Ajax :: Unable To Get Posted Variables To Work
Apr 10, 2011
I am using ajax in my site and want to implement a friend request button. When a user clicks this button their userid and the userid of the friend thwey are requesting will go into a table called notifications in my mysql database. This works fine in regular html/php with javascript disabled but not when using javascript/ajax.
Here's my code which may clarify things:-
<script type="text/javascript">
function makeRequest(friendrequestloggedinuserid, friendrequestuserid)
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
The above code works perfect if javascript is disabled and the button is clicked as the new row is inserted into the database however if javascript is enabled the alert shows inidicating the ajax file is working but the new row is not inserted. Is this something to do with the POST process between my javascript code and my ajax_processrequests.php file?
BTW $loggedinuserid and $userid are retrieved earlier on in my code but showing how they are retrieved is irrelevant to this because I know they are present at the point of the above code.
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Oct 27, 2011
I've been build and application, using firefox as my testing browser. I come to find out that, when testing the web-application in an internet explorer browser, AJAX doesn't work.
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Sep 8, 2010
I am new to jquery. I am trying to return a string array with two strings back to a jquery ajax call. On success, when I try to retrieve the values, my result is just a string "System.string[]". How do I retrieve the values that I returned from the server in my call back function for success.
"success: function(result, textStatus, XMLHttpRequest) {"
how to retrieve the values of "result"?
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Dec 9, 2010
I have a very large form and have a couple of checkbox groups where multiple items can be selected. They are grouped as an array of checkboxes. When I post the checkbox groups, the PHP script receives duplicate values. If the group has 2 checkboxes, 4 values are posted. If it has 10 checkboxes, 20 values will be posted.
I then submit everything to a PHP script via an Ajax call, then output the result to a div. (see below)
However, when my PHP script loops over the $_POST array, it seems that each checkbox array is duplicated, so my PHP array returns:
This happens with all my checkbox arrays, but not with an array of hidden fields for some reason.
I don't think this is a PHP problem, as it looped over everything correctly when submitting via a conventional POST. I checked the contents of $_POST, and it seems that the duplicates are being posted.
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Feb 11, 2011
I am totally new to javascript..
1. I am taking data by opening text file from the server using javascript XMLHttpRequest
2. Using that, i am planning to plot data....
In the following code , i am setting global variable inside for loop .
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Nov 11, 2011
I am posting two variables to a php page:
$.post('poll_receiveData.php', {question:currentSlide, vote:vote},
function(output){ ... })
currentSlide is set to 0. vote is set to 2. When I look at my console log, these are true. But in poll_receiveData.php, I'm unable to use a conditional statement with $vote. It's like the program doesn't know how to compare things to $vote. But a SQL statement using $question works just fine. Here's my code:
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Mar 20, 2006
i have a "on/off" toggle switch that hide and display a table row using javascript. On every click, this javascript will make use of AJAX to update the database on a table that stores the current state of the table row (whether to hide or display). Ok, basically it works on every page until i reach a page where only after "posting a form" will reach.
For this particular page, AJAx stop working. I do have a few more AJAX stuff in my website and it works on every page.
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Jul 13, 2010
I am unable to work my Jquery code for checking all the checkboxes which is inserted in a GridView User control. However,The same code works perfectly fine when I change the user control to a web form.ie,from .ascx to .aspx.[code]This code works perfectly if i change from a user control back to web form
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Mar 9, 2010
i am trying to get a list of online users
below is my own code i have tried to do.
function getUserList() {
if(window.XMLHttpRequest) return new XMLHttpRequest;
else if(window.ActiveXObject) return new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
else return false;
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Sep 20, 2009
I have a page that I am using, where when a link is clicked a div on the page has its content changed based on which link is clicked. I use jquery to cause the Div to slide into existence when the link is clicked. What im trying to do now is make it so that, when an image is clicked from within the div, that it slides out of existence again.
<script language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$('#toggleButton').click(function() {
if ($('#toggleSection').is(":hidden"))
That code works great for the menu, making the div slide into and out of existence. However the menu is a drop down menu and I'd like to be able to close the div without having to go back to the menu. So I tried putting an image into the content that gets loaded, with a link similar to the ones in the menu, but when it gets clicked nothing happens.
I've tried a number of different things, from creating a special function for it, to assigning extra classes and trying to catch the click by the images class instead of its ID, ive made sure that clicking on the image was working but inserting an Alert and that worked, but the slideup/down did not.
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Jun 30, 2010
I'm pulling data from a database using a RESTlet server, and using Flot to produce a graph.
My problem is that whenever I make the following AJAX call, I get an "Access to restricted URI denied" error on Firefox. On Internet Explorer I have other problems, but I can tell by my server logs that at least the AJAX call happens, which is more than I can say for Firefox. code...
The url is correct, and the server is hosted on this machine, but Firefox thinks it's trying access another domain. The html file containing this code is located on my hard drive.
How can I get Firefox to allow this AJAX call?
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Aug 7, 2010
I am using the code below to load a resource via AJAX that contains a <ul id="photoCollection"> . That list has an image in each of its <li> tags. This markup and images are getting loaded as expected into the target Div#photoCollectionWrapper.
$('#photoCollectionWrapper').load('/photo_collections/1/photos', photosLoaded());
Once the images are loaded into the target div with AJAX I need to select them so I can alter their widths and heights. So far, I have been unable to select them as expected once they are loaded. However, If I just load them in a new page with NO AJAX, then buy using a simple .load() event handler I am able to select them after they have completely loaded as expected. No problem.
But when loading the resource via AJAX I am unable to select them at all. I am using a callback that gets fired after the AJAX is loaded. Then in there it seems "logical" to call my .load() handler on the images loaded in via AJAX. Here's a sample of some code just to illustrate the idea. The code below actually will not run at all. If I remove the .load() bit it will, but then Alert always returns null.
function photosLoaded() {
$('#photoCollection li img').load(function() {
alert($('#photoCollection li img').height());
I have also tried many css selector variations to try and select the target images, but to no avail. I know for sure photosLoaded() is getting called. I just can't select the elements that the AJAX call brought in.
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Apr 2, 2011
Unable to scroll down an ajax dropdown box in IE. as doing so causes the dropdown box to hide.
I have been told that I need to have a different DOCTYPE but using a 'scrict' doctype causes the menu to scroll downwards with each item on its own line and not across the top of the page.
This is the working folder I have created with just the bar bones of the page that are affected. code...
Can anyone suggest how I can get this to work on most if not all browsers.
oh, i have previously been told that I should use Jquery for this and the other functions on the page but I tried this at the first stages of setting the page up and it failed to work correctly.
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Jun 29, 2009
I am trying to track progress of a database operation . and want to display percentage progress on page asynchronously.
Process.jsp - In this i used javascript to call ajax function continuously which returns percentage progress. My Code is ...
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Feb 4, 2005
I'm having a problem getting javascript and vbscript to place nicely together. Here is what I want to do:
I'm getting values from my database for different exam types. Here are some sample values:
Exam Type1
Exam Type2
Exam Type3
Here is how I get the values in vbscript: Code:
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Jun 14, 2010
The "Permission denied" cross site issue.
I have to check from my external domain if a service is running on localhost:8080 of a local machine.
I'm using XMLHttpRequest to do it.
I'm checking a local-web-server, not a file.
Every browser doesn't work, but Firefox. So I'm looking for a work-aorund.
An iframe? a flash swf? an applet java? HTA applications?
A side question is, why does FF work? Because it's a local-web-server?
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Jun 14, 2009
Dynamically loaded content (via JQuery's get method, for instance) seems unable to connect to a stylesheet that resides on the main page. I understand this is due to the fact that the dynamic content is not part of the DOM.
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Feb 13, 2011
I am loading an entire page in ajax, but I just want to load a fragment from it. Using the .load() function, you can do this by adding a selector after your url like 'getPage.php #myDiv' etc, how to do it using the .ajax method.
I did some googling and found this solution:
url: 'AjaxTest2.htm',
data: {},
cache: false,
I'm trying to get the "d1" div to be populated with the contents of the "my2" div on the second page. I don't want to use the .load() function, I want to use the .ajax() function. I can get this to work if I just use: $('#d1').html(data); instead of $('#d1').html($(data).find('#my2')); but the former results in the entire html contents of the second page being placed into the "d1" div, and I only want the fragement.
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Mar 3, 2011
How can I make the keyup event work for all of the variables?I works with salutation but not first.
Code JavaScript:
var initial = $('#Initial');
var salutation = $('#Salutation');
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Apr 28, 2011
I want to call a javascript function when a <span> is clicked, pass two variables to it, and then use jquery to hide that span.
A simple example is:
The variables (1,3) & (8,9) are loaded dynamically with a php script. Adding the two variables together isn't the intent of the script, but it seems the simplest way to explain what i'm after.
So how do you get $(this) to work in a function that has to have variables passed to it?
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Dec 2, 2010
I have a very recent version of JQuery Treeview 1.4.1 & also a very recent version of JQuery UI.
I tried a lot but couldnt fix this problem. I have an initTree(), that loads tree like this:
function initTrees() {
$("#products").treeview( {
url : "getTestDataInTreeView.action",
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Sep 9, 2010
I've got some Javascript within a div that's displayed by a Modal Popup Extender. The Javascript is throwing an error. When I go to 'View Source', it appears that the source for the Modal Popup Extender and the Javascript contained therein isn't there. How can I view the source then? The Modal Popup Extender *is* being rendered.
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Jul 14, 2007
I need help getting variables in an external js file to transfer to the html page that uses them. I have an html page that lists verses to memorize, which, when the mouse hovers over a particular verse, a small popup reveals the book reference for that verse, thus giving a check to see if the user has accurately referenced that verse for its source.
I have an external js file (VERSES.js) that houses the verses and popup references sequentially as elements in an array and then writes them to the html document. A simplifed version of what I am using, with only a few verses listed here as an example, and that works beautifully, is given below: Code:
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Apr 14, 2009
I'm creating an AJAX page that is built using a PHP Class, ie the php looks a bit like this: PHP Code:
$wp_parser->page = "userpolicywindow.php";
within this page that has been created, there is an AJAX tree folder which calls another page to be loaded into a DIV by AJAX again. Code:
I don't know why it doesn't work because the page has been loaded with the JS file, but as soon as the link is added afterwards it doesn't work. I take it this is because it doesn't know where to find the JS, but how can I overcome this?
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Sep 1, 2011
Currently I have the following script:-
function validate_form(){
if(regform.reguser.value == ""){
alert("Please completed the selected box");[code]....
to validate a simple registration form, however I initially tried to streamline this function by cycling through an array using a loop to point to various input elements in the HTML page itself. I found that when trying to use a variable in the aforementioned if statements the javascript failed to work i.e.
var test = "reguser";
if(regform.test.value = ""){
I know the javascript is looking for the input element "test" instead of "reguser" but is there any way I can force it to look for the contents of the variable.
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Aug 16, 2005
Is there a way to "pass" an XMLHttpRequest object to the callback
function for onreadystatechange? Or a way to access it from
onreadystatechange? I would like to avoid the use of a global
/* How do I get rid of this global variable? */
xmlHttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
function myFunc()
xmlHttp.onreadystatechange = myCallBack;
function myCallBack()
if (xmlHttp.readyState != 4)
Any ideas?
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