How To Get Vbscript And Javascript Variables To Work Together
Feb 4, 2005
I'm having a problem getting javascript and vbscript to place nicely together. Here is what I want to do:
I'm getting values from my database for different exam types. Here are some sample values:
Exam Type1
Exam Type2
Exam Type3
Here is how I get the values in vbscript: Code:
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Jul 23, 2005
The user clicks on the delete icon, and gets a JavaScript client-side popup
to confirm that he wants to delete. I am passing this client-side function
a contactID.
Then, I want to send the result of this confirm (true|false) to a
server-side VBScript function, along with the contactID.
The VBScript function will then perform a delete in the database for the
specified contactID.
I have seen many examples about sending stuff back and forth between
JavaScript and VBScript, between server and client, but all the examples I
see are just popping up generic alerts and such. I need to execute some JS
on the client side, return a value, and send it to a VBScript function on
the server side.
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Aug 25, 2003
Is it possible to exchange data between Javascript and VBScript! In other words can they communicate!
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Oct 17, 2005
I have some pages with this VBScript code, which obviously does not
work in Firefox. How can I convert this to Javascript in order for my
web page to work in Firefox ? It basically fills a drop down with a
list of dates that a user can select. Code:
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Dec 3, 2007
I need some help converting this VBScript over to JavaScript so that the calculations will work properly in browsers other than IE.
You can take a look at Turn 2 Design Code: for a feel about what I'm trying to do, but basicly, I just need to calculate the cost of the selected items based on the selected quantity of that item.
The only thing I know about JavaScript is the small Pop-up scripts I've been able to litterally copy and paste to implement. So, please, dont just post code, post an explaination of whats going on and why so I can try to figure it out. Code:
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Mar 21, 2005
Not sure whether this should go in the JavaScript or VBScript/ASP section, but I'll try here anyway.
I have an ASP include file that contains both VBScript and JavaScript code. The VBScript processes some information and has an onChange event which calls a JavaScript function. Within this javascript function I want to access a recordset and retrieve a value using a variable from the javascript. Here's the code from the JavaScript section. Code:
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Sep 30, 2000
Just wondering if anyone knew if there was a definite speed advantage to VBScipt as opposed to JavaScript?
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Mar 28, 2007
I'm looking to return DATE ONLY for yesterday's date. No seconds,
milliseconds. Formatted either yyyy/mm/dd or mm/dd/yyyy. VB does it so
easily Date()-1 will return 03/27/2007 if today is 03/28/2007. Why so
many hoops for javascript? Any ideas?
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Jul 20, 2005
I have the following function to get the total qty:
function calttl()
var ttlqty
for (i = 0; i <= document.qtymain.orderdetail.length-1; i++)
ttlqty = ttlqty + document.qtymain.qty.item(i).value
The problem I have is the document.qtymain.qty.item(i).value I get
look like a string, so the number I get for ttlqty is not add up the
number but concatenate.
How do I convert the value I get to a number in javascript?
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Sep 23, 2005
Here is a compilation/creation/collection of recreated vbscript functions for use in JavaScript. Additions and criticism are of course welcome.
Zip file contains:
<Edit>Surprisingly there haven't been many downloads for this. Here's a quick overview of the contents:</Edit>
Translates into: new ActiveXObject(x)
dateDiff(p_Interval, p_Date1, p_Date2,p_firstdayofweek, p_firstweekofyear)
Returns the number of intervals between two dates
datePart(p_Interval, p_Date,p_firstdayofweek, p_firstweekofyear)
Returns the specified part of a given date.
FormatCurrency(Expression, NumDigitsAfterDecimal,IncludeLeadingDigit,UseParensForNegativeNumbers, GroupDigits)
FormatDateTime(datetime, FormatType)
FormatNumber(Expression, NumDigitsAfterDecimal,IncludeLeadingDigit,UseParensForNegativeNumbers, GroupDigits)
FormatPercent(Expression, NumDigitsAfterDecimal,IncludeLeadingDigit,UseParensForNegativeNumbers, GroupDigits)
Returns the first location a substring SearchForStr that was found in the string str
Left(string, length)
Returns a specified number of characters from the left side of a string.
Returns the number of characters in a string.
Returns a copy of a string without leading spaces.
Returns a specified number of characters from a string.
monthName(p_Date, p_abbreviate)
Returns the current date and time.
Right(string, length)
Returns a specified number of characters from the right side of a string
Returns a copy of a string without trailing spaces.
Removes leading and trailing spaces
weekdayName(p_Date, p_abbreviate)
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Jul 23, 2005
I got two ASP pages. One is ASP email form (I'm using Persist ASP
Email component). Another one has all file links in it. For example,
when user click Outlook course hyperlink. It will pop up another
window with outlook course PDF file. (All PDF files are already in the
What I am trying to do is: When user click the "Add Email" hyperlink,
it will add that course name and filepath into ASP/VBScript Dictioanry
Object. After the user finish and click "Attach to email" button. All
the files will be attached in the email as an attachment.
Because I am not familar with VBScript. So, can Javascript add items
to ASP Dictionary Object?
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Mar 17, 2002
Has anyone got any pros and cons for using Javascript over VBscript or vice-a-versa, Code:
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Nov 3, 2005
Can anyone redirect to any online tutorials, articles, code of how to upload a file using HTTP PUT method and JavaScript or VBScript to a server running Apache 2.0 that uses CGI + PERL.
How to create configuration entries in httpd.conf for supporting HTTP PUT method.
How to code with AJAX to post uploaded file content to the server using PUT method ?
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Mar 28, 2005
Can I use javascript to create a menu. then insert the value to it? I mean.. If i got 1 page, and 1 textbox. can I pass in the value in the textbox to a vbscript Msgbox or Menu, then i change the value in Menu, maybe use combo box or listbox. then i select it and click ok, the value in my page can get it and chage the default value? Thank!
ps: I want a pop up "menu", not a pop up "window"... or maybe in Vb6 we calll a form
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May 6, 2006
I have a program written in Javascript and fully functioning which takes a user-selected directory name and then displays all the photos in that directory in a certain format.
I am now wanting to expand the program to allow users to optionally enter their own strings and the program will use all the photos from which use that string as a tag.
I have a PHP interface to flickr (called PHPflickr) which collects all the relevant photo urls. I now need to get these images back into my Javascript so I can process them using the existing functions (rather than rewrite all my functions in PHP code and have two sets of functions in the program). I found on another thread a means to do this for a date variable:
var jsArray = new Array(
$length = count($monthDataArray);
for ($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++)
echo '"' . addslashes($monthDataArray[$i]) . '"' . (($i < $length - 1) ? ',' : '') . "
but being completely new to PHP I'm not sure what "addslashes" might be or what formatting will be necessary if I am starting with an array of urls. Code:
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Mar 3, 2011
How can I make the keyup event work for all of the variables?I works with salutation but not first.
Code JavaScript:
var initial = $('#Initial');
var salutation = $('#Salutation');
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Apr 10, 2011
I am using ajax in my site and want to implement a friend request button. When a user clicks this button their userid and the userid of the friend thwey are requesting will go into a table called notifications in my mysql database. This works fine in regular html/php with javascript disabled but not when using javascript/ajax.
Here's my code which may clarify things:-
<script type="text/javascript">
function makeRequest(friendrequestloggedinuserid, friendrequestuserid)
if (window.XMLHttpRequest)
The above code works perfect if javascript is disabled and the button is clicked as the new row is inserted into the database however if javascript is enabled the alert shows inidicating the ajax file is working but the new row is not inserted. Is this something to do with the POST process between my javascript code and my ajax_processrequests.php file?
BTW $loggedinuserid and $userid are retrieved earlier on in my code but showing how they are retrieved is irrelevant to this because I know they are present at the point of the above code.
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Apr 28, 2011
I want to call a javascript function when a <span> is clicked, pass two variables to it, and then use jquery to hide that span.
A simple example is:
The variables (1,3) & (8,9) are loaded dynamically with a php script. Adding the two variables together isn't the intent of the script, but it seems the simplest way to explain what i'm after.
So how do you get $(this) to work in a function that has to have variables passed to it?
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Jul 14, 2007
I need help getting variables in an external js file to transfer to the html page that uses them. I have an html page that lists verses to memorize, which, when the mouse hovers over a particular verse, a small popup reveals the book reference for that verse, thus giving a check to see if the user has accurately referenced that verse for its source.
I have an external js file (VERSES.js) that houses the verses and popup references sequentially as elements in an array and then writes them to the html document. A simplifed version of what I am using, with only a few verses listed here as an example, and that works beautifully, is given below: Code:
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Feb 4, 2006
I have the following javascript function: Code:
function updateParent(dvalue, dfield) {
var field = dfield;
window.opener.document.form.field.value = dvalue;
alert("Value: " + dvalue + " Field: " + field);
I'm calling it as so:
<a onClick="javascript: updateParent(30,'image_id');">Update</a>
But I get the following error:
Error: window.opener.document.form.field has no properties
Why is it not picking up that I have defined the variable field as image_id?
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Jul 23, 2005
I need to pass a javascript to JSP code but I cannot figure it out.
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Jul 23, 2005
Does someone know how can we bring variables from a PHP script to a
Javascript one ?
I have to build a Javascript function that needs variables generated by a
PHP script but i do not know the way to retrieve them into Javascript.
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Feb 23, 2006
I was just reviewing some javascript pop up window functions on my website and I descovered something... that I set the exact same variable name twice for both functions... which is bookWindow. I tested this for pages that use both functions and both types of pop windows work no problem. Is there a problem in that I use the same variable name twice? Is this considered bad form? Or maybe it makes not difference at all because the variable only gets used when it is
called upon and then it leave memory.....
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Oct 30, 2006
I have some image data in a Javascript variable, and I want to display
it. I have a technique which works in Firefox but not in Internet
Explorer :
var testImage = <image data as a string>
<img src="javascript:testImage"></img>
I understand that this should work in Javascript 1.2 and above, which
supports null characters in strings. Does anyone know why this doesn't
work in Internet Explorer?
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Jul 20, 2005
can anybody put forward a sensible argument javascript's behaviour of
creating a new global variable whenever I assign to a previously undeclared
variable. I can't beleive this is just for the sake of convenience (surely
we learned this much from basic).
here's my proposal: all "global" (document scope) variables must be declared
by 'var' outside a function block.
failing that, does anyone know any patterns or tricks I can use to make sure
I don't create a new global variable when I accidentally misspell a variable
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Jul 20, 2005
Here's the situation. I have a static html page which we want to update
to include some dynamic content. I want a counter that keeps track of
the number of times anyone presses the "add" button, and display that
number. So, that page would look something like:
Number of calls today: 5
Add | Reset
The "5" would increment with every click of the "Add" link. The "Reset"
link would reset the counter to 0.
I have a Perl script that does all of the accounting stuff (opens a file
that contains the number, increments it, resets it, etc). What I don't
know how to do is to get the data from the CGI script to the web page.
I'm imagining that you can use Javascript, but I can't figure it out.
My CGI script can accept three options (add, view, reset). So it you
call it like so [myscript.cgi?action=add], it increments the counter by one.
So, in a nutshell, this is what I want:
1) the web page to display the # of calls upon load.
2) When a user presses the "Add" link, it invokes the CGI script to
handle the accounting stuff, then refresh the page with the new number
of calls.
3) When a user presses the "Reset" link, it resets the counter to 0.
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