Refresh Parent.parent From A Pop Up?

May 12, 2010

I have a page. In that page is an iframe, lets name it 'A'. inside A there is another iframe 'B'. there is a link on that page which on click opens a popup. In that pop up, there is actually a document upload facility. Now i want that after every upload (onSubmit), iframe A should refresh.

have done it many times but today its not working.

function validate() {
window.parent.opener.location.reload(true);// this is tried as well

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Refresh Parent From IFrame Makes Refresh Loop In FF Only?

Jan 2, 2009

I have this code in a page that appears in my iframe if requested from parent:

<script type="text/javascript">
The parent code is:
function rrr() {

So, the person clicks a link from the parent, it does a php process in a hidden iframe, which then tells the parent page to refresh. The only problem is that it puts Firefox in a constant loop of refreshing. IE and Chrome work fine. They refresh once and stop.

Though the src code opens the iframe like so: <iframe src="" style="display:none; height:1px;" name="hdplus" id="hdplus"></iframe> Firefox seems to refresh the page with the memory of the child page being in the iframe, constantly looping the child request to refresh the parent.

Why won't Firefox just accept that no page should load in the iframe, as stated in the code? I need to stop this loop, which means I need to get firefox to reset the iframe as it reloads the page.

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Refresh The Parent Page?

Jun 1, 2011

I have the following script that refreshes the page that opened the pop up window, after the pop up window is closed.

if(window.opener && !window.opener.closed)

It is working fine in IE but it's not refreshing the parent page in FireFox.

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Refresh Parent Page

Jun 13, 2006

I'm unsure if this is a php or javascript problem as I am new to javacript...

I am using a javascript:popup('page.php') command to open a popup box and allow the user to make a few changes to a mysql database. However the values that are changed are displayed on the parent page (the one that the user clicks the popup link on).

Is there a way to refresh the parent page from the popup, so when they submit the form in the popup the parent automatically refreshes with the new values (rather than the user having to manually refresh the page)?

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How To Refresh Parent Iframe

Dec 8, 2011

Normally this would be pretty straight forward, but I've tried a bunch of examples and none of them work.

I am attempting to refresh a menu I have in an iframe. I will explain. I have a index.php page with 3 iframes in it (this is the parent). The top frame is for the site logo, the left frame is the menu (I call it menuframe) and the frame beside that is for the page content (contentframe).

I have the menu with various options, when the user logs in it should refresh and show some addition options (logout, admin area, etc).

The login page appears in the contentframe, once the user logins I want the menuframe to refresh to list these new admin options. I know my php session is working fine because if I manually refresh the menuframe it shows the items.


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Refresh Parent When Popup Get Submitted

Nov 19, 2010

I'm using submodal-1.6 for popup. When the popup closes I wanted parent page to refresh.I've tried the following


All works for IE, but when coming to mozilla ,firefox the refresh is a step delayed, i.e when I open my popup to add an itme to my cart on parent page ,for the first time it does not show anything , but when I try to add another item , the first one shows.

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Iframe Refresh From Parent Window?

Mar 17, 2011

Alright I have an Iframe, and at the end of that Iframe I have set a variable with JS to be equal to TRUE, indicating that the page has run through the script. I then check that the iframe from the parent window for that variable, if it has not been set yet (or does not equal true) it reloads the iframe.

The code works fine FF and Opera. However in IE it does not reload the frame if it is not true, and in Chrome it alerts undefined and does not reload the frame I have tried accessing the frame through the dom and it did not work for me, and i have also tried simply adding a tail to the iframes source with no success. :confused:


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Parent Window Refresh Onload?

Jul 20, 2005

How can I make a parent window of a iframe refresh after a certain site is loaded in the iframe?

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Have A Refresh Button On The Parent Window

Aug 30, 2007

Using JavaScript, how do I open a Child Window, upon clicking a link in the Parent Window? Is it possible to have a Refresh button on the parent window, that refreshes the parent window onclick?

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Refresh Parent When Popup Closes

Nov 18, 2010

I'm using submodal-1.6 for popup. When the popup closes I wanted parent page to refresh.I've tried the following


All works for IE, but when coming to mozilla ,firefox the refresh is a step delayed, i.e when I open my popup to add an itme to my cart on parent page ,for the first time it does not show anything , but when I try to add another item , the first one shows.

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Reloading Parent If Iframe Does Not Refresh?

Oct 16, 2011

I have an html script that contains an iFrame.

The partent contains a display header and the iFrame contains rows of data, the iFrame is set to refesh every 20 seconds.

There are times for whatever reason the iFrame does not refresh. Is there a way I can have some sort of timer in the parent that reload the set if the iFrame has not refreshed after 20 seconds.

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Reload/refresh Parent Web Page From An Iframe

Nov 5, 2006

My main browser page has an iframe. Whenever the iframe is reloaded
(updated), I want to automatically refresh the main webpage as well.
How can this be done, preferably using javascript?

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Refresh Parent Page With Iframes On Any Click?

Jan 28, 2009

I have a PHP page with an iframe where I load PERL/CGI content. Now of course when I click anything on the parent page the iframe refreshes with it.

But what I really want is to have the parent page refresh when anything inside the iframe is clicked. Of course the iframe should not refresh and go to initial view then. So basically I am looking for a way to have ONLY the parent page refresh every time something in the frame is clicked or to have the parent page and the iframe refresh but with the iframe retaining the last user position.

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Send Refresh Command From Pop-up To Parent Frame?

Feb 25, 2009

I want to send a refresh command from my pop-up screen to a i frame in the parent document.

I have written the following script code...

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Close Popup And Refresh Parent Page

Nov 8, 2005

here's what i need to do:

1. open popup
2. on submit -- run the asp to process results and then
3. close the page
4. refresh the paretn page

how can I do this? can anyone help me?

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Refresh Div Area In Parent When Close Child?

Jul 14, 2010

I have a parent page that when load populate a div area from database.

I want when I click and open a child page, do some selections(for example check some checkboxes) and press submit, the child will close and the div area in parent will refresh .

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JQuery :: Element Overflows Containing Block When Parent Border/padding Change - Not When Parent's Margin Changes

Sep 24, 2011

Demonstration page: [url]

Adjust the CSS margins of the BODY element with the first slider. The yellow P (paragraph) element resizes to fit its smaller containing block, as I would expect.

Then, adjust the CSS border or padding of the BODY element with the second and third sliders. The P element does not resize, though its origin changes. Instead, it overflows its containing block.

Finally, adjust the margins again. The P element snaps back into its containing block.

As you can see from the source, this is jQuery 1.6.4 and jQueryUI 1.8 pulled from

Edit: Client is Google Chrome16.0.889.0 dev-m.

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Refreshing Page - Refresh The Parent Window Doesn't Work In IE8?

May 9, 2011

why my simple javascript to refresh the parent window doesn't work in IE8? When the child window closed, it reopen another new window for the page I want the parent window to refresh and nothing happened on the parent window.How can I make it load the page from parent window instead of a new window ??? it works perfectly in other browsers but not IE.

<script language="JavaScript">
function rent() {[code].....

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Posting Parent And Iframe From Parent?

Aug 27, 2010

I have a page which has a form and also one iframe in the same. there is a button on the parent form.when the button is clicked, i am submitting the iframe and parent both. forms are getting submitted. but when i do print_r for iframe values, it is blank


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Refresh Iframe's Parent From Within Iframe In Https?

Aug 11, 2011

I have a page A and inside it I have an iframe B. B points to another php file that shows a form (so basically in the iframe we see a form). When I submit the form, I call to another page C that verifies the fields of the form and if they are ok I redirect to page X, if not I redirect to page Y. The problem is that I see page X and Y inside the iframe, and I want to see them in the parent page.

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Parent's Url ? How To...

Jul 23, 2005

i have a main page with an iframe inside it

from iframe's code, i need to know the URL of the parent...

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Checking Parent's URL ?

Jul 23, 2005

How can i check parent's URL from a child (popup) window ? and how can i
refresh it if the URL is say

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JQuery :: Get <LI> Parent Of <A>?

May 6, 2009

I want to change the background color of a <LI> that contains an <A>.

I tried using


But it did not work.

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JQuery :: How To Get ID Of Parent DIV

Jun 23, 2010

I am trying to get the ID of a parent. For example:
<div id="parent_holder1">
<div class="child_div">child div instance one</div>
<br /><div class="child_div">child div instance two</div>
</div><!-- PARENT HOLDER 1 -->
<br /><br />
<div id="parent_holder2">
<div class="child_div">child div instance three</div>
<br /><div class="child_div">child div instance four</div>
</div><!-- PARENT HOLDER 1 -->

When I click any of the children with a class of 'child_dev', I would like to get the ID of the parent the clicked child is within. For example - if I click "child div instance three" it would return "parent_holder2".

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JQuery :: How To Get The Right Parent

Feb 1, 2011

I think this is a small problem but it won't work or I am blind.I have a box with the following code:


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JQuery :: Set Value In Parent?

Jun 11, 2009

I have a page in an Iframe and when the user clicks a image (href), I want a value to be set in the parent page. I don't know why this is not working.. In the iframe page , dollar1 is the id of the Imagebutton, then I have a hidden variable id= setEndUser. On the parent page I have a textbox

id = Enduser.
$(function() {
$("#dollar1").bind("click",function() {
$("#EndUserT").parent().val( $("#setEndUser").val() );

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