I am currently working on a function that will allow the user to search for an event by date and category. I've been using the w3schools exercise as an example but i wish to pass 2 pieces of data instead of one and am not sure how to do so. I'm sure similar posts have been raised before and i apologise if this type of question has already been answered but i could't find it in the forum index.
<FORM name="myForm">
<INPUT type="text" readonly name="MyDate2" value="Click for Calender" onClick="toggleCalendar('MyDate2')"size="15">
Select a Classification:
<select name="Classification2">
Even just point me in the direction of a good article or tutorial, i've been banging my head against it for 2 days so i'm very willing to take a few hours to go through a tutorial
I have a portion of code that uses ajax to call another page and dump that data into the innerHTML of a div of the parent page. However, I need to pass a variable to the function that is ran, and I don't know how to do it.
The events that happen are in this order:
1) Parent page is loaded 2) user clicks "edit" which loads the function ShowHideExtraData 3) in ShowHideExtraData, an ajax statement is used to pull data from another page and dump the results into an innerHTML div tag of the parent
So far everythign works great 4) After the data is dumped into the innerHTML, I run a function that validates the data to see if it is correct, if it is, then it turns the box green, if it isn't, then it turns it red (along with others, but that's the jist).
The problem is I need to pass a variable of PrimaryKey, but I can't. So, here is the relevant code:
in that function, the PageLoad() function is called. I need to send the PrimaryKey from the function ShowHideExtraData to the function stateChangedEditUpLevelData(), but I do not know how. Or, any other ways to grab the PrimaryKey.
I'm having a problem passing a variable through a URL because the variable is supposed to hold a URL that has a variable of its own. Here is an idea of what I'm trying to do:
I'm trying to pass data to my mySQL database, but I'm doing that 2 jQuery scripts:User comes on my page where there is a list with some values, e.g 530, 532, 534 etc etc ..User clicks on one of them, this link is using the jQuery to get another php file which get's the data from my DB and list it below the first list, here's the code for this:
So the second list is another step that can't be avoided to get the final result. In other words, i'ts another list where the user has to chose one of the items from the list to see the final result, I've added this code inf the 'e.php' file:
The problem is that my 'f.php' only gets 1 variable value, but I'll need 2 or more (maybe in the futur), how to pass multiple variables to a php file using jQuery?
I'm new here, and new to js. Here is my problem: I have written out a code to make an image switch from state 0 to 1 and back to 0 again (an eye blink). The code works fine, but I would like to write the functions with arguments so it could be applied to more images. I have tried for a few hours (and searched forums) and am getting no where. Here's my code.
Code: function home_blinkDown() { //alert('blink down'); var t = setTimeout("home_blinkSwap('home_js', 'images/main/home_blink.png')", 2000);
First off I didn't know whether to post this here or in the PHP section since it deals with both, but mostly JS. I have a PHP scraper that scrapes the job title, company name and location from a website and stores them in separate arrays. These values are then extracted out one at a time from the array and stored into a string, that is then passed to a Google Maps API.
I can make this successfully happen once, the thing is I need to do it multiple times. I have an idea on what I should do but don't really know how to implement it (correctly). The idea I had was to create a function in the JavaScript section that accepts three values from PHP. This function would be called in my PHP for loop that extracts the values from the array into a string. The thing that confuses me is that the Map function is called via <body onLoad="initialize()">. Here's the link to my code (http://pastebin.com/rTfzJM16)
I am trying to populate two select boxes with over hundred option elements for each. I have succeded in doing so but with a little problem. I make two xmlhttp calls one after another. What happens is that if the first call doesn't make it before the second, the data in the first select box fails to load and the second box succesfully loads data. I am new to the Ajax world but i am sure i am not doing it right.
I'm just starting to try out "Ajax" web programming and I've got a question.
AJAX is fairly straightforward. Javascript creates an XMLHttp object and then uses that to generate a hidden webpage with your results.
What I'd like to know is, how can I retrieve multiple values from an XMLHttp request?For example, if my request generated an SQL query that returned a Name, Address and PhoneNumber, could I get those values directly instead of parsing them out of the ResponseText?
This is my current handler:
function showResult(pge) { var url="getResult.asp?sid=" + Math.random() + "&q=" + pge xmlHttp=GetXmlHttpObject(stateChanged) xmlHttp.open("GET", url , true) xmlHttp.send(null) }
function stateChanged() { if (xmlHttp.readyState==4 || xmlHttp.readyState=="complete") { //Complete, so show results. document.getElementById("myResult").innerHTML=xmlHttp.responseText; //How to get mulitple values here? } }
For some reason, I am using document.referrer in a PHP script that is called as a JavaScript script. The problem is that I need to pass the value of document.referrer to a PHP variable (in the same file) in order to add it to the database. How can I do that?
This probably seems pretty trivial to you experts but I just don't know why it doesn't work and would like a nudge in the right direction please.I have a sllide and fade that works great - no problems. I am firing it with a function call from the HTML like so;<a href='#' onClick='sfade('#s1'); return false;>as you see I am passing the div to be faded(and slid) as a variable. Works great. The receiving function is:
var str=''; function sfade(str){ $(str).slideFadeToggle(1000);
I'm creating dynamic buttons and forms for a website and would like the form hidden when it's corresponding button is clicked. However, when I pass button and form name variables to my JavaScript that hides the form, the variables are not being recognised unless I explicitly set them. (e.g 1 and 2 as seen below).
In a nutshell the onlick event doesn't seem to like PHP variables !
Don't know if this should be under JS or PHP... I have 2 different pages. On the first one, a table shows a list of items. Each has a button that when clicked opens another window with specific size attributes, hence the onClick event. The 2 PHP variables are computed and different for each item (each line).
Now of course, on the popup window, the URL will show .../player_buy.php?send_role=XXX&send_price=XXX
But the goal is to avoid that. So my question is: Is there a way to open such a popup window, pass these variables to it but in a way that it would not show in the URL?
I have a javascript function that receives the form name, field name and value and I want to be able to spit that data back to the originating form after doing some processing on the data.
The values are making it to the function perfectly, but when I try to return those values to the form, it tells me it's not a function. I know there's some syntax problem, but I'm just not sure where!
function doThis(one,two,three){ var myFormName = one; var myFormField = two; var myFormValue = three; var goHere = myFormName + '.' + myFormField;
I want to pass 2 variables from a html page and collecting in another html page using javascript. Say I pass xyz and abc to a page 2.html from 1.html without using cookies. In 1.html page i have many links. each link should be able to pass different variable to 2.html. When some one clicks on a link the variables should be passed to 2.html. I want to know how to collect them and use them.
I have one page witih PHP where users will be answering a form for file upload. However, I need to give them the option to either upload a file or select one that is already uploaded.
In order for them to select a file that is already uploaded, they will use a pop up window to browse to the file and and select the a file with a radio button or submit button to select the file.
What i need to happen is when they press "select" they window needs to close and that file's url or relative path needs to fill in the "select uploaded file" with the path or url.
I"ll be using PHP in both form and popup for the file, but I cant do that with php without refreshing the page. Can javascript do this and how would I go about this.
A while back I was working on learning C++. However after finding out that making API's was too difficult I switched over to HTML and Javascript for a while to get it to do what I want without having to fry my brain on weird code statements.
Well now I've reached the barrier of being able to save data. For a while I've just had it to the point where the code I need is saved in a textarea and I copy and paste it in notepad. Then upon reentering I pull it out of Notepad and paste into the testarea.
Well enough with the bla bla bla. Is there a way I can use the <form method="post"> stuff to pass a variable to a C++ compiled program?
All I need to know is: 1) can I use <form method="post" action="SomeProg.exe"> and 2) what would the name of the posted variable be to use in my C++ code? As you can tell I running client-side so PHP and other server-side languages that WinXP don't support without special installation wont work.
How to pass (well more like bridge) session information to the client side from server side.
Right now, what I'm basically doing is echoing the userID and the username into a method in JavaScript tag at the bottom of every page.
The reason why I am doing this is simply for AJAX-related interactivity.
This is an example of what the code looks like:
A) It requires JavaScript code to be pasted within the HTML document (its non-external).
B) It requires the code to be echoed in EVERY PAGE.
C) A PHP Script or Class must maintain the responsibility of printing the session values.
D) The variable data cannot be accessed from any imported javascript files prior to where it was printed.
Now, I'm wondering about using Cookies. This would benefit me since I don't have to inject any ugly javascript code into the HTML output. I can also remove the PHP script that echoes the values and the changes will be purely handled in PHP (cookies can be updated!).
The only issue that's stopping me is simply security. Since cookies can be edited very easily on the client side, then the data can be changed. But then again so can the JavaScript (using a tool like Grease Monkey).
Once again, I am aware to never ever to trust the client side data without any validation; therefore using some sort of hash checksum, the cookie data can be compared to its PHP equivalents.
I've been workling seperately with PHP/ MySQL and am now trying to get things together with jQuery which I have so far only used with non-dynamic content. Here is the setting I am trying to achieve:
I have one php file that generates two different contents depending on the setting of a status-variable $ncs. If $nsc=0 the main page is loaded, showing an overview of all available news-articles. If $ncs=1 the content of a specific article is shown fully. The jQuery connected to each case differs. So i would like to pass the varible $ncs over to my jQuery script:
Code JavaScript:
I have checked that $ncs is not NULL on the rendered page. However after being passed to the jQuery script the variable is undefined. I have never connected PHP and jQuery so it is probably a general twist in my idea of how it works. I tried passing different variables and all are undefined in jQuery. What do I have to attend to when passing PHP-variables to jQuery?
I am attempting to display info put into an array from an onClick() event in a different page - I have created different functions which populate an array with different info dependant on which link the visitor clicks ie HTML Code:
The function seems to work fine, however when the next page loads and I attempt to access the array elements they are now undefined - both pages are linked to the same JS document.
Basically, I have a window with an empty text field in. When I click on a link, another window appears on top of the first. (A pop up window.)
The popup window also has a text field in it. If I type "Test" in the popup window's text field and click "Submit", is there a way I can send that value to the empty text field in the first window?
We have a content management system that requires us to fill in 20 fields for metadata about a page. We store the metadata in a separate database for our records.
I'd like to be able to open a window with the data from our database, click a link, and have it fill in the form in the content management system (hosted by a different organization, so window.opener is out of the equation).
I tried this
<a href="#" onClick="window.open('http://www.google.com', 'Google'); window.Google.f.q.text.value='my name'">Enter my name in Google!</a>
In this example, I'd click a link that would open up Google, then pass the value "my name" to Google's search bar. Unfortunately for me, it didn't work.
Am I asking too much? I'd hate to have to rekey or copy/paste 20 fields worth of metadata each time I create a page.