
Nov 23, 2005

I have an external JS menu of links which get underlined on mouse over
as specified through CSS. But since I break the bulleted list of
link-lines myself, there is an extra space underlined at the beginning
of the new line that is created after the break that reaches from under
the bullet position to the first letter of the continuing text. Is
there any way to get rid of this empty underline at the beginning of
the line.

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Make Some Text In Textbox To Have Red Underline?

Jul 1, 2009

It's very similar to spell checking in the textbox but I need to validate based on specific numbers.Let say the user can only enter from 1 through 100000. So, when they enter 100001 then I wanted to be highlighted in some way. It could be red text, under line, or change background. For now, I can validate if they entered invalid number...however I can't change the invalid number in the textbox.

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JQuery :: Underline Links Of Dynamic HTML Introduced In The DOM?

Sep 30, 2009

I have a button in my web site "underline links" that changes all thelinks and affects its text decoration to 'underline'. From this pointall the links of the website should be underline. The problem is thatI can only make it work for the current DOM. If I introduce new linksinto the DOM I need to select them specifically to change its textdecoration. Is there something similar to the "live" function injquery? For instance for every links introduced in the DOM I want tocheck if the website is in underline mode. Case its true, the text

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Remove Underline And Blue Color From Text In Html?

Jun 23, 2009

I have hyperlinked texts and i want to remove the underline and blue color also.I removed underline but not the blue color i want the font to be in black?Here is the code:

<A STYLE="text-decoration:none href=http://www.google.com>This is an example for automatic term mapping</A>

How can i get the font color of the sentence in black color?

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Textarea Editor Attempt - Bold - Italic And Underline Buttons That Change The Appearance

Jun 30, 2009

I have a textarea that has a Bold, Italic and Underline buttons that change the appearance of what is in the textarea.

If I highlight a word in the textarea and hit the Bold, Italic and Underline buttons it changes the appearance of the word.

Everything works great and now I want to add a color button and Link button. The color button should change the word color and the link button should make the word into a link. Both buttons dont do anything.

How to make them work?


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In-Text Script Creation - Scan My Forum Page And Underline Words On That Page That Are Articles On The Wiki

Jun 23, 2011

I have a forum with over 5000 topics (lots of content in each topic) and I have a wiki-website with over 4000 articles. Both share the same database and are similar in context.

Now, I was wondering if there is a JavaScript out there that can could scan my forum page and underline words on that page that are articles on the wiki. For instance, if I have an article in the wiki entitled "Heart", where ever "Heart" appears in the forum, it is underlined and linked to that exact article on the wiki.

This conceptual idea is very similar to In-Text advertisements, such as Kontera, but I can't seem to find the scripting they use.

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Code To Just Underline Linked Text To A Certain Color (red) But Doesn't Change The Text Color?

Mar 26, 2009

Is there code to just underline linked text to a certain color (red) but doesn't change the text color (it was white & when hovered over, it still stays white with a red underline)?

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