AJAX Response Data Size Limit

May 18, 2006

I seem to be experiencing a character length cut-off with XMLHTTPRequest. I suspect this because the ActiveX .XMLHTTP works just fine for supporting IE. The data supposed to be recieved is a database outputting in an HTML table format. Any gecko based browser cuts off at about 4200 characters Code:

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JQuery :: Ajax - Response Truncated - Limit To A Response Size

May 17, 2010

I have an ajax post which returns a large html response. It is getting truncated at 98784 characters everytime. Is there a limit to a response size or a way around this?

Using: IE7
jQuery 1.4.2
jQuery UI 1.8.1

Here is my ajax call:

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Ajax.response Max Size

Feb 24, 2007

I am using ajax / php where I am looking up some info from the
database and populating a select list dynamically, however I am
running into some sort of size limitation with the ajax.response
object. If the string I am passing to javascript from php is too large
javascript does not get it all the data. The magic number appears to
be 6123 characters, anything below that it works fine, anything above
and if I alert the ajax.response, I see the string is cutoff. Any
ideas where this limitation is defined?

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JQuery :: Data Limit For $.ajax Calls?

Feb 27, 2010

I'm experiencing a weird problem when trying to do a $.ajax call. When I pass 5 variables, with either GET or POST, the script runs as I would like. However, when I use 6 or more variables, the script does not run. Does anyone know why this is?

Relevant code (stops1-5 are defined as JS variables earlier in my script, and the alerts are for testing)

alert("running ajax function");
url: "/handlers/ajax/barcrawl_reorder.php",


So, the way it is now, it works fine (I get the first alert for each instance of .barcrawl-stop-id, and get an alert at the end with the returned data). However, when I add another variable to the data, like stop4: stop4, the script does not run (all I see is one alert with "running ajax function").

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JQuery :: Limit Returned Data From Ajax Call?

Jul 12, 2011

I'm using Ajax to load some HTML data from an external file. How could you limit the word count to 20 words?

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Limit File Size Or Request Size

May 27, 2010

I developed a web application and it is working fine, except for one issue. The application includes uploading files from a JSP to my servlet, and the issue is that i would like to have a limit for the uploaded files on the client side (before actually uploading it).

I investigated alot and found some ways like changing my JSPs to PHPs, which is not feasable for my application. I would also like to add that using the Flash component ("<object>") for uploading is not feasable also at this time. Using ActiveX does not work also (for some security issues in javascript, it can not access the system information, also ActiveX works only on IE).

I would like to add that I have my application running on Oracle application Server, JSPs for displaying the forms, MultiPart Java API for getting the form input values and files to my servlet and everything is developed in JAVA.

Either by limiting the file size or the limiting the whole request size sent to the servlet.

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JQuery :: Send Data With Ajax Without Getting Response?

Jul 12, 2009

I would like to send my form data to a php file but not to get any response. I want to send an ID so that PHP can do MySQL search and generate a PDF file. Problem seems to be that PHP is responding something back to HTML and that is messing my code. So I just want to send the data and run the scripit in PHP so that nothing is returned back to HTML.

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JQuery :: Use AJAX Response Data As It Loads?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a page which loads the HTML for a table using $.post(). Sometimes, the table will be quite large (maybe 2000 rows). Is there a way to display the content as it arrives instead of waiting for the whole thing?It would probably be OK if this requires a synchronous request. The purpose of the page is to display the table, so it doesn't matter if nothing else can happen while it loads.

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JQuery :: How To Get Ajax Response Data To Outside Callback Function

Aug 19, 2009

I have Javascript code that looks like this:
var data1;
$.post('save_search.php', formData, function(data) {
data1 = data;
jsonData = eval('(' + data1 + ')');
if (jsonData.return_status.search("successful") > -1)
$('#msg_div').html("<font color=red>Search was saved</font>");
$('#msg_div').html("<font color=red>Search was not saved. Try saving again.</font>");
"data1" comes up as undefined in the statement
jsonData = eval('(' + data1 + ')');

Even though "data" is a perfectly correct JSON string *inside* the callback function! I can put the eval statement inside the callback function and it will form a good JSON object, like this:
jsonData = eval('(' + data + ')');
I'm simply trying to get my Ajax response data to the outside of my callback function so I can use it in other Javascript code. I've never seen an ordinary function behave this way.

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JQuery :: Ajax Email Response Not Going Through - Not Receiving 'data.msg' From My Php File

Jun 29, 2011

I have got my ajax file calling the php file properly and executing some code in it, but nothing will get returned with json_encode().

Right now I am skipping form validation and just trying to get a response back of any sort:

Currently my site just shows the 'processing...' string but will change my css class to indicate a sucess.

Here is my ajax calling the php file:

When I change .html(data.msg) to something like html("<p>hello world</p>") I get the string back. So this line is working, but just not recieving 'data.msg' from my php file.

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JQuery :: Appending AJAX Response Data To Calling Element?

Jun 3, 2009

I have a list where each list item has a click event attached to it. Upon clicking a list item, the click calls a PHP script and passes the list's title attribute as a parameter to the script. How can I take the data returned (some HTML) from the AJAX call and append it to the list item which was clicked? I know that the data variable contains the correct HTML coming back from the script and thought that $ (this).append(data) would work but it doesn't. I was thinking of calling another function from within the AJAX return function call, but don't know how to reference the list item which was originally clicked.


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Limit The Screen Size Of IE?

Feb 13, 2010

Is it possible with javascript to limit the screen size of IE ? I know how to do a fixed screen size, but I just want to limit the maximum size.

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Transient Cookie Size Limit

Jul 23, 2005

I have written some code using transient cookies to send an edited
essay from one html page to another. Each paragraph of the essay is
saved in separate cookie. If the essay is 4 paragraphs long then I
write 4 different cookies.

This works on a Macantosh in Internet Explorer but for some reason on
a PC the cookies turn up empty. If I make the essay shorter then it
works on a PC, so it looks as if I am running up against the size
limitation on cookies? Is 4kb the limit of the total number of cookies
on a page? Do transient cookies have the same size limit as cookies
with an expiration date? I dont even think the essays are 4kb long.

Should I give up on cookies to move so much data and if so what
technology would you recommend I use? (No Database).

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Limit Upload Size Before Uploading

Sep 7, 2010

How to limit file size before uploading it? This script works fine, but you have to configure first your browser to make the alert window appear. Which is not good at all This script only runs in IE6/7/8.

function IELimmit(calculate)

How to make the alert window appear without any browser configurations?

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Limit On Number Or Size Of Javascript Variables

Jul 20, 2005

There will be a number of list boxes and other controls, with pop-up windows
to edit certain properties. It's the kind of thing I would normally have
done in VB but I want it to be browser-based. I've only used javascript for
trivial things before so this would be my first serious javascript
development. I would like it to run on all reasonably recent browsers.

The form starts with all the initial values being received from the server
(presumably just by pre-initialised data structures). The user tinkers with
it and when he is happy he presses 'submit' and the whole lot is submitted
to the server (presumably as a form post). This would be a few kb of data,
possibly 100 individual values but obviously in various data structures. I
guess there would be a few hundred lines of javascript code to manipulate

My question is, is there likely to be a problem with manipulating and
sending this amount of data in Javascript. Sorry if this is a dumb question,
but like I said, I only used javascript for tiny programs before, so I'm a
bit unsure about its capabilities.

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Limit The Size Of Text In Table From Radio Button

Jul 31, 2009

I have this script that gets the value of the selected radio button and then i put into a table from the id. I have over thrity of these and realized that if i didnt cut the values down to a certin size, it would completely destroy the table. I was wondering if there was any way to run the selected value from the radio group through the function(or something else that can cut it to a certin length) then display it in the table. i was thinking it might be easy to do the whole thing in javascript.

Everything above here works great, i just need to cut it to a certin lenght before its displayed

Im not sure what to put into the function to get it to do what is want echo trimStr(**************);?>

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XHR POST Size Limit - Transmit Text Information For Page To A PHP Script

Jun 18, 2010

I have a problem with XHR size limit. I want to transmit text information for page to a PHP script which saves it in a MySQL database but the data are cut off. When I reload the page the changes I made are gone. Firebug produces the following message:

... Firebug request size limit has been reached by Firebug. ...

This is my XHR function:

My question is: Is there a size limit in XHR POST requests? If yes how to disable it or is a browser issue?

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JavaScript As AJAX Response (RPC)

Oct 15, 2006

Some servers return JavaScript as the response to an AJAX request. When
the response JavaScript is eval'ed it calls other JavaScript functions
already in the browser to update elements, etc. This seems like a good
system because it allows so much freedom in creating the desired
behavior in the browser. The required data doesn't have to be converted
to XML or JSON on the server. The browser doesn't have to have
templates for interpreting and converting this data into some change in
the browser. All of the conversion algorithms don't have to be written
and changed when new behavior is required. This remote procedure call
approach is the predominant system in the Ruby on Rails world.
(Unfortunately they are calling Prototype.js functions.)

However apparently some people seem to think this remote procedure call
approach is a bad idea. I can't see why it is so bad because it is so
lightweight and flexible. It also helps to keep the client less
intellegent which seems good in a world of incompatible client-side

If I use some neutral data format like XML to accomdate different types
of clients then I have to write different client-side interpreters for
each type of client (browser, RSS, POP, cell phone, etc). Why not just
write different server-side code that generates the correct JavaScript
(or other) for the requesting client type?

When is the RPC approach such a bad idea?

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Ajax :: Wait Until Response Comes

Nov 15, 2008

I am using following code

Now what i want to do is: i have a callajax() function. with in this function i will call do_login() function. this do_login() handles an ajaxrequest and returns the responsetext.

Now i want to do some validation on this responsetext(in case of onsuccess). so i am trying to return value to callajax() function for onSuccess case in ajaxrequest.submit();

That is(onsuccess response) supposed to be some string( but not true or false). but i am always getting false in ajaxcall() function. i know the do_login() function is returning false before ajaxrequest completes

So i want to stop this and make do_login wait until ajaxrequest completes and then i want to return it's response to callajax() function.

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Using Eval() With Ajax Response

Apr 3, 2008

I am wondering how possible it is to use eval() to parse javascrpt that is pulled in through ajax(innerHTML)? I have found a few notes about this, such as:

var myObj = eval ( xmlhttp.responseText );

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Run JavaScript That Is Part Of AJAX Response

Apr 12, 2006

In my browser, I make an AJAX request. The server sends me a fragment
of an HTML document. That fragment has some JavaScript inside some
script tags. How do I run these scripts when the fragment arrives at
the browser?

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JQuery :: Ajax - Always Getting Empty Response?

Aug 27, 2010

I am making a call like -

$('#display').load(adnwurl, function(response, status, xhr) {

And also tried with -

function(data) {[code]...

In both the cases I am getting an empty response instead of expected html response.If I just copy paste this adnwurl in browser, I do get a proper html response. Its not working with ajax call.

adnwurl = "http [url]...site_id=4764&partner_id=70606a913077034c&timeout=5000&version=1.5&language=jsp&format=wap&testing=1&target_params=AGE=>29||DOB=>1981-08-[code]....

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JQuery :: Ajax Response And .html()?

Dec 22, 2010

I'm using $.ajax for an ajax request and I've setup a basic html form and if there are errors in the form when the user submits them my server side script is returning them in an array to the client with the errors.

If there are multiple values in the array, how do I display each error on its own line either using <li> tags or even just a <br/>? I'm injecting the ajax response into a div using .html() but how do I iterate the array within that div so I get one error message per line?

Do I need to construct the HTML on the client side after the ajax response has come back or should I do this on the server side before the data is even returned to the client? Right now I'm returning a raw array so that is why I'm asking the question about how to format things up and get the form errors into my div.


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JQuery :: AJAX Process The Response XML?

Aug 28, 2009

I'm truggling with this for a while now, without succes. Here is the


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JQuery :: Can't Get Attributes From Ajax Response?

Sep 7, 2009

I'm making a ajax call using $.ajax


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Ajax :: Redirect To URL Response Not Working

Feb 10, 2009

I have a simple ajax request that is supposed to (after a short timeout) redirect the page to the URL that the server sends back but it just wont work. It does work without the setTimeOut() function however.

var http = false;
if(navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer") {
http = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} else {
http = new XMLHttpRequest();

function go() {
var u = "http://site.com/";
http.open("GET", "go.php?" + "u=" + u, true);
http.onreadystatechange=function() {
if(http.readyState == 4) {
var redirURL = http.responseText;
setTimeout("window.location.href = redirURL;" , 2000);
} }

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