Know How Much X Elements Are Appearing Inside A String
Jun 4, 2009there is a way to know how much X elements are appearing inside a string?
i tried this one:
but no success
there is a way to know how much X elements are appearing inside a string?
i tried this one:
but no success
There is a way to know how much X elements are appearing inside a string?[code]...
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am having troubles manipulating DOM elements inside a variable. I have the following code:
$content =
Inside this html string there are multiple id's that I have to change. The .each finds the rightelements and the manipulation seems to work when I do a console.log onwidgetElement.However the actual $content remains unchanged. I probably made a very obvious mistake but I can't find it.
After much work, I've come up with some Javascript/DOM that almost works :)
function setblocktitle(id, text)
document.getElementById(id).firstChild.nodeValue = text;
With my HTML being:
<div id="hits" class="modules">
<div class="blah">
The problem is, when calling setblocktitle with setblocktitle("hits", "Totals"); I end up with the attached image rather than "Hits" being replaced by "Totals".
I'm working on a self-contained educational tool. Every "frame" or "slide" is all in one HTML document. I initially start out with all frames hidden, and then show the very first one. The user is then able to click through to each next frame.
This has been working great. Works in all browsers except for IE 7 and 8. There is one point when you click to go to the next section, and all the images and buttons appear at once, even though their respective parents are hidden.
The kicker is that, if in IE's developer tools, I switch off ANY css style for ANY element, everything corrects itself. These elements also seem to ignore any .hide() or .fadeOut() method, but will accept other styling changes through jQuery.
I am having a bit of trouble understanding understanding this function. Specifically, I am having a bit of trouble comprehending what the "-" does. Is it simply the opposite of using +?The code:
top: $(this).offset().top - $(".dropdown .arrow").position().top - $(".dropdown
i currently have a problem which i cant resolve and i cant seem to find a solution (i actually not sure what to look for). My jquery level is medium-low and im trying to take it to a higher level right now.
I have a var which holds a href value. However i only need part of the string.
I am trying to search an array for a string and then if it is found alert it. I have found examples of how to iterate the array and how to use .IndexOf to return a true false statement as to whether the array includes the string, but i don't know what to do after that and how to display the string if its found.
View 8 Replies View RelatedI'm using the $ function to get an element using ID:
function $(e){return document.getElementById(e)}
I'm trying to extend this function to use it like this:
In order to get all the elements that are DIV inside element ID "myID". So I wrote this:
$.s=function(es) {return document.getElementsByTagName(es);}
But that's not working.
What did I do wrong?
Also, Is it possible to to somehow extend it to use with endless number of inside tag/id? like: $("a").$("b").s("div").$("c") ?
I was wondering how to split the elements inside each other, so that each of them has its own background color. What I'm trying to do is to highlight background of each element onmouseover. Up till now I haven't managed to do it properly - for example, I have a table cell with a hyperlink inside it. When I point to the cell - background changes, however, pointing to the hyperlink leaves the cell coloured - which is what I don't want. I'm trying to use this code:
HTML Code:
onMouseOver="'yellow';" onMouseOut="'white';"
I'm looking for a way to grab a number from a string, although this number
is not at either end of the string.
Here is the string in question: var el = "v4Function_Name('argument3')"
Here is a substring that returns the number ( the 3 ) successfully...
var number = el.substring(el.lastIndexOf("ent")+3,el.length-2);
Seems very ineffecient to do it this way, and better to find a lean elegant
way using replace(); How does one go about getting a value inside of a
string with regular expressions? .. or is there a better way?
Here are a couple of the many expressions I have failed with...
var pat = /^[^ent][0-9]*$"/;
var pat = /v4Function_Name('argument([^0-9]+)'/;
var number = el.replace(pat,"");
im trying to count the letters that i search inside the string.
<script type = "text/javascript">
var counter = 0;
I am trying to read all the navigator object elements
1. Using the navigator.length returns undefined, cant use for loop;
2.Using and array of known elements like
var a = Array("appCodeName","appName","appVersion");
I seem to miss something to get it combined like navigator.a[i]
I am trying to use the remove() jquery function.
I appended elements inside this div. But I want it where if a check box is checked then that element which is an a tag html element that will be removed.
The problem... when lets say append 3 <a> tag elements. when I remove all 3. Then append like 4.. I see like gaps. like I want it where if I delete the element it will float upwards. what that means that if I got 3 elements and I delete all 3 and then append 1 new one... then that new one should be shown at the top of the div. Not displayed a little bit lower then where the 3rd element we removed was located at.
It seems like that html code that is appended still stays there for some reason.
I have a fieldset with a bunch of input's inside.
I am wanting to put all of these elements inside the fieldset into an array.
Then once I have that array use a for loop to iterate through each of the elements values and display them with alert.
This is what I have tried, but am expecting to be a fair bit off the mark.
I'm working on an exercise I need to have finished pretty soon. The concept is simple: online bookstore with cart etc. It's written on php, using JS and mysql.
Each time I view a book's details, I can add it to my cart, where I can also alter it's quantity.
The code for my cart is this:
PHP Code:
As you can see, each time I choose a book to add it to my cart, a new span will be created, to hold the info of this book. What I need to do with the ManageItem js function, is to update the total cost at the bottom of the page, but I can't seem to be getting anywhere.
Here is what I've done so far:
I have a form with one or more DIV elements inside it. When I try to count form elements I get result=0?How is this possible? See the example:
<script language="javascript">
function Count()
The following sentence makes jQuery hang up: $(":( We'll this activated :D").text()
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am working on a project with and language system.Now I made a table on the asp file, and before clicking on a button "update", by JavaScript, I would like to get all the string data written in the text boxes each placed inside a cell of the table.Now, I wrote the following codes;
function getData(){
var tblData = new Array();
var table = document.getElementById("<%=tblA.ClientID%>");
I am trying to modify a jquery plugin (Infinite Carousel) to present some boxes instead of a plain image content. Here is theDemo I m not sure if this is more styling or scripting issue but I am encountering with tow problems as:1 - Contents of The Second round (First Click to Right) Doesn't fit inside the wrapper2 - There are some unknown dots ... after the Twelve and before the first item(in First click to left or Second Click to Right).
View 4 Replies View Related[code]So data2 has a length, but data2.body is undefined, data2.find() tells me find is not a function, data2 prints out the html, and yet I can't find anything which gives me just the body.
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow can I access the "a" elements inside frameContent.html?I made the example files below as small as I could.[code]
View 3 Replies View RelatedHereyou can find the whole example. By clicking onClick to Addyou will clone 100 times the elementtrackOn; then it will be append to the tabletracklistOn. Unfortunatly, if these elements are inside aformyou can see that the time is very high before the process is finish.If I remove the form, is quite immediate. Why this behaviour? How can I fix this problem? P.S. I don't know why, but I can't paste the whole code here. So follow the jsFiddle link please :)
View 2 Replies View RelatedScenario: you enter "foo bar" into a text field... Is it possible
through javascript to select/highlight just "foo"?
selects all. I need to select only part of the string.
my autocomplete shows value instead of label each time I scrool the item using arrow keys instead of mouse . . .
This is the code :
var req = [
{ "label": "Pollo0", "value": "90|1|9|150", "id": 1 },
{ "label": "Pollo1", "value": "90|1|9|150", "id": 2 },
{ "label": "Pollo2", "value": "90|1|9|150", "id": 3 },
I want to clone a DIV that conteins a set of input fields and I want to assign to the new cloned DIV and Elements progressive ID . . .This is what I want to do :
<Div id="Meal00">
<input type="text" id="Field00" value="">