Prevent A Script From Loading

Apr 15, 2009

I'm having a problem with a script on my website. My website is wordpress based. I have this script that i need to load on every page except on the main page.

I have tried to make it work, but the only way i can get it to work like i need is including it on the main page as well.

Is there any way i can prevent the script to load on the main page, but load on the other pages?

I mean, is there any code to block javascript on a particular page of a website, but still work on the other pages?

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Prevent Images From Loading

Jun 8, 2010

for the last day and a half i've been attempting to prevent images on a page from loading. i do this by calling a domready function. i just need this to work in firefox, so i'm using its DOMContentLoaded event. however, for troubleshooting purposes i have opted off the domready stuff and simply placed my code at the bottom of the html before the closing body tag, which does the same. my research shows that all the lazyloading techniques (which at the core are similar to what i'm doing; ie, preventing an image from loading) that do not rely on creating a custom attribute for the img tag, do not work. jquery's lazyloading plugin does not work: [URL] mootools' lazyloading plugin does not work: [URL]. however, they must have worked at one point. read the latest comments on lazyloading techniques online and you'll see that mostly everyone suddenly is unable to achieve lazyloading on their site. the only effect one achieves is that the image fades in when scrolling down, however it has already been downloaded when the page rendered, but it should only have been downloaded from the server once the scroll threshold for that image is hit.

calling a function to replace images with small placeholder images immediately after the dom loads (ie, before the full page loads) should work. this should prevent the loading of the original file in the src attribute, but it does not. i'm using firefox 3.6.3, but it happens on webkit browsers as well (though this is a documented bug); opera, however, works as it should. i did my research pretty thoroughly, but if i missed something

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Prevent Loading Of A Site Via Script?

Apr 20, 2009

I would to know please if is it possible to block the loading of particular site by/via javascript. Having a web page with a flash content that contains a call to a particular site, I don't want to receive information from that site. does exists a javascript code that block that call to that site?

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Prevent Loading Images Before Executing The Script?

Aug 19, 2010

I'm using mooflow code on my website, problem is that it shows images on top of one another, before script arranges them to row. This only happens with explorer.

You can see example of the images popping up (and scroll bar flashing on the side of the page), when this page is loading on explorer, [URL]

Could there be some solution for the explorer so it wouldn't load images before executing the script? Other browsers work better with the loading order.

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Prevent Page From Loading If Java Is Not Enabled?

May 27, 2009

Is there any method which blocks the website from loading, if the browser using is not java script enabled? I have a webpage with some details to be entered. This website is designed in such a way that it checks the exceptions in the entry and alerts the user regarding it which is done using javascript. but for some users this feature is not working. I guess its the problem with the browser they use. So how can I alert them to enable Java by adding something to the script? Is there any way which prevents the page from loading if java is not enabled in the browser?

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JQuery :: Prevent Browser From Loading New Page Until Fade Is Finished?

Mar 9, 2011

I have a site where the header, footer, menu and Google map remain present on most pages,but the copy in the main paragraph changes depending on which menu option is selected.The above is achieved using PHP includes and query strings.I'm using jQuery to 'fade in' the main body text when a page loads, and 'fade out' the text when a menu link is clicked on. It just looks nice, because all the stuff that is always present stays in place (I guess the browser caches it?) and just the main body text fades out and the new fades in.The thing is, the 'fade out' that is triggered by the 'click' event (on the menu link) tends to be interrupted by the browser moving on to the new page. I just want to the browser to stay for half a second so that the nice fade finishes properly. Ironically, when my connection is interrupted or the new page loads slowly, it looks at its best because the fade has time to finish

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JQuery :: Prevent .load Scrolling Back To Top Of Page When Loading New Content Into Div?

Jun 24, 2011

I've gotten .load to load content into a div but if the window is not at the top of the page it scrolls back to the top each time the new content is loaded but I wanted to avoid any sort of change on the page other than the content in the div. It seems pointless if the user has to scroll back down to the div where the content is each time? code...

Is there a way to keep the window in the same position? Also while I'm at it - is there a more efficient way to write this considering I have 9 pages or should I just write this code out for each instance?

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Temporarily Disable The 'submit' Button While The Browser Is Loading And Then Reactivate It Once Everything Has Finished Loading

Jun 8, 2011

I have only started to learn HTML, CSS, and Javascript (roughly 2 weeks now). I am having a issues regarding when I submit form data to the server. I want to temporarily disable the 'submit' button while the browser is loading and then reactivate it once everything has finished loading. This was my attempt at doing this.


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AJAX :: IE8 Not Rendering - Unhide A Div With An Animated Loading Icon - Then Hide It Again When Loading Is Complete

Aug 26, 2010

Im trying to add some simple display features to a web application and am running into some unexpected IE8 behavior. Basically, the app runs some database retrieval from the server using Ajax techniques, and during that time (say, 30 seconds), I want to just give the user a clue as to whats going on. It could be as simple as a wait cursor. More interesting, I prefer to unhide a div with an animated loading icon, then hide it again when loading is complete.


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JQuery :: Basic Page Loading DIV - Full Window DIV That Sits Above All The Content With A Loading Icon

Oct 21, 2009

I have a site that is very jQuery and image heavy. The main sections of the site link to sections that are built with several Tabs, and as it loads, you briefly see all the content load and then it is hidden by the Tabs code.

The plan is to have a full window DIV that sits above all the content with a loading icon that plays until the entire page loads, and then it fades down.

After some hair pulling and research I have code in place that does exactly as I ask, however it does not seem to work in IE6+7. It works in all other browsers.

The current code is:

CSS for the loading DIV is:

A working link is [url]

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Iframe :: Each Browser Shows The Loading Icon, As If A Page Was Loading?

Mar 19, 2010

I have a lot of javascript functions that request information from an iframe hidden on the page. I see other sites do this, but their browser does not do the loading action (like the processing circle in Firefox). When I do it on my site, each browser shows the loading icon, as if a page was loading. Is it possible to not have this?

That is a sample link. Go down right side of page where you see three buttons: Trailers Featurettes Clips.Those return iframe information to work.

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Not Loading - Get The Loading Scroller Bars But They Don't Fully Load

Sep 14, 2009

It's the Coda Slider script on here: [url]

If you scroll to the bottom, and click: "See what our users have to say" and you can see the sliders.

It's working in all browsers but Safari, the script just doesn't seem to be loading, I get the loading scroller bars but they don't fully load. What is the best way to debug JS - is that the right term?

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JQuery :: 32px Loading GIF Only While Image Is Loading?

Jul 27, 2009

I have this loading.gif image that is 750px, when it should be 32px. The reason it's huge now is because my original solution was displaying two images: one 750px version of the loading.gif image and one 32px version (in the center of the 750px) of the same image. Now I'm at least down to one image, even if it's the wrong version.Click any of the thumbnail images here, and then again on the thumbnail at the top of that popup product gallery to see what I mean: need that huge loading.gif to be 32px like it should be, and then expand to 750px once the image is loaded. I've tried a bunch of solutions, but nothing has solved the problem.This is the code I have at the moment, although I'm working on the issue now so it may change.

$('#inline .thumbGrid img').click(function(){
var strLargeImg = document.getElementById('OBOEsac');


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Loading Gif That Shows Only While Loading Images?

Jul 8, 2009

It's for a photo gallery like this http:[url].....php but the one I need it for has 100 images so the page loads much slower. I can't just put the loading gif behind the images (as you would normaly) because you can see it with each image fade in and out. how I can have a loading gif show "only" while the images are initially loading, and then it goes away?

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Loading PHP Seems Slower Than Loading HTML?

Dec 2, 2011

I have a jQuery script that loads and displays a small window on a mouse hover. I use jQuery AJAX to load the content on that window. Having that, I noticed that loading the response from php file (which does not have a php code, only the file has .php on its name) is slower than the same file content with .html name. I wonder if this is a common problem or there is some issue with my codes. I will post my code if needed (if that seems to be the problem).Note: I mentioned that there is no php code in the php file because I am only testing the performance currently. After it is developed, there will be (obviously) php code in it.

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Pre-loading A Page With Loading Image?

Oct 13, 2009

I have created a party-events website. Which displays a lot of dates of events. As you might understand this page takes some time to load. Therefor I want some of loading image to be displayed while the page is loading. Anybody has an idea how to pull this of? I don't know how.

In detail: People come to my website. They click on "events" and a loading.gif pops up and and makes the background darker. After the page has completely loaded the loading image disappears and the website shows.

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How To Prevent Div From Resizing

Dec 10, 2005

i have a div, i set the innerHTML property to a formatted paragraph of
text. however, at times the text exceeds the width (and height) of the
div. how do i create a fixed width div and make it use a scrollbar if
the contents exceed the height and width specified. i'm using microsoft
visual studio, and i have the width explicitly set in the properties
but still on setting the innerHTML it resizes automatically.

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Prevent Paste

Sep 29, 2007

I found this handy little script on the net that means the user can only press backspace or numbers in form input.

<script type="text/javascript">
function numbersonly(e){
var unicode=e.charCode? e.charCode : e.keyCode
if (unicode!=8){ //if the key isn't the backspace key (which we should
if (unicode<48||unicode>57) //if not a number
return false //disable key press

<input type="text" size=18 onkeypress="return numbersonly(event)">

It works, but it's not foolproof.

2 issues with this code.

1) Can I stop a user from accessing my website if he/she is not using

2) Can I prevent a user from breaking the code and entering other
stuff by placing the cursor in the box and pressing ctrl+v (paste)

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Prevent Default And Then Allow Again

Apr 2, 2011

I have an onclick handler which executes and jquery ajax load function but I need to validate a form first before executing the load function. I don't know how to prevent the load from occurring until the validate is complete. I am validating using the jquery validate plugin.

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Prevent The Div From Jumping?

Dec 24, 2010

So, I have a set of divs in a sentece, and within one div is a link. When the link is clicked, I have all the other divs fade out, and the link is supposed to move to the left, then up. I can accomplish this easily, however, I've noticed that there's a pause between when all the divs fade out, and then the moving of the link. During that pause, it jumps to the leftmost edge of the div that it is contained in.Is there a way to prevent the div from jumping? The following is the code that I have. (I've supplied the html and javascript)I tried using callbacks to prevent the div from jumping, but that didn't really work...

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">

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Prevent Reload (redux)

Dec 4, 2005

I'm a j-script (and html) newbie with what I thought was a simple

1) From a link in a primary window open a secondary window
2) Want to specify size of secondary window
3) Want primary window NOT to reload when secondary opens

Don't want to prejudge the approach; I'm guessing Javascript can help,
and in fact have accomplished 1) and 2) above with the following,
embedded in the body of the primary window html:

<a href="javascript:location='primary_window.html''secondary_window.html', 'secondary_window_label',

But when the secondary window opens, the primary window reloads. I've
seen earlier posts addressing this problem (or similar ones), but I
haven't been able to make any of the suggestions work.

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Prevent / Disable Right Click

Jan 24, 2006

What is the command to prevent "right clicking".

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How To Prevent Refresh After Logout?

Jul 9, 2006

Let me give a brief first. When someone logs in my application with
correct username and password, I set a session attribute, say "user"
with his username.

When he logs out, I invalidate the session and remove the attribute
"user". In each of the protected pages, I check for the session
attribute "user". If it exists, I proceed, else I rdirect to login
page. Btw, I am also using frames when the user logs in.

Everything is working as I want it to. Except one thing! After the user

logs out and then goes back using "back" button of the browser, the
page displayed says that he has been logged out and needs to login
again. But if he refreshes the page (after going "Back"), the page
reloads with correct information, as if he is already logged in.

What do I do to prevent this?

I am fairly new to JSP. So, maybe I am missing out on something....

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Prevent My Content From Disappearing?

Sep 16, 2011

How do I prevent my Link from disappearing?? When I click on the link, "Click Here" It display, "Look At Me!!" but the link, "Click Here" is GONE Is there a way to keep my link, "Click Here" from disappearing?So when I click on the link, "Click Here" the content, "Look At Me!!"should display as well.


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Prevent Arrow Key Scrolling?

Nov 23, 2011

I searched a while on the web for this but i didn't find a solution that really worked. So is there a way how i can prevent IE9 from scrolling when i use the arrow keys?

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Prevent A Second Click On A Link?

Jul 10, 2009

Is there a good way to prevent a second click on a link?I have a rating system where users click a link to leave a rating, i only want them to be able to rate a single time. So i need to disable the link to the user after he clicks it, even after page refresh etc..The link i have looks like

Code HTML4Strict:
<a id="{comment.COMMENT_ID}" href="{comment.U_RATE_COMMENT_POS}" ><img src="./images/thumb-up.png" alt="agree" /></a>
{comment.COMMENT_ID} being a unique number for each link

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