Validate Two Radio Buttons ?
Sep 14, 2010How to validate two radio buttons in javascript. i have two radio buttons if one radio button is checked then value will be stored in database same for second radio button.
View 3 RepliesHow to validate two radio buttons in javascript. i have two radio buttons if one radio button is checked then value will be stored in database same for second radio button.
View 3 RepliesI am having an issue with a simple problem but can't figure it out. I have multiple radio button questions and I want to verify they have each one checked on submitting the form.
Below is my code and it works for the first question but not the second. The radios are named 1 and 2
$('#section1').click(function() {
if (!$("input[@name='1']:checked").val()) {
alert('Please Answer Question 1.');
I cant seem to get this submitForm Validator to work. It needs to see if one of the two radio buttons are selected. I just cant seem to get it to work, anyone know whats wrong?
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;
charset=iso-8859-1" />
Here is a suggestion for the documentation. It can be added to General_Guidelines. This is important because, for me at least, I had to figure it out on my own how to deal with radio buttons. A suggestion in the documentation would have saved me a chunk of time. [URL] Error Placement for Radio Buttons (and perhaps checkboxes). If the default placement of the error message doesn't work for your radio buttons, here is a suggestion.
First, here is my customized message, in jQuery("#frm").validate. Notice the <br> tag.
messages: {
x_gender: " Select One<br/>",
Also in the validate function.
// the errorPlacement has to take the table layout into account
// "error" is the error message, as a jQuery object. The element is the first of the group of radio inputs.
errorPlacement: function(error, element) {
if (":radio") ) {
error.prependTo( element.parent() );
} else { // This is the default behavior of the script
error.insertAfter( element );
I propose this as the default method for radio buttons. And perhaps checkboxes. This way, in my form html at least, the error message appears on a line just above the first radio button. Otherwise, it appeared immediately to the right of the button, between the button and the label.
I'm new to javascript as well as to this forum, Im coming here for first class
I have a html form that uses javascript for validation, this is an assignment that consists of a form that sells hard drives from three different manufacturers, more specifically the part im stuck on is where if a manufacturer hoes have a number in the number of drives textbox, javascript needs to check to see that one of the radio buttons in that row is checked, if no radio button is checked
an alert is displayed, however when I do select a radio button I still get the alert I used a "if...else if...else" construction but my logic is not well structured and thereby I get those problems, I have included the code down below if anyone is interested in helping a newbie out code...
I have 2 radio buttons:
I'm trying to create a questionnaire style series of radio buttons which are hidden and then a different set of radio buttons displayed depending on the previous answer. eg
Q1 Is it a man? (if select yes then display)
Q2 Is he called John? (if no then display)
Q3 Is he called Gary? and so on...
I've been testing using the code below but wondered if anyone had any ideas on how this could be done easily?
I'm trying to get a radio button validation for different sets of radio buttons that simply contains Yes & No buttons.
Here's what I'm trying to do:
Question 1: if Yes, then (Alert 1) if No, then (Alert 2) (if Yes, then Question 2 appears) *Up to here I'm happy- can't figure out the rest*
Question 2: if Yes, then (Alert 1) if No, then (Alert 2) (if Yes, then Question 3 appears)
I need the Alerts to be swapped from this point*
Question 3: if Yes, then (Alert 2) if No, then (Alert 1) (if NO, then Question 4 appears)
Identical for Question 5, and for Last Question 6 Alerts swapped back again.)
Here's the script that I managed to piece together:
Im trying to configuere a form that a.a radio buttons that allow the user to choose between quarters, nickels, dimes and pennies and show image when click on my radio to get the image to display whenthey click on the radio button?
View 3 Replies View Relatedhow I can make each radio button call a different page. For example If i click on radio button 1 and click submit it will take me to [url].... and if I click radio button 2 and click submit .
View 7 Replies View RelatedI have a set of radio buttons each with an onclick event that has a numeric value. When the button is clicked an input box called "Total" is updated with the new value. The problem I'm having is that if a radio button is checked and one clicks on it again then the onclick event is triggered.
Is there any way to prevent the onclick event from triggering if the radio button is already checked?
I have 3 radio buttons with the same name ("myradio"). The value of each is a different URL (eg. value="http:[url]...)I have a link underneath these (<a href="#">Send</a>). I would like the selected radio button's value to be inserted into the href of the link, and if the user selects a different radio button that this changes.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI have a form with 4 radio buttons, the scenario is, when a user click on a radio button a hidden content will be displayed and the other three radio buttons will be disabled so that at one time a user can only click and view single radio button and the hidden content.Here is my code to show hide the hidden content but i need when the user select one radio button the other radio buttons should disable.
<html xmlns="">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />[code]......
what i need to do to add all the radio botton and check box. i already finish the add formula on the checkbox but i do not know how to add the two selected radio buttons to my checkbox buttons.for example:
O selected is 80
O 60
O 60
O selected is 15
O 15
O 25[code].....
I want my radio buttons to become submit buttons as well. So when a user clicks on a radio button it submits the action and refreshes the page accordingly. As of now using only using onclick="this.form.submit()" the page only refreshes with no change. Here is a copy of the entire form. It is a custom shipping options form (I did not create it).
<!-- Custom shipping form -->
<form action="" method="post" name="update_shipping">
<table width="300">
<input <?php if (!(strcmp($_SESSION['shippingmethod'],"1"))) {echo "checked="checked"";} ?>
I am trying to use the jquery radio buttons and everything looks well until I press the submit button.What is passed on in my POST variable for the radio buttons is the string "on" and not at all the name of the button. All of the buttons just returns "on".[URL]
View 3 Replies View RelatedI've seen several messages in this group with this question and no reply.
Simply stated, how do you send the status of a group of radio buttons to
a JavaScript function? I have a large project that needs this. Since I
cannot figure it out, I wrote a small page to experiment with it. Here
it is....
i have a list of 10 radio buttons all with the same ID=R100 i need a javascript to select (checked) say the 4th radio button AFTER the form is created.
View 3 Replies View RelatedI am trying to set a radio button by a textbox value and also have the radio button be able to set the textbox. So the user can either select a radio button or enter in the text. Is there a simple way to make this happen? Here is what I have so far, which sets the radio button value in the text box. setting the textbox value to the radio button.
var number="";
function getRadios(what){
i'm running a validation script to check if my radio buttons are selected, but i can't seem to get it to read the value of the field.
heres my form
<form name="cases" action="cases_process.php" method="post" onsubmit="return validate(this)">
<input name="uscan" id="uscan" value="n" checked="checked" type="hidden" />
<input type="radio" name="uscan" id="uscan" value="us" class="radial" tabindex="1" /><label>United States</label>
everything works up until the if(uscan == "n") so idk why it cant find what the value of the field is, because ive tested it and it seems to know even know what the value is.
I have 2 groups of radio buttons..I can manage to make one set be disabled via a selection.. but i can only get this right with the VALUE...Is it possible to use the radio id to do the same?Just use the link below for they jquery
<script src=""></script>
Is it possible to add events using addEventListener to multiple radio buttons with same id ?
<input id="radId" type="radio" value="0" name="radioname">No
<input id="radId" type="radio" value="1" name="radioname">Yes
I tried to attach event using document.getelementByID BUT it always picks the first radio button.
I'm trying to implement a sort of login system with a small difference; instead of the traditional "enter username and password" code, I was wondering if it was possible to click on a radio button option for the username followed by a password?
It was either this or something a lot simpler where you don't need to type in as a username at all, just a password.
I added a photo to show a small mockup of what I want to achieve.
I have created a site that uses the ajax coding to go to the php page retrieve session data from a stored text file and return an array to the javascript. I then parse through the data in the array and fill in the text fields of the form using something like document.getElementById(fieldNameID).value; which of course works great for textboxs and dropdowns but now I have a set of radio buttons and they are also saved in the text file and when it is being returned they are not checking the right one. I am not sure what I am missing here is the code that populates the text fields Code:
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am trying to get the value from a series of radio buttons, and my method worked for the first set of 3, but when I repeated the procedure for the 2nd set of 3 radio buttons it didn't work because of the ".length"
Working Code:
for (var x=0; x<Form.A111_answer.length; x++)
if (Form.A111_answer[x].checked)
I have in my page the following form:
<form action="this.php" method="get" name="newsform">
<input type="radio" name="number" value="latest" checked="true" /> 5 latest news entries<br />
<input type="radio" name="number" value="all" /> All news entries<br />
<input type="radio" name="number" value="custom" /> Custom number:
<input type="text" name="custom" size="2" maxlength="2" class="white" onchange="newsformchange()" />
<p><input type="submit" value="Submit" /></p>
and the javascript:
function newsformchange () {
if ( document.newsform.custom.length < 1 )
if ( document.newsform.custom.length > 0 )
but this code won't work!