Passing Meta-knowledge About A Form Element
Jan 20, 2006
I need to create a table where each element has certain specific properties.
For example, elements in the first column should always have a range of
0-100, and increment by 1. Elements in column 2 might have a range of
0-360, and increment by 0.1. Altogether there might be 8 elements in
each row.
Since this is basically the same javascript function over and over, I
wonder if there is a way to create some <input> element that might
contain this knowledge in a way that javascript can access it.
For example, could I have
<input type="text" class="percent" onkeypress="javascript:blah(event)">
where the javascript function could retrieve the class value?
Since this is going to be fairly complex, I'd like to make it fairly
self-documenting and simple. It's much easier for a maintainer to
understand class="precent" than "javascript:blah(0,100,1,event)",
especially since I am also going to have to pass navigation information
(is this a border element in the table? what are my neighbors? kind
of information... - so that the actual information might end up being
javascript:blah(0,100,1,5,21,16,18,0,1,0,0,event) to denote the data
type, the 4 neighbors, and the 4 border conditions....
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Sep 3, 2010
If I have something like this:html4strict Code: I'd get an error. Is there anyway I can make this work so that if I pass a value through as a parameter, I can use it when referencing a particular field?
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Aug 3, 2011
I'm trying to hide() show() an element when a specific checkbox is checked, the checkbox is nested within an asp Panel which is nested within a Web User Control.When the user control is loaded, the checkbox's id changes to the panel id + the checkbox id due to the face that i have an unknown number of user controls that can be added to the same aspx page.I need a way to hide a textbox when the checkbox is checked without using the '#controlId' syntax, and when i pass the its not working:
toggleMe: function toggleTest(ID) {
var elem = document.getElementById(ID);
var parentId = $(elem).parent().parent().parent().parent().attr("id");
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Sep 1, 2010
pardon my ignorance if this topic has been discussed before - I couldn't construct a search query that returned anything of the like!
Currently I have a set of two div elements, both of which span the width and height of the window. The top div plays host to a user interface, and the bottom div to various editable elements. The problem here lies in the fact that the user interface div is intercepting all mouse events, and as such neither the lower div nor any of its children may be interacted with.
And so my question is just that: is there any way to pass events through an element, or, more specifically, transparent sections of div elements? I have considered simply triggering the same event on the lower div, but without the ability to pass offset coordinates to the .trigger() function, it would require a rather undesirable amount of code to calculate which element on the lower div to trigger the even on...
My other consideration is to minimize the dimensions of the user interface layer (something similar to 50 x 50 px) and use absolute positioning to position the user interface widgets, additionally using a div element below the bottom div to constrain the movement and resizing of user interface widgets.
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Jan 22, 2010
I am working on a mini select manipulation, moving options back and fourth, etc.
What are some of the considerations between passing just the ID names of the two selects from the button that triggers the add/remove versus passing the selects?
function moveOptions("left","right");
function moveOptions($("#left"),$("#right"));
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Feb 3, 2010
I have a loop that iterates over an array of objects.
Then for each of these objects, a div element containing an img element is created and appended to the document.
Further each img element must have an onclick event that basically changes the backgroundColor of it's enclosing div, as well as make changes to the associated object in the array.
The loops basically looks like this:
Now everything is created fine and the events are bound to the images, however, the only things that change in any of the onclick events are the very last container and object passed. For some reason it seems that the references in all the previous loops are replaced with the newer ones.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a web form that needs to be printed for signatures. Problem is the
form is just a bit too big and always prints on two pages. Is there a meta
tag that will tell the printer to print the document on one page...or is
there a meta tag I can use to print at 80%?
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Mar 11, 2009
That didnt work The code is added to the oScript element but thats it. I have tried another script from here:
I want to add a meta tag from the body tag and it worked using Jscript
This worked only on my local but not on hoster:
HtmlMeta GoogleVerify = new HtmlMeta();
GoogleVerify.Name = "verify-v1";
GoogleVerify.Content = "681rsArfYmoRz88BIT8ZVDeLk4b6VMEn1+StcF61iwY=";
HtmlHead head = (HtmlHead)Page.Header;
And on the hoster theres a scripting error as well why innerHTML doest work?
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Nov 23, 2005
Does anyone know how - or better yet - have a sample of how to extract information from a meta tag in an HTML document's head tag using Javascipt?
I have looked at the DOM with Firefox - but it seems so long. I'd be really interested in a better way. If someone has the javascript for walking through the DOM, that would be cool too. I havn't built it yet.
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Jul 23, 2007
I have a requirement to hit a page, run some JavaScript, and move on to another page. It's uncertain whether the user actually has JavaScript enabled, so I can't use JS to effectuate the move to the second page. Here's what I've got:
<meta http-equiv='refresh' content=Ɔurl=page2.html'>
<script src=""></script>
_xxx = "xxxxxxxxx";
My question: will the JS run before the refresh to page2.html? I tested this with an alert() in the script and it seemed to work fine. I just thought some of the W3C gurus out here might be able to give more authoritative answers.
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May 23, 2010
I would like to have a main form (written in PHP) that has a "lookup" button next to a text field. When the user clicks "lookup", it should open a new window that lets them search (child.page1). When they enter a name or DOB into the search form, it submits the form through PHP (via POST), to a results page (child.page2). This displays all persons in the database which have a name or DOB == to the search term(s), with a checkbox next to each match. They click the checkbox (or alternenatively, a link), and return the checkbox value to the main window.
I have everything working right now, except that (child.page2) doesn't recognize the main window. If the data is entered on (child.page1), it works fine. I'm not very familiar with javascript.. is this even possible? I've considered using frames, to keep the parent-child relationship evident to the computer, but figured I'd check to see if there's an easier way.
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Feb 12, 2003
When introducing custom functionality to HTML elements we either use existing attributes to pass configuration parameters (like beetle's fValidate ( or invent our own (like my Tooltips ( While this method is ok for small amount of configuration information, it is not that flexible (you need to edit DTD) and becomes combersome when large amount of configuration parameters is needed.
I figured a more convinient way is to use a CSS like string to pass configuration parameters:
<div myextension="parameter1: value1; parameter2-subparameter1: value2.1; parameter2-subparameter2: value2.2"> </div>
Then initialization routine would contain:
if(myExtensionParameters = divElement.getAttribute('myExtension'))
divElement.myExtension = new myExtensionObject(divElement,myExtensionParameters);
Definition of possible parameters and their values can be done using an array of regular expressions:
myExtensionParamDefenitions = new Array();
myExtensionParamDefenitions['choiceparameter'] = /^s*(value1a|value1b|value1c)s*$/;
myExtensionParamDefenitions['stringparameter'] = /^s*(w+)s*$/;
myExtensionParamDefenitions['integerparameter'] = /^s*(d+)s*$/;
Constructor for the myExtensionObject would containd a parseParameters function:
function myExtensionObject(divElement,myExtensionParameters)
{ this.params=new Array();
//Verify parameter initialization, if you like
for(e in this.params) str+= e + ': ' + this.params[e] + '
//Do whatever you have to do...
Function parseParameters has the following code:
function parseParameters(object,definitions,parameters)
{ paramEntries = parameters.split('');
for(var i=0; i<paramEntries.length; i++)
{ paramEntry = paramEntries[i].split(':');
if(paramEntry.length == 2)
{ paramName = paramEntry[0].replace(/^s*([w-]+)s*$/,'$1');
{ res = definitions[paramName].exec(paramEntry[1]);
object[convertCSSName(paramName)] = res[1];
Where convertCSSName function converts CSS type name (background-image) to javascript name (backgroundImage)
function convertCSSName(cssName)
{ sn = cssName.split('-');
rs = sn[0];
for(var i=1; i<sn.length; i++)
rs += sn[i].replace(/^(w)(w*)$/,function(str,p1,p2,offset,s){return p1.toUpperCase() + p2;})
return rs;
As a result you have params array of myExtensionObject object populated with validated entries. Changes and expansion is done by simply editing myExtensionParamDefenitions array.
PS: The functions are coded more for clarity rather than for brevity - I'm certain there are ways to improve the implementation.
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Jul 20, 2005
I have documents that I want to automatically add additional meta
tags to. The documents already have some meta tags and I want to keep them
all together, so I want to add my new meta tags to the end of the existing
ones... can someone help me out with a script to do this... example below.=
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Jul 20, 2005
I have some doubts about this meta tag:
<META http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript">
Do I really need to declare this meta tag in all my pages?
If I declare it, will I still need to create my scripts this way?
<script type='text/javascript'>
Is there any advantage/disadvantage when using it?
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Feb 17, 2003
is it possible to use the META http-equiv=refresh tag to redirect to another page in a NEW window?
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Feb 3, 2010
I have a script that's dimming the page by appending a black transparent canvas element to the body, positioning it over the page with a high z-index, and then using clearRect to cut out the sections of canvas element so that certain sections of the actual site show through..I'm having a hard time figuring out the best way to pass a click through the canvas and onto whatever would accept it if the canvas wasn't in the way so a user can edit the text.
My first choice was hiding the canvas on mousedown, and then listening for mouseup for everything underneath. but it looks terrible to have that 200ms flicker. can a trigger() be used to emulate a click at a certain (pageX,pageY)? the last option i can think of would be adding 30 divs and duplicate the punched-out canvas..but that seems like a lot of math, does anyone know of a plugin that does this? a reverse blockUI
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Dec 29, 2010
Is there any way to pass the document context when doing a create element? If I have an iframe defined as follows..
var f = window.frames.myIframe;
How can I do this in jquery?
var d = f.document.createElement("div");
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Jul 23, 2005
I was wondering if there is some other way to turn autocomplete off besides using "autocomplete=off", using a meta tag or something similar. It would be great if there is some way to turn it off at a page level....
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Jan 14, 2009
I have a web page which takes a while to generate due to serverside processing. I currently show a "please wait" page, which includes a meta refresh tag, as well as a refresh http header, to refresh the current page every X seconds to check if thier data is finished processing. They're also provided a manual link to click to refresh the page, just in case thier browser doesn't like automatic redirection.
I think this works great for just about all users. But I have this idea that it would be nice if I used ajax to check back with the server instead of making the browser reload the webpage. I want this to be an enhancement of functionality, so that users without javascript or ajax capability still fallback on the solid current functionality. This means I need a way to stop the browser from obeying the http refresh header and meta tag. Is such a thing possible with javascript?
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Feb 22, 2010
is there a way to set the meta description to x amount of charictars from the content of a div in the body?
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Apr 4, 2010
So, I read about the new method of passing an object map containing element properties when creating a new jQuery object (as discussed at the bottom of this article). The article says that it supports ALL events, but only gives examples of simple events that require no parameters. I'm trying to implement a live event using the following and can't get it to work:
var link = $('<a />', {
text: config.appendTextMore,
href: "#",
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Dec 22, 2011
I'm working for a company as a consultant and i'm trying to upgrade their jQuery version to the latest available (1.7.1). Previously they were able to do a selection such as $('a[name*=word<>word]') without any problems, however, after upgrading to 1.7.1 the selection is invalid even when escaping both meta characters with a double backslash ( $('a[name*=word\<\>word']) ) - I know the best solution would be to just change the selection based on something else like a class name, but this is something they are using across the whole site and we have a deadline for this.
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Jan 18, 2010
Is there a way to call a javascript function in a meta refresh statement? I'm refreshing my page but if I have data in my fields I don't want to loose them. If I can call using a JS function then in that function I can call the Submit function and save my data in the called script.
My syntax below doesn't fire the JS function:
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="30;url=javascript:auto_refresh();">
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Dec 13, 2011
i'm newbie in javascript fucntion. here i got problem to passing the value from child popup form to parent form. here my code
parent form
<script language="JavaScript">
function selectItem(){
var selindex=document.myForm.myselect.selectedIndex;
if (selindex!=0) {
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Oct 13, 2009
I'm having some problems understanding the append() function. What I'd like to do is select an element using it's ID and add a row to the table with a HTML form element. The table is dynamically generated using a Django template ( form.as_table() ) so I'm not able to alter the original HTML markup too much.
If I had a table like this...
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Jul 26, 2010
I have created a form with malsup's Form Plugin wherein it submits on change of the inputs. I have set up my jQuery script to index drop down menus and visible inputs, and uses that index to determine whether keydown of tab should move focus to the next element or the first element, and likewise with shift+tab keydown. However, instead of moving focus to the first element from the last element on tab keydown like I would like it to, it moves focus to the second element. How can I change it to cycle focus to the actual first and last elements? Here is a live link to my form: [URL]. Here is my script:
$(document).ready(function() {
var options = {
target: '#c_main',
success: setFocus
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