Hi, I'm fairly new to AJAX, but I've been able to retrieve HTML and plain-text documents without any trouble. However, I haven't figured out how to retrieve it in XML format. Basically, here's the script that's supposed to retrieve and parse the data when you pass it the url of the page generating the XML data:
I'm trying to use it to load in an XML file and output some data. I followed a tutorial on it but my XML file isn't loading.[code]Now my thinking is that when the document loads, it alerts me that the jQuery is running, and it does this. I had hoped that after closing that alert, another one would show saying that the XML file has loaded - This would ensure that the function 'parseXML' has been called, but it does not return an alert or populate my#xml_addressbook div.My index page is at the root, and both my XML file and the javascript file are in a folder, as shown below.[code]
I'm building an application with a c#.net server and a good bit of jquery on the front end. I'm having trouble getting/parsing data from c#. In the C#, I am doing a db call to pull the information for all users, and putting it into xml format:
string xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>"; xml += "<Users>"; while (res.Read()) {
When I run the application, I'm getting the 'in AjaxSucceeded [object XMLDocument]' alert, but I cannot get inside of the 'each' loop.
I'm currently working on a pretty straight-forward AJAX application. In this application, I get some XML, and then parse it. An example of what I'm working with is as such: <?xml version="1.0"?> <postRoot xml:lang="EN"> <post type="comment" date="January 1, 1970"> <user>athlon32</user> <content>Hello World</content> </post> </postRoot>
Now, I've been able to read the XML with XMLHttpRequest , my trouble is with parsing the results. I've tried tons of things, but I just can't seem to get the different child nodes. Now, let's say we have something like this: var xml = xhr.responseXML; var allPosts = xml.getElementsByTagName('post'); Could I use childNode to access user & content? And if so, how? I've tried many things, but nothing is working :/ Is there a better way to parse the results I get back from the server?
Maybe it isn't really best practice (as it turns out) to use both jQuery and Dojo in the same application, but there are things I like about both libraries (for example jQuery is faster with animations, while Dojo has interface objects I like better). Nonetheless, best practice or not, I use both and that seem to create some complications.
The first time I load content via AJAX with jQuery DOJO seems to properly parse the checkboxes, datetime pickers, etc. which are sent with the new HTML. However, it seems the second time the parser won't react. I'm calling dojo.parser.parse() every time I load content with jQuery's $.ajax call. So basically my code looks like this:
Through an AJAX implementation, I am receiving a SQL Query result that has:An object's attribute delimited by a comma.An entire object (database row) delimited by a colon.This is an example response to make it more clear for you.
What I am trying to achieve is placing all of this data into an array. I've set up a little test bed to try and get this to work; this is all I have so far:
var testString = "1,Jeremy,130,80;2,Lauren,370,300;3,Jeancarlos,200,200;4,Luke,330,70;5,Bloom,392,108"; var testArray = new Array(); testArray = testString.split(";");[code]....
get a multi-dimensional array that has information for each person. Example:
FinalArray[0][0] = 1 FinalArray[0][1] = Jeremy FinalArray[0][2] = 130
I want to use ajax to submit a dynamic form which can be filled with infinite elements. The only problem is passing all of the values of those elements through the ajax and onto my jsp page where they will be processed. Code: "promptIds=" + document.getElementsByName("promptId") That is one of the arrays that I send and I am using jsp, but in any case, how would I parse the array to be usable? Code: String promptIds = request.getParameter("promptIds"); System.out.println(promptIds); The above code outputs "[object HTMLCollection]". How would I go about parsing the array of elements?
I am trying out $.ajax instead of getJSON for debugging purposes. Because getJSON did not report an error in IE (6,7 or 8) and I am trying to figure out why a jQuery plug-in is not painting my returned images to the screen in IE but is in other browsers. So I tried this. Interestingly enough, it hits the error event in IE but not firefox, safari and the rest and I don't know why (this code works great and renders my data just fine in FireFox and the rest). I know my returned json is valid:
I don't know what else to do to troubleshoot why IE is having so much trouble with the returned JSON or just executing the function(data) using either getJSON OR this. I have set the headers not the cache also in the response. IE refuses to enter my function(data) on the response.
Same result. Firefox and the rest had no issue. IE still exited the $.ajax and my error method kicked in. No rhyme or reason whatsoever and I tried the IE Dev tools... nothing. About the only thing I get is this: Line: 163 Error: System error: -1072896658.Line 163 which is simply the line: function() { alert("An error has occurred. try again."); This has got to be the most f*d up situation I've been in and I need to get this working! I just cannot understand why IE can't parse a getJSON or $.ajax response, that is impossible or else there would be a huge meltdown with jQuery.
So, I'm trying to do something that should be very simple, which is to parse an XML with .ajax. The code that isn't working is:
moving the alert outside of the .find function, it pops up the alert (although it doesn't change the rightContentText). Obviously the $(data).find function is not firing, but why?
i have an ajax script that requests data from a database. Some of the fields contain html. I would like to know the easiest way to parse an xml file that looks like such:
<response> <poster>Poster name here</poster> <title>Title goes here, may contain a link</title> <text>html content here</text> </response>
i can't seem to figure out an easy way of parsing all the contents between a tag, what is the easiest way? I'm trying to fix a script that doesnt work when the text area contains html and i can't get it to work.
My problem is that i need an algorithm parse parse HTML. For an HTML page, my script has to parse all tags to get all forms values, even if there is frame, iframe, ... How can i do such a script ?
The code works OK in Firefox and Google Chrome, but it fails in Konqueror (khtml) or IE 8.0: the resulting array is empty although the xml read by Ajax call is OK. I tried also with "$("tagname", xml).each()" - same result.
I'm trying to work with XML DOM for the first time as I need to grab a value from a SOAP request. I've been following this: [URL], which says modern browsers won't parse xml files from another server for security reasons. How would I got about doing this then? I've been using the price of crude oil as an example [URL] and want code portable enough to put on something like Tumblr, so I don't think I can actually save the file locally first.
I am trying to split an IP address into it's 4 octets using a RegExp and assigning the result to an array but it is not working. Here is my function so far:
<script type="text/javascript"> function lastoctet(ipaddress){ var ipoctets = new Array();
I have a project coming up this summer that will include having to run a quiz like application from several machines disconnected from the internet.
I was hoping to be able to have all of the quiz data in an XML file and the actual quiz page as html/js. The machines will be using IE5/Mac.
Unfortunately, I won't be able to get a hold of a machine for testing until very close to the deadline, so I need to know what technologies will and wont work for the browser. What kind of compatibility issues (if any) should I be weary of?
i'm having problems with my json scripts. When I retrieve data that contains new lines it causes an error from firebug. I've used a couple of replace like
.replace("", ""), .replace(//g, "") but it still didn't work.
The following example works great in Firefox, and Chrome but fails miserably in IE (6,7,8). I'm running JQuery 1.3.2 if it makes a difference: $('resp',"<root><resp>value</resp></root>").text(); That evaluates to "value" in everything except IE.
DOM Parsing XML file (am new to using DOM and parsing files) and I am practicing with example files I found online (W3C). I am trying to use DOM to parse and XML file and then display the info retrieved from the XML file in HTML using Javascript. The files are working well and validate, but nothing is displayed when I open the file up in a browser only the style sheet background color I am using. There are 3 JS functions, one loads the XML, the second gets the info and the third displays it. Here is the code, minus the Style sheet I have been trying to figure this out.
HTML Code Code: <?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8"?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "[URL]"> <head> <title>Bookstore</title> .....
I am currently working on displaying KML-values of ElementTags within my KML File. I already integrated the KML file as an overlay to my Google Map. But how am I able to parse the GGeoXml-object or how am I able to parse external [URL].. instead of just "polygons.kml") XML-files?
At the moment my code for loading the geoxml file looks like this: