Switching Between More Than 2 Divs?
Apr 21, 2009
I have a basic website which has a menu at the side. When the user clicks on a link in the menu I want a different div to display.
I thought I'd cracked this using
function showHideItems(myItem){
document.getElementById(myItem).style.display = "block";
switch (myItem){
case "first":
The code still switches between the first 2 divs, hiding whichever one is not in use, but the third div is just placed next to whichever other one is shown. It does not hide the other divs and is not hidden by them either.
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Jan 22, 2009
I am using javascript to switch between a series of divs, on clicking a navigation tab the divs display property is set to 'block' and all other divs have their display property set to 'none'. That works fine, the problem I have is when I redirect to another page (e.g. a PHP script) on return to the index the divs have reset and only the default div is shown, rather than the div that was showing when the user left the page. The solution, as I see it, is two stages: Write a function to display the relevant div based on the variable passed to it, then work out how to pass this variable around various pages (post/get). I am very inexperienced with javascript and it drives me mad that the script literally does nothing rather than throwing up an error (as in PHP) but this is what I have so far in terms of a function:
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Oct 14, 2010
I have been trying to do some tooltips for a website and desperately wanted to learn something new and do that with jQuery.However, every time a mouse hovers over a tooltip, all hidden divs are shown, not just the one that supposed to. Here's my html:
Code HTML4Strict:
<div class="tip">
<a href="#"></a>[code].....
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Aug 19, 2009
I'm looking for some javascript to work with wordpress (jQuery preferrably) that will show/hide multiple divs on one click.
I had one working but it was kinda janky because it was causing me to have two divs with the same ID on one page. No good.
Since I updated to wp2.8.3 prior to launch, it's not working. So I've decided to just try and do it right.
Here's a page: [URL]
So, what I want to happen: On page load, the first tab: "general" and it's corresponding div beneath should be showing. And the first image should be showing. The other content divs and images should be hidden. I've given the text content divs a dashed border to show their borders. When a visitor clicks "dine at home" the general div and image hide, the second content div shows, as does the second image (it's currently the identical image, but the client may change later.) Etc.
I'll be using this function on a few other pages as well.
how to adjust this javascript to work on two different IDs at once?
current code:
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(function () {
var tabContainers = $('div.imgswap > div');
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Apr 11, 2007
I've got several divs with the same id/name, and text inside (font-
family:georgia,serif), and would like the users to be able to change
the font, in case they don't like the default one. I have come up with
this code, however it updates the divs' style only once, to 'arial',
whereas I would like them to be switched to 'times new roman',
'verdana', back to 'georgia', and so on. All with consecutive click on
a single link: Code:
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May 10, 2011
I have a page at this link [URL]. The problem now if you click on the Driver Employment tab and press Add button at the bottom the content will change to Driver Details. But the tab Driver Employment is still highlighted not the Driver Details. Below is the php part of the codes which setup the tab. Each of the swapping happens via the javascript which is also listed below. The weird part is that when the function function showTab call from php it works perfectly fine and swtich the right tab. The problem when it is called from function Validate form it does not switch the tabs.
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Dec 20, 2007
I need to make a site, which will have 3 tabs. I need to be able to switch those tabs using ajax, but I have no clue how to do it. Can anyone help me? I attached an image showing what it would look like.
In each tab, there will be text links.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have 2 web cameras that are displayed in my html page by two different
applets. I did not write the appletts, I just put them into the web page.
Question 1: Is there a way to have this image on the page change from one
camera to the other every 15 seconds?
Question 2: Is there a way to have the cameras only appear during a certain
time of the day and have a jpg appear the rest of the time - i.e. daylight
Camera #1
(I altered the actual link to the cameras.)
<applet name="cvcs" codebase="http://x.x.x.x:80/" code="xplug.class"
width=320 height=240</td>
<param name="RemotePort" value="80">
<param name="Timeout" value=5000>
<param name="RotateAngle" value=0>
<Param name="PreviewFrameRate" value=2>
<param name="DeviceserialNo" value="aGFyYm9yOm1hcmsxMjM=">
Camera #2
<applet name="cvcs" codebase="http://x.x.x.x:81/" code="xplug.class"
width=320 height=240</td>
<param name="RemotePort" value="81">
<param name="Timeout" value=5000>
<param name="RotateAngle" value=0>
<Param name="PreviewFrameRate" value=2>
<param name="DeviceserialNo" value="aGFyYm9yMjptYXJrMTIz=">
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Feb 18, 2011
I would like to change the class of a div when a user clicks a button. The idea is for the footer div to be greyed out until the user clicks an answer.The button...
<div class="eReportingAnswer">Yes</div>
The div I want to change....
<div class="eReportingFooterContainer">
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Dec 11, 2009
I have a navigation pane with 4 links. Two of these links show collapsable submenus. When one clicks a link, I want the CSS class of that link to change. For the two "real" links, I've just changed the class on the page itself. For the two collapsible menus, I'm trying to employ javascript.Ultimately for these two links, I want the class to change when clicked, and change back when clicked again.Here's the code for the page:
<div id="navigation">
<li><h3><a href="javascript:;" onclick="changeclass(this);" onmousedown="toggleSlide('slidemenu');" class="colmain">COLLAPSIBLE MENU[code]....
1. Seeing as I've been working with javascript for a grand total of six days so far, could you explain the best way to make my code work? What's the significance of colstatus=obj?
2. The javascript works if I leave out the else statement. It will change the class after being clicked, but, of course, doesn't change it back. However, if I click the other collapsible menu, it will change as expected, but the first will revert back to the original class. Why is this happening?
3. Seeing as the code is adopted, I have no idea what /*<![CDATA[*/ and /*]]>*/ mean. Would you explain?
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Jan 28, 2010
i have this code below. When it is loaded it shows a link with the text "Estado 1". When you click it, it should be replaced by another link with the text "Estado 2". When you click on "Estado 2" the link "Estado 1" should appear again and so on...
HTML Code:
<script type="text/javascript">
function cambio(){
var capa = document.getElementById("estado1");
My problem: after clicking "Estado 1" the sentence "Estado 2" is showed, but not as a link but as plain text..
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Nov 10, 2004
Does anyone know of a javascript or some coding that allows you to switch style sheets based on the borowser being used.
I tried this script and it does not work.
<SCRIPT LANGUAGE="Javascript">
<!-- var bIsIE = navigator.appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" var bIsIE4 = bIsIE && navigator.appVersion.indexOf("4.0") > -1
if (bIsIE4)
{ sCSS = '<LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="nfi2.css">' }
if (bIsNS)
{ sCSS = '<LINK REL="stylesheet" TYPE="text/css" HREF="nfi2mo.css">' } }
document.write(sCSS) file://-->
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Jan 27, 2009
I'm just about to start developing a hotel website and in a moment of misplaced enthusiasm I suggested to the client I'd offer a "by day" and "by night" style switching option for users. I'd anticipated using a jQuery plugin for this as I use jQuery for all other Javascript functionality, however, I've now realised I'll have to also load a different flash slideshow when the styles are switched. Does anyone know if there is an existing plugin which would handle this, or would i have to write this myself (god forbid! although hopefully there wouldn't be too much to it)?
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Jul 23, 2005
Is there a <a href="javasc... approach to switch between two images
inside a div tag so it doesn't slightly flicker when clicked on, and
transitions between images smoothly in Netscape? I can get something to
work in IE, but in Netscape there is a slight but obvious flicker. Is
there some other way to do this or some solution to making this work?
Try my Google referenced images below in IE and Netscape/Firefox and
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Jun 14, 2009
I am creating an admin section for a site I'm building. One of the options is to change the sort order of a list of items. I have all the backend (PHP) code running properly, but having a little issue with the jQuery. When the user clicks the Move Up link, how can I switch the table row containing the link they clicked on, and the one above it (row 3 becomes 2, and row 2 becomes 3)?
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Dec 1, 2011
i have an animated gif (a circle being filled) as a slidebullet for the active slide. It works just fine when u dont touch the controlls, but if i click another bullet it does not restart the gif animation when switching to the gif on that bullet, so it looks really cheap.. Is there a jQuery (or another) way of restarting the animation from the beginning when manually switching bullet/slide?
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Feb 21, 2011
ust started learning jQuery I'm trying to switch content of two DOM elements (I hope i've got the terminology correct there) but i'm struggling I can clone 'test_container_2''s content to ' test_container_1' but I would really like to switch the content '1' to '2' and '2' to '1' in one movement if possible, or if I can somehaow capture the content in a variable and then apply the variable to the other content of the container that would be fantastic.[code]
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Jul 23, 2009
I have five div tags(jquery tabs) in my aspx page...Inside the second div(tab) i have a button. onclick of that buttton the second div(tab) should be switched..instead of that the first tab is coming.. How can i switch the tab in code behind(Inside button onclick event)...
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Nov 4, 2011
I use jquery to realize Tabs. As well, everything works fine.But here is my Problem If i try to open Tab_1 with an link on Content_4 nothing happens... Here is my Code:
$(document).ready(function() {
$(".tabs a").click(function() {
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May 24, 2010
I hope I'm posting in the right place. I looking to create an image banner rotater with tabs switching the images. On first click of a tab, I'm looking for the function to switch to that tab's associated image. After the image is active, the next time you click on that same tab, it would kick you to some URL within the site. It would function like on the Yahoo! homepage: the tab box with NEWS | WORLD | LOCAL | FINANCE
Does anyone know of an existing jQuery function to do this?
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Mar 27, 2011
I want to create the form button similar to this: [url]
I use an OnClick to switch the image but the if else statement just doent let me switch back to the original image, i not sure where i have gone wrong...
Below are the html and js thumnails:
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May 18, 2011
I am trying to write a script to switch style sheets when a user clicks a button. I got my script to work. I created buttons with in the script, put them in a div, and used appendChild to add the div to the page. This all works and the style sheets switch, however I want to add a cookie, so when the user returns to the page it displays with the style sheet they were using last. I can't figure out how to grab which style sheet the user selected, to add it to the cookie. I have included the code for the switching.
function addEvent(object, evName, fnName, cap)
if (object.attachEvent)
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Jul 13, 2011
I'm trying to allow the user to change the stylesheet of my website. I can change the stylesheet on a page by page basis (eg. from red style to blue style) but once the user navigates to a different page the stylesheet resets back to the original setting.
For example, when the user visits the site first its set to the red style, they can change it to blue but when they navigate to another page the style goes back to red again where as I want the style to stick across pages. Does anybody know how I can sort this out?
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Jan 21, 2009
Im trying to change the background on the "demo" div.
This works perfectly in Firefox and Chrome but sadly not in IE.
function getImage(){
var r = Math.floor(Math.random()*5);
var arrRotator = [];
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Jul 25, 2009
I've been trying to create font tester for a small type foundry using sIFR. I've managed to get the basic input field working which then displays the users entered type using sIFR, but I've now hit a block trying to add a dropdown menu so the users can select a font they wish to test.
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Sep 3, 2010
I have a page that consists of 3 frames.In the left frame there are 2 stacked iframes. I would like to change which iframe is on top from the center frame.I've spent the entire morning trying to find an answer on the internet.
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