Position Divs Relative To Window Size
Jun 19, 2003
I want my divs (position: absolute) to be positioned relatively to window size My page is a main table with one cell containing all the rest This cell (anf thus my page) is centered (top and left) Each menu link has onMouseOver which shows (visibility) the corresponding layer (div)
Each visible/invisible layer is positioned on the same spot I use absolute positioning for the divs because some browsers don't support positioning relative to tables My question: is the following code the only solution or am I making my life (slightly) complicated over nothing?
This thing works on NN4, 6 7, IE 4, 5, PC and Mac -- that I know of; repositions divs onResize, with reLoad fix for !#+x°! NN4 I get the window size: Code:
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Feb 8, 2010
I need to find the position of an element on the page relative to the browser window. Its part of a popup calendar script (and no, they don't want to change it so please don't suggest jQuery date-picker etc) The script uses these functions [url]... to find the position of the anchor to pop up the calendar next to it.
Now the client wants to make the calendar fixed when the user scrolls so that it always stays on screen. The most graceful solution is using css position:fixed (I'm aware it doesn't work in IE6 - that's not a problem)
I've been using the getAnchorWindowPosition function to get the coordinates but the numbers its giving are wrong (to different degrees depending on the browser) It was only 200px out in the Y axis in Firefox but in IE7&8 its off the screen.
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Oct 19, 2011
I display tooltips on my page that appear to the right of form elements. But if the element is too far to the right, the tooltip gets cut off. in that case i would like it to appear to the left.
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Jul 23, 2005
All my font-sizes are set as relative sizes in CSS (large, medium, small,
x-small, etc). Let's say something is set in CSS to be xx-large, but a
visually impaired user wants it displayed even bigger. Can a script
determine an element's absolute size, *as it is being rendered by the
browser*, and then increment the element's font-size in absolute terms?
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Sep 26, 2011
I'm having a problem with css positions !! i want the position of an image to be fixed when the user scrolls till some point and the position should be set to relative after that
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Jul 23, 2005
how can I get the absolute position of a relative element?
We dynamically create a page with multiple segments which are relatively
ordered among each other. In these segments we have input fields.
When such an input field is focused I need it's absolute position.
Is there a way to do so with IE > 6?
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Jul 20, 2005
I have an iframe with some javascipt that gets the mouse x and y
position like this:
//inside the iframe's onmousemove call back funciton
xMousePos = window.event.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft;
yMousePos = window.event.clientY + document.body.scrollTop;
This gets the x and y position inside the iframe. But what I want is
the x and y position of the parent window, not the screen like
screenX. Is there any easy way to get parentX and parentY or to get
the offset x and y of the iframe relitive to the parent from inside
the iframe?
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Aug 27, 2010
How can i find the DIV position (top and left) relative to viewport ?
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Nov 23, 2007
Is there any way in Javascript to find the position of an element relative to the screen rather than the browser viewport? I can't find anything.
Is this possible? The reason I ask is I wish the values to be used in Java, which needs coordinates relative to the screen.
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Sep 8, 2009
I'm busy trying to build an interface where users can create a sort of collage with images that they upload. I know it is possible to get the position of a DHTML element relative to the screen, the problem is I need the coordinates relative to a main div tag so that I can "compile" the collage and then when it gets served it will look the same regardless of screen size.
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Jul 2, 2004
I wonder if you can help? I've implemented a ready made JavaScript vertical toolbar into my Web site but have problems with positioning. It only has by default absolute positioning parameters and I need to change them to relative as whenever the browser is resized the menu stays at the same place on the screen. I was told that using <DIV> tags can help, but I have no idea how to do it.
Can anyone please submit a working example code of asigning relative parameters to the menu?
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Mar 26, 2009
Is it possible to get the position of an object relative to the document if it's a floating object inside elements?
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Nov 26, 2002
I am trying to make a layer that mimics a particular cell in a table (please dont ask me why, its complicated). I have created the layer so that its dimensions exactly match the table cell in question. Now I want to create a function that sets the top and left position of the layer to exactly match the top and left position of the cell in question. I have already had a try myself, but for the life of me can't quite figure it out.
I tried giving the cell in question and 'id' tag (id="centerCol") and then referencing the left and top values of the object. See the following code:
document.getElementById('layerHeader').style.left = document.getElementById('centerCol').style.left;
Any suggestions on what I am doing wrong?
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Jan 15, 2010
I've got a scrolling text field that runs several pages deep, and I want to pop up multiple floating divs that will appear at the site of the text links (however deep in the scroll field). I can get multiple divs to pop by calling them layer1, layer2, etc. but they all pop relative to the position of layer1 (the only one specified in the javascript file). Is there a way to get each layer to appear next to the text link that fires it? code...
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Aug 9, 2011
Have a web app which consists of a form and have it set up to launch a dialog box containing information next to the subject label text field.Everytime, someone fills out the form and clicks on submit, the form's message body (from the text area of the form) is displayed on top and theform is displayed underneath it. Before, I had it set up as fixed (x,y) for the dialog box to appear next to the subject label. But, now, whenthe page becomes longer, the dialog box doesn't appear next to my subject label text field. It is displayed a lot lower.
Here's the code to find the position:
// Finds the position and adds 40px to the left axis.
function findPosition(obj) {
var curleft = curtop = 0;
if (obj.offsetParent) {
How can I set it so my findPosition() calculation doesn't miscalculate when the page is too long (when scroll bars are needed)?
Is there a way to set the relative positioning to always have the dialog appear 40px right of the subject label?
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May 26, 2010
What is the best way to get the position of an element relative to the document (accounting for margins as well)?I would like to position another element over it. I'm using the offset() function but i am running into issues 1. The values for top & left returned in IE 8 (perhaps other versions) are incorrect.2. Offset() doesn't take into account margins of the element. And when margins are set to auto i cannot seem to get the correct margin values to use
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Feb 18, 2010
I had askedthis question on another forum but unfortunately I was unable to find a fix. I have a select and drag code that works well until in selection is added a position relative div. Here is the code and you can see a working demo at [URL] To see the problem just mouse select span 1, span 2 and the nested span 4 You can see the code and demo at http://jsbin.com/azeli/2
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Jul 19, 2009
I made this quick 12sec/600KB screencast to help illustrate what's happening:[URL]...There is a hidden div that contains the fieldset. The slide is applied to the div. In Firefox, the element that has the slideDown/SlideUp effect applied works fine. In IE7, the element just appears, then the elements around it slide (which appears broken)
The fieldset element has a position:relative property (which is needed for fixing CSS bugs on the legend tag)
If I remove the position:relative property, slideUp/slideDown works fine in IE7 (but breaks the legend tag)
Is there a way around this without having to remove the position:relative property?
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Mar 20, 2010
I managed to get my hover over text pop up to work but now I would like the text box to pop up in the same location relative to the text As you can see here, when you hover over any text not within the first row, it is a bit all over the place. Is there any way making the text pop up the same way it does for the first row for the other rows?
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Apr 14, 2011
where da boss wants our a large piece of our site to be fully dynamic and integrated on any screen size. This means changing font on size. Well I cam up with a solution, figured if no one has one better, then i'll share
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Aug 26, 2011
I am new to Jquery mobile framework.I have an asp.net web application and I want to convert it into Jquery mobile framework.I have a datalist on an aspx page.The size of the datalist decreases according to the window size to certain extent after which the size of the datalist becomes constant and doesn't decrease with the window size.
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Dec 8, 2010
first off I am pretty much a newbie to web development but especially to java script so go easy with the tecnical terms I am trying to implement an image carousel but I cant get it to work and it is altering the width of my div in the HTML. I have the slider in div id="content", when I dont have the JS file in the folder the div shows up fine but when I have the JS file in the right place it resizes it to 1024*50 so none of the content can be seen. I was wondering if anyone could make sense of the JS file and see if anything would be causing that? I must also point out that I havent written this code, I have copied it from the web.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have made a remote control window which opens from its parent. On loading, the remote is positioned relative to the screen using window.moveTo(x,y).
What I would like to happen is the remote control to open docked in a
specific location relative to the parent (opener).
Fortunately, I need this to work ONLY in IE, so at least I don't have to
worry about cross-browser issues.
Does anyone know how to open a window realtive to an anchor in the parent
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Aug 1, 2011
I have built a website with draggable scaleable items on a page. You can see what I've done here... [URL]
It uses java script from... [URL]
What I need the site to do is remember the position and scale of the items so that when visitors return to the site the items are where they left them.
I believe it is possible to store this information in a cookie, however I have no idea how to do that or make it work.
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Aug 31, 2011
I started learning javascript couple of days ago, so this may be a noobie question.
I wrote a simple code that should re-size the image (there's some other code in here just in case) code...
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Aug 31, 2011
I started learning javascript couple of days ago, so this may be a noobie question.
I wrote a simple code that should re-size the image (there's some other code in here just in case) code...
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