Im using a vb script that will show the latest x forum threads on forumhome but i would like to be able to restrict how many characters it out puts so after say 150 chars then the 3 dots would This would be my forum thread ti ...Heres the script im using
<if condition="$vbulletin->options['externaljs']">
<!-- show latest active threads -->
<table class="tborder" cellpadding="$stylevar[cellpadding]" cellspacing="$stylevar[cellspacing]" border="0"
I'm looking for a way to resize the 'font-size' of an element so it fits in it's container. What I currently have is this:
var maxWidth = 100; var $width = $('.number span').width(); while ($width > maxWidth) { $width.css({ 'font-size' : '-1px' }); alert("bigger"); }
I was trying to make it so while the width of the text is larger than the width of its container, 100px, the size would decrease by 1 in a loop until it's the correct size. Unfortunately, this yield's no results for me.
I'm trying to make a shopping cart for a dvd shop but I have a problem adding the same dvd multiple times to the shopping cart. It should increase the amount by 1 each time but it doesn't. The amount stays at 1 all the time.
I have taken a class and have some experience in JAVA, but I have never used Javascript. I recently took on the task of maintaining my company's new website, and my boss needs a certain function for a form. Here's what I cannot do. I want to have some type of input or menu to be able to pick between 1 and 10. That number will be how many sets of HTML forms will be added (multiple lines of code per number). I am guessing I need a FOR loop and add in document.write("<html>") within it. I know how to do this in JAVA, but I do not know how to get an input (or menu value) to set the counter.
I'm trying to write a function that takes a word and adds a space between each letter e.g space becomes s p a c e. I have written below but when I call the function it says the argument is not defined.
Code: function insertSpaces(string){ var currentCharacter; var resultString; resultString = '' //a line to loop through each charcther in the string agument for (var position = 0; position < string.length; position = position + 1){ // set current characther as the first charcter in the string and add a space currentCharacter = (string.charAt(position) + ' ') //store the currentcharcter and add followng characthers resultString = currentCharacter + resultString } return resultString }
is there a way to prevent user from adding more characters into a text input based on a validation rule(eg. you entered more than n words, you can't enter more, but you can delete or edit)? I think I'll have to programmatically delete the extra letter(s) that user just input somehow if the addition causes a violation of the rule, is this the best way?
------------------------- chkbox | name | number ------------------------- radbtn | MJ | 234123 radbtn | MD | 343543 radbtn | AB | 453466
Is uncertain that how many info will appear as its from database. I am able to enable the radbtn with chkbox by getting radbtn name. How can i enable only the selected radbtn textbox under name and number in order for user to edit it?
I am having problems with the code below (obviously) coming up with illegal character for various characters within the field name which is: S_Gift Finder1_0
I have tried various ways of escaping the characters but to no avail.
I am unable to change the name of the field as it it comes from an external off-the-shelf package. Code ....
I have character counter for textarea wich counting the characters. Special character needs same place as two normal characters because of 16-bit encoding.
Counter is counting -2 when special character is added like some language specific char.
I want to make a hooverbox, which is shown when the mousepointer is not moved for a amount of time.
When the hooverbox is shown, i will do a server request to retrieve the information for the hooverbox.
I was thinking of using document.onmousemove and a infinit running while loop comparing the mouse positions. Is this the way to solve it? (pointers/samples are welcome ;-) )
This is probably a really simple question. Is it possible to initialize x amount of variables. Like someone enters 10 into an input box and it makes 10 variables called variable1, variable2, variable3, etc.How would you name them?variable + num = 0; ?
if I have Subtotal amount = 10Tax rate 8.5%then Grand Total = 10 + (10 * 8.5 / 100) = 10.85Now what if I have Grand total =10.85 and tax rate 8.5% - how to calculate the Subtotal
i have the following html im just wondering how will i go about selecting a product from the list then automatically on the change showing its unique cost in the cost text field.
Then depending on the quantity purchased of that product selection and what radio button is checked (cheque add 2$ total) (credit card increase total by 1.5 %) (cash add $5 to the total amount) and calculate the total amount of the product. Code:
I'm a newbe and but I was to become a good developer. I'm currently working on a script that will pull call information from a data base using PHP. I managed to create the portal where this information is displayed.But I just need to add some kind of alert where the call has been on hold for about 20 seconds. Is there a way I can do this. The script that I have created has Javascript. can you guys help me with the code to alert when the 20 seconds have passed.
If I wanted a div to show for a particular amount of time (say 5 secs) and then disappear (display:none; will work), how would I go about doing it? Would this be better executed in php or will JS do the job just as well?
I was wondering if it is possible to figure out the amount of time passed from a specific time in history till the present? If so how? I have tried so many different things and I am not getting the right returns.
What would be the danger in having a lot of hidden iframes? i.e. potentialy 30-40. I need to store a bunch of data and thought about using hidden iframes to do it but wasn't sure if this would bog down my page or not. Opinions? I know this is not an IDEAL way to store data but I'm at my whitts end and it sounds like a nice workaround right about now!
I have function dototal(){ tamount=parseInt(document.myform.amount1.value)+parseInt(document.myform.amount2.value)+parseInt(doc ument.myform.amount3.value); document.getElementById('total').innerHTML=tamount; } The problem is if amount is blank it can't add it -- how can I change it that if it is blank it should treat it as 0?
I intend to start learning JS over the Xmas holidays, but right now I only have a very basic knowledge of it.I was just wondering if someone could point me in the right direction on how to do this, as I think i should be pretty easy.After someone changes something in the admin area [e.g. the position of an item] I want to be able to have a small div display at the top of the screen saying something like "Position Updated!" and then have it fade away after 2-3 seconds.
I wrote a website in html, which has an ecommerce that sends the purchase to paypal. My client wants to offer a coupon. I found code in javascript that validates the coupon, but I want to be able to tell PayPal the discounted amount as this discount will not apply to all customers. PayPal Merchant Services told me that I can not use a variable in the following line:
<input name="amount" type="hidden" value="132" />
Is there a way I can use Javascript to do the following? At this time, this code doesn't give me an error, but it doesn't send the amount to PayPal either.