I have this in a FORM tag:
OnSubmit="return SendForm(this);
to save the content of the form in a cookie. But I need to save it a on windows print,
where I reload the form with a css for print. Therefore the form must be filled in again from the cookie. But how do I save the form without submitting ?
I retrieve the saved data with:
Can I make a list of hyperlinks that users can customize and save as a cookie by clicking a button and automatically retrieve the cookie so it remembers their list next time? This is kind of what I want to do:
I found this script online that lets users on an iPhone drag boxes around the screen. The problem is that when you reload the page, the boxes are in different positions than what they were before the reload. Like, you would drag the boxes around and then reload the page, but the boxes would be in the default locations. I want the boxes to stay in the same spot that they were the previous time they moved them. Does that make sense? Anyways, here's the example I found online: [URL] Only works on iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch.
I have an image switcher script setup. Its very basic and changes the image displayed on click of a link. Here is what I currently have:
<script type="text/javascript"> function changeIt(imageName,objName) { var obj = document.getElementById(objName);
Its very basic but does what I want. What I'm attempting to do is store the image selected as a cookie so that when users refresh/navigate to other pages the image stays to the one they selected.
I am using a script found on Dynamic Drive and edited it a bit to fit my needs. Its a script to toggle a content area and at the same time display a + or - depending on if the content is displayed or not. The problem, the state of the content area is saved in a cookie, but the +/- state is not. I have gone over some cookie tutorials and looked through the forums, but I just couldnt figure how to edit the code to make the +/- save state. Code:
I want to detect if a user is coming from a given url. If he is, the url is stored in a cookie and a div is displayed in top of the pages when he navigates around the site.
how to save data like : position, style, etc in a cookie, using jquery, and then to load that data back if i need to.
I've been researching and i found some plugins but i cant put the script together,
i would like a simple working example or some good documentation because from what i read it doesn't seem to be very hard, but on every forum I've been that talks about cookie setup there is not so much info
i have a table of images, with onmouseover,onmouseout and click events. The user can select and deselect an image. When an image is selected, the image scr changes.
Then the user can confirm his selections and redirect to another page for the checkout process. When he returns to the first and initial page, i want his selections to have a different image (lets say confirmed.gif).In other words to save his selections in a cookie and return them by changing the images so that they wont be available for selection.
In order to find which images are selected and store them in an array i can use the following loop:
function getSelected(){ var myArray = []; var images = document.getElementsByTagName("img"); for (i=0;i<images.length;i++){
How i can save that array with the images tittles in a cookie, so that when the initial page loads i can find which images to change and then change the image.src to confirmed.gif ?
I've been researching cookies a bit, and I attempted to create a function that if you select a background name from a drop down list or anything for that matter, it will save the background in the cookie, and display it in a div background for later use. Now I can't quite figure out why there is a problem with this script, but the error checker tells me there is.
Heres the code: <script type="text/javascript"> //Get Cookie function get_cookie(Name) { var search = Name + "=" var returnvalue = ""; if (document.cookie.length > 0) { offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search) // if cookie exists if (offset != -1) { offset += search.length // set index of beginning of value end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset); .....
I have lots of links in the page, click each one addClass 'voted' to this link. then save the effection into cookies. so that next time refresh web browser, it will save the addClass event. I use jquery cookie here: [URL] My code here, but it will only save 1 cookie. I mean if I clicked link 1, link 2. it always remember the last click. refresh the web browser. only link 2 addClass 'voted'. link1 missed addClass event. so how to save multiple cookie for every link?
On one of my sites, I have a reather involved page (searchable map). When the person leaves the page then all the AJAX generated information is lost. Is there a way that I can retain all this data in a cookie or so or how would you recommend I saved all the users information (perhaps using a database on the serverside).
I have a Javascript used to adjust the fontsize on a webpage. This JS does not create a cookie to save the users setting, so if he goes to another page on the site, the default font size is shown.This is the JS;
Code: var min=8; var standard=11; var max=15;[code].......... What I need, is some code that will create a cookie, so that the users settings will be used throuout his whole visit.
I have a form built and on the onclick event I validate all of the fields and then if the form is ok, on the submit event I run a javascript function to set a cookie and download a file from the current window.
I have a cgi script provided by my web host to send the contents of the form through email but they only show me how to use the cgi script to send email through the submit event of the form.
I have a long survey form and once its submitted it gets recorded into a database. I would love to be able to save a PDF version of the HTML form with all their radio buttons and textfields filled out at the same time its submitted. It would need a unique name that matches their record in the database (maybe it pulls the data that was entered into one of the form fields for the name).
Whether it gets uploaded to an ftp or just emailed to a mailbox doesn't really matter. The purpose of this is to basically have a visual interpretation of the data by a single user.
In my site I show low quality pictures. When someone right clicks an image and selects 'Save Picture As...', I wish to let him save the high quality picture.
Is it necessary to use cookies when you want to save information in a form textfield and be able to click back to that page and the information is still there before submitting it. Sometimes it seems to stay sometimes not?
I am creating a form that you don't actually submit in order to allow people to download files. You select different options with radio buttons and drop-down menus and then use that information to "show/hide" divs with javascript. That part works, but if the user leaves the page and then comes back, the data can be somewhat misleading. One radio button may be checked, but the corresponding div that was showing before you left the page is not (it was set to "display:block;" in css with the "onclick" or "onchange" depending on which choice on the form caused it to appear). I know that I need to set a session cookie to save the values on the form, but it is a bit more complicated because I need to set divs to "display:block;" or "display:none;" depending on what the values of the form fields are. I'm a novice at javascript. Since I am not submitting the form, I can"t use PHP.
Basically I have a form where the user enters their info (name, last name, email) then clicks the add button to store their info into an array that I made. Then, the user can enter say... "Bill" in the first name field, click the search button, and in the text box, all results with bill will show up.
What I need to do is instead of the information being stored in the array when the user clicks add, is to store it as a cookie with a comma separated string like this: "lastname,firstname,emailid"
Then when the users clicks the search button, the info is retrieved from a cookie, not the array.
When you right click on a link you get the option to save target as...(ie) and save link as...(netscape). Is there some JavaScript to call this function like the JavaScript to open a new window?
I am trying to design a system that allows users to draw on a whiteboard with different colors, save their drawing into hidden input boxes in the form on the page, then they can click Save Logo to save it to process it through PHP. I have the whiteboard that allows them to draw, but I am lost as to how to get the thing to populate the hidden input boxes.
So, I have the following code:
What I am trying to do is use the function mousedown(e) to include an event to update a hidden input box with the value of the TD's background color that the hidden input field is attached to, so that it can be tracked when the user hits Save Logo at the bottom of the page. When they hit Save Logo, I want the form to post to itself, go through each of the input hidden fields and capture the color for each table cell, then generate an image based on the generated array, save it to a file on the server with the user's $_SESSION['userid'] as the filename + .jpg.
The problem is, though, that I do not know how to tell JavaScript to do this in the function mousedown(e) code. Also, look in the function table_create and see if I am naming the hidden input boxes correctly; not sure if it will generate the wanted result.
Just a note: I can handle all the PHP handling of the form, I just need help with the Javascript.
Edit: I attached the entire script/page to this post because so many functions rely on each other to operate, and I'm not exactly sure which function will need to be modified to get the desired result. Also, you can copy the code to a .php file to see what it looks like (as that may assist in demonstrating exactly what I'm trying to do, visually).
Edit 2: I suppose what I need to find is how to get the JavaScript to assign a value to the hidden input field that has the same id as the TD field that it needs to be linked to.
On a client side HTML form, on hitting submit, I would like the data entered in the the form to be saved on the next available line within a .txt file.
For example, a basic HTML Form filled in as follows:
Name: Haze Age: 400 Info: Hello World!
... on clicking 'Submit', the information would be saved to 'form.txt' on a new line, simply seperated by commas would be fine, example:
Haze, 400, Hello World!
If possible, the date and time the info was saved would really be great as well, example:
01/01/2010 9:41: Haze, 400, Hello World!
I might I cannot find anything on the internet for doing this client side.
I want to save the form value for a persons USERNAME in a cookie when they are logging into my free e-mail service. So when they come back I can lookup the cookie and write the value for their username back into that spot in the form.
I've got it working for the drop-down menu so that it will change to whatever domain they selected the last time they logged in but I can't get it to work for the username box.
I am quite new a web scripting and making web pages in general and I have stumbled across a problem I have as yet been unable to solve. I am trying to take the contents of a textarea box and save it to a file. This step is not to hard however the contents of the textarea is mostly latex source so it contains just about every special character you can imagine. My question is this, how do I save an exact copy of the textarea contents with special characters, carriage returns, etc to a file?
I would like to create a html E-test form run on PC and the data will save into a file on disk. I search online for this function code but found that most the script only save the cookie, is it possible for javascript save form data to file? Here is the ideal for my survay form,
1. user click "start" button for the e-test,
2. user need to finish the e-test with in 20 minutes, after 20 minutes the form will auto submit and the data will save into file,
3. me will go to the file folder open it and print out the qestion and anwser.
4. The file will be detele after i print out and the next user can do the e-test again.
I got the time counter and the auto submit script. but i just have no ideal how to save the data into file.
I have a Cisco ASA that I use as a proxy server as such. I have a internal site that it will not pass credentials to so I was looking for a way to do that. Not being a site developer the only way I can come up with is to maybe pass it by using a cookie to store the password and ID. Below is the code I am trying to use. I can create the cookie with the code below but it will not change the PATH or the Domain for some reason. Also I do not think it is reading from the cookie not sure why. Basically I need it to set the cookie with the user info and then grab the info from the cookie to auto log the user in to the internal site.
<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"> <!-- function writeCookie( ) { var username = document.form.username.value; // Get the user's name