Adding Onclick Event To Existing <th> Element?
Jun 30, 2010
I'm trying to add a onclick event that will sort an two dimensional array to a existing element that I can not change. The error I keep getting is User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E) Timestamp: Wed, 30 Jun 2010 20:15:48 UTC
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Nov 1, 2011
I have an image that already has an onClick event (a simple window.print(); command). I am trying to figure out how I can add another function to this onClick so when a user clicks this button not only will the print window appear but another js function will also fire off. How do I accomplish this? Unfortunately I am not able to simply manually add the function to the onClick so is there a way to listen for all "window.print();" events and send a second event (my js function) at that time?
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Jul 2, 2009
This should be simple, but I can't figure it out.
I have the below external js file:
I need to add an onclick handler to the checkbox fields:
The form is being created dynamically through a database, so I can't add the onclick event to the fields themselves.
How would I add the onclick function to the script instead?
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Apr 7, 2011
I can't seem to add an onclick event to an image. I'm sure I am doing something wrong as I am very new to Javascript.
This is a part of my javascript code that is in the head and body of my HTML file:
The image that is displayed is not clickable, and therefore the function redClick cannot be called.
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Sep 5, 2007
I am trying to add an onclick event to a div from within javascript. Basically i have 2 divs containing arrows ("<<" and ">>"), used to toggle the week of a calendar. At the moment the ajax communication and handling of the response is working fine. After i processed this, i want to switch the arrows, basically add onclick to the previously non-active arrow and then nullify the previously active arrow. How do i go about doing this? Below is my attempt at solving it, with no luck. Code:
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Jul 17, 2011
My name is juan and recently started html programming. I have a web page with a drop box with the name of states.
<option value="">Alabama</option>
<option value="">Alaska</option>
I can add a onclick="code here" to the tag so that when the drop box alabama is selected it triggers the onclick event. Im using Ibox in order to have a image of the state open.
<a href="images/large/image_1b.jpg" rel="ibox" title="alabama at 1024x450!"><img
src="images/small/image_1.jpg" alt=""/></a>
the above is a <a> link tag correct? How do I go bout adding the above code into the onclick event?
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Feb 9, 2009
Im trying to develop an AJAX application which updates a <select> list with a series of <option> tags when the user makes an entry in a field.
Therefore, my ajax application needs to dynamically create <option> tags and append them to the <select> list on the form. I have got this working in all browsers. However, i do not know how to add an "onclick" event handler to each <option> tag that is dynamically created in my javascript code.
As you can see, i create an option javascript object for each new <option> tag and add it to the <select> list. This works. But how can i also add an "onclick" event handler in the javascript code?
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Nov 4, 2010
I'm using the ibox javascript library which is very similar to lightbox in functionality. I'm trying to do something seemingly simple but am having difficulty.
My goal: Use ibox to show a dynamic graph based on a clicked link.
When the user clicks the link it will grab data from the current table row, format it, and render it using the flot library. This will all be done in a hidden div. This is easy enough. Then the hidden div will be displayed using ibox.
These are both easy enough tasks individually. What i'm having trouble with is combining them into a single click.
Currently I have it setup like this.
Code "Html:
When a user clicks this link the loadGraph() function never executes. I'm assuming this is because priority is being given to ibox (indicated by the rel attribute). How can I force my onclick event to be executed before the ibox is loaded?
I would even be ok if it was executed after the ibox was loaded, my main goal is to get both actions to occur in a single click.
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Sep 16, 2011
Complete newb trying to break apart existing code to add some additional function.
This is the working code:
<a class="hackadelic-sliderButton" title="click to collapse panel" onclick="toggleSliderOfGroup('.a-32', '#hackadelic-sliderPanel-1')" href="javascript:;">Close Panel </a>
What I would like to do is add in an html anchor so that the browser relocates to the top of the page just as the panel toggles closed. ie
<a href="#topofpage"></a>
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Nov 22, 2005
I am trying to display a notice to users whose browser does not support a method for adding an event. However, I want this notice to appear in a DIV rather than in an annoying alert box each time the page loads. I would also like this DIV to go away if it is clicked on. However, I can't get anything into the onClick attribute in Firefox 1.5 or Internet Explorer 6.
var alert_element = document.createElement('div'); = 'darkred' = ƈpx solid darkred' = Ƌpx' = 'pointer'
alert_element.innerHTML = '<b>Your browser does not support the addition of event listeners!</b>'
/* Remove the alert element when clicked. */
alert_element.onClick = "parent_element.parentNode.removeChild(this)";
/* Create the temporary status message element. */
parent_element.parentNode.insertBefore(alert_element, parent_element.nextSibling);
The "parent_element" is already declared before this is reached. There are no errors displayed and the new DIV element shows up just as expected. However, clicking on the DIV does nothing.
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Jun 7, 2011
How to get the id of an element using onClick Event in <body> tag using javascript?
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May 3, 2006
I can't set onclick event properly for OBJECT (flash) element properly. onclick just don't bubble outside flash object. Could this be caused by AS getUrl() function?
I tried to attach thru .htc, tried transparent IFRAME on top of object, etc. Nothing seems to work.
Is there any reasonable way to attach onclick to OBJECT element or flash movie by using JS or plain HTML? Should I do something for event bubbling?
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Feb 13, 2010
I have a function that dynamically creates a new div, part of the function looks like:
root = document.getElementById('rootbox2');
var oDiv=root.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
var oText = oDiv.appendChild (document.createTextNode(""));
var oDiv1=oDiv.appendChild(document.createElement("div"));
var oText = oDiv1.appendChild (document.createTextNode(""));
var oSelect=oDiv1.appendChild(document.createElement("select"));
var oText = oSelect.appendChild (document.createTextNode(""));
var oOption=oSelect.appendChild(document.createElement("option"));
What I am looking to do is add an onchange event to the select element, not sure if i have programmed it correctly but it does not seem to work.
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Apr 16, 2010
I have a table full of images and a button which when turned on uses the arrow keys to navigate around the table. When the button is turned on clicks to the empty body area of the page will redirect the focus to the button which keeps the arrow keys activated, but i want to prevent this from happening when the user clicks inside the table itself. I suppose what im looking for is something like:
var elementClicked = (whatever the syntax is for the element name that was clicked)
if(elementClicked != myTable1){
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Jul 16, 2006
There's an object:
foo = new Object();
and a property called 'bar' with a value of 1 is to be added to it using
JSON. If I try the following it only demonstrates my ignorance:
var str = "{foo:{bar:1}}";
alert( // gives undefined
Could someone please explain what I'm doing wrong here?
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Oct 25, 2005
I've site that is divided into two frames
Frame 1 Frame 2
? ? ?
? ? ?
At the first frame reside my site content.
At the second frame I'm hosting other (random) site from the net.
the question is:
How do I ** add ** code into the other site html document in order to add it
functionality that I need?
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Jun 26, 2009
I'm using a script I've found that adds a bullet to links on a page:
<script type="text/javascript">
* Bullet Link script- � Dynamic Drive DHTML code library (
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Sep 18, 2011
modifying an existing function which controls the highlighted states of a multi level js accordion menu. I have had to use javascript due to certain css elements not working in safari browsers.My problem is due to the multi level aspect as when a sub link is clicked, the parent link above it then deselects. I need the parent link to stay active when its sub links are clicked and only deselects when a link outside of that list is clicked upon.I understand the theory of adding a conditional statement but simply don't know how to apply it correctly within the functionHere is the existing function which tells a link to be active or selected:var Lst;
function CngClass(obj){
if (Lst) Lst.className='.topnav';
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Mar 6, 2005
The script below is configured as an onmouseover & out fad-in url script. It's been configured it so that the fading of links only occurs in areas with the class name "fade". My first and simplest request is that someone has a quick look and changes the code from class name "fade" to class name "descriptions". i would do it myself but the word fade is also used for other variable names within the script (etc) and i'm not 100% sure which names to change and which to leave
The second aspect I need help with may be somewhat more challenging.
The script currently fades the TEXT of the link from one color to another. I need it to fade something else. luckily i think the modifications to the script might not neet to be that extensive. Here's what I need.
Instead of the color of the text fading in & out, i need the color of the boder to fade in & out. Here's an example:
i need the properties of the link to go from
text-decoration:none; border-bottom:1px solid FFFFFF;
to finish at
text-decoration:none; border-bottom:1px solid FFB903;
the only change is the color... so i figure all we need to do is create a color variable and place it in the code, like so:
text-decoration:none; border-bottom: Ƈpx solid' + 'color'
and then simply have that color variable increment using the startColor and endColor variables found below Code:
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Oct 15, 2011
I have a set of div elements cached inside var divs = $('#myDivs'). Suppose another div comes along that i want to add (push) to the group. is there a simple method for doing this without selecting ones already in the group for a second time?
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Mar 26, 2010
i have a image around 995x700. and i'm about to change up a couple things on a site i'm working on and want to add a mouseover event (or something like that) to it. i certain areas, i would like the user to mouse over and see a new image rise up in front of the existing image, and then go away when they "mouse off" (i guess that's the term). i know there is a possible way through jscript or ajax.
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Nov 19, 2009
Is it possible to keep on adding a existing table whenever the use clicks addtables() button using javascript?for example I have a table like below.. whenever user clicks the addtable button. It should keep ona dding tables.
Empno dept city
111 IT ny
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May 6, 2009
I inherited a site that has jscript and html content. The site frame (top and left nav) are controlled by the jscript file. Most all of the content that is displayed when links or topics are selected is placed in the center of the page. I need to put some scrolling text in one of the top frame blocks, (the section that is java script file).
function buildMenus(){
var headerString = "";
var leftnavString = "";
var footerString = "";
I have a couple of jscripts that do the scrolling I want, I just need to know how to insert it in the above section.
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Jul 2, 2011
Im trying to add to each element within an array. In this program I have an existing array which is called aScores. I have copied its contents into another array called aScores using slice. Now Im trying to add the value of variable called classCurve to each element of aCurve using a for loop (see under the Curve Scores functrion section). However, it does not seem to add the two together(e.g 78 + 5).
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Dec 8, 2011
I'm writing a blackjack game for class,it generates two random numbers that select from a switch statement that creates a string file name of a card e.g "AceDiamonds.gif", it then fills an array deck[] with these strings,I want to fill the array with the full deck of 52 cards,and not have any duplicates, how do I check the array for an existing element remove it and replace with another card not in the deck??
var dealer_hand = new Array();
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Sep 4, 2010
I want to make it so that when I click on something, it changes what document.onclick does.
This is a simplified version of what I'm trying to do:
<div id="clickme" onclick="document.onclick = function(){ alert ('This should not be alerted on the first click'); }">Click here</div>
However, as you'll notice, the alert box shows up on the first click as well. The only way I have been able to get around this behaviour is to have the first onclick execute a timer that will then set the document.onclick after 1ms, however this seems very messy to me.
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