Replacement - Pass The Values Into Another Function To Open The Folder / File - Error "object Expected"
Jun 3, 2010
I am now able to list the folders and files in a directory. However, when I try to pass the values into another function to open the folder/file, I encounter an error saying object expected. I'm guessing that its the in the file paths that is causing the error. so my solution is to find the and replace it with a \ before passing it to the function to open the file. but the str.replace("\","\\") does not seem to work.
I have come across an issue that only happens with IE.I have a custom save function that is designed to handle different ajax submits but I will simplify it for debugging. The issue is that once I make a submit everthing is fine at first. Then once I try to submit a second time it craps out. I am checking to see if there is an onsubmit function and then executing it like so before continuing. After the inital submit it is no longer found. When I alert the typeof document on the form it returns object but when I add the onsubmit it says object expected or object is null or undefined.
function secureBarSubmit(formId) { alert(typeof document.getElementById(formId)); // object always alert(typeof document.getElementById(formId).onsubmit); // func first time then it is broken
I'm receiving an "Object Expected" Error (Line:28, Char:7). I'm confused as to what is happening. I have virtually the same exact function in a different web page and I do not receive an error with this other page. Also, if I run this code in Fire Fox, I do not receive any error. Is there something that I'm missing? The error is pointing to "TextChanged();". Code:
Here's my problem - I have AJAX working for a login script in firefox, no flaws I can see, but in IE all I get when clicking the login button is nothing but an error saying ....
I am still new to JavaScript and have a simple JavaScript & PHP journal program that allows the user to enter a title and description to be automatically added to a page that list their journal entries.
Everything works fine except for one part that I am just lost on, at the bottom of the page there is a dropdown menu which lists monthly archives, but when you select any month from the list you get a script error and nothing happens. You are supposed to go to a page that would list al the entries from that month.
Any help would be greatly appreciated as I do not have the knowledge yet to fix this nor can I find the site that originally created this script.
An error 'Object expected' error occurs when loading the page online in IE.There is no error in any browser when it is in local.I need to show a popup when mouse is moved works nice in all browsers offline but when it is made online it is not working properly in IE,when the mouse is moved upward popup shows with an error 'Object expected' and it fails to load that instant.In mozilla and other browsers it works properly.
I have taken part of some code I know works and simply added a print statemet to it as I want it to print to the command prompt, where I am running the script, the value of REMOTEDIR why the addition of the print statement provides an error: ERROR: JScript runtime error: Object expected
Have been hammering away at this problem for a couple of hours and found that the 'type' attribute of the jQuery script files is set to 'application/javascript'. This works in Firefox but not IE. When changed to 'text/javascript' the IE error on $(document).ready event disappears. As yet no apparent side effects have occured. This is the only scenario where I have seen 'application/javascript' ever used so why this instead of 'text/javascript'?
I have a JS HTML editor (not a WYSIWYG) that I downloaded and it works fine, except that any input with quotes causes it to break. I need the quotes for things like HTML and CSS classes etc.If I have quotes inside the onClick, it fails completely with an Object expected error. If the quotes are escaped with a , I get an "unterminated string constant" error, with this showing where a button should be
I am writing a Javascript to sort and write out some stuff. PHP is not an option so I need to get this script working.
The problem arises when I want to make a link to the next page. (i.e. Like the link in google for the next 10 results)
I have <a href=# onclick=FUNCTION(VALUES)> written dynamically by the script.
It is written onto the document correctly, but the problem is, when the link is clicked, some seemingly random values are passed to the function.
I also have an invalid character error that arises when I pass the "whereVARquoted" variable into my function (code 2) which disappears when the variable is removed (code 1).
I wrote a simple javascript function but I cant get it to work upon a button click event because it keeps telling me that "object is expected" ? could you please identify where the error is? Heres my code <html> <head> <title>Test</title> <script type="text/Javascript" language="Javascript"> function output(){ alert("Hello world"); } </script> <head> <body> <input type="button" name="btnSubmit" value="submit" onclick="output();" /> <input type=button onclick="output();"> </body> </html> It keeps indicating me that there is an error when calling the method on button click.
I am trying to use the cookies script at to make a "ReloadIfIE" script when someone clicks on a link. Basically I want to refresh the page if someone is using internet explorer due to a bug in IE. I want the text in a textarea to be saved and re-inserted into the textarea after refresh.I was told to use cookies to accomplish this.I get the error "Object expected" for the line that contains the bolded text below...Of note, I've also tried it by placing the element_id directly into the script.. but that didn't help either.
Code: function createCookie(name,value,days) { if (days) { var date = new Date();[code]............
I get an Object Expected error when trying to toggle showing a hidden div in IE. This is the code in <head>:
<script type="application/javascript"> function toggleLayer( whichLayer ) { var elem, vis; if( document.getElementById ) this is the way the standards work elem = document.getElementById( whichLayer ); else if( document.all ) this is the way old msie versions work elem = document.all[whichLayer]; else if(
IE6 is giving me an "Object Expected" error. IE tells me the line number & I've marked that line in BOLD in the code below. It may not look like much--but that's the point. I've been having this error all night and I've been removing things trying to boil it down to bare bones to figure out what's going on.
My very simple function clickEvent1() (defined in the page head) that expands/shrinks a hidden tag <h6> with text, id="lignep" in the body
Here is a code which throws error for line 104 in the page body with message "Object expected", but I can't figure out what is wrong in this line that calls for function clickEvent1():
I got a pre-formatted spreadsheet. would it be possible using js to copy the data from a table on the current webpage, open the spreadsheet and paste the content ? if so, anyone got any links or pointers?
i've already tried google - but all i get is ActiveX methods which work in a very few cases.
I was wondering if I can pass my php variables through javascript function. Actually i have a simple table of pictures, when clicked in the picture a new popup page comes up, it working fine uptill this stage but now I want to pass a value through it, for instance if user clicks on picture1 then my popup url should be "item_large.php?id=pic1.
My Javascript junction for the popup window: function popup() {"item_large.php","Register","menubar=no,width=500,height=400,toolbar=no"); }
My Html code where I have my pictures: <td height="19" align="center" valign="top" onmouseover="this.bgColor='#CC3300' ;'pointer'" onmouseout="this.bgColor='#FFFFFF'" <A HREF="javascript:popup()">Picture01</A> </td>
In the DOM Scripting book by Jeremy Keith, he provides this function: Code: function styleElementSiblings(tag,theclass) { if (!document.getElementsByTagName) return false; var elems = document.getElementsByTagName(tag); for (var i=0; i<elems.length; i++) { var elem = getNextElement(elems[i].nextSibling); addClass(elem,theclass); } }
And then says to pass the values "h1" and "intro" to this function in this form: styleElementSiblings("h1","intro");
I'm just a little stuck on how to "pass the values". Presumably I've missed something simple. I've tried just pasting that line before the function, but no luck. He also provides a function that allows multiple functions to load at once, called addLoadEvent, so I tried this, also with no luck: addLoadEvent(styleElementSiblings("h1","intro"));
I have the data of every user inside an XML file, such as address, username, email etc. I want to add markers to the map depending on the address and I want every marker to display a info window with data of the user in that location. The problem is that I get an error when I try to pass the other data with the getLocation method of the geocode. The markers are displayed in the map but the data in the info window aren't.
Code: GDownloadUrl("mysql_to_XML.php", function(data) { var xml = GXml.parse(data); var markers=xml.documentElement.getElementsByTagName("marker"); for (var i = 0; i < markers.length; i++) { var username = markers[i].getAttribute("username"); var email = markers[i].getAttribute("email"); var address = markers[i].getAttribute("address");
geocoder.getLocations(address, getCoordinates(email, username)); }}); function getCoordinates(response, email, username) { place = response.Placemark[0]; //Retrieve the latitude and longitude point = new GLatLng(place.Point.coordinates[1],place.Point.coordinates[0]); var marker = createMarker(point, username, address, email); map.addOverlay(marker); }
In our class we were assigned a project to create a Web page with 5 text boxes, each with a value attribute of zero. When the user changes the values, it is supposed to call a caclAvg() function. How do I pass 5 values to the calcAvg() function? It specifically states in our book to create an onChange event handler for each textbox. Wouldn't it be easier to somehow create a variable onChange, then after all 5 textboxes have changed, pass the 5 variables along to the function? I know the following code is a mess, I've tried so many ways now. I'm sure this is an easy, routine procedure for most of you.
I have a function which controls my interface. If people click on alink with the class 'less' i would like a dive to slide up.My code roughly looks like this:
In the following example, I use the function "SetUp(SBox,AObjStr)" to send an object reference to the function "Populate(SBox,SObj)".
Seems to work OK, but it is a 2 step process to assign the JSON objects to the selected drop-down boxes. Fairly easy, but somewhat tedious, to change to fewer or more levels as desired with a common bit of code.
However, what I would like to do is simplify it a bit more ... Is there a way to bypass the "SetUp" function to "Populate" the multi-level drop downs directly? I think what I'm looking for is a way to pass a string in the function that would be recognized as an object (in this case a JSON or other form of array) and be decoded to add options to the drop-down choices, but I don't have a clue as to how that might be accomplished without the extra "SetUp" function!