Not Working With Firefox It Is Working Fine With IE?
Aug 30, 2009hereis the html file and javascripton click of this button a
hereis the html file and javascripton click of this button a
All Code Working fine in Firefox and Google Chrome, But in IE nothing happened Ajax Function IN MAIN PAGE
<script language="javascript">
var xmlHttp
function showBabyId(str)
I am newbie& have following script: (Ajax Request)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]">
<script type="text/Javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
function get(){ .....
This code works w/o any problem in IE and Safari but does not work in firefox.
FireBug States:
invnew is not defined
) new-at...da.html (line 8)
1 (line 2)
=click clientX=44, clientY=435
$.post("data.php", {ChandaType: in...ChandaType2: invnew.paydate.value },
I have used the swfobject.js file & its methods to play a flash movie in my webpage. It works fine when I open the page in firefox & chrome but does not work in IE-6. Below is the code i used:
<script type="text/javascript" src="<%= request.getContextPath() %>/js/
<script type="text/javascript">[code]....
The following code is working fine only in IE. when i click on the calender img, calender window is not coming up in firefox/chrome.
I'm (experimenting) writing my own RTE in JavaScript, I'm doing pretty good until it comes to the commands, the execCommand method. Here's what I have so far:
function get(editid) {
// IE
if(document.frames[editid].document) return document.frames[editid].document;
else return document.getElementById(editid).contentDocument;
The xC (execute command) function is not working! I've tried so much.
I have the situation where I want to clear out the whole tree of nodes given a parent node. I get this to work in Firefox (where, actually, it's not necessary to traverse the whole tree) but in IE it doesn't work at all.
The Open Window in Javascript is not working properly in Firefox but is working in IE. What could the reason be?
I am working on a Javascript application and i am facing a strange behavior of the application in IE. I am creating a table at runtime using DHTML and registering event for the table row click. When i deploy this application on web server and browse the application, the events fires in firefox and chrome but in IE the events are not fired. If i browse the application from the server with localhost, the application triggers the events and fails when i use machine name.
The following is the source code:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
The php file is just an echo statement
now to simplify for the moment. If instead of calling the replace
function I've also tried putting in an alert function. Alert works,
the calling the php file does not.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated, I've never encountered such
difficult functionality as with javascript in firefox compared to IE.
Might just be my luck though... Code:
I'm struggling with these 2 scripts.
Atm on my side i'm using this for putting in content in certain divs, and that is working fine.
$(document).ready(function () {
$('a').click(function() {
But on my picture site, i'm using a lightbox jquery script that also works fine when it just applies to the gallery div.
But If i use the above script to get the images from another html, inside the gallery div. I suddenly can't get the lightbox script to apply to them.
The lightbox script only works if the images is placed in the div directly. Hope this makes sense.
How do i get the lightbox script to run to the images moved inside the gallery div fra the above mentioned script?
Ps. The lightbox script looks like this:[URL]
I'm trying to use ajax to replace the inner html of div tags.I"m calling an external javascript file on the html page with this in it:
function getXMLHttp() {
try {
I've made a web based tool that times how long a web page takes to load in an iframe and today I redesigned it but now it has issues. When I load it in Chrome and Opera the new version works fine but in FF 3.6 and IE 8 only the footer area is displayed. I have added the links below - You'll be able to access the code via your browser's "View page Source" option.
New test (With problem): [URL]
Old test (Works perfectly): [URL]
I'm using Cluetip to display some additional information.It all works fine in FF.In IE I see a message that the file could not get loaded. In Safari and Chrome I don't see the "mehr" button at all.[URL]..
View 1 Replies View Relatedneed help to modify this code to make it work in IE . other browsers works fine.
script src="js/jquery-1.5.1.min.js" type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8"></script>
I have recently just built a simple website and have started to add some added editions one being the lightbox.
i am using dreamweaver cs3 and on a mac laptop, so in safari it works brillaint no problems what so ever.
but as soon as you load it in internet explorer the light box opens but it displays a 404 error on the first image of every gallery, on every different profile?[code]...
just started using jQuery,and i'm having a problem using the function .show()/.hide() to make a div appear and disapear when a certain option value is selected.It's working fine in firefox but not working at all in chrome and IE 8.This is the function code i'm using :
I have are created dynamically buttonset toggle radio button with following code. All is working okay but just I have added onclick function which is doing window.location which is working with FireFox but not working with IE and google chrome.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function () {
I have a jQuery code to allow users to login using a lightbox [URL] and immediately start downloading files, without being redirected or having the page reloaded. It's perfectly working in Firefox but Internet Explorer keeps showing the login box until I reload the page
Suppose,closing the browser through Browser Close Button(Top Right Corner cross(x) button), i have to execute some ASP script , for that, in body onUnLoad Event calling a fucntion called CloseWin(e,frm), it is working in Internet Explorer successfully , But in FireFox not working. how to solve this problem. or any other way to get the co-ordinates of browser close button( code for both IE and Firefox).
code follows
function CloseWin(e,frm)
//frm required for my program
var bButtonClicked = false;
When the select menu is changed, the text in the textarea tag is changed. But after something is typed in the textarea tag, the select change functionallity no longer works under Firefox 3.6.13. Firebug shows it as being changed, and it still works with IE8.Am I doing something wrong? Is there a workaround?
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
I'm trying to do up a contact form that after a user submits the information, the drop down contact box will slide back up instead of redirecting to another page. The script works fine in Chrome and Safari, but Firefox and IE keeps redirecting to the php page.
Html form:
Inside of $(document).ready(function () I have:
var refre****= setInterval(function(){
}, 9000);
This is working great in IE, it loads mypage.htm into mydiv every 9 seconds. If I change the contents of mypage.htm I can see it in mydiv after 9 seconds with IE, but not with Firefox.
With Firefox I can see the reloading symbol on top of the tab every 9 seconds, but I don't see the page changed.
I have a numbered image gallery which has a next and previous link which is another way of navigating through the gallery the problem i have that in IE all is fine but doesnt seem to be working in firefox, i would appreciate afew pointers,here is the code
<script type="text/javascript">
var currentImage = 1;
function LoadGallery(picNum, captionText)
After spending hours trying out many different examples that supposedly work with IE and FF, I've decided to post here :)
This is the code I'm using to catch the down arrow:
function is_int(event)
var Key = event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which ? event.which :
And called using the following on the text input of a form field:
This works in IE but still not in Firefox (3.5.7). Surprised as it has the .which in there - I thought this is what FF needed?
I have a function that checks to see the number entered in a textfield and then, if greater than 1, will change a radio button from Single to Multiple and visa versa. The function is called from the textfield with an onkeyup="function()". The problem I am having is that it works in IE just fine, but in Firefox it doesn't seem to be doing anything. I'm not getting any errors and can't seem to see what is the problem.
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