I have a HTML file where I want to use javascript to generate a random float number between 0. and 1. and if the number is > or = 0.7 I want the background color of the HTML file change from beige to green. Is this stuff easy to achieve in javascript? Im a total javascript
The following code is supposed to provide a different alert message when a page is loaded, based on a random number generated on load. Can anybody see what is probably a very obvious problem that I just can't see?[code]
I have absolutely no idea what is going on, but IE seems to be making random elements in my code disappear. Take a look at... [URL] and notice the login title and the forgot password link, you will notice that they look fine in firefox but disappear in IE. Does anyone know of any way to fix this mysterious error? I know there a lot of inline styles, they will be moved to the style sheets once all the bugs have been found.
I am using this script to rotate background images and it is working great HOWEVER we would like to control the order of the rotation and I am just not sure how to modify this code to do that?
<script type="text/javascript"> function ChangeCSSBgImg() { if (!document.getElementById) return true; var MyElement = "logo" //The ID of the element you want to change var ImgPath = "graphics/en-US/new/rotate/" //The file path to your images
but I want to add that random number to a value that is enterred into an inputbox and get a total. How can I do this using Javascript and put the result into a hidden field. I will also need to use that same random number in another place on another form .
I'm trying to apply something in my forums, where a member could post something let's say:"Hi, I am number 1, 6"And what would happen is that, a number from 1 to 6 would be the content, for example, it would be:"Hi, I am number 3"But if you refresh the page, it would still be the same number. Like it won't be randomized again.So how do I make a javascript/html code that would make a one time number randomizer.
I'm new here, and I'm a programming newb but am very interested in learning and possibly pursuing programming in the future. As such, I'm taking an intro to Javascript class at my university, and our homework is to make a function that when called upon makes a diamond out of *'s. It is supposed to do so by prompting a user for an int and then makes a diamond shaped object with the inputted number of stars in the middle of the diamond. an example of what this would look like (if a user entered in "5" to the prompt):
I have an assignment for a class that I am not sure how to approach. A string, a noun, is input and the program is supposed to make it plural based on the ending. If it ends in a double consonant then I add one ending, if it ends in a vowel I add a different one and then if it ends in two vowels or two consonants I add a third, different ending. I am supposed to do this using string methods. For the project the vowels are A, C, L, and S. I have to read the data in using the string tokenizer. I am not sure how to approach making the loops I need to use to make the words plural.
In the forum, it usually talked about generating a number between 1 or 0 to that certain value using something like Math.round(Math.random() * 200); or Math.floor(Math.random() * 200);
But what do you do if you want to generate a number between 201 and 400.
I run a random number generating service for a RPG message board I go to, and my website generates only numbers from 1-100. How could I script this so that the user can get random numbers between 1-X?
I set myself the task of creating a button which, when pressed, switches the background color randomly. It seems to work well enough but the random number it works from only generates once at page load.As a workaround, I added a second 'Reset Page' button, but I really want just one button that switches the page color every time you prod it. Any ideas how to reset the random number to achieve this?Here's the code.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html lang="EN" dir="ltr" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
In http:www.dreaminco...wtopic51264.htm a code was proposed for generating a random number within an array and then printing it into the html document using document.write.Is it possible to go one step ahead and feeding the result into an html href function? [code]is the random array member generated by the javascript.
I am trying to make a random number between 1 and 1,000. I have a code that seems to work correctly, but I don't completely understand it and after looking online I think it might be wrong. Code: var rnd = Math.floor(Math.random()*999)
All the numbers should match. It's not working right in any version of IE I test it in (6, 7 and 8). I'm also using jQuery, fyi.When you click the button to stop the numbers, I'm setting a variable named winner to a number (3, 4 or 5). Right now, I have it set to 5. This number determines how many of the slots match:[code]I'm then generating a random number (0-8) to base all the other numbers off of . Three numbers will always match, so I'm setting two more variables to match that random number.[code]Then I do some conditionals to check the value of winner. If it's 4, I set the 4th number to random number, then generate a random number for the 5th spot while it doesn't equal randomnum. I do something similar if winner is set to 5.[code]The goto trigger sends the scroll to the specified index according to slotnum(1-5).I'm waiting to hear back from the plugin developer to see if it's something to do with that.However, I just want to make sure my logic in generating those numbers is sound. It works perfectly in FF, Opera and Chrome but (surprise!) not in any of the IEs (tested in 6, 7 and 8).
I am trying to make it so that when you press a button it prints out a random number. This is what I currently have:
Code: <script type="text/javascript"> function randomnumber(randomForm){ var x=Math.floor(Math.random()*11); document.write(x); } </script> <FORM> <INPUT type="button" value="Print Number" name="button1" onClick="randomnumber(this.form)"> </FORM>
When I click on the button it just clears all the text from the page and clears the bgcolor. A random number then appears at the top left corner. I am trying to make it so that when I press the button it prints out a random number just above or below the button. Is this possible? if so how do you set it up?
How would I go about creating a random number between 1-50 that COULD include whole numbers, decimals to the tenth, hundredth and the thousandth place? Ex) 2.145, 3, 5.8, 41.002, 10.12, 7, 18.023, 33.2
Also, if the only way to do it is to put trailing zeros to the thousandth place that's fine as well Ex) 2.145, 3.00, 5.800, 41.002, 10.120, 7.00, 18.023, 33.200
I have a form and select menus. I am posting it ajax post method and loading the same page with load method as you see in codes. There is a random number genarator. I want to change this random number once a click submit. If i do not load the same page this number does not change. Therefore I use both post and load methods like in demo. However when i do like this there is a problem which is random number have been generated twice somtimes. If you click submit button successively you will see that the number on left top corner sometimes changes twice a click. Why it is so and how can i correct it.
I am trying to generate a random number each a person visits a page but would like that number to not change if they leave the page and use their browser back button to return. My code is below and the problem I have is that upon browser back the value in the if statement is still "Null" despite having been changed the first time the script ran.....
the script is supposed to allow the user to enter a minimum and maximum value and then enter the number of random numbers to generate between the min and max.
then it is supposed to floor these numbers and post the in a single column table. my script is writing the table correctly but the numbers arent coming through
Code: <table border = "2"> <script type="text/javascript"> var min = window.prompt("Enter the 1st number","");
I've looked everywhere for a random number generator which doesn't repeat. Tried loads and none have seemed to work.I'm making a quiz, 5 questions so far.This button, in html, generates the next random Q:But I need a random generator which fires them off only once. Anyone have suggestions for a non-repeating random number gen which will work? Even the one now seems to have some slight error associated with it. The one's ive tried so far haven't worked..