JQuery :: When Using Radio Buttons $_POST['radio']; Returns "on"?
Jun 3, 2011
I am trying to use the jquery radio buttons and everything looks well until I press the submit button.What is passed on in my POST variable for the radio buttons is the string "on" and not at all the name of the button. All of the buttons just returns "on".[URL]
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Jul 13, 2010
I'm trying to create a questionnaire style series of radio buttons which are hidden and then a different set of radio buttons displayed depending on the previous answer. eg
Q1 Is it a man? (if select yes then display)
Q2 Is he called John? (if no then display)
Q3 Is he called Gary? and so on...
I've been testing using the code below but wondered if anyone had any ideas on how this could be done easily?
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Nov 28, 2009
I'm trying to get a radio button validation for different sets of radio buttons that simply contains Yes & No buttons.
Here's what I'm trying to do:
Question 1: if Yes, then (Alert 1) if No, then (Alert 2) (if Yes, then Question 2 appears) *Up to here I'm happy- can't figure out the rest*
Question 2: if Yes, then (Alert 1) if No, then (Alert 2) (if Yes, then Question 3 appears)
I need the Alerts to be swapped from this point*
Question 3: if Yes, then (Alert 2) if No, then (Alert 1) (if NO, then Question 4 appears)
Identical for Question 5, and for Last Question 6 Alerts swapped back again.)
Here's the script that I managed to piece together:
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Jan 20, 2011
I have 3 radio buttons with the same name ("myradio"). The value of each is a different URL (eg. value="http:[url]...)I have a link underneath these (<a href="#">Send</a>). I would like the selected radio button's value to be inserted into the href of the link, and if the user selects a different radio button that this changes.
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Feb 28, 2010
Im trying to configuere a form that a.a radio buttons that allow the user to choose between quarters, nickels, dimes and pennies and show image when click on my radio button.how to get the image to display whenthey click on the radio button?
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Jul 15, 2011
how I can make each radio button call a different page. For example If i click on radio button 1 and click submit it will take me to [url].... and if I click radio button 2 and click submit .
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Mar 23, 2009
I have a set of radio buttons each with an onclick event that has a numeric value. When the button is clicked an input box called "Total" is updated with the new value. The problem I'm having is that if a radio button is checked and one clicks on it again then the onclick event is triggered.
Is there any way to prevent the onclick event from triggering if the radio button is already checked?
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Oct 21, 2011
I have a form with 4 radio buttons, the scenario is, when a user click on a radio button a hidden content will be displayed and the other three radio buttons will be disabled so that at one time a user can only click and view single radio button and the hidden content.Here is my code to show hide the hidden content but i need when the user select one radio button the other radio buttons should disable.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />[code]......
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Jun 26, 2009
I have a 2 radio buttons in a jQuery Dialog :
<td><input id="ArriveTriggerIgnition" name="ArriveTrigger"
type="radio" value="ignition"/></td><td>Ignition off at Location</td>
Is there something in the jQuery Dialog that is blocking this or is my syntax simply wrong?
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Jan 20, 2011
I have 3 radio buttons with the same name ("myradio"). The value of each is a different URL (e.g. value="[URL]"). I have a link underneath these (<a href="#">Send</a>). I would like the selected radio button's value to be inserted into the href of the link, and if the user selects a different radio button that this changes. Is there any way of doing this using Jquery?
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Sep 25, 2010
I have a form with 40 radio button lists. Each radio button list contains 2 radio buttons = "OK" and "NA". The radio button lists are given ID's like "page1RB1", "page1RB2" etc. The radio button lists are assigned a class "rbOK". I am trying to reset all of the radio buttons to "OK" using the following code:
function clearChecklist(){
var theText = "#" + $(this).attr('id');
var theDL = theText.replace('RB', 'DL');
$(theText.replace('RB', 'CP')).css({'color':'maroon'});
$(theDL).attr('disabled', 'disabled');
$('input[name=' + theText + ']:eq(0)').attr('checked', 'checked');
As an aside, I also have a drop down list and label associated with each radio button list using a similar naming/ID convention where RB is replaced with DL for the drop down list or CP for the label. That is, page1RB1 is associated with page1DL1 drop down and page1CP1 label. In this code, what I am trying to do is step through all radio button lists; read the radio button name/ID; use it to set the color and value of the drop down list and label and set Radio Button checked to OK. It is the last part that is not working. the above code handles the drop down list and label perfectly. But for the life of me, I can not get the radio buttons to reset to OK. When I click on the NA, they stay checked.
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Jun 2, 2009
I have a list of items in a table. For each item, I have a set of radio buttons, with values of 'yes' and 'no', and a name/id unique to the item. There can be any number of items at any given time (usually 20-30)
I would like to have a link at the top that will select all of the 'yes' values and one that will select all of the 'no' values.
I have been able to select using name and value, but I need to be able to select soley by value, as the names will all be different (it should be apparent that I have very little experience with Javascript and less with Jquery).
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Mar 24, 2010
l need to apply a hover css on a radio button. Currently the background color only draws a box around the radio button but does not the actual radio color. l dont mind if there is no css even javascript will do
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Apr 11, 2010
what i need to do to add all the radio botton and check box. i already finish the add formula on the checkbox but i do not know how to add the two selected radio buttons to my checkbox buttons.for example:
O selected is 80
O 60
O 60
O selected is 15
O 15
O 25[code].....
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Jul 23, 2010
This appears to be an issue with webkit and not jQuery specifically, but I've noticed this:
NewDomRadio = '<input type="radio" checked="checked"id="testme" name=" testme" />';
will not work in Safari (I'm using 5.0 w/ Snow Leopard).
Chrome appears to have somewhat fixed this, although destroying and recreating the element a few times re-introduces the bug. The source will read "checked=checked" correctly, but the DOM inspector reports checked: false.
There seem to be two workarounds:
1] Removing the name attribute (!!!)
2] Placing the checked attribute at the end.
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Jun 10, 2010
I develop a component that inserts radio buttons into an div, after this it use the jquery ui buttonset widget on this elements.
This works like this example:
This works like expected.
But when I submit the parent form or when I register an change event with $('#thediv > input').change(function() {alert('test');}); it does not send the values of this radio buttons.
With firefox it works fine only matters IE7 .
You can see this live in Struts2 jQuery Plugin Showcase goto "Ajax Forms > Buttonset / Radio Buttons"
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May 20, 2010
I have a form with x questions (the questions come from a database, so the number of questions is variable). Each question needs to be answered with a number form 1 to 10, I do this using radio buttons. The name if those radio buttons is "name" followed by the id of the question in the database. Because the name is variable and the number of questions is variable, how can I check if all the questions are answered i.e. one radio button must be checked for every group of radio buttons.
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Feb 22, 2010
I'm dynamically generating radio buttons, but in Internet Explorer (tested in versions 7 & 6), you cannot change the radio buttons after they've been added. In Firefox (testing in 3.6) it's fine. I've mocked up some code below which shows the issue. It generated up to 10 radio buttons (by random number) and checks that radio button programmatically. However you cannot manually select an already generated radio button.
<form action="list.htm">
<div id="list"></div>
<button id="btnChoose">Add radio button</button>
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Dec 29, 2011
I'm a just wondering about something that might be quite simple but I'm not sure how to achieve it.
That's the code for my form. Two radio boxes one called car and one called bus. I'm not so much bothered about the contents of what is selected, just that if car or bus (or both) is selected.
I have two buttons:
If I choose a car such as Ford, I want the car one to be changed to
I also want the submit button to be 'greyed out' until both of them have been submitted which looks like this.
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Jun 21, 2010
I have a form that will dynamically place a number of radio button groups on the page. I don't want the user to be able to submit the form until a value has been chosen for ALL fields. I have hidden the submit button with the though of showing it again once ALL fields have been checked. My code so far...
$(document).ready(function () {
//Hide the submit button
//Change background of question to show clearly which questions have been answered
This doesn't work as expected. It shows the submit button when any of the radio buttons are clicked.
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Aug 18, 2009
I need to .clone() sections in a dynamic form, but get problems withthe radio buttons in IE.To work as a group, the radio buttons need to have the same name (persection). This is accomplished by changing the name attribute aftercloning a hidden section in a <div>. Easy with jQuery! - and it workswith FF, Opera, Chrome, Safari...IE however, does not allow changing of name attribute dynamically, andtreats all radio buttons across the sections as part of the samegroup!!Does anyone know of a workaround, preferably using jQUery, andavoiding browser sniffing and low-level DOM programming?
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Jun 15, 2009
I have a very long form full of items that the user rates from 1 to 3. There may be 100 items that the user needs to rate. For each item to rate they are given three radio buttons for 1, 2 or 3 for them to choose from. Now initially all the radio buttons are unchecked, but each item to rate is required. So this process can take quite a bit of time having to check each radio button. I need a way at the top of the form to have three master radio buttons for 1, 2 and 3 to where if they click 1 it will select/deselect all of the radio buttons for the rating 1 and the same for 2 and 3. I would like to work off of the CSS class selecter for this so I will be giving the radio buttons classes of "radio1", "radio2" and "radio3". What's the best way to go about this?
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Jul 27, 2009
This is probably simple, but I am new to jQuery and am trying to wrapmy head around things.Basically what I am trying to do is a very basic quiz. I have 3 groupsof radio buttons (3 questions with 4 possible answers for eachquestion, so.. multiple choice).Each answer has a number value assigned to it, i.e. value="2". Thiswould be 2 points.After pressing a button I need to be able to select all the radiobuttons have that been checked, and then add all their point values upand give the user a score.
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Mar 31, 2011
I have an input radio buttons like this
<input type="radio" name="radio1" class="abc" checked>No
<input type="radio" name="radio1" class="abc">Yes
So i want to make it checked once i am done with procesing, currently it is just removing the attribute and keeping both empty
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Oct 5, 2010
I have a php-based form with radio-buttons with following labels - I've been trying to get the text-value of these labels, but I keep getting empty variables - it seems it doesn't pick up the value at all.
Here's some of the code:
<li><span class="radioinput"><input class="crirHiddenJS" id="this_pulje_
<?php echo $pulje['pv_ID']; ?>" type="radio" name="
<?php echo $pulje['p_subname']; ?>" value="
<?php echo $pulje['pv_ID']; ?>"></span><label for="this_pulje_
<?php echo $pulje['pv_ID']; ?>"><strong>
<?php echo $gametype; ?>, M: </strong>
<?php echo $pulje['pv_module']." <strong>S: </strong>".$pulje['pv_system']."
<strong>GM: </strong>".$pulje['pv_GM']; ?></label></li>
Which outputs something like this:
<li><span class="radioinput">
<input type="radio" value="47" name="pulje_2" id="this_pulje_47" class="crirHidden">
</span><label for="this_pulje_47" class="radio_unchecked">
<strong>R, M: </strong>Bergen 2192 <strong>S: </strong>Blue Planet v2
<strong>GM: </strong>Thor André Karstensen</label></li>
And then I have the following jQuerycode, which doesn't return anything:
var radioContent = $("#"+prevTarget+" :radio:checked").next('label').text();
As for the "prevTarget" it's being populated, because if I change the above to this:
var radioContent = $("#"+prevTarget+" :radio:checked").val();
It returns the value just fine. But for some reason it doesn't return the text from the label - and I don't really understand why. Test-page found here: [URL]
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Dec 17, 2010
I'm trying to develop a form piece that has multiple radio buttons. Selecting a radio button will display a set of options relating to that radio button. Clicking on the label (which will be an image in this case) should do the same. I have the radio button part working and am having trouble with the labels. Clicking on a label selects the correct radio button... but the content for that button is not displayed. I know I can probably work around this in the same way I am addressing the radio button change events, but I don't want to introduce more code than I need. With that being said, I also know there has to be a more efficient way to tackle the radio button change events since they all do the same thing and only the value is changing.
Here's a stripped-down version of what I am working with. I'm looking for someone to help me make this work correctly and, equally as important, address the inefficiencies in my coding approach.
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