Keep "&" From Being Converted To "&" ?
Jun 5, 2011
In a MySQL database i have the following entry: "Fruits & Vegetables" I retrieve this to display on a webpage using PHP, convert to JSON, pass to client, process using JavaScript. the PHP code that is passed to the client is
$z = rawurlencode(json_encode($reqVar));
echo $z;
where $reqVar is the array of results queried from database, including one that is "Fruits & Vegetables".When it's passed to client using AJAX, the JavaScript to process the string (decode it and then convert from JSON string to object using Prototype framework) is.
var response = decodeURIComponent(transport.responseText)
var respObj = response.evalJSON(true);
I can then display it in page. but when i pass it back to the PHP script using AJAX using the exact same process in reverse, at some point & is converted to & and if i re-enter it into the database it looks like "Fruits & Vegetables". How can i prevent this conversion??? does the order in which i convert to and from JSON and encode/decode need to be changed?
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Mar 24, 2004
I have this ASP code that I need to translate to JS.
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Jun 5, 2011
In a MySQL database I have the following entry: "Fruits & Vegetables". I retrieve this to display on a webpage using PHP, convert to JSON, pass to client, process using JavaScript.
The PHP code that is passed to the client is:
$z = rawurlencode(json_encode($reqVar));
echo $z;
where $reqVar is the array of results queried from database, including one that is "Fruits & Vegetables".
When it's passed to client using AJAX, the JavaScript to process the string (decode it and then convert from JSON string to object using Prototype framework) is.
var response = decodeURIComponent(transport.responseText)
var respObj = response.evalJSON(true);
I can then display it in page. But when I pass it back to the PHP script using AJAX using the exact same process in reverse, at some point & is converted to & and if I re-enter it into the database it looks like "Fruits & Vegetables". How can i prevent this conversion? Does the order in which I convert to and from JSON and encode/decode need to be changed?
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Oct 1, 2009
Whenever execute the following code, the URL that is formed has "?" before my name and an "=" before my value (so the URL would be "[URL]"). I need the URL formatted so that a "+" is in front of the name and a ":" (colon) to be before the value (i.e. formatted like "[URL]"). Is there a way to change this behavior?
url: lansaUrl('proc', 'func'),
global: true,
cache: false,
type: "GET",
data: ({"acct": object.value}),
dataType: "json",
success: function(result){
$("p#customerInfo").innerHTML += " "+result;
error: function(xhr, desc, exceptionobj) {
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Apr 9, 2009
i am not able to compiled a file from java script to java class.Now its clear and working i can convert a java script file to java class.But now i am facing 1 more problem.i want to run that java class in IntelliJIdea.but its runnig with no error and not getting the out put.This is the converted java class for printing "HelloWorld".
import org.mozilla.javascript.*;
import org.mozilla.javascript.optimizer.OptRuntime;
public class Hello extends NativeFunction
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Jan 28, 2010
I have an excel doc. which is updated by many people through the day. I would like this to be converted to a web page every hour, and then saved to a directory where it can be pulled onto a website.
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Aug 2, 2004
I have a file system where users upload files. Using PHP the file is time stamped and that time stamp is saved in a database. This has been going on for months so I have a lot of files with server times saved in the database. Recently the client asked if the date/time could be displayed according to the client's timezone instead of the server's. So, I need a javascript function that will take a PHP formated date string and convert it to the clients time-zone.
So let's say there is a file with a date/time of 07/15/2004 1:15 PM in central time zone and the client is viewing the file today in pacific time zone (2 hrs diff.). I need to show that date/time as 07/15/2004 11:15 AM. I need JS to take གྷ/15/2004 1:15 PM' and somehow convert it to གྷ/15/2004 11:15 AM'. Code:
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