AJAX :: Textarea Word Not Appearing In Url Through It / Solution For This?
Feb 4, 2009
I used AJAX in this link code...
You have to go open the navigation box on the top left (sorry I have to simplify this in the future!) and then click the third link Compare Two Bible Texts. Once you enter a word in the first textarea and select the book, chapter, and verse it doesn't record it in the textbox underneath the verse dropdown select.
Anything wrong with this AJAX code?code...
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Dec 22, 2010
I want to make a word limit on textarea in the below.
editing below code:
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Mar 26, 2009
I'm trying to dynamically turn textarea word wrapping on and off and have the textarea update accordingly but my code isn't working and I'm not sure why.
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Jul 23, 2011
I have a text (sentence) in a textbox. How do I select a word under the mouse pointer/cursor? That textarea may not have focus in it. My plan is to find the index of the cursor position on the textarea. then go left and right from that index. Stop on getting space on both side. Find both the indexes and select that range. But I am not able to do it. I am stuck in the first step.
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Jul 14, 2010
I am currently seeking help on how to best approach finding a solution to this. Essentially I have a textarea which a user is supposed to be typing a text based email message(no HTML) The textarea has a column width of 80 However there is a recommended width of 53 characters per line. Obviously the user can just keep on typing away past the 53 character recommended width if they want, but I want to add either a form button or a link with an onClick thatanalyzes the contents of the textarea. It should insert a hard return when it reaches 53 characters, but if the 53rd character is in the middle of a word it should count back to the previous space and do the line wrap there.
Can anyone point me in the right direction? I assumed there has to a solution using jQuery, but I am at a loss. I did come across some javascript which works, but it doesn't take into account the fact that the 53rd character maybe in the middle of a word.
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Jul 20, 2005
Can anybody share the code for a word counter for the textarea user input? what if max characters are 256?
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Jul 14, 2010
I have a textarea with a specific width. I have wrap="off" set because I don't want to force my users to wrap if they don't want to. The reason for this is because this textarea is where the user is typing an email message. However I have a background image set on the textarea with a verticle line going down the textarea which indicates to the user the "Recommend Width"What I want to do is provide them with a link to click on which says something like "Wrap Lines" and when they click on it, the text within the textarea would wrap to the "Recommended Width" line in the background image. The maximum length of a line should be 53 characters when they click on "Wrap Lines" link.So I did some searching around and the code I came up with is:
function showLines(max, text) {
text = "" + text;
var temp = "";
var chcount = 0;
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Sep 1, 2011
I'm currently following this tutorial on loading pages with Ajax:[url]...
For some reason when a new page is loaded via Ajax by clicking a link on the left-hand navigation, the new content returned has a large gap that appears on its left-hand side. My question is what's causing this and how can it be fixed?There's not much in the source, so reading the code shouldn't be difficult.
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Jul 22, 2009
I am writing up a page to collect user input, and then generate an excel file.
The generation of the excel file is slow (more than 30 sec), so I decide to separate the input stage and file creation stage.
What I do is, collect user input, save to mysql, and pass a url (to the page of excel file creation) to javascript. Javascript will be triggered by setTimeout and run ajax to call the url after 2-3 seconds. This is the page structure of how I do it code...
The problem is, when the ajax is called, I cannot navigate around the pages (in the iframe of index.php). There is no error, but seems to be "loading". I have tried to use the same browser window to access the same site on the server, and also other sites on the Internet, to make sure the server is not busy to respond or the network is fully occupied.
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Jun 15, 2011
I am trying to find a word inside a string.the search his going fine but I need to know which word has been found in the string.
Now in the string only one value can be found at a time.So its either a1 or a2 or so on.....
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Feb 8, 2010
How to write a program that will auto suggest or auto complete a search word from a MSAccess database using PHP and Ajax.
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Sep 12, 2011
I'm having some issues with getting the value of a textarea which I fetch with jquery's ajax function.I'm displaying some comments in my ajaxcontent. All the comments have a onClick quoting link which is supposed to send the id of the textarea which is to be quoted.
<a href="JavaScript:void(0);" onclick="JavaScript:quote('x','y','z');">Quote</a>
Where 'x' = The ID of the textarea which contains the text that's being quoted
'y' = username of the user being quoted
'z' = ID of the textarea of which the quoted text is supposed to inserted into.
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Jan 22, 2009
I'm trying to achieve something that I originally thought would be very simple, but I can't get it working....and even googling hasn't helped this time! All I want to do is update the innerHTML of a div with the content of a textarea object when a button is clicked. I'm trying to avoid having to post the form using AJAX because the button also replaces the innerHTML of a different div with the value of a text input box. Here is the code I've tried, but it doesn't work:
function previewContent(intContentId) {
var titleText = document.getElementById('edit_title_' + intContentId);
var titleDiv = document.getElementById('content_title_' + intContentId);
In this example, the titleText var represents the text input box, and the contentText var is the textarea. The titleDiv gets correctly updated with the current value of the input box, but the contentDiv doesn't seem to consider any changes I make within the textarea - it just loads the original content. This seems very strange to me. Is there an easy way to retrieve the value of the textarea?
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May 4, 2010
I have a form with a textarea that can hold a lot of values. When submitted, a php-script takes over and processes the textarea line by line. When a lot of values is submitted, it can be time-consuming for the php-script, causing the webserver to timeout.
I would like jquery/ajax to send one or a few lines of the textarea to the php-script at a time, hence feeding the php-script with a lot of smaller requests instead of one massive one. Kind of like an upload form with a progress bar, but for textarea values instead of file submition.
I have looked around and failed to find any examples or tutorials on this, and since I'm not very experienced in javascript I would really need it.
So again, the javascript would check the textarea-field when user submits the form, and send one or five values from the field at a time to a remote php-script. In the meantime the user can be presented with a "loading..."-image or a progress bar.
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Jun 8, 2010
My problem is very easy. I have written the following PHP code to generate the arrays of textareas:
for ($i=0; $i<length; $i++)
echo '<textarea type="text" name="username'. $i.'" cols="60" rows="4" onkeydown="check_username(this.form.username'. $i. '.value)">'. $sentences_data [$i]. '
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Jun 9, 2006
I have created a simple AJAX chat that polls the server every 2 seconds for new messages. The messages are displayed in a div layer, and the user types new messages in a textarea, the only problem is that when a new message appears it takes the focus from the textarea so you have to keep clicking back in the textarea to keep typing. Does anyone know how I can solve this?
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Sep 28, 2009
I guess the title says it all. I've generated two checkboxes and two textareas via an ajax requst. When I later on call anoter function I want to get the valus from the textareas and to know if weather the checkboxes are checked or not. But that seem impossible to be as you seem not to be able to select an element generated after the page load, or am I wrong ?
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Jul 16, 2010
I'm using ajax to process a form. But my form has textareas in them. Its not passing the textarea values. Here is my javascript code:
if(data) {
pTag = "<img src='[URL]' width='200px'><br />Order Saved";
} else {
pTag = "<img src='[URL]' width='200px'><br />There was an error!<br /><font size='1px'>" + data + "</font>";
I just have a simple textarea section and I NEED to allow HTML code in that text area.
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Dec 24, 2010
I have a long paragraph and I have been asked to display words in red and green in such a way that that fist word should be red, 2nd word should be green, 3rd word should be red and 4th word should be green and so on. For example: this is just a sample.
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Jul 25, 2009
i have a menu which on one option produces a drop down menu.
function drop(){
jQuery("#menu li ul li").css("height", "0px");[code]....
is the code.i have it closing when you hover over any other of the menu options but if you hover over them before its open then it produces a round about 10px gap and then closes.
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Mar 15, 2011
I'm working on a self-contained educational tool. Every "frame" or "slide" is all in one HTML document. I initially start out with all frames hidden, and then show the very first one. The user is then able to click through to each next frame.
This has been working great. Works in all browsers except for IE 7 and 8. There is one point when you click to go to the next section, and all the images and buttons appear at once, even though their respective parents are hidden.
The kicker is that, if in IE's developer tools, I switch off ANY css style for ANY element, everything corrects itself. These elements also seem to ignore any .hide() or .fadeOut() method, but will accept other styling changes through jQuery.
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May 18, 2010
I am looking for help creating javascript auto-apearing box, which will appear when someone onmouse on the hyperlink.
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Aug 22, 2011
is there a way using .htaccess or some other means that we can block certain websites from appearing when we do a google search of my wife's name? We contacted google and they denied our request to have these websites blocked. My wife has her own website she uses for her business. There was an .htaccess editor website that I visited that created the code after I specified the url of the websites we wanted blocked. Will this work and if so, after creating the .htaccess file what do I do with it, that is where do I attach it/post it? (this is the first time i've ever posted anything on a website. my wife and I are technophobes.)
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Jun 6, 2011
I want to #name to wait 1 second on the mouseover before appearing, how can I do this?
$("#block").mouseover(function () {
$("#block").mouseleave(function() {
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Jan 19, 2010
I have this in my jQuery() function:
$( "#admin_new_records ul a" ).live( "tap", function() {
jQT.goTo( "#admin_new_records" );
return false;
I create the links that match this on the fly with jquery.builder.js, and have confirmed that searching the resultant DOM in the console with the string "#admin_new_records ul a" does indeed return the elements I want. The problem is that when I click on the links, the jqt framework still seems to handle the tap, and returns to the first screen with an error due to the fact that it cannot recognise the url I created for the links. The issue seems to be that live does not work, but I have also tried to set this on tap() immediately after creating and appending the links, and this does not work, either.
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Mar 23, 2009
Quote: Originally Posted by KorRedDevil ActiveX or Java allowance, if malicious applications, could do really harm, but no javascript. Unfortunatelly, IE has ActiveX and javascript linked on the same level of security, so that when disable ActiveX you disable javascript as well.This is the problem I am experiencing now KorRedDevil.I have just signed up to devshed now, trying to find some ways to allow javascript, yet keep active-x disabled. am in the middle of creating a website, using a javascript drop down menu. Looks really nice, but when you load the page on IE, it keeps displaying theactive-x warning, requesting permission to allow. My concern is that a lot of people dont understand this message. Automatically think there is something dangerous about the site, and deter them from visting. And they will not be able to navigate round the site effectively without the drop down menu!I'd imagine there has to be a way, possibly with a certain metatag maybe?
Reason being, GMail is designed using javascript. How come IE allows their javascripts to work, but no one elses?!Must be a way.And also, I use a .js file to keep the site resized and well positioned, regardless of browser. This script gets by no worries at all. Could it be because it is an external javascript, and not linked in within the html itself?And with other broswers, ie. Netscape, Firefox etc. Do any of them have issues with the Javascript / active-x warning?
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