I would like to make the onMouseOver event for an IMG swap 2 images. I currently have a javascript function for this (I didnt write it) which just inputs which image you want to swap and what with. I want to swap 2 images and not just one.
There is the code for the IMG tag, now the part where it does the onMouseOver it changes out the image of my choice. It calls the MM_swapImage. I want to call that function twice with diffrent parameters. I tried adding another onMouseOver line after the first one, but didnt work. Is there a way to do this in HTML? Hope that made sense.
On mouse over i want the back ground to be bgcolor='#993333'
On mouse out i want the back ground to be bgcolor='#FFFFFF'
Also on mouse over i want to display information about the row content inside a div tag <div id="content"></div>. This information can be plain text or links. Information is already created.
How can i accomplish this? Can i accomplish background through css?
If a div is positioned block or relative, events fire over the entire area of the div. If the div is positioned absolute they don't--they only fire over the div's text or image child elements, if any. This isn't true in FF or Opera, nor was it true in IE 5. If there is any logic in this behavior.
I want to temporaraly disable events from my page. However, I cant seem to get it to work. It will show my disables message, but then it goes ahead and does the action I was trying to do (like clicking on a link).
Here is the code, any ideas? ----- function disableEvents() { document.onclick = showDisabledMessage; } function enableEvents() { document.onclick = null; } function showDisabledMessage() { alert("Please wait for the current action to complete."); return false; }
This below would be my ideal code.... if it worked.
function mouseDownClass(o){
this.o = o;
this.handleMouseUp = function() { alert(this);
} //treating this section as the constructor (which sets up the mouseup listener as the method of an instantiation, ideally) document.body.addEventListener("mouseup",this.handleMouseUp,false);
alert() is showing 'this' to as: [object HTMLBodyElement] whereas i'm looking for it to show [object Object], (On Firefox at least), referring to the object instantiated when the mouse goes down on the button. I'd appreciate anyone who can help me here?
where they enlarge a thumbnail on mouse over events? I have seen a lot out there, but all seem to want to replace the image with a new larger image of the same kind. What I would prefere for it to do is enlarge or zoom the thumbnail image, so that 2 images are not needed for every image.
I did find somthing which does exactly what I need, but the enlarged image keeps flashing on and off for some reason. This is the code
<script type='text/javascript'> function get(eid) { var d = document;
I would imagine it has somthing to do with the pop image function, but not to sure.
I'm trying to figure out a way to make only one element on a page receive key and mouse events. I have a grid in a <div>-container with "overflow:auto" which makes the grid scrollable. If course I can set event handlers to the "document" to catch key strokes and mouse clicks and execute navigation functions which make the grid scroll (e.g. pressing down arrow) etc. This of course effects the whole page and not just the div.
The problem is: as far as I know only window and form elements can receive events such as focus(), blur(), keypress() etc. and I have to make sure only this one element is affected.
Is there thus a way to make these events affect only the <div> container?
The best way to do this would be with an event listener as this would make development much easier.
I'm working on a sliding drawer script which uses Prototype/Scriptaculous.
The script is simple, when I move my mouse over a certain region, the drawer slides out - when my mouse leaves that drawer, it slides back in. For some reason the event seems to occur while my mouse is over. Code:
I have 2 divs, one on top of the other. The top div merely holds some overlay imagery ( such as a glare ). The lower div has a menu in it, and thus needs mouseovers, etc. However, the top div is preventing the lower div from getting mouseevents.
1. Is there any possibility to find out if mouseover, mouseout or any other mouse event is taking place for the given element right now? 2. Is there any possibility to find out for which element such event is taking place right now?
I have an iframe in my main html and within iframe, I'm loading another HTML webpage. In my main html page, I've captured the mouse click event, by setting the "onclick" for <bodyof main page.
I'm trying to enable/disable a textarea. I am able to do a mouseout disable, but cannot do a mouseover enable. For instance, when I click on the image, a textarea shows up. When I move my mouse to a different location, the textarea disables fine.Then when I try to move my mouse back over the textarea, it DOES NOT enable for me to write in it.I just happen to try out this code in IE and the textareas are not showing up where I click. I assume that I'm capturing the X/Y coordinates incorrectly for an IE browser.
********* CODE *************
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head>[code].........
If you've caught a mouse event (say, onmousemove) and you're currently in the process of handling that event, is it possible for that, or another, mouse event handler to get hit again, at the same time that you're handling the previous event? Or is it guaranteed that no additional events will actually call any of your event handlers until your code returns from handling the prior event? That is, is it strictly sequential processing, or can they occur simultaneously?
I've spent the last few hours trying to make the jump from prototype to jquery. I'm trying to use jQuery's crossbrowser event handling but I can't seem to register the event. I've tried lots of combinations and permutations that I've seen on the web but nothing seems to be working so I must be missing something.
$(document).ready(function() { $(document).mousedown(makeDomPath); }); function makeDomPath(e)
and none of them fired. The goal here is to have a single event handler that catches all the mousedown events in the page.
Here is a small page I made to get familiar with it: [URL] when mouse cursor is located above the middle of the height of the button image, javascript is looping while sending mouseenter and mouseleave events. When the mouse cursor is below the middle of the height of the button image,
DIV 2 is inside DIV 1. DIV 1 has mouse events (i.e. onmouseover, onmousemove). The problem is, when DIV 2 is over DIV 1, the mouse events don't fire. In my specific case, DIV 2 follows the mouse so it's always right below the mouse and always above DIV 1. How can I make the DIV 1 events fire?
I am preparing a log for all the elements that have been selected in a document.
So I have to listen to the onmousedown,onclick events on parent document from a iframe and have to display the selected element's attributes like(tag name, id, name etc).
Is there a way to listen the mouse events (infact all the events) from the iframe.
I have the following function which gets invoked for mousemove and it works fine for all elements except for elements which are disabled, I am getting "Object doesn't support this property or method" error.
function ddMouseMove(ev){ ev = ev || window.event; var target = ev.target || ev.srcElement; if(target.getAttribute('partOf')) { //error on this line for disabled elements ..... } var dragObj = target.getAttribute('DragObj'); ..... } document.onmousemove = ddMouseMove; document.onmousedown = mouseDown; document.onmouseup = mouseUp;
How do I make sure 'ddMouseMove' and other functions above are called only on active elements when mouse event occurs (In other words how to stop mouse events on disabled elements) ? Or is there any alternative solution ?
I have a requirement....I have a timer on a page. If the user leave the page (mouse goes off of that page) the timer starts and continues...and when the user comes into that page(mouse over that page) the timer goes off/STOP....Is this can be done?? using javascript?
I have a div with opacity 0.44 and a picture inside it. When i activate mouse events, this picture (with position absolute ) floats to top. This effect is seen only in Opera. Is there a workaround for this? Example:[URL]...
Is it possible to trigger mouse events with shapes drawn in an HTML5 canvas? I want to create a page with drawn elements that you can mouseover and pop up a dialogue box. I also want the shapes to react with some type of feedback. I'm hoping I can do this with javascript instead of Flash but haven't found a way to do it that's simple enough to make it worth it.
Is it possible to do an 'on click' event that changes a css selector, then an 'off click' that switches it back? I am working on a touch screen app and need to replicate a css hover state.
I have a TD element, with a SPAN element inside. I use td-s onmouseover and onmouseout events for a small animation. My problem is, that, when I move the cursor over the SPAN element, the onmouseout event for TD element is fired. I want to prevent this. With other words, I want onmouseout fired, just when the cursor is moved outside the td area. See the code..
I'm using the Microsoft Virtual Earth Version 1 Commercial Control. I want to make it so you can click on a pinpoint that's plotted on the map and all mouse events are passed to the map so that the user can click anywhere on the map (including the pin points) and drag/zoom the map around.
For those of you who haven't used Virtual Earth: Basically, there are a bunch on absolutely positioned Div elements. I basically want to pass all mouse events from one absolutely positioned div element to the absolutely positioned div element directly beneath it.