that browser does not cache the results and gives proper output each time.
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Feb 26, 2009
What I want to do is change the border of several images on the page to show a 4px border. There are many images on the page so I just want to call the changeborder() function on the onClick event so as the image that has been clicked changes. However, I don't think using this.style.border to identify the element works when placed within the function. That is, how do I identify, from the function, which image has been clicked? My current code (which does not work) looks like this but I am sure its possible to gather what i'm trying to achieve:
<script type="text/javascript">
function changeborder()
this.style.border='4px solid red'
<img style="border: 1px solid #F4F4F4;" onclick="changeborder()" src="images/colours/010.jpg" border="0">
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Jul 31, 2011
I couldn't do a xmlhttp.open("GET" [url] true)
The problem was something along the lines of the script not being allowed to call a page from another domain or something..
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Oct 14, 2010
I'm trying to find a javascript based spinning wheel for page loading. I'm hoping that it would be something that would hide the content until the content is finished loading.
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Jul 28, 2009
I want to display a message like "In Progress" while my page is still loading. I am trying to achieve it by displaying a DIV, and then hidding it. My code is below. These images gets downloaded fast so hard to tell and test, but based on my logic you see any problem with this?
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Dec 14, 2010
The general framework is a simple user login function. The user name is selected and a password entered as usual. The function grabs the element values and passes them to a php page that queries the database. An AJAX call returns the password to the function and then I want the innerHTML to be a choice of two web pages, depending on success or failure of validation. There are existing AJAX functions available on the internet but they are overly complicated for what I think should be a simple, quick to load function.
Where I am stuck is that the standard procedure to make an AJAX call is the browser window event. How do you make the call from within the function? I have tried creating two new variables, "success" and "again" to replace xmlhttp, but still stumble on the event to assign a value. I left the blank password protection (if statement) with that variable to demonstrate what I mean.
I've put in my code below, which is in development and successfully alters the innerHTML text depending on user input but I can't figure out how to insert the relevant php page. I have '// out' the testing bits, but left them for info. (I have tried full 'scripting' as the innerHTML, but it's messy.)
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Feb 20, 2006
I'm having an issue with the status bar in Mozilla and Netscape showing that
it is still waiting on the page to load even after it is finished. This
problem does NOT occur with IE.
In summary, I am using a onLoad event in the BODY tag to communicate back to
another server each time a page finishes loading. I do this by using a "new
Image()" and setting the .src property to the server. The .src includes a
value in the querystring so I know what request it was that finished
The challenge here is that the status bar still shows "Transferring data
from www.mysite.com..." despite the image being loaded. It never clears and
leaves the user with the impression that there was a problem loading the
page. My web server logs at the mysite.com show that the browser does
indeed make a request for the image and I get the querystring just fine and
it returns a status of 200 so the image is being found and served ok.
I've tried everything I can think of to solve this and really could use your
help please. Bottom line is that if you use the "new Image" statment from
within the OnLoad event of the Body tag, Netscape and Mozilla never seem to
update the status bar to show "Done" despite it succesfully loading the
Here is a simply snippet you can use to easily reproduce this issue:
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Nov 19, 2010
how could I get the element with id "testing123" and append it to the body? or print it to the console? or anything to test that its working.
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Nov 12, 2010
i have a FAQ Question h2 acting as a trigger to slide out a hidden div below it, the FAQ answer, and clicking it toggles the h2 class so the bg img changes.toggle_container is the hidden div, h2 is the trigger..
code below:
$(".toggle_container").hide(); // Hides the container onLoad
now i have a rating plugin that sits in the h2 tag. when i click the rating star, it behaves as intended, but also then somehow calls the above code and expands the FAQ answer.
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May 13, 2011
I need to be able to call a certain td element in a table and I'm not able to edit the html (dynamically generated) so i was wondering if it is possible to target td elements like an array using jquery.
For instance, say I need to change the class of the 4th td element in the second tr element. how would I target that? is there a way to do it in array style like below?
<table class="myTable">
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Jul 20, 2005
I have an html page that uses javascript to open a new window and
display a file that gets created when a button is pressed.
My problem is when the file is changed and the display button is
pressed, the old file is still displaying. I have tried using
<META HTTP-EQUIV=expires CONTENT=0><META HTTP-EQUIV=PRAGMA CONTENT=NO-CACHE>, but doesn't work 100% of the time.
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