Passing The Return Value Of Javascript Function To Xsl Variable

Jul 23, 2005

I just want to know how can i pass the return value of a javascript function to a xsl variable.

I have an xsl file and from that file i will call a javascript function
then the result will be stored in to the <xsl:variable> how will i do
that? Or is it really possible to do that or is there other way of doing

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Passing Function Value To A Tag - Return Value

Sep 7, 2009

I want to pass a javascript function's return value, to an anchor tag's href parameter i.e. <a href>

Suppose I have a function called getTrackingCode( ) that contains a value "testSite"
<script language = "JavaScript">
function getTrackingCode( )
return "testSite";

Now I want to pass this function's value to anchor's href, I have attempted these:


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Passing Return Value To Function?

Aug 9, 2010

How do I pass results back to textService so that I can make a call such as textResult = textService(text to pass in);

I don't want to use a global variable if I can avoid it. This is the code


function textService(text){"GET", "http://....?text="+text, true);
req.onload = showResults; req.send(null);


Basically I would just like these two functions to become one function with a return value.

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Passing Variable To ASP With Javascript

Jul 20, 2005

I have two events in a form that I am passing. One is to a javascript
function, the other is to the same .asp page only with another action
to show different data.

Onchange is calls the function updateclasses, which in turn reloads
another drop-down list. It also reloads the .asp page, which
refreshes the data. My problem is that it refreshes the second
drop-down briefly, until the page reloads, but then resets the form.
How do i pass this data to the .asp?

I thought in the .asp, I could just do something simple like the
following, but wasn't sure of the correct syntax. is there a better

view = request.querystring("view")
if view = "" then
view = "SciLink"
<script language="JavaScript">
updateclasses(form1, 0, Student)
end if


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Passing A JavaScript Variable In Href

Oct 26, 2005

For ease of future modifications on my page, I want to have a list of URLs stored in an Array, and I want to then use these URLs in an href tag. Something like this:

<A HREF = menuURL[0] ........

How is something like this possible, as well as being fairly crossplatform, and intuitive? I've changed the syntax, and tried various other things to no avail.

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JQuery :: Create A Global Function And Store The Return Value In A Variable?

May 15, 2011

I tried creating a global function to calculate the distance between 2 points.

jQuery.distance(p1, p2){
var dx = p2.x - p1.x;
var dy = p2.y - p1.y;
return Math.sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2);

Somewhere else within my code, I declare a new variable in order to store the value returned by the distance function.

var distance = $.distance(particle1, particle2);

However this is not working.

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JQuery :: Use The Return Value From A Nested Ajax Function As The Value For A Variable In Its Parent?

Jul 17, 2009

I am attempting to use the return value from a nested ajax function as the value for a variable in its parent. However, despite being able to successfully assign the variable within the nested function, it reverts back to its original value after the child function has terminated. Below is the code:


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Passing Js Function Variable For Id

Aug 14, 2009

I am having trouble passing the correct id to change the innerHTML. I have a jsp that display people and their address information. There could be several people in the list, so it is in a loop. That part all works good. There is a drop down list with countries in them. Based on the country they select, I want to change some of the text. Here is what I have:

<td class="datashaded" valign="top"><font size="2"><b>Country:</b></font></td>
<td class="datashaded" valign="top">


When I hardcoded the id= value, not matter which group I changed the country on, only the first one was changing, so I knew I needed unique ids for each group. There is more to the table, but this is the good part. When the onChange fires now, Nothing at all happens.

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New Function Variable Passing?

Apr 22, 2011

I have a function which is currently called twice on the same page. Part of the function is to apply an onkeyup event to a created element. The problem is that when the function is called twice the first created element calls the onkeyup function of the second element!

table_JD.length-1 = 0 for first element
table_JD.length-1 = 1 for second element
updateSearch_TC_JD(1) is somehow called from first element!
newSearchBox.onkeyup = function() {updateSearch_TC_JD(table_JD.length-1)}

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Function Not Passing Variable

Jun 10, 2010

So this is my dilemma. I'm creating a function and passing variables dynamically, but when I try to pass a variable and then alert it out, I get an 'undefined' error.

Zeeshan Syed
var hotels = xml.getElementsByTagName("hotels")[index];


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Passing Function Variable In Asp?

Dec 15, 2011

I have this problem:

in my page index.asp I have defined a function rupload():

<%@ Language=VBScript %>
<% Option Explicit
Dim objConn, objRS, strSQL


In this way the function works perfectly; but I want that Ifile is not equal to a predefined path BUT Ifile must accept the value of javascript variable ip_file

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Passing Variable To A Function Inside A Function?

Feb 10, 2010

Here is the code:

for (var i = 0; i < BS_crm['activityTypes'].length; i++) {
var clickFunc = function(){ activityList.showForm( -1, {blockType:[""+BS_crm['activityTypes'][i]['id'], "0"]} ); };
var type = {


Now, basically what I am doing here is running through one array to create an array of objects, that will be used to create links that will use whatever onClick function I pass it. The problem is that on the second line I need the BS_crm['activityTypes'][i]['id'] to be a value, not a reference. If that line was simply changed to:

var clickFunc = function(){ activityList.showForm( -1, {blockType:["3", "0"]} ); };

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JQuery :: Passing A Variable To A Function?

Aug 15, 2010

if this is such a obvious question, but i'm kind of newbie in JQuery, i am using a lightpop plugin, & i want to pass 'image_path' via html. lightpop plugin code is something like this:

jQuery.browser = jQuery.extend(
{chrome: /chrome/i.test(navigator.userAgent)} ,


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For Loop Passing Variable To Function?

Feb 10, 2010

I'm trying to make it so when you click a cell in a table it runs a function based on the value within that cell. With the current code, no matter what cell is clicked, the alert box displays the same number, which is the last number in my array. The variable, princ, is just being overwritten rather than writing code to each the cell with the proper value.



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Passing A Variable To A Click Function?

Aug 3, 2011

I have a DOM click event that creates a <span>. When the user clicks a button, it turns that <span> into a textarea that the user can type a new name in, press enter, and then the span contains the text the user input. Sort of like when you rename a file in Windows Explorer.

Anyway, the code is something like this, and I'm wondering if I can use 'area_el' in this way... right now it's giving me the error that area_el is undefined, even though I define it in the function that contains the Event declaration.The first part is the Dom stuff to make it all work. It's not stuff I need to mess with, but I'm putting it here in case it's useful.

var Dom = {
get: function(el)


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Passing Variable To Function As A Literal?

Apr 24, 2010

I've been banging on this for a couple hours even though I'm sure it has a less-than-five-second fix. Hopefully somebody will glance at it and point out the obvious thing I'm missing.I'm using the onchange event of an html select element to trigger an array prototype function that looks for a value in an array and returns the indices of the array that contain that value, or FALSE if the array doesn't contain the value. For this example, here's the array being set up:

var instids = new Array();
instids[0] = 5;
instids[1] = 6;


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Passing Variable In Function Call?

Mar 22, 2010

I can call a function from a hyperlink as so:

<A HREF="javascript:go()">+ Add Text</A>

but how do I pass a variable to the function in this hyperlink?

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Passing An Input Variable To A Function?

Mar 14, 2011

I'm using Keith Wood's jquery plugin to produce some graphs for my site. Though I've been able to produce "static" ones, I'd like the user to be able to input a new constant and then have my graph update it according to what they enter. I'm not quite sure how to add the value that the user inputs to my linear function below. So far I have:


<input type="text" size="1" id="plotit2" name="plotit2"/>

for the user to input the desired change. Then I have:


$('#plotIt1').click(function() {
var svg = $('#svgplot').svg('get');
svg.plot.noDraw().addFunction('lingraph', linear, 'blue', 3).redraw();


I've parsed down the code to what I think are the important points but if I can clarify anything I'd be happy to do so.

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JQuery :: Passing Event Variable Using 1.7's .on() Function?

Nov 14, 2011

I'm having issues while passing the triggered event with .on.

obj.on('click', feedmania.handler.itemFeedmania.toggleFormComment);
I've tried:
obj.on('click', feedmania.handler.itemFeedmania.toggleFormComment(e));
obj.on('click', function(e){feedmania.handler.itemFeedmania.toggleFormComment(e)});


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Passing Variable From Event Listener To Function

Nov 5, 2009

I need to pass the 'id' variable from the event listener to the callback function, 'moveObject'. The moveObject function needs to know the id of which element it should act upon. How can I pass this variable?

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Passing Variable From External Function To Php Page?

Dec 15, 2009

I have a function in an external javascript file (calculate.js) which calculates the price of a product, based on a users preferences in a form (dropdowns, radio buttons etc). Each time the user modifies their choice, the script/function then displays the price on the page (index.html) using:

document.getElementById("price").innerHTML = price;

Once the user has finished making their choices, they then click the forms submit button (method="post") to be taken to a confirmation page (confirm.php).

Here, I can display the users preferences using php code like:

<?php echo $_POST['size'] ?>
<?php echo $_POST['color'] ?> etc, etc...

But I'm not sure how to pass the price over!

The preferences come from the form and are picked up with php. But the price is calculated with javascript! How do I send it to confirm.php?

I have tried adding

window.location = "confirm.php?Quote=" + price;

to the function, but this changes the page before the user may want to go to the confirmation page!

Can I add a hidden input to index.html with the value set as the javascript variable called price? If so, what syntax do I use for this? I have tried

document.write('<input type="hidden" name="quote" value="'price'" ?>" />')

and some other stuff too, but I still can't get it to work!

Or do I pass the value in the url, like confirm.php?Quote='price'? Again, what is the syntax, as I can't seem to get it to work?

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AddEventListener Not Passing Function Variable Correctly?

Dec 11, 2010

Every time i click on one of the said elements, it puts "undefined" into the textbox each time i click on an seems to me that the Key_Table[x] is not getting passed correctly. How do i make sure that this is getting passed correctly?Here's my Code:

<script type='text/javascript'>
// Startup Script
if (document.addEventListener) {


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Javascript Function To Return Selected Item Value From Drop-down

May 21, 2007

I need to write a javascript function (which will be called on clicking a button) to return the currently selected item from a drop- down list whose rendered html is below.

<select name="ddlQuery"
onchange="javascript:setTimeout('__doPostBack('ddlQuery', '')', 0)"
id="ddlQuery" style="width:273px;">
<option value="Munich">Munich</option>
<option selected="selected" value="London">London</option>
<option value="Paris">Paris</option>
<option value="Tokyo">Tokyo</option>

So in the above case, the javascript should return the string 'London' which is the selected item.

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JQuery :: Passing A Variable From A Post Callback Function?

Oct 23, 2010

I can't seem to get a variable declared from within a post callback, so that I could manipulate my script accordingly. I have delete.php, that deletes an id from a mysql db. If it fails, I want the script to stop and display the error. The .php script echos an "ok" if everything went fine, if not - it echos the error.var abort_error; // set the error variable

$.get("delete.php", { delete: $(this).parent().parent().parent().attr('id') },
if(data != 'ok') {


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JQuery :: Passing Variable To String Function Correctly

Aug 10, 2010

Two objects on an html page. An event on object 1 effects object 2
var myTriggerId =;
var myTargetId = 'video_' + myTriggerId;
document.getElementById(myTargetId).src = 'images/test_object_2.gif'; // this works
// $('#myTargetId').src = 'images/test_object_2.gif'; // this does not
My assumption (we know about those) is that I am not passing the data to the $() function correctly, that it is reading '#myTargetId' as a string, and not a variable. I just really want the JQuery code that would do what the document.getElementById code is doing.

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Passing Variable-length Argument List From One Function To Another

Dec 8, 2006

Given the following code:

var xf2;
function f1()
if (document.createElement && document.body && document.body.appendChild) {
xf2 = new f2(arguments[]);
I am getting a syntax error in the "new" statement following the [].

How do I pass the variable-length arguments list received by f1 on to f2?

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