Multiple Radio Button Display One Image?
Sep 27, 2010
I need a script that will allow a user to select a vertical selection and Horizontal selection that displays a corresponding image. There are only 8 combinations (4 vertical choices and 2 horizontal choices) I just need to display the correct image and a description. There has to be only one of each selected and only display one image.[URl]..
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Feb 28, 2010
Im trying to configuere a form that a.a radio buttons that allow the user to choose between quarters, nickels, dimes and pennies and show image when click on my radio to get the image to display whenthey click on the radio button?
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Mar 19, 2011
if radio button checked display div #something else display nothing if un checkedcurrently I have this and it works but when I click another radio option the div that was activated before stays there. Want a div to show only if certain radio button is checked and if not checked to hide.
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Jul 21, 2011
I have a form with 5 radio buttons. Each of them has an integer value. and below I have a text form field which is read only. When a radio button is selected, I need its value to be displayed in that field.
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Jun 21, 2011
i have created radio button using jquery, but i cannot display that radio button into one div
sample code
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.6.1.min.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
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Jul 2, 2009
i am making an application on my website using javascript and html. i have knowledge in php and html, but not much at all in javascript. the application is split up by div tabs and inside the tabs is a list of different links to other div tags that have radio button groups inside them. im sure this is very basic but i want the value of the selected
radio button to be displayed in a table on that same page. so if someone select option 1, it would display option 1's value in the table at the bottom of the page. I know i could do this in php when i submit the form but I need the application to not need to refresh the page if possible. Below is a link to where i have the application and here is the code.
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Dec 17, 2011
Another task please...I need to display the appropriate div when a radio button is selected...
<script type="text/javascript">
function checkjob(jobvalue){
if(jobvalue="type") {
document.getElementById("type").style.display = "block";
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Oct 15, 2009
Unfortunately I'm still coding working on the registration page, once this is down the rest should hopefully be a breeze.
Anyway, I've looked around in different places for this and it all points back to the following code pretty much:
for(var i = 0; i < document.primaryClass.length; i++)
What I want it to do is that after a radio button is checked, it displays a corresponding table row.
Edit: primaryClass is the name of the radio buttons.
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Feb 2, 2011
The following code will output numerical values only for the <label>. I need it to display text with multiple characters. For example: I own two exceptional chickens...I own four or more chickens...etc. Again the code works perfectly but only for numbers.
<script type="text/javascript">// <![CDATA[
function check(x) { document.getElementById('Radio1').innerHTML = x; }
// ]]></script>
<form> <input id="r1" onclick="check(one big);" name="r1" type="radio" value="one" /> One
<input id="r1" onclick="check(two exceptional);" name="r1" type="radio" value="two" /> Two
<input id="r1" onclick="check(three terrific);" name="r1" type="radio" value="three" /> Three
<input id="r1" onclick="check(four or more);" name="r1" type="radio" value="four" /> Four
I own <label id="Radio1" for="r1">blank</label> chickens.
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Mar 17, 2011
I want to be able to display the a 12hr clock, or 24 hr clock depending on which radio button is selected, but I cannot get the code to work.
<title>Assignment 9c Clock
<script type="text/javascript">
var disp_field = document.getElementById("display");
var radios = document.getElementsByName("format");
var ampm;
var format;
var time;
function run_clock(){ .....
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Apr 27, 2011
I have two radio box, I want if the first radio box is select show the css one other wise show css two
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Dec 1, 2009
I'm fairly new to Javascript and would be grateful for any help you can give me. I've had a search on Google and found a couple of potential solutions but nothing seems to work quite right for what I need.
Basically I have a form with several questions followed by Yes/No radio buttons. Dependent on which answer is given, I want to display a different message above the text box.
For example, if you answered 'no' to a certain question then the message above the text box would change to say "Please fill in additional information" or something along those lines.
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Mar 25, 2010
I have three radio button groups with different values. My script only works for one group.
<html xmlns="">
function emailTo(){
var emails = document.getElementsByName("email1");
var emailAdress = null;
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May 12, 2011
Here are the picture.
<jsp:useBean id="chequeStopBean" scope="session" class=""/>
<jsp:useBean id="labelBean" scope="session" class=""/>
<jsp:useBean id="lang" scope="session" class="" />
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Oct 28, 2011
I'm only validating one (Consent) radio button with this code but I need to validate multiple different questions/buttons.
function getRBtnName(GrpName) {
var sel = document.getElementsByName(GrpName);
var fnd = -1;
var str = '';
for (var i=0; i<sel.length; i++) {
if (sel[i].checked == true) { str = sel[i].value; fnd = i; }
} return fnd;
function checkForm() {
var chosen = getRBtnName('Consent');
if (chosen < 0) {
alert( "Please choose one answer when you are asked to select a number." );
return false;
} else { return true; }
<form action="congratulations_aff.php" method="post" name="congratulations_aff" onSubmit="return checkForm()">
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">
<td colspan="3">I consent to providing my electronic signature.</p></td>
<td colspan="3" valign="top">
<input type="radio" name="Consent" value="Y" />
<input type="radio" name="Consent" value="N" />
<table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0">
<td>I consent to electronic receipt of my information reporting documentation.</td>
</tr> <tr>
<td valign="top">
<input type="radio" name="Consent1099YesNo" value="Y" />
<input type="radio" name="Consent1099YesNo" value="N" />
<td valign="top">
For tax purposes are you a U.S. citizen, U.S. resident, U.S. partnership, or U.S. corporation?
<input type="radio" name="USPersonYesNo" value="Y" /> Yes
<input type="radio" name="USPersonYesNo" value="N" /> No
</tr> </table>
<input type="submit" value="submit" value="Submit" />
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Mar 23, 2005
I am having trouble getting the following code to work. I just want to make the script in the head work, the html in the body is to stay as it is. I want to use an array. I can make it work very well without an array, using separate conditional statements for each radio button, but that is cumbersome. Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong with the script in this code. I have stripped the page down to the bare essentials for ease of viewing. Code:
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May 11, 2010
I wrote this form to try to display the value of the chosen radio button on a text input.
Choose one choice...
<input type="radio" name="group1" value="5">Five<br>
<input type="radio" name="group1" value="10">Ten<br>
<input type="button" value="Get Result!" onClick="T1.value=group1.value"><br>
How come the onClick="T1.value=group1.value" results in undefined instead of 5 (or 10) ?
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Apr 27, 2011
I am very inexperienced with javasciprt. I am designing a form in coldfusion, and want some dynamic action to take place. My users will be offered 2 selections via radio buttons. Depending on which radio button they select, they will get a few more radio buttons to choose from. I have been told that this can be handled in javascript. So I am appealing to the javascript programmer nation for some assistance in this endeavor.
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Dec 8, 2011
I have a problem passing my multiple radio button that come a array name:but the ajax written below just pass one single value to the next page, what can i do in order to pass multiple checked values?i have my code below:
while($selection= mysql_fetch_array($selected_object))
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Mar 22, 2011
I just started my javascript class two weeks ago and am having troubles already and my book is no help.
My first assignment is having a list of country names and when you click the radio button next to the name the country flag pops up in a designated area for the image. I have tried a few different things but nothing is working. I have the list of countrys and the radio buttons but when i click the radio button the image doesn't pop up. Also, when i click another radio button they all stay selected.
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Mar 16, 2010
I am a PHP programmer and new to Javascript and jQuery and I have tried about 20 examples/tutorials and cannot seem to get even close to what I want.I have a form (PHP/MySQL) with a list of subjects I got from my database, and then create a set of radio buttons from that list. And based on what radio button they select, I need to pass that variable to a div (at least that's what I want to use) and then show a list of videos that match the radio buttons value. I don't care if its a get or post or other.I tried to use GET or POST so I can use that value for my PHP/MySQL lists.I am open to any suggestions/tutorials, etc.
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Aug 28, 2006
I have a form that shows some images with a radio button associated with each one. I would like to give them the option to click on the image to select the radio, but not sure the easiest way to pull it off.
I was assuming I add a OnClick to each image and use getelementbyid to check the button, but since all the radiobuttons have the same id (so they can only choose one) I am not sure how to make the correct radiobutton become checked.
Hope this makes sense, here is the simplified sample form:
<img src="image1.gif" />
<input id="radiobutton" type="radio" value="Image1" />
<img src="image2.gif" />
<input id="radiobutton" type="radio" value="Image2" />
<img src="image3.gif" />
<input id="radiobutton" type="radio" value="Image3" />
<img src="image4.gif" />
<input id="radiobutton" type="radio" value="Image4" />
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May 23, 2010
I load a page with two default images and two radio buttons not selected. When either of the radio buttons gets checked I need to swap corresponding image. I tried this but it does not seem to work:
PHP Code:
<script language="JavaScript">
function swapImage(currencyflag) {
switch (aspectflag) {
case "3x2":
3:2.src = "/i/misc/aspect3x2_rd.png";
16:9.src = "/i/misc/aspect16:9_gr.png";
case "16:9":
3:2.src = "/i/misc/aspect3x2_gr.png";
16:9.src = "/i/misc/aspect16:9_rd.png";
<img src="/i/aspect3x2_gr.png" width="150" height="100" alt="" name="2x3">
<img src="/i/aspect16x9_gr.png" width="178" height="100" alt="" name="16x9">
<input type="Radio" name="aspect" id="3x2" onclick="swapImage(3x2)">
<input type="Radio" name="aspect" id="16x9" onclick="swapImage(16x9)">
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May 26, 2010
Is is possible to have a Radio button, when selected, insert an image into a table(or something)? Each Radio button changing the previous image. I figure it would be an array, or maybe its a simple onclick, both of which I've tried, but I am fairly new to this. I'll show you the code, and hopefully you can figure out what I mean.
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May 22, 2011
I'm trying to set up a page that has one big image slider that displays a set of images by default. Then underneath this there are links for more galleries, and when you click on them they load right there in the big image slider. I don't want these links to go to a new page. What I'm after is demonstrated at this URL: First Comes Love **|** Wedding Photography by Alison Bank
How do I set this up? I'm thinking I need some kind of preload images code?
I am considering using Nivo Slider, but open to suggestions. Also, I'm building my site in Wordpress if that has any impact.
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Jul 21, 2010
i have a form giftcert.html -that has text input boxes the user fills in and a link to the next page for the user to pick a gift card giftcards.asp -the user picks a gift card by radio buttons (over 100)grouped by name and then pushes a button to take them to the next page passing the value of the radio and image (here is the issue) giftcert.asp -this page displays the text boxes from the first page with the value already present (used asp to achieve) and the value of the radio button (a stock number - used asp to achieve) and i want a sample of the image attached to the stock number. how do i pass the image attached to the radio button from giftcards.asp to giftcert.asp i don't know where i am going wrong
a) how do i attach the image to the button do i use an onclick="pass src" and how
b) how do i get the image to show up in giftcert.asp
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