JQuery :: Template Switcher Function - Permission Denied Error In IE
Jan 17, 2011
I am a jquery newbie and trying to make a template switcher function. Here is what I have so far: [URL]. If I click on "login page" or "member page" first, and then click on "Template 1" or "Template 2", it wont work. IE gave me "permission denied" js error. FF didn't give me error, but nothing happened. Is it because after we click on the login or member page, the DOM elements has changed, so it doesn't work?
var templateframe = $('#templateframe').contents();
$("#templateselect li a").click(function() {
var style = $(this).attr('rel');
templateframe.find('link').eq(0).attr("href", "styles/" + style + "/_css/main.css");
return false;
$("#pagenav li a").click(function() {
var page = $(this).attr('rel');
$('#templateframe').attr("src", "template/" + page + ".html");
return false;
$('#applybtn').click(function(event) {
var title = $('#sitetitle').val();
if(title.length > 0){
templateframe.find('.content h1').html(title);
} event.preventDefault();
function noclick(){
//$('#templateframe').contents().find('.content h1').html('Hey, I've changed content of <body>! Yay!!!');
$('#templateframe').contents().find('a').click(function(event) {
alert("Demo Only");
I am developing a web page . For this i am using Javascript embedded in html. In the application ,the user can input data via interfaces in the page which is chosen and read from a master xml file , the chosen data then needs to be stored and saved in a xml file.I have designed the web page in FrontPage.
Now the problem i face is while trying to save the output xml file i get error Permission Denied , error code 0 . This happens when i try to open the page in browser IE 6.0 SP2.I am using DOM parser methods for doing the xml manipulations/savings etc.urprisingly this works in another machine.Also can i use the all of the same javascript code if i want to run it in an IIS. Do i have to do some changes to make it server side javascript code.
All I'm doing righthere is calling a Perl script on an intranet server and using the xml results to popluate a <select> element. This works on my machine but a co-worker is getting a "Permission Denied" error when this function is executing onReady
function populateGroups(){ var p = 1; var groupNames = new Array(); $.ajax({ type:"GET", .....
I had him run a tracert to that server and we all connected through the same network devices... And this works on a couple of other co-worker's computers. He also does have access to that server so that he can type in the url and get the xml results...
I am getting Permission Denied java script error message while submitting a web page. when i remove the lines of code at which error occurs, even then the error message comes up at some other line of code.which documentation i should refer for this error.I am running the application on Netbeans and using IE6.
I have a Java Script loop which will be polling if any child windows are closed.The code is working fine in all versions of IE in the local system. But when we invoke the application via CITRIX and IE6 then we are getting the PERMISSION DENIED error.and the same is not coming with the CITRIX and IE7.This is the code.
function singleChildWinClosed() { if (closeOtherChildWinRunning==false && logout==false )[code]...........
I am getting Permission Denied java script error message while submitting a web page. when i remove the lines of code at which error occurs, even then the error message comes up at some other line of code. which documentation i should refer for this error.
I am running the application on Netbeans and using IE6.
iframes=document.getElementsByTagName("iframe"); for(var frame=0;frame<iframes.length;frame++) { var iframedoc=iframes[frame].contentDocument || iframes[frame].contentWindow.document;
In this code i m finding iframe and then hiding combo box of that iframe. but while i m loading page i m getting " Permission Denied" error on this line "var iframedoc=iframes[frame].contentDocument || iframes[frame].contentWindow.document;" though there is no any iframe in page.
Since the latest round of hot fixes several of my pages that use frames have started throwing permission denied. They seem to occur when I try to manipulate the content of one frame from another, or from a popup window. Both frames are running on the same server however they use different BASE HREF tags. Any ideas? Workarounds? It only happens with Internet Explorer, Mozilla/Firefox work wonderfully.
I'm trying to use the xmlHttpReq object to contact a URL on my server. But I'm getting a JS "Permission denied" error at the indicated line. What does it mean and how can I get around it?
function signUp(signUpElt) { if (!ValidEmail(signUpElt.value)) { alert("Please enter a valid email address."); return; } // if
var xmlHttpReq = false; var self = this; // Mozilla/Safari if (window.XMLHttpRequest) { self.xmlHttpReq = new XMLHttpRequest(); } // IE else if (window.ActiveXObject) { self.xmlHttpReq = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } var strURL = "http://mydomain.myhost.com/add_email_response.php?EmailP=" + escape(signUpElt.value); self.xmlHttpReq.open('GET', strURL, true); // throws "Permission denied" JS error.
I have a modal popup that is housing an iframe of a page on a different subdomain. There is script in the iframe page that needs to access a property on the parent page (on a different subdomain).I thought the permissions issue would be apparent when the domains are different, NOT the subdomains. The two sites are [url]... and [url].....
It works perfect in ie, but in firefox I get permission denied to get property onscroll.why? and whats the solution? on top of my page i have done this though var url = document.URL;
I'm trying to access window opener properties for some ad code. Sometimes the launching page is in a different domain, and i need my script to recognize this fact and move on to something else without producing the "permission denied" error for all users to see. i've already got if(opener){etc.} in there but that still returns as true, even though we theoretically can't access properties of the opener which is in another domain.
Can anybody think of any solutions that don't involve ugly active X objects? I guess what i'm basically looking for is some way of saying "if permission is denied on this object, don't try to access it's properties and set to a default value instead".
This error occurs ONLY in Netscape 7.0. Not in 7.1. So, I think it's a bug. Buuuut...
Has anyone had this problem or know of a fix?
When attempting to have an onunload function set with "window.onload=", the error comes up "permission denied to set property window.onunload"
I can't find a thing on this one. Setting it with the normal "<body onunload" works fine. But isn't a great thing for me to do, since the onload is part of a very large menu script.
Here's a test page to illustrate the problem. Netscape 7.0 has a problem with this. 7.1 does not. IE is fine, too. Code:
When I use javascript to open a new browser on a page like "yahoo" or "hotmail" etc, and then later try to move that window I get the error..
Error: uncaught exception: Permission denied to get property Window.moveTo
But if I open a browser with the URL set to one of my own pages then it works fine. So I have come to the conclusion it must be some sort of security thing websites use.
I have an iframe that is used to access the server so the entire page doesn't reload. The frame works great the first time but after the frame has preformed the query and reloaded, if the script tries to access the frame, I get a "permission denied" error.
I have WordPress installed in a directory of my website, and I'm using an iframe on the homepage to embed the blog. I'm using a javascript code that I found online to automatically resize the iframe based on the content inside of it. This is the code:
<script type="text/javascript"> function resizeIframe() {[code]...
This works perfectly in Google Chrome. However, in Firefox I get this error in the console:
I don't have any experience with javascript, but this makes no sense to me, because it should work since the iframe document is on the same domain and server as the parent page. The parent is[url]...." and the iframe document is [url].....Why is Firefox complaining about this? It shouldn't violate the "same origin policy" that I have read about.
The scenario is of two different web servers. The parent frame (html page orginates from server 1) has script like function x1() { ..... alert('parent invoked'); .... }
Inside child frame (html orginates from server 2) the html refers to parent script like { ..... parent.x1(); .... }
It throws Microsoft Jscript runtime error: permission denied. I am using IE based on WinCE 4.2 version platform.
Recently switched to use core 1.4.2, and found that sometimes on XP IE7.0, I will get permission denied error when using ajax call, and the debug traced it to the following function: xhr: window.XMLHttpRequest && (window.location.protocol !== "file:" || !window.ActiveXObject) ? function() { return new window.XMLHttpRequest(); } : function() { try { return new window.ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } catch(e) {} },
If I revert this function back to its previous in 1.3.2: xhr:function(){ return window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : new XMLHttpRequest(); }, The permission denial error will go away. I know there must be reasons for the change from 1.3.2 to 1.4.2 for the core function. Just let you know that there is a specific issue on IE 7.0 for this case. (It is not happening for all the ajax calls on all my pages, it just happen for certain pages, and the strange thing is it only happens at the first time I reach the page, if I refresh the page, the error will go away. However, by overwrite that function with its old version from 1.3.2, it resolved my problem).
I'm trying to pass information to a popup window without using the URL query string. I'm accessing the variables directly from the parent window, like:
Code: window.opener.myVar
...and after the first load, I'm saving them into a cookie in case the parent URL changes and the info is no longer available. Problem is, in Firefox, I'm getting a Permission Denied error if the parent window has moved on to another URL, and JavaScript stops before then trying to get the information from the cookie.
Is there a way to detect if the page has permission to access the variable without killing scripting? I've tried things like...
if (window.opener.myVar) { } // ...and... if (typeof window.opener.myVar == 'object') { } ...but just attempting to access the variable kills JavaScript in Firefox.
I suppose I could check if the cookie exists (it's written when the page loads the first time), and if so, not even try to access the opener variable, but I thought I'd check for a more elegant approach.
I got this working in FireFox if I changed headers to Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * With IE7 I'm getting "Access is denied" error. And with IE7 I can't use XDomainRequest.Is there some workaround besides creating proxy? Like using another request method(PUT?)?