Updating A Text Field And Drop Down At Same Time?

Jul 17, 2009

I have a DB query that returns CustomerID, CustomerName, CustomerContact, CustomerSalesID. This Query populates a dropdown.

I need to have the Customer Contact applied to a text field and the customer Sales ID used to select the SalesRep from a different drop down when you select a customer.

Not too hard I'd think. I don't think I need to go as fancy as AJAX since I've already called the query when the page loads, that data is already there.

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Real-time Form-field Updating

Nov 23, 2005

I have a form that is using HTML and PHP to make calculations for an
order form. One of the fields is asking for a total number of
workstations. I would like this field to be a real-time total of five
other fields in this form.

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Updating Text Box When Drop Down Selection Is Made

Jan 20, 2011

Basically I'm making an order form that updates the Total Text Box at the bottom of the page depending upon which selection is made from the drop down box in the form,

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Updating Text Not In A Form Field?

Jan 25, 2011

I am very green in Javascript but I am working on it, I was wondering if this is even possible:

I have a bit of information as just text on a page, what I would like to do is to have the text change according to which form button they select. The trick is that the text information is not in a form, its just in a table.


Here would be blah blah blah

()<-bad impression of a button

once I select that button, the information above it would change to something different.

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Updating A Text Field Back In To The Database?

Feb 28, 2011

What I have right now:Endless loop of Rows/records.Each one has a checkbox and a submit button.� I tried to make the checkbox pick up updating `long_desc`� The submit button currently just marks the job completed in the DB. (0=Incompleted 1=Completed)Submit button works with updating the row, right now... but instead of the submit button doing that, I want to have 2 checkboxes. One that knows to update the text field, and one that knows to update the status of the job, submit button to initialize it.I have some Javascript in already to separate the forms I have, and assign ID's to each Submit button on the page, but I really am stuck right now.

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Updating Related Text Field Using OnChange Event

Jul 23, 2005

I have a requirement in which, I need to capture a loan amount and the amount of down payment for that loan. According to the requirement, the user is going to enter enter the loan amount and then will enter the down payment in either percentage of the loan amount or an actual amount. I have designed a form to capture this information with three text fields, one each for loan amount, down payment in % and down payment in $.

So the user has the option of entering downpayment in $ or in %. If the user enter the down payment in $ then my code has to calculate the equivalent % value and populate the corresponding text field and vice versa. My question here is, what would be the best way to handle this

Shall i just use the OnChange event of the text field to handle this scenario? If I do that wont I be running into a loop?

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Text Field To Drop List

May 10, 2007

I'm looking for have a text field when a user clicks in the text field a drop list of values appears for the user selects from and populates the text box they clicked. Is there anywhere I can find this or something similar?

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Drop Down & Text Input For The Same Field

Oct 3, 2005

My database saves the cars make and model to the row in the database. On the "Add a Job" page, you have to enter the make and model of the car in by hand. I'm looking for a way to have these in a dropdown list, but if the make/model isn't in the list to be able to add it manually.

I can get the makes and models form the database and get them to fill a dropdown list, but then there isn't any provision for entering a make/model manually without going into PHPMyAdmin.

i figured this would probably be best done in JavaScript, but can't find any info on scriptsearch, hotscripts, etc

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Populate Text Field From Drop Down List

May 1, 2009

how to create a somewhat simple form. The form will have text fields for 'Name', 'Phone', etc. What I want is to have a drop down list, which has different insurances to choose from (i.e. Medical Insurance, Dental Insurance, Senior products), and say when I choose 'Senior Products', new text fields pop up within the form to add their 'Address' and click a checkbox that states they authorize to be contacted. These new fields aren't visible unless they choose 'Senior Products' from the drop down list.

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Dynamically Populate Text Field From Drop Down Box

Jun 20, 2011

The below script is working fine on IE but notin Mozilla

<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload=function() {
if (document.getElementById) {
document.getElementById("country").onchange=function() { switchme(this); }

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Dynamic Drop Down List Based On Text Field Value

Nov 25, 2009

I have a form that has a pretty complicated combo box - a user starts typing text, it queries a database for matches, and displays the results to the user. The user can then select the match they desire and it has a value id, which I am currently sending to a hidden field in the form. So, for example: user starts typing in a movie name, Seven - it returns Seven and user selects it. The form submits the id of the movie seven (say 12) to a hidden field.

Where I am stumped: Once a user selects a movie title, I have another drop down select box that is to display the available formats of the movie by querying my database based on the product id (12) and returning the available formats in the list:


I am pretty good at programming, but I cannot figure this out - how to make the select box fire and return results once the value for the textbox has been captured.

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Drop Down Menu Selection Writes To Text Field

May 13, 2003

I was wondering if anyone can point me to an example where:

You select an option from a drop down list Based on what you select, if writes information to 1 or more text fields.

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Pass Variable From Drop Down Option Field To Text Fields

Jul 23, 2005

Here is the working script if anyone is interested.

I was missing the else if.

<script language="JavaScript">

function Trip_Time(Traffic_Results) {
if (document.Traffic_Results.CIP_Diff.value == "point1") {
document.Traffic_Results.display_time.value = "2:20";
document.Traffic_Results.display_time2.value = "4:30";}

else if (document.Traffic_Results.CIP_Diff.value == "point2") {
document.Traffic_Results.display_time.value = "8:20";
document.Traffic_Results.display_time2.value = "11:30";}

else if (document.Traffic_Results.CIP_Diff.value == "point3") {
document.Traffic_Results.display_time.value = "1:20";
document.Traffic_Results.display_time2.value = "6:30";}

else {
document.Traffic_Results.display_time.value = "0:00";

document.Traffic_Results.display_time2.value = "0:00";


// -->

<BODY BGCOLOR="white">

<form name="Traffic_Results">

<select name="CIP_Diff" onChange="Trip_Time()">
<option value="" selected>Choose from this list</option>
<option value="point1">Point 1</option>
<option value="point2">Point 2</option>
<option value="point2">Point 3</option>
</select>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; <font size="-1">Starting Location</font>

Time at Location <input type=text name="reported_time" size=5 value=""><br>
ETA 1 <input type=text name="display_time" size=5 value="0:00"><br>
ETA 2 <input type=text name="display_time2" size=5 value="0:00">

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Show/Hide Text And Form Field Based On Drop Down Selection

Jul 20, 2005

I'm trying to show/hide a simple piece of text and a text field on a
form based on what choice is made from a drop down box.

<select name="dropdown" size="1">
<option selected value="">Please make a selection</option>
<option value="1">Choice 1</option>
<option value="2">Choice 2</option>
<option value="3">Choice 3</option>
<option value="4">Other</option>

i.e. if Choice 2 is selected I'd like to display a new <tr> with the

<td>New text field:</td>
<td><input name="newField" type="text size="20"></td>

if any other choices are made, I don't want to display anything.
I've tried several onchange() functions but can't achieve what I'm
looking for.

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Add Values Of Drop Down Menu Options And Output A Total To A Text Field

Apr 29, 2009

I have two drop down menus. I want two values to be added based on what they picked and then outputted to a text field to show a grand total in a dollar amount.

This is what I have:



Note I haven't did any type of code for the 2nd drop down menu just in case anybody says I don't see anything. I was working on trying to get started in the right direction.

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Updating The Drop-Down List On One Window From Another

Jul 23, 2005

I'm trying to alter the contents of a drop-down (select) list on the
parent window from a child window in IE 6. After opening the child
window, I set its opener to reference the parent like this:

childwin = window.open(...)
if (childwin == null)
childwin.opener = self;

Then, to update the parent select list from the child window, I do

opener.document.myForm.NameOfSelect.options.length = 0;
opener.document.myForm.NameOfSelect.options[0] = new Option("", "");
for (var ixy = 1; ixy <= newDataArray.length; ixy++)
opener.document.myForm.NameOfSelect.options[ixy] = new
Option(someNewDisplayText, newValue);

This looks correct and works up to a point. I can empty the parent
select by setting the its options.length to zero. But, when I try to
add new options, IE gives me a "server threw an exception" message.
Is all this even possible in IE?

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Updating A <div> When Selecting From Drop Down List

Aug 23, 2004

I want to implement a page which has a dropdown list of images in the directory such that when a user clicks on a new value from the drop down list, an image displayed in a <div> changes in sympathy with the user's selection ...

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Double-Drop Down Menu - Only Allows One Drop To Be Expanded At A Time

May 1, 2011

I currently have a Drop-Down menu, which has headers you click on to show the links. This menu only allows one drop to be expanded at a time, and can be viewed here [url].

I would like the headers to be able to have 'sub-headers' inside, which also drop-down,to reveal the links. I want them to have a different header colour, and to have the same rule where only one can be open at a time. while keeping the rule with the main headers.

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Debug Updating Hidden Field?

Feb 13, 2011

what i want this to do is take the x_cityid and add it to teh hidden field with the id of citiesid (I will do an ajax call before this but my simple javascript is not working)what am i doing wrong?

function addtocitylist() {
var x_cityid = document.getElementById('x_cityid');
var x_areaid = document.getElementById('x_areaid');


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OnClick Adds Text Field To Page (Limit 3 - Each Text Field Displays Different Text)

Nov 22, 2010

I have a text field (field1) already displayed on the HTML page. However, there's a link where you can add additional text fields to the page as well. When the link is clicked, the second text field is added successfully (field2), and when the link is clicked again, the third text field (field3) is added successfully. However, the third field does not add itself to the page, and the text for anything greater than a third field also isn't displayed after. This obviously means that my "fields" variable is not working right

<script language="javascript">
fields = 1;
function addMore() {
if (fields = 1) {
document.getElementById('addedMore').innerHTML = "<input type='text' name='field2' size='25' /> <span>Field 2.</span>";

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Each Time The Visitor Access The Page Read The Cookie And Display The Corresponding Image / Incrementing / Updating

Jul 12, 2011

My requirement: Each time a visitor arrives at a specific webpage i want the main image on the page to be different, or more specifically, one of 6 images which will be shown in rotation. Solution: Set a cookie. Each time the visitor access the page read the cookie and display the corresponding image. Then increment the value and rewrite the cookie, so that next time they'll see the next image in sequence. NB: if the cookie does not exist (first timer) or is at 6, then the value is set to zero (and then incremented).

Problem: Can't get my coding to work. Specifically it just doesn't do anything - no error message, no cookie written. I'm a very novice scripter, as in I've cobbled the coding together from bits off the net that i think i've managed to grasp some kind of an understanding of. Very suck it and see - so far lots of sucking and no seeing!


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Updating A Form Field Using Popup Window

Mar 18, 2003

I am created a site where personal messages will be sent to other members. To do this I want to allow users to either type in the users seperating their name by ; (ie Joe Bloggs; Michael Jackson; Fred Flintstone). or alternativly have a popup box where all the names on the database are displayed in a list with a check box next to the names. I will be using PHP to interact with the database and know about this

My problem is getting details from the popup box and displaying them in the text field on the main browsers form? So if in the popup box the user checked Michael Jackson's name how would I get Michael Jackson to dispaly in the main browers field (input name ="to")?

Does anyone know how to do this?

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If Statement Updating Field With True/false?

Jan 5, 2011

I have on submit code that is checking to see if a field has any data. If not, some date fields are updated with generic data. The if statement does what I want it to do with the date fields, but it is overwritting what I have in the field that I am checking with either true or false. I don't understand why this would happen as I am not changing the value of this field with the code, just checking to see if there is a null/blank value.

if ((document.forms.Master.TrainAssocCourse2.value=null||document.forms.Master.TrainAssocCourse2.value=="")){


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Only Validating One Field At A Time In A Multi Field Form?

Aug 17, 2010

my javascript code is only validating one field at a time (as in it validates on field then submits the form, instead of going through the entire thing and then returning it as true and submitting it...) I'm not sure what to do to be honest, I've looked up google to no real avail.. my variables are declared in a seperate file to the actual even handlers and I have heaps of comments through out it, so please don't judge lol i'm still learning Quote:

//Event Registrations (Variable Declarations) found in validation_chkr.js
//Validate Entire Form using validate_join()
function validate_join()


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Automating Text To Change Daily At Specific Time To Website Viewers Time?

Sep 17, 2011

I do pretty much all the computer related tasks, which includes computer system repair, audio/video editing, cd/dvd printing and duplication, document format and creation, etc etc. But when it comes to HTML (or other codes) I know very little. But we needed a website, so I use Homestead hosting and the Homestead (offline) Site Builder program.

Anyway, inside the sight builder program, they have the option to insert HTML Snippets. Which I use for various objects, off site tools, and other. But now I need to do something for which I have not been able to find a "premade" html code object, that can perform the task desired. I have searched and searched google and went through many sites, including this one. I have tried to take some codes which I thought I could alter to make it perform, but they just wouldn't work for what I needed them to do.

I need a code that will automate a "specific text message" to change daily, and to schedule a "different specific text message" to appear each day. I need to be able to schedule each days "texts" at the very least 31 days in advance. In other words, I need to make an array (I think that's what it is called) for the entire month:

Day 1 "today's text 1"
Day 2 "today's text 2"
Day 3 "today's text 3"


If were possible to make an "array" that would go six months out (or more) that would be very helpful! But the longest that I have seen is one month at a time, so that may be as long as they go, but I'm not sure.On top of all of this, I need these changes to be performed at a specific time of the day. I would like them to be preformed at sunset everyday, but I don't think there is anyway to direct the code to look at like [URL] sunset times or such. So if I can at least choose a specific hour, like 8:00 pm, that will work, I will just have to adjust this every once in a while.

However, I don't want it to change just at 8:00pm in my timezone. I need it to change at 8:00pm according to the website viewers timezone. Is there a way to make the code "look" at the users computer and "get their time" and use that to adjust what text is displayed? In other words, I live in Indiana USA. If someone in Australia looked up the webpage on the 15th day of the month, but it was 9:00pm Their Time. The text I need to be displayed should be for "Day 16" from the array.

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JQuery :: Updating Textarea With Text From Div?

Nov 19, 2010

I'm having a problem. What I'm basically trying to accomplish is a quote function on a forum. When I click the quote button, I want the text for that specific forum post to end up in the textarea field.

<textarea cols='1' rows='1' title='Reply to this post' id='entryField' name='entryField' style="width: 100%;" class='expand20-200'>

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