Add Two Form Values Together To Get Total?
Apr 4, 2011
I have been working on a calculator that works out the difference between two prices. I have two forms on my page which each generate a total, I want to add those two values together and display them in a third form.
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Sep 20, 2009
Formfield.anzahl1 = number entered by customer
Formfield.Price1 = Ergebnisfeld1
Anzahl1= 1
Price = 270
*if Anzahl1 = 2 then Price = 270*2
I need to do this for two form option. 2nd field would be as follows
Formfield.Anzahl2= number entered by customer
Formfield.Price2 = Ergebnisfeld2
Then Formfield.Total = Ergebnisfeld1 + Ergebnisfeld2
How can I convert these above to javascript?
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Feb 7, 2010
I'm trying to set up a page with one form field 13 group fields inside the form, and each group containing several radio buttons with different values, at the end of the form I have a read-only text box, that I want the values to be totaled in. What im looking for is a template or something, Im not very good with javascript, and im only so so with html. the templates i have found, when i change them to suit my needs nothing works.
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May 10, 2011
I have the perfect form for a client - but its missing one thing. She sells hair clips in various colors. A user can select a hair clip color and quantity quite easily (as seen in the code below). My issue is that she wants to be able to give the user a 'special price' based on the quantity ordered by the user. Contrary to simply adding the default price of $7 over and over again based on the quantity selected.The way I want it to work...
1 clip is $7
2 clips are $12
3 clips are $22
5 clips are....etc.
...however, with the way that the javascript is set up now I'm only able to select one default price. This means that whatever quantity is selected -- it's simply multiplied by the number 7 to provide a total.
1 clip is $7
2 clips are $14
3 clips are $21
5 clips are....etc.[code].....
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Jun 25, 2009
I have a issue with a javascript code that I wrote. This script is a simply for calculating the summation of 2 text input boxes and printing it in another text input box within the form. The entire form is then sent using Form post.The total is written back to the form's total text input box using the code below:
document.getElementById ('total').value = total
This code works perfectly for displaying the values on screen. However, when I send the form (PHP Post), the " total " field is empty. I have searched all over for possible solutions. But no solution yet.
1. document.getElementById ('total').INNERHTML = total .This does not even work on screen and total field is not updated on screen. Needless to say, the PHP Post variable was also empty.
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Aug 25, 2010
I am making a mock website where the user make their own computer by selecting items from drop down menus. Then a value of the item comes up below. this works but i am having trouble adding the numbers up for the total cost.
Here is my code:
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"><style type="text/css">
<script type="text/javascript"> .....
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Oct 14, 2009
in my webpage, i've a form which contains several textboxes and a submit button. all the textboxes are generated using php looping, what i wanna do is, when user click the submit button, it will sum up all the textboxes values and pop up alert message telling the total value.
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Oct 14, 2011
I followed a tutorial online on how to use Javascript to calculate total price. Everything works fine, when all the dropdown select value has it's own value and does not correspond to each other.
Eg :
Cake Type : Round $4.00
Cake Color : Red $3.00
Cake Filling : Raspberry $4.00
So total is $11.00
The problem comes when you want to add Cake Layers and the price of Cake Color changes based on No of Layers - 1 Layer , 2 Layer and so on. E.g.:
Cake Layer : Layer 1 $5.00 | Layer 2 $2.50 | Layer 3 $2.50 (for color Orange)
Cake Layer : Layer 1 $7.00 | Layer 2 $4.00 | Layer 3 $4.00 (for color Red)
Do I have to use if and else conditional statement for every possibility? I am just a beginner. Attached below is the example code I have so far:
var filling_prices= new Array();
filling_prices["Raspberry"]=10; .....
function getFillingPrice(){
Is there a better way of simplifying this calculation method? How do I change the price of form values based on selected values on previous dropdown.
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Apr 29, 2009
I have two drop down menus. I want two values to be added based on what they picked and then outputted to a text field to show a grand total in a dollar amount.
This is what I have:
Note I haven't did any type of code for the 2nd drop down menu just in case anybody says I don't see anything. I was working on trying to get started in the right direction.
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Jan 27, 2011
I am trying to add up some fields, it works but to get the total you have to click on the total box. Is there any way of getting it to total automatically i.e. when the user enter a quanity it will show the total straight away without having to click the total box.
Below is my code
<html><head><title>Online Order</title></head>
<body bgcolor=white onLoad=";
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Oct 18, 2011
I have Javascript code for auto is the code:
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
function autocalearn(oText)
I have a textbox for the overall total, and i want it automatic subtract the total earn and total deduction..
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Sep 12, 2011
I am making making class project and faced with some problems. I have found script (here) and learned.
1. not updating row number and row ID after deleting rows
2. not updating total sum if user change quantity
3. not updating grand total after deleting and changing quantity
<script type="text/javascript">[code].....
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Sep 2, 2011
I used the sum of check boxes script, altered it for radio buttons and it works... except for one little nit-picking thing.If a user changes their mind and chooses the other radio button in the set, the total does not reflect the actual total unless they click again on an already set radio button on the side they are using.Here's the JS:
//Adds the sum of all radio buttons for the Home Team (Games Won)
function UpdateCost() {
var sum = 0;[code]......
How can I get this to reflect the actual games won if a user changes a radio button from home team to visiting team? I have a duplicate JS (UpdateCost2) and I have a matched pair of radio buttons for each game. Either you win (get 1) or lose (get 0).
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Mar 11, 2011
I'm creating a web form that allows users to select from a list, choose a quantity and have the total for that quantity calculated, but when I run the html, I get Nan in the total price box. The problem starts with the calc price function. I've tried eval(), parseFloat to change the text to a number, but I think I'm putting the code in the wrong place.The first part is the javascript code (I have linked in a separate file) with the html below it.
window.onload = startForm;
function todayTxt() {
var Today = new Date();[code].....
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Dec 3, 2010
I have a form with a question that has about 15 options. The user selects one or more options by entering a percentage in the box next to the option.Entering any percentage in a box means that option has been selected.Here's where (I think) I need some javascript: The total of the percentages a user enters across all options has to total 100%.
Would like to do this client-side with an alert, as opposed to server-side. The form is complicated and long. Ideally, the user should not be able to proceed to the next question unless the percentage totals 100. But I'd settle for validating it on clicking the submit button.
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Mar 17, 2005
Say i have 4 text form fileds like this:
As soon as a user types in an integer into one of the quantity boxes the total quantity gets updated. How exactly would i do this? I can make it update the total quantity after a user hit's a Validate button or any button, but i cant make it update in real time.
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Sep 1, 2011
I have an online form with 6 cells formatted for $ whether user types $ or not. I have a total cell (hidden) that needs to total those 6 cells. I always get the NaN in the total cell. I have tried it without auto $ formatting, but if user inputs $, than the NaN will appear. Is there no way to total cells that have or may have $s?
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Apr 12, 2009
When i comment off the document.autoSumForm.row7_col1.value = (row1_col1 * 1) + (row2_col1 * 1);
in cal() function it work the way i want it. I get the total in last column of each row. i am trying to get the last line ( Total ) of each column.
Here is my code.
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Dec 7, 2010
I have everything working up to this point but when I try and put the math equation into my script section, I get multiple error and cannot figure out how to get the function to return the actual total rental cost.Below is the code with the math function at the end of the script section in the heading which I seem to be receiving error on.
"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
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Oct 17, 2011
how to achieve client-side calculation on my company booking form, using Javascript.The total amount for accommodation is calculated based on the room type (single or twin), zone chosen and meal plan (which then assigns a certain rate per week,so for example Single room, Zone 2, Self Catering would be �165 per week). There is a table of rates here : http:[utl].....The code would then use the arrival and departure date to calculate the number of weeks, add a booking fee of �50 and output the total amount.The form is located here: http:[url]....
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Apr 14, 2005
I have an alteration to do on a multi-page form which was previous in use for single item selection and calculations only.
Now the form has to be altered to process multiple items. My difficulties lie in tackling the javascript calulations for a form that populates dynamically with as many items as the user has previously selects.
Item recordID's are POSTed to this form as an array. The array determines which item records are pulled from the database via sql. The form has, for each record, a textfield for item quantity and subtotal, and a hidden input that holds the item cost price.
Previously, this was calculated by targeting hard coded form field names, however the dynamic nature of this form requires dynamic targeting or a different field naming strategy all together so that the javascript function can iterate through the form fields and calculate subtotals and total on the fly.
Here's the code so far;
The previous calculation function for the single item form:-
function calcForm(){
qty = parseFloat(document.confirmTicketPurchase.ticketQty.value)
if (isNaN(qty)){
alert("You must enter a valid number into the Enter Quantity field")
return false
if(qty <=0 || qty % 1 != 0 ){
alert("You must enter a quantity of tickets between 1 and 999 only")
return false
costPer = parseFloat(document.confirmTicketPurchase.perticketCost.value)
total = costPer*qty
document.confirmTicketPurchase.ticketCost.value = total
return true
I have to edit this javascript function to work with the following form and edit the form field names to suit the function.
The new form :-
<form action="#" name="confirmTicketPurchase" id="confirmTicketPurchase" method="POST">
<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" class="dataTable">
<tr class="trTopRow">
<td colspan="2">You Have Selected The Following Ticket/s</td>
<?php do { ?>
<tr class="trOdd">
<td colspan="2"><strong><?php echo $row_rsTickPurchase['ticketName']; ?></strong></td>
<tr class="trEven">
<td width="36%">Enter Quantity:</td>
<td width="64%" class="algn_R"><input name="ticketQty" type="text" id="ticketQty" value="1" size="4" maxlength="4" onkeyup="calcForm()" /></td>
<tr class="trEven">
<td class="algn_R">
<input name="perticketCost" type="hidden" id="perticketCost" value="<?php echo $row_rsTickPurchase['ticketCost1']; ?>" />
<input name="ticketName" type="hidden" id="ticketName" value="<?php echo $row_rsTickPurchase['ticketName']; ?>" />
<input name="ticketID" type="hidden" id="ticketID" value="<?php echo $row_rsTickPurchase['ticketID']; ?>" />
$ <input name="ticketCost" type="text" id="ticketCost" size="12" readonly="true" /></td>
<?php } while ($row_rsTickPurchase = mysql_fetch_assoc($rsTickPurchase)); ?>
<tr class="trOdd">
<td class="algn_R">$
<input name="total" type="text" id="total" size="12" /></td>
<td colspan="2">Confirm your selection and proceed to Step 6</td>
<tr class="trbtn">
<td colspan="2"><input name="userEmail" type="hidden" id="userEmail" value="<?php echo $_SESSION['email']; ?>" />
<input name="step" type="hidden" id="step" value="6" />
<input name="Submit" type="submit" class="loginBtn" value="Confirm" /></td></tr>
The calc function is called onLoad and during user input with onkeyup. I'd really appreciate some tips as to how to tackle this one. Currently I'm working on how to get the field names for each form field unique via the php loop which populates the form.
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Jun 29, 2011
I am trying to have a form calculate total using this script, works OK until the total reaches 99 from there on it only returns 2 figures. Also it won't work if I complete the dollar value (i.e add .00)
<script type="text/javascript">
function startCalc(){
interval = setInterval("calc()",1);[code]....
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Apr 26, 2011
I have grabbed this html code off the internet. It looks like it will work for what i am looking for except it does not add a grand total. The inputs multiply numbers without having to click a button. I wanted the grantotal to add up the inputs without having to click a button also.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />[code].....
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Sep 29, 2010
I am just beginning to try to learn some js, and am making a site which requires a multi selection form with each being added up to reach a total. This sounds like a standard form, but this is a little different. I have files in megabyte sizes, from which people would choose what they wanted, and the total deciding how many dvds would be needed to store that many files...and this total could then be added to a js shopping cart. By the way, there is nothing illegal or pirated with the files in case you have any concerns.
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Mar 9, 2011
i have a form with arrays, I want to sum different arrays and display the total in a array field in the form itself.i have this code
do {
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Jun 7, 2010
I'm trying to create a Invoice form with javascript. Basically, my invoice form should have the field item, cost, quantity and product total.It shd have a function to allow the user to add rows if they want more than one item. In the end, there should be a sub total. I am able to use javascript to calc the total of each product for only the first row. If I add rows, the Product total script don't work.This is what I have so far:
mysql_connect("", "", "");
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