Style Display:none And Printing

Jan 4, 2006

A (rather long) page that contains a lot of divs.
Some are visible (display:inline) at a certain time, other not.

The javascript is responsible for divs to be visible or not.

If the browser is displaying some divs, and the user gives a printcommand
for the page, can I be sure only the visible parts are printed?

On my machine this is working fine (W2000/IE6), but I hope it will work on
all setups that support display:inline and display:none (= every modern
browser I think).

Could this give problems for different printers/printdrivers?
Or can I trust that if the browser can handle divs right, it will send the
correct commands to the printer?

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DOM Style.display In IE?

Jul 15, 2005

I have the following function in my attempt to build a 'treeview' It should (and does in Firefox) display an indented <p> tag (css indents it). The problem however, it doesnt work in IE. When this function is fired IE builds a VERY small <p> tag without any content in it... I think the problem might by caused by style.display but I don't know how to solve it.

function r_treeview(test, path) {
// get DIV element
elm = document.getElementById(path);
pid = 'sub'+path;

// add paragraph (p) to contains var test
if (!document.getElementById(pid)) {
var pTag = document.createElement('p');
pTag.setAttribute('id', pid);
pTag.className = 'subp' = 'block'
pTag.innerHTML = test;

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Altering Style:display Option

Feb 16, 2006

<script type="text/JavaScript">
var whichOpt='select'
function showOption(which)
//First hide the currently displaying menu.
document.getElementById(whichOpt).style.display = "none";

//Determine what the new selection is.
whichOpt = document.getElementById(which).options[document.getElementById(which).selectedIndex].value;

//Show the newly selection menu.
document.getElementById(whichOpt).style.display = "inline";

<select class="g4" NAME="bonustype" id="bonustype" style="width:180"
<option VALUE="select">Select an option</option>
<option VALUE="signon">Sign-on bonus</option>
<option VALUE="refer">Refer a friend bonus</option>

<table width=190px align=center><tr><td><div id="select" align=justify class=red>After selecting a bonus type, the criteria relating to that bonus will appear here.</div></td></tr></table>

<div id="signon" style="display:none;">SHOW SIGN ON CRITERIA</div>

<div id="refer" style="display:none;">SHOW SIGN ON CRITERIA</div>

However, at present I cannot get the 'signon' or 'refer' div's to appear. When the php page is loaded, 'After selecting a bonus type, the criteria relating to that bonus will appear here' will appear on the screen. When I select a different option for the 'bonustype' combo box, the writing will dissapear but nothing will show up instead. When selecting 'Select an option' again, the writing that appeared at the start does not show up.

therefore I take it that the javascript is not working correctly (i.e. not changing the style display option contained with in the div's). But why does the 'After selecting a bonus type, the criteria relating to that bonus will appear here' disappear when a different option is selected, but not appear again?

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Check The Current Element Set Style.display?

Feb 18, 2010

I am using AJAX + JSON to construct a HTML code, which physicaly does not appear on my page, but after is created and put in a variable I display it with innerHTML. Then with another on e function, I tell some of the <tr> to get style.display = 'none', which is working properly! Then I want to check which of them are currently invisible an d for that purpose I use:

for (p = 0; p < rows.length; p++) {
if(document.getElementById(rows[p].id).style.display == 'none') {

where rows is a define array with getElementsbyTag with all the <tr> - s. Then what happens is really strange - I am getting alerted ALL the <tr> ids, including the currently visible, and, then they dissappear, (as if I have told them to make them style.display = none, which I haven't)!! I have tried also with currentStyle instead of style, but the effect is the same.

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Feb 4, 2011

for some stupid reason this is nog working:

<script type="text/javascript">


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CSS Inline - Modify Display To Block In Style Attribute

Jun 8, 2010

I have following HTML code:
<div style="display:none">.....</div>
<div style="display:none">.....</div>
How can I modify display to block in style attribute with Javascript?

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Radio Buttons Change Html Display Style (IE)

Jun 17, 2010

In an html form, I want a certain field to be invisible when "no" is checked and visible when "yes" is checked.

This is my code:


<form action="pageName.html" method="post" name="formName">
<input name="radioBool" type="radio" value="1" onchange="dispField('textInput');" />yes


This seems to work perfectly across all browsers except for IE (latest version).

In IE the only problem is that the radio buttons have to lose focus before the span will change to visible. I would like the "specify" field to display immediately after the radio button changes to yes, rather than waiting for the buttons to lose focus.

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Document.getElementById('div_name').style.display Should Work?

Dec 10, 2010

The Javascript

document.getElementById('all_days_div').style.display = 'none';
The HTML section containing the div the Javascript should be hiding
<div id="all_days_div" style="display:block;">
<p align="right" >
Show All Days

When the JavaScript code is called, instead of hiding the div, I get the following error:"Cannot read property style of null" Do you see anything wrong with what I've written, or is my problem elsewhere?

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Recursive Menu Mouseover - Turn The Style Display On Or Off

Nov 9, 2011

This recursive menu is built with ColdFusion and then Javascript is used to turn the style display on or off. The problem I'm running into is this. The menu currently has 4 levels. MicrosoftMicrosoft TechnicalDynamicSystem CenterWindows ServerHyper V The menu is collapsed and as you mouse over an item that has child elements it expands. The problem happening now is the menu loads expanded only for the 'Microsoft' element. (note this is the only menu tree that has 4 levels).

So it looks like this when loaded initially. MicrosoftMicrosoft TechnicalDynamicSystem CenterWindows Server When you mouseover 'Microsoft' it then expands the 'Hyper V' menu item underneathe Windows Server. Mousing over 'Microsoft' should open 'Microsoft Technical', etc... I imagine the code doesn't support that many levels because if 'Hyper V' is moved out and put under 'Microsoft Technical' as a child the menu works fine.


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Form Not Displaying Data Because Of Style="display:none;"

Sep 3, 2011

Someone on this site made a form for me that hides and displays fields, depending on which variable is chosen from a given array. They did a very good job with it with one exception. It seems the code that is used to hide certain fields also hides the form data rather than posting it when the form is submitted.

Here is the code for both the java (listed first) and the form itself.

// Funtion
// Description: show or hide element in the form according to selected element
function show_hide(){
if (!document.getElementById) return false;


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JQuery :: Obtain ORIGINAL Style Setting - And NOT Computed Style?

May 5, 2010

My understanding had been that $.css("width") would return the original user selected style, eg "100%" or "10em", and $.width() returned the computed width, always in "px". Not so, following the code through for .css(), it calls something called getComputedStyle and the only difference between the two functions turns out to be a post-fix of "px" on the .css() result - not very useful. I need to know whether my user has called me with a proportional dimension, or a fixed one. How to tell with jQuery?

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Hiding Code Between <style Type=text/css">...</style>

Apr 24, 2009

I have built a website and I wish to hide my code between "style type="text/css">....</style>

Is there a way to hide the code between it?

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JQuery :: Using To Style List-style-type?

Oct 12, 2011

This is probably quite a simple problem but I can't figure out the answer. I'm working on a site that has news stories and events coming in. What I would like is to have the news stories to be styled with squares and events with discs for instance. I might be able to change the actual plug-in so the CSS affects this change, but I just wondered how I could change the list-style-type with jQuery.


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Getting Element Style Outside The Style Attribute?

Oct 22, 2009

if I have an html page that uses the <style> or a <link> to call a style sheet these properties aren't available to JavaScript is there a good way to access them? eg

<title>expandable text area</title>
<style type="text/css">


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Printing Other Frames

Jul 23, 2005

I have a frameset with two frames, and want to have a button in one
frame call print() in the other one:

This is the layout:

<frameset rows="*,40" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">
<frame src="..." name="pritableText">
<frame src="..." name="printButton" scrolling="NO" noresize>

And, in printButton, I got this code:

<a href="#" onClick="parent.printableText.focus();
parent.printableText.print();">Print the page</a>

However, nothing happens in Netscape (7.01) and Firefox (0.8), and in IE (6)
I get an "error in the script". However, I do not identify the error.

Does anyone have a clue onto what's happening?

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Printing Envelopes From The Web

Jun 7, 2007

We have clients asking that we provide an easy way to print envelops
from within our web applications. These envelopes need to be pretty
advanced, and need to include a bar code and maybe even a logo. My
boss wants a solution where we simply "push" the Word or ODF file to
the client's computer and it automatically prints on their printer.
I actually think that is what our clients are hoping for as well.
I've told him I am pretty darn sure that can't be done, because both
Word and Open Office files may contain viruses.

My suggestion has been to generate a Word or ODF file that the user
can download, open and then print. Alternatively, we could probably
generate a PDF to accomplish the same thing. These solutions might
involve extra steps, but I know they are possible.

I want to make sure there isn't some other alternative we haven't
considered, so I thought I would email this group and see if anyone
has some suggestions as to how they would approach this problem.

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Printing Frames

Jul 20, 2005

I have a script for printing the contents of a frame.
It works fine but I would like it not only to print the designated frame
but to add a header or message at the top or bottom.

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Printing A Contents Of A DIV With Its CSS?

Sep 18, 2009

I have been pulling out my hair trying to do this.I am printing out the contents of a DIV tag but it does not print the css with it. Just the basic text
For example:

.testDiv {
border: 1px solid #0F0;
margin-right: 300px;


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Why Is It Printing '[Object]'?

Feb 11, 2007

To explain my problem very briefly: I use document.write to print a string variable containing a string. The output I get is:


What is that supposed to mean? Has anyone else encountered such a problem before? How did you fix it?

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Printing - Fit On One Page

Aug 18, 2005

I have a calender I made in PHP and when you choose a week in opens up in a pop-up window. I have a simple JavaScript to display a print button. The problem is that the calender is very wide, so you have to print it as a "landcape", but even then the whole thing doesn't fit on the paper. Furthermore, it doesn't fill out the paper in the top and bottom.

It's a bit hard to explain, but I hope you understand what I mean. How can I make it fit the paper when being printed? Here's the JavaScript I use:

<script language="Javascript1.2">

var message = "Print this Page";

function printpage() {

document.write("<form><input type=button "
+"value=""+message+"" onClick="printpage()"></form>");


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Switch Off A Js When Printing?

May 6, 2010

I'm trying to make a printable version of a webpage using the css @media tag. On the page is a javascript which works great for the on-screen version but I need to find a way to switch it off when printing as it hides content.

Beyond building a separate page I can't think of anything obvious!

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Printing Linked Documents

Jul 23, 2005

I have an html file which contains link to 4 reports ( html files
). Instead of letting the user open one link at a time, and then
printing the report , I want to print all the reports with a single
button click, say on pressing a button "Print All" .

I have found out a way, in which the reports can be printed , but
the print dialog box is coming up each time( eg. for 4 reports it is 4
times, and for n documents it would be n number of times ) ; which I
find very irritating . I would rather prefer a single print dialog box
coming up for n number of reports .

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Printing Part Of A Page

Jul 23, 2005

How do you print part of an html page using the javascript print()
function? Is it possible to put the printable area inside a
<div></div> block and print it, or can you use a hidden style then
print it?

Is there a site on the www which has some information?

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Printing HTML Pages In A Row.

Jul 23, 2005

I have many html files, and I hope I could print those files in a row.

Is this possbile to print a lot of html files(which are on a web server)
in a row with just one button click javascipt?

It's almost impossible to show as one html page to users, because that's
too big.

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Printing A Target Frame

Nov 17, 2006

I have a webpage that uses frames (yes I know, frames - previously been
flamed about that, but I do not know anything else to use since I am
clueless!!! Been asked to cobble together a site since there is a
misconception that I know what I am doing!!!)

Anyway, one of the things I have been asked to do is create a button
that will allow the user to print the contents of the main window (main
frame) without the navigation bar (header frame) being printed.

Having been looknig into this, I have found the following:

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Turning Javascript Off While Printing

Jul 23, 2007

I am building a web page.and have a simple javascript menu... I call
the javascript menu within a div block that my print sytlesheet has
set as a display: none;, well all the content in that block doesn't
show up, EXCEPT the javascript is still getting run Code:

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