Php - Keep A Div From Reloading?
Jul 2, 2010
Basically, I want the same effect as the oldschool html 'frameset' I think.[URL]If a user selects a project from industry -> transportation for example, I would like that the right scrollmenu keeps its initial state when the new project page comes up. So they won't get lost and have to click again to be in the same submenu section.So, the right thumbnail navigation should stay in the same way, I don't want it to reload.Do I have to do it with frames or iframes? Or can I make some kind of jQuery call to 'not reload' that div? Maybe PHP? I'm sorry, I am not a programmer from origin.
Update:I managed to put the whole thumbnail navigation code into a seperate php file, called sidebar.php. Now this gets called in my single.php (Wordpress) by <?php get_sidebar(); ?>.Should it now be easier to make this sidebar.php NOT refresh on page reload? I've been looking at cookies, php sessions, iframes.. but I can't get it to work.
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Nov 8, 2011
I have a flash embedded into HTML and at some action in the flash, a javascript is called that changes the CSS properties of the div containing the flash (postion, from relative to fixed)the problem is, when this CSS is called the flash banner reloads from the beginning.. I read about it, and it's kind of a bug in firefox.the question is, is there a way to change the CSS without reloading the flash?
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a site with frames. Like most sites with frames, clicking
links in one frame changes the page in the other frame.
Obviously, if someone puts in the URL for my site, they will get the
"homepage" when they first get there. What I would like to accomplish
is that if they leave my site, and then use the BACK button to come
back, that the site will open with the homepage, not whatever page
they were at when they left. Is that possible using javascript? If
so, how?
My site isn't actually "on the web" yet, so I can't give you a URL.
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Sep 20, 2005
I have a page that has several layers that I will either show/hide
based on a graphic/tab that the user clicks. (works perfectly)
On several of the layers there are forms that the user can update
information on. Well, after the user updates the information, I need
to 1.) refresh the data on the page(means a reload of the page), and
2.) take the user right back to were they started.
My problem is that when I refresh, the page goes back to the 1st layer
that is set as default to show.
So, here is what I did. I have two functions.
Function 1 is called when the user clicks on one of the tabs (Assets)
in this case. This will 1.) show the Assets tab and 2.) hide all the
rest of the tabs.
Well if I update that form for Assets, I need to 1.) refresh the data
and 2.) bring the user right back to Assets.
What I did for this (please tell me if there is a better way) was to
set a hidden field with the lastlocation of where the user clicked. In
this case the field value is now set to Assets.
So far everything is working great...
Well, if I submit the form because I've updating information, I need to
return back to the assets layer. To do this I set the location.url and
put a var in the url that I evaluate when I OnLoad the page. If the
value = Assets then I am able to show/hide the layers to get to the
Again, this works great after much banging of my head against the
wall... Here come the problem.
Because I set the location.URL (I've also tried location.href) the
browser will automatically refresh. I do not want this. I want to set
the url and only refresh when I want to.
For example when I submit a form that updates data.
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Jul 20, 2005
Is there a way of reloading a page programatically - for example,
<script language="javascript>
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Jul 20, 2005
Suppose I have two frames, as shown in the script below. One of the frames,
I would like to have reload every ten minutes or so. Hower, the frame I wish
to reload is a php script, which executes and creates a png image which gets
displayed directly to the browser frame (therefore, the image is NOT written
to the server itself, and the page that gets displayed in the frame I wish
to update is a png image mime type).
How can I amend my script in my page which holds the frameset (i.e. the
parent) such that only one particular frame is updated at a fixed interval?
<frameset rows="10%,90%>
<frame src="ggtab1a.php" name="main" scrolling="no" noresize
echo "<frame src="reports/homepages/" . $username.".php" ";
name="work1" FRAMEBORDER=0 BORDER=0 FRAMESPACING=0 marginwidth="0"
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Mar 30, 2011
I'm working on a website that has four tabs, [#main, page1.html, page2.html, page3.html] if you click on tab2 it will dynamically load page1.html where there is a form that a user will fill out, and when they submit it, I would like to reload page1.html, or tab2 if its easier and in scope, to show new information.
However the only thing I have been able to do is fade out the 'main' div inside this tab, $('#main').fadeOut('slow'); but adding a .load('#main') to reload the div fails.
I've also tried loading ui-tabs-1 but I dont think this will work since page1.html doesnt have it defined, it's part of the page loading page1.html (where all 4 tabs are located)
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Nov 18, 2011
I am just starting out with jQuery (slowly reading through my book)
I am trying to find a way to stop a DIV from reloading with the rest of the page content.
I have a fixed position div at the bottom of the browser with image thumbnails. I am trying to figure how I can get this DIV to NOT refresh when a link inside it is selected. This will allow the scroll position in this div will remain in the correct location.
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Apr 6, 2010
I'm trying to get a form working like Google's "Was this information helpful?" link at the bottom of their help pages. ie.
http:[url]....What I want to do is when a user clicks on the Yes / No link it submits the yes / no value to a php script, but without reloading the current page.Is there any way to do this other than using Ajax?
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Jun 1, 2009
I made a form with a tooltip function when you hover over an input field.But when I load the page, after about 500ms, the page turns white and the ""Loading..."-message from the browser stays forever.I found out that this is because of the tooltip function, especially the code:document.write(table)
Here's the javascript:
//////// Tooltip code
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Nov 4, 2010
I started on the following page (part of an solution), but the damned thing keeps reloading.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
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Feb 24, 2011
I have a div tag that I want to loop through and refresh at the end of the loop. I understand Ajax is probably the best option for this but how do I refresh just the div tag alone without reloading the page?
In the title I meant to say How do I refresh a div tag without reloading the page?
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Sep 4, 2003
I have a window that generates a popup. In the popup a link takes you to a second page within the popup.In the 2nd page of the popup I have the following
<body onUnload="opener.location.replace(window.opener.location);">
This reloads the original parent window. This reloads the page but is causing the problems, the page seems to change but it is going to this URL[object]
It should refresh the page but instead it is adding the [object] piece to the end.
Do you have any idea's on how to fix this (or an alternative)?
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Mar 3, 2007
does anyone can send me an example how to reload a div? I have an asp included file inside a div and i'd like to refresh it..
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Nov 21, 2011
I'm trying to learn js &html5. now i have an issue. i'm working on a dice game (craps) using the html5 <canvas>. my dice are working fine but every time i click the "roll" button the page reloads which resets my form. the form provides feedback about the rolls. it includes the output of the counter variable, and win, lose, or shoot again info.
Html5 can be viewed at
Here is some of the js. if you need it all i'll post it later - just let me know.
Fyi- if i take the call to fxInit() out of the body tag in the html5 the canvas does not persist, it blinks with every (roll) onClick Event
I have used ie9 js debugger and it steps through flawlessly every time 4-5 counts .
var firstTurn = true;
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Feb 13, 2011
I'm trying to write a javascript to open up multiple websites one at a time in the same window in Internet Explorer 8, but my code keeps opening the sites in a new window. I want it in the same window. I can't seem to achieve this.
So, currently this code opens up [URL] in a new window, then it opens [URL] in a new window and then [URL] in a new window. I do not want it to behave like this. I want all the websites to be open in the same window one after the other.
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Jan 24, 2006
Is there any way to change the contents of the location bar, such as to add something like "?c=1" to the end of the url, without causing the web page to reload itself?
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a rolling image script that works fine except that the images do not seem to be preloading properly. The images are still being pulled on every interval from the
server according to the it because I am using the document.write method? Is that forcing a refresh? Code:
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Feb 23, 2011
this is my process :
1/ I displaycontaining div,
2/ I click oncontaining divarea
3/ containing div is removed
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Feb 27, 2011
I created an internal application which shows a large list of tasks that will be completed on a server by a script. It will go through each in order and update a database with its status (E.x "Failed", "Good", "Errors: <msg>").What I am doing currently is pulling the ID's of these tasks from a database, and then passing them to JQ to .load() the actual content for each div.What I would like to do is figure out a way to have each div reload as something is happening to it. So, lets say the script fires on the server and begins to process task ID 1. I would like to figure out a good way to be able to instantiate reloading for each div, as it is being processed.I do not wish to reload the entire page, I would not like for all 200+ divs to be constantly refreshing.
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Dec 25, 2010
I revise the hrefs of the a-Attributes of my page. Now I include new content in this page and want to revise those hrefs again, but it won't work...
open: function( page ){
type: "GET",
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Sep 30, 2009
I have a script that writes to an IFRAME, it writes dynamically and then needs to reload it server side. Anybody knows how to do it? I'm joining the code of my attempt but it appears to be reloading the IFRAME on the client side therefore causing an activeX error since I am running this in FireFox:
var frTraductionID = document.getElementById("frTraduction");
frTraductionID = (frTraductionID.contentWindow) ? frTraductionID.contentWindow : (frTraductionID.contentDocument.document) ?
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Mar 17, 2010
I am not all that great at coding, but would like to put together a windows sidebar gadget that keeps track and logs specific activities. Some daily, some weekly, some monthly, ect.
I need to find a way to refresh a small imported java script every time a button is pressed without refreshing the entire form. Would also like to have it refresh automatically every hour if possible.
The line of code to reload is [URL]...Here is the entire code:
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Dec 3, 2010
I have a google map which shows a car moving along a line that it reads from xml.the problem is that if the user clicks the button again without reloading the page, the map moves but the car remains at its last point.From what I can figure out, this means that the startAnimation() function has restarted but the animate(d) function has not restarted. but trying to call the animate(d) function from the button, where the startAnimation() gets called,is there some way of resetting the animate(d) function when the startAnimation() function gets called, so everything goes back to the start? Or is there some other way of "refreshing" everything without reloading the page?
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May 2, 2011
I'm trying to create a feature similar to facebooks "like" system.
I have a page with peoples posts in, and when someone clicks on "like", I want to first run the query to insert a new like into the database, then reload just the number of likes, without refreshing the entire page.
I know this way is harder but I want it to work without reloading everything. Here's what I have so far:
function for like (reverse engineered, might be completely wrong..)
function like(){
I know that at the moment there is no query to add an entry to the database when clicking on the like link, but I'm not too sure how to put it. I tried putting this:
$addLike = "INSERT INTOlike (username, postid) VALUES ('$username','$postid')";
$run = mysql_query($addLike) or die(mysql_error());
but because the posts are loaded with a while loop, clicking like on one made me like all of them on that page.
I though reloading the "likecount.php" page would reload the count for the page?
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Aug 19, 2009
I'm trying to reload some dynamic content that is contained within div tags without refreshing the entire page. After some searching it appears that Ajax is my best bet, but I have never worked with JQuery before.
Here is the code snippet from the page containing the data I'm looking to refresh when a user click the "update" form button:
<div id="data">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2">
As you can see I'm currently just reloading the entire page, which is weak.
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