Slide Menu JS And CSS - Image Rollover
Mar 7, 2006
Its cool but would like to have image rollovers instead of the text shown in the example.
I can't figure out how to do it without screwing up the slide bar on the bottom. And the css file won't let me specify which link like... a.home li {etc etc etc....I would really like to be able to have a separate rollover image for each link and have the slide bar work still.
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Feb 2, 2011
I'm having a little trouble with 2 differentJS scripts. I have a drop down slide menu and a parralex slide gallery. Both work on separate pages and puton the same page they still work however the submenu of the slide down menu does not. if I remove the style sheet that belongs to the gallery
Then the munu works, however (obviously) the page layout goes wrong. if i remove<h1 class="title">Alex Holland Perspective</h1> the menu works however page layout goes wrong andI loose my header
Here is the code.
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Nov 21, 2010
I tried to make a drop down menu with rollover image... with the drop down code that I found in this forum some days ago. I can finally make it but can't find how to make it rollover not hover with only colors. I want in like rollover menu but with drop down, but can't find how to make it rollover.
Javascript code
var timeout= 500;
var closetimer= 0;
var ddmenuitem= 0;
// open hidden layer
function mopen(id){
// cancel close timer
mcancelclosetime(); .....
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Jul 14, 2009
I know very little about jQuery. I am trying to design a graphic menu bar that is capable of displaying each button in 4 modes: up (neutral), hover, down (mouse down), and selected. After some research, I was able to "come up" (by cutting and pasting and burning up a couple of neurons) with the code below. It works well enough but I'm sure it could be written a lot better. What I really would like to do is to change whatever button is "down" to go back "up" once another button is pushed, changing the img src, or by whatever method is more efficient.
<script src="js/jquery-1.3.2.js" type="text/javascript"
<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
$(function() { // image rollover
$(".topmenu img").hover(function() {
this.src = this.src.replace("-up","-hover");
}, function() {
this.src = this.src.replace("-hover","-up"); .....
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May 27, 2011
I've created a nav bar for this site - [URL].. I'm using javascript to handle the image rollover which is working just fine. However I want to add to this so that the current page will stay with the second or rollover image. How would you suggest I edit or add to my code so it keeps the second image active if it is the active page? In my script file this is what I'm using for an image:
menu1buttonup = new Image();
menu1buttonup.src = "" ;
menu1buttondown = new Image() ;
menu1buttondown.src = "" ;
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May 26, 2011
I've created a nav bar for this site - [URL] - I'm using javascript to handle the image rollover which is working just fine. However I want to add to this so that the current page will stay with the second or rollover image. Do I edit or add to my code so it keeps the second image active if it is the active page?
In my script file this is what I'm using for an image:
menu1buttonup = new Image();
menu1buttonup.src = "[URL]" ;
menu1buttondown = new Image() ;
menu1buttondown.src = "[URL]" ;
Followed by....
function buttondown( buttonname ){
if (document.images) {
document[ buttonname ].src = eval( buttonname + "down.src" );
}} function buttonup ( buttonname ){
if (document.images) {
document[ buttonname ].src = eval( buttonname + "up.src" );
And this is what my list items look like:
<a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>/?page_id=7" onmouseover="buttondown('menu1button')"
onmouseout="buttonup('menu1button')"><img src="<?php bloginfo('template_url'); ?>/images/menu1.jpg" name="menu1button" /></a>
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Jul 25, 2010
I have a drop down jquery menu with links and a image slide show with links. When I mouse over on the drop down menu, the drop down menu links go behind the image slide show [URL]
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Jun 5, 2010
I have navigation buttons that I'll call primary buttons. I also have secondary navigation buttons that I'll call secondary buttons. If you rollover a primary navigation button, it should make secondary navigation buttons 1,4,and 5 go to rollover state A. However, if you rollover secondary navigation button 1,4 or 5 they should go to rollover state B.So the simplest way I can explain it is that the secondary navigation buttons need two rollover states possible.
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May 11, 2010
Before, I had an iframe, and when I moused over a link outside the iframe, it would load a page into the iframe. Background image was part of the page loaded, as well as the text and what not. The problem was, the image took too long to load. I've been learning how to do javascript and I came across some code for preloading an image before the mouseover so there was zero wait time. For the past few days I've been trying to figure out how to have the preload image appear BENEATH the iframe (now with no background image or color) with the allowtransparency attribute set to true.
I've figured out the code to do both individually, i.e. I have the code so that when the link is moused over, the new image will appear; AND I have the code so that when the link is moused over, the page with load into the iframe. Both work, both do what is expected, but they don't do it together.Below is the script. Here's where it's confusing. If I have the "setupImgRollover..." first inside the if statement: the page loads into the iframe, but there is no image. If I have the "setupImgRollover..." after the "" commands in the if statement: the image appears but the page does not load into the iframe.
HTML Code:
window.onload = rolloverInit;
function rolloverInit() {
for (var i=0; i<document.links.length; i++) {
var linkObj = document.links[i];
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May 6, 2010
How can I set the menu to automatically expand on mouse rollover instead of click? Here is the code as it stands right now:
$(document).ready(function () {
$('img.menu_class').click(function () {
Second Question: For some reason, the menu is appearing behind a table row when it expands, thus hiding a good portion of the menu. Here it is: [URL]
Try clicking on 'Products & Services', and then clicking on "Centerfire Rifle Suppressors" from the dropdown menu. When it takes you to that category page, click the menu again and you will see that the menu hides behind the <h1> table row.
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Jun 17, 2011
I'm trying to manipulate the functions of Codaslider for a layout. What I need is the ability to use an image for slide dynamic slide navigation. I've solved the issue for dynamic hashing, however I'm stuck at modifying the HTML. I've tried a few things but I figure this is the easiest way...
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Aug 24, 2010
Im a starting graphic designer, 21 yrs of age and just rolling into this webdesign industry. Ive come a long way, do have some knowledge.. but when it comes to complicated things like JS I often visit knowledgeable forums like these.
I hope I can contribute into making this community richer.
Now, Ive implemented this slide out menu succesfully before, only now it seems that ive mistaken somewhere. The menu just pops out instead of sliding out like it should.
<script type="text/javascript">
var docked = 0;
$("#dock li ul").height($(window).height());
And if you want to see a working example of how it should be look here.
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Dec 16, 2005
I've a highly customized site and therefore am attempting my own rollover menu function.
For right now I'll give the basics.
I have two divs - a left nav and a right content div.
The left div houses the left navigation and the right content div... well - houses the content.
On mouseover of a left navigation image - I am changing the image to "highlight" and also would like to display a previously hidden div that contains the submenu items.
That is all fine and dandy. My problem is this. When I mouseout of the image - I lose the highlighting and the displayed submenu.
I'm trying to figure out how to make a "handler" of some sort that will cause the image rollover to stay when I move the mouse to go select a menu item in the submenu.
There is probably 5-6 px between the right edge of the image and the right content div (which is where the submenu ends up displaying)...
Can I not catch the mouse position or something or am I limiting myself using the mouseover/mouseout functions or grr... How can I do this?
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Jul 12, 2010
I want to create something similar to what they achieve with this script:[URL] I know I could just download their script, but it's for a website that will be commercial in nature, and my cousin doesn't want to pay 29 pounds (which is a lot in AUD!) for it. I can use a rollover to display a larger image next to it, but I'm not sure on how to make the image move like that one does.
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May 18, 2009
I can't seem to figure out how to properly change my dropdown menu to work on rollover instead of on Click. When I change this to .hover I get a yo yo effect
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/js.js"></script>
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Apr 12, 2011
Im not sure my subject decsription gives an exact description of what i am after but i will try and explain my requirements a bit better.I have an header menu there are items in this menu but there are a lot of them and if you try view on a normal 1024 x 760 you have to horizontal scroll to view all the items, but on my monitor 1920 x 1080 it is fine.
I don't want to do it this way since I hate having to scoll both horizontal and vertical. I would like to be able to change the items on this header to become a rollover dropdown menu when they would normally be hidden becuase of the screen width. I have seen this done before I am just unsure about how to implement this.
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May 8, 2009
I am trying to figure out whether or not there is an effective way to cut up the navigation on the right side of this banner so I can use the standard image swap. I am asking in this forum because I need to know if this will even work in the first place.
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Jul 12, 2004
I've been using dreamwevaer to automatically do rollovers for me, and i dont really understand them that much, but i need to create a rollover image which when hovered another image would appear to the right of it. Would anyone know how this is done?
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Sep 27, 2005
This is really only for anyone who has the book and has mastered the concepts of the rollover drop down menus from Chapter 7 in Stuart Langridge's DHTML Utopia book.
Does anyone know what the key is to getting the first menu list to appear inline, rather than as a block, while leaving everything else working as it does already?
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Jun 12, 2009
I found this slide show [URL]. I got it to work on my website [URL] using Firefox, but when it is viewed in Internet Explorer it will not work. Second question, When the slide show gets to the last image, after the last image all photos disappear and it resets itself changing the format of the webpage. Any way to not have the images disappear while it loops itself or is there a code to have it stop on the last photo and not loop.
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Oct 25, 2011
I'm building a WordPress site with a nice jQuery effect that fades/unfades images within a navigation menu on rollover. So when the mouse moves off the image, the colored image should fade back to reveal the original non-colored image. This works perfectly as-is, but client wants the active page to keep its colored/ highlighted menu image when mouse has moved off of it. The bolded line of the code is where I tried to set that up...
<?php wp_nav_menu( array( 'container_class' => 'menu-header', 'theme_location' => 'primary' ) ); ?>
<script type="text/javascript"><!-- this is from [URL]-->
// make nav images highlight on hover
// when the DOM is ready:
$(document).ready(function () {
// find the navigation elements and hook the hover event
$('#mainmenu li').hover(function() {
// on hovering over, find the element we want to fade *up*
var fade = $('> div', this);
// if the element is currently being animated (to a fadeOut)...
if (':animated')) {
// ...take it's current opacity back up to 1
fade.stop().fadeTo(250, 1);
} else {
// fade in quickly
}}, function () {
// on hovering out, fade the element out
if (!is_page(current)){
var fade = $('> div', this);
if (':animated')) {
fade.stop().fadeTo(3000, 0);
} else {
// fade away slowly
<ul id="mainmenu">
<li id="home">
<a href="/home"><img src="<?php bloginfo(url); ?>/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/sara_inactive.png" alt="home" width="152" height="309" /></a>
<a href="/home"><img src="<?php bloginfo(url); ?>/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2011/09/sara_active.png" alt="home" width="152" height="309" /></a>
WordPress should know whether the page is 'current' or not, so why doesn't this work? Currently the nav images remain highlighted when the mouse moves away. If I remove my attempt (the bolded line of code) then nav rollovers work beautifully, but active page still isn't represented with a colored nav menu image.
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Oct 25, 2011
I have a situation where a context menu is being added to the DOM dynamically when a user right clicks on a control on the page. The div that gets added does not have an id set but the div does have a unique class. WhatI need to do is intercept the addition of the div and add a hover affect to some child nodes. Specifically any children that are <a> nodes. So far this is whatI have for adding the hover affect, but i'm not sure where it needs to go or howI link it to the event raised whan a new element is added to the dom.
'div.context_menu_main').find('div a').hover(function() { $(this).addClass('context_menu_hover');
}, function() {
I have no control over the div itself as its part of a third party control soI am unable to add an id.
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May 14, 2010
I have just started using Superfish. I am using a reverse color scheme (the background is green font color white) - so when I rollover a main menu item the menu item rolled over has a background of white, font color is green. When I go to a sub menu item the background of the main menu item stays white, but the font also stays white (I want the font to stay green).This is an example of how I want my menu to work:
(Notice that when you rollover and then fly out, the main menu item rolled over maintains its background and foreground color).This is the part of the superfish.css that I have edited:
/*** DEMO SKIN ***/
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Feb 26, 2010
This is my HTML code:
<div id="vnav">
<a href="index.php">Home</a>
It's basically a vertical list of links, with more specific links hidden inside categories. When you click a category, the specific links should slide down. This is the JS/jQuery part:
<script type="text/javascript">
function slidey() {
$("#vnav ul li ul").slideDown("slow");
so the problem here is that when you click a category, it expands ALL sub-categories and it's supposed to just expand the sub-categories related to the section clicked.
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Sep 21, 2009
I found this tutorial: [URL] I want to do this but slide left to right, rather that up and down. how might this be done? I'm a bit new with my jquery.
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Aug 7, 2010
I don't really know javascript and normally just download scripts off the internet, but i can't find anything for what i want to do.
I have a side menu (ul) and i want this to slide to the other side of the screen (from right sidebar to left sidebar) onclick of a certain menu item.
How can i do this so that it will slide across and then load the page?
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