State Field For Copying Shipping Same As Billing Not Working?
Dec 7, 2009
I am trying to copy the billing information to be the same as the shipping information when they select the checkbox. Everything seems to work except for the State field which is a drop down. Depending on what country they select, the state field will automatically populate. how I can copy the billing state to be the same as shipping as well?
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May 1, 2011
I have created a form that includes billing and shipping information. When the user clicks the checkbox next to "Shipping Information is the same as Billing Information" the form should copy the contents filled in the shipping fields to the billing fields. All works well, except in Internet Explorer 7, I get an object expected error. I'm using jQuery JavaScript Library v1.4.2.
<div class="box1 store-customer-info">
<h1>Checkout - Step 2 of 3</h1>
<div class="records">[code]....
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Oct 18, 2011
i have follow a tutorial from this site http:[url]....i would like to customize the script for shipping cost as in like: for the drop down , user can choose either 'west' or 'east' on the drop down, my problem now is i don't know how to modified JavaScript to calculate the shipping cost and i have done the calculation for product quantity in php.i would like to do it like using my $ct_qty(php) *shipping cost (javascript).if user select west:
1 quantity = $6
2 quantity = $8
3 quantity = $9...and so on...8 quantity above = F.O.C
and for east showing different price like:
1 quantity = $9
2 quantity = $13
3 quantity = $15...and so on...8 quantity above = F.O.C
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May 14, 2011
I am using simplecart js and I am trying to get shipping to work.
<script type="text/javascript"> = "";
simpleCart.checkoutTo = PayPal;[code]....
Now the problem with this is whenever I add any item to the cart it adds �1 to the shipping, but I want to specify different shipping for different items. Is there anyway I can do this?
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Feb 23, 2009
I have two forms on one page. I want to copy the content of one field in form1 to another field in form2. I don't mind using a button. I've put in the code, but it doesn't seem to work. The first field is a long select box, and the second field is the same. Is this the problem? Can you not copy from a select box? In the first form, the select box is populated by the user. I just want to copy the items they've put into the select box into a field in form 2. Here's what I got for my copy button:
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Mar 20, 2009
I am retro-fitting a Point of Sale system and I have run into a problem with splitting out information entered in one form field and parsing it into 3 others. This works just fine in FireFox but not IE. (I get "object expected"...) The purpose here is when the card is swiped in the system, and they hit the tab key on the keyboard, the string that the card enters is split into Card number, Name, Expiration Date.
(I found a script online and modified it to fit the existing form, I do understand the code, but in the spirit of full disclosure I didn't write it from scratch.)
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Dec 13, 2011
I'm trying to copy some data from an id to an input field when a drop down menu is changed
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Dec 29, 2010
Here is what I'm envisioning: The user selects a state, then in the 'Cities' box, he starts typing the name of his city. However, it autocompletes the name for him based on the state he chose. So if he chose California and started typing in "Los Angeles", it would autocomplete "Los Angeles" for him. Does that make sense? Is there a script out there that can do this?
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Mar 31, 2010
I've created a registration form with sponsorship options hooked to checkboxes. My original form used ASP to keep values in hidden fields to use for totaling everything at checkout time.
Now I'd like to use PHP and Ajax to place the value into the text field related for each option checked.
I'm able to do that making an Ajax call. My problem that I need help with is this: If the visitor decides to uncheck a sponsorship option, the value placed in the associated field remains on the form. How do I replace that value with a null or empty string if they decide to uncheck their original choice?
I've tried JavaScript to no avail so far, both in the client side and server side code. I'm very new at this and I need help. Will jQuery work without having to change a bunch of code?
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Mar 5, 2009
I'm trying to get my website 'apps-limited uk' to have working 3 state mouse buttons which are selectable by tab, accesskeys, etc...For some reason the 3rd state shows fine in Safari (3.22), not at all in IE(All - IE Tester) or FF(3.0.5), and god only knows what's happening in Opera (9.63)The javascript is here at the root, and is called rollover.
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Dec 4, 2011
Here is my code for looking up a city, and state by zip code. I am getting no errors and I believe it should work, but the code does not seem to want to function.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>City and State Lookup</title>
<style type="text/css"> .....
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Nov 1, 2011
I used the code from the following article...[URL]
$(function() {
$('img[data-hover]').hover(function() {
$(this).attr('tmp', $(this).attr('src')).attr('src', $(this).attr('data-hover')).attr('data-hover',
why does the rolled over image's src return to the original value when the user rolls back off it?
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Jul 21, 2011
To say I'm new to JavaScript is a bit of an understatement so bear with me. I have a site set up with a variety of layers of toggles. When you enter the site all of the items are collapsed and you click the headings to expand. Each of the toggle-able items have ids. It works great for users who start at the homepage.
However, when I send people to any of the inner topics, all they see is the initial collapsed state of the site. I want to be able to provide a URL that will set the toggle to open, and show all of the content for that section on entry.
Here is my code and js, can anyone point me in the right direction?
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Jun 1, 2010
How can I preserve the session state of a SharePoint browser state using javascript?
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Dec 9, 2009
I've never had to create a password field before now. I've done some research and found a basic code, but it doesn't seem to cover all the bases that I have to. Quote: default state is with password field ("OFF"). when visitor enters the password, the password text and field should disappear and a number of links to PDF files should appear ("ON" state). please no reload of the page. Also, this needs to be compatible with IE6.
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Jan 17, 2006
I'm attempting to create a shopping cart shipping calculator using the total $ provided by the cart itself (%total%). Basically the script needs to take the %total%, compare it to a bunch of arrays in the javascript, and provide the shipping charge as a percentage of the total. For example:
The cart total ends up being $15 (or %total%).
The set rates for shipping are:
Standard Shipping
$1 - $4.99 : 7.95% (of total)
$5 - $9.99 : 9.95%
$10 - $19.99 : 11.95%
Overnight Shipping
$1 - $4.99 : 9.95% (of total)
$5 - $9.99 : 11.95%
$10 - $19.99 : 19.95%
Two radio buttons would show the 2 shipping options and the shipping charges like this:
O Standard: $1.79
O Overnight: $2.99
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Sep 21, 2009
I am having difficulty getting the following assignment to run properly:Many companies charge a shipping and handling charge for purchases. Create a Web page that allows a user to enter a purchase price into a text box and includes a JavaScript function that calculates shipping and handling. Add functionality to the script that adds a minimum shipping and handling charge of $1.50 for any purchase that is less than or equal to $25.00.For any orders over $25.00, add 10% to the total purchase price for shipping and handling,but do not include the $1.50 minmum shipping and handling charge. The formula for calculating a percentage is price * percent / 100. For example, the formula for calculating 10% of a $50.00 purchase price is 50 * 10 / 100, which results in a shipping and handling charge of $5.00. After you determine the total cost of the order (purchase plus shipping and handling), display it in an alert dialog box. Save the document as CalcShipping.html.This is what I have after working on it round and round for 4 hours yesterday:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="">[code].....
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Dec 2, 2010
Right now this javascript shopping cart works to 1. charge shipping based on the item, 2. the destination country, 3. it combines shipping for a quantity over 1 of the SAME item.Each item has 2 different possible shipping charges. I am trying to get the javascript to check the shopping cart to see what item in the cart has the highest possible shipping charge, charge that amount to that item, and charge the lowest possible shipping charge on all other items in the cart. If item A is purchased alone shipping is $5.00.If purchased with item B, which costs $10.00 to ship alone, the $10.00 is charged for item B and only $3.00 for item A. Because item B had the higher shipping charge at a quantity of one.
I have tried adding various things like me.items[current], item.shipping, me.shipping, this.shipping, shipping_Cost, and other things next to the second && in the part of the script that shows the country. I have also tried adding && if (me.whatever) and && if (item.whatever) and similar things at the beginning of the script next to if ( I have found the parts of the script that pertain to cart items and to updating the shopping cart.The javascript is in 2 parts. One part goes in the item page, which I will post first. The second part goes in an external javascript file which I will post at the bottom. In between there is the part that shows the shopping cart. It isn't part of the javascript.
<script type="text/javascript" src="simpleCart.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
<!-- [code]......
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Feb 2, 2011
I am attempting to make a menu that has a background image that changeswhen you rollover or click a menuitem. I've got the hover effect working fine with CSS, but am trying to implement the click event via jquery with the following:
{ background-image: url('/images/departments/commdev/sustainability/menu_tab.jpg');
My process is to reset the entire menu to the inactive state, then switch on the active state for the item that was clicked. Eventually, the item that was clicked will display its corresponding body section as well. I've tried using the CSS pseudo-class "active", but since the entire div is the link, that is unavailable. I've also tried multiple variations of addClass/removeClass, toggleClass, and setAttribute/removeAttributebut nothing hasworked so far.
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Mar 4, 2009
What I want to do it multiple the quantity ordered by the kind of shipping selected in my <select> list.
I'm pretty sure that what I've got to do is establishe a quantity ordered variable like this var qty = form["Q" + i].value And then multiply that qty variable by the ShippingCost. But no mater where I stick this var statement it always either stops the script cold or comes up as a black or undefined value.
<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
var ListCount = 5[code].....
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Oct 18, 2005
Can someone tell me how to make a javascript that will add a shipping price ($5.00) to any price that is listed as a value for a select menu on multiple drop downs?
<select name="shirt">
<option value="10.00">s-l</option>
<option value="12.00">xl-xxl</option>
Price: <input type="text" name="total" value="$0.00" /> (would show this without touching the drop down)
Price: <input type="text" name="total" value="$15.00" /> (would show this if selecting s-l)
Price: <input type="text" name="total" value="$17.00" /> (would show this if selecting xl-xxl)
<select name="shorts">
<option value="14.00">s-l</option>
<option value="16.00">xxl-xxl</option>
<input type="text" name="total" value="$0.00" /> (would show this without touching the drop down)
Price: <input type="text" name="total" value="$19.00" /> (would show this if selecting s-l)
Price: <input type="text" name="total" value="$21.00" /> (would show this if selecting xl-xxl)
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Sep 24, 2009
view the link [URL] where copying the content is not possible by any means, either by right clicking or from view source. How is this achieved?
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Jul 17, 2003
is there a way to copy some text to the clipboard in JavaScript?
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Apr 30, 2005
I am writing a javascript to select something and then copy it to clipboard.... I know how to do the same thing when working with the form element but don't know how could I do it with the divs and others...
let's say i have some text in between element div and pre and div has the class attribute:
HTML Code:
<div class="text">
....... some text .....
what I want to do is select "....... some text ....." and then copy it
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Jul 23, 2005
I need a utility that will basically add a "Copy OnClick Event" to my
right click context menu in Internet Explorer IE. I am a super newbie
in javascript. The following code works for IE5, but not for IE4,
which doesnt have setdata, getdata, etc. methods for dealing with the
clipboard. The folowing code is invoked by a registry context menu
entry. When I looked at IE4's copy system uses execcommand, it only
works on something that is selected as far as I can see, I dont have
anything selected, because user isnt going be highlighting, and that
wont get the onclick attribute value. All I have is a variable string
in javascript with what I need to get into the clipboard. How can I
make this code work in IE4, so I dont need to force users to get IE5?
var clipRes;
var parentwin = external.menuArguments;
var doc = parentwin.document;
var actele = doc.activeElement;
var attrib = actele.attributes;
var oc = attrib.onclick;
var str = oc.nodeValue;
clipRes = parentwin.clipboardData.setData("Text",str);
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Nov 14, 2011
I have 2 text boxes on my page. When the user clicks in one text box, I would like whatever is in there to be copied to the other text box. Is this possible? I have looked into it and onClick seems like it might do it but I can't get it to work.
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