now in iFrame page (anypage.php) I want a button to control or SET the value of the main FORM (html page) and its variable myHiddenVar, for example here is what I tried and it didnt work...
in anypage.php I hade a button
<input type=button value=change onClick="javascript:parent.myHiddenVar=100">
but the aboue didnt work, is there anything like docuemtroot ?
I am using a dhtml "Image Slideshow", and I was really happy with I customized its layout to my needs, and it runs perfectly on FF and on IE (wich is very important for me, since in my country most of people still use IE). Check it hereHowever, when I insert the slideshow in my design, it stops working on IE (working in perfection on FF):I am using the original slideshow file in an iframe.(before I tryed to paste the code directly into the page, but it didn't worked, so I thought using an iframe would work, because the code of the original document would be intact)
Determine what the previous page was that the user was viewing, even if the user arrived at my site by through the use of a browser function (history, location bar, refresh, etc.). Is this possible?
I'm not wuite sure how document.history functions - what degree of privacy is given to the user and to what extent can web pages get URLs from the user's history?
I've got a problem calling parent.opener.document within Internet Explorer version 6.0.2900.2180.xpsp.050928-1517. The call leads to a script error 'Unallowed memory access'. Within older IE version and other browsers it works fine.....
I have a parent document which has an iframe loaded in it. The iframe has an textfield element. I want to access this textfield element from the parent document. I have tried the following. But that doesn't work.
(from the parent) window.frames['frame01'].document.getElementById('idname')
The Script specifies a new image (image_2.png) and the duration (15 sec) to show the new image. On timeout the script is called again. The main page may hold more than one image and object.
The Script looks nice on Mozilla Firebird but can't find the images in IE 6.0. I also tested some variants of refresh() like:
function refresh() { var image = window.parent.document.getElementById("img_a"); image.src = "image_2.png"; window.location.reload( false ); }
I have an iFrame on a page where I am calling .mouseup(function()) on it's document child.Once in the mouseup function, I need to refer to a specific sibling of the iFrame.Unfortunately, I cannot figure out how to traverse backwards to the iFrame element from $(this) - where $(this) is the document. I get a null set returned when I try$(this).parents().
I'm working on a project and within a document I have content being loaded into an iframe. When a user clicks on an item in the iframe, a pop-up div is loaded using the facebox plugin but it's obviously contained by the iframe. Is there any way that I can pull that element out of the iframe into the parent document? Or at least position it so it looks like it's part of the parent document and not the iframe? My reasoning for this is sizing and positioning. I want to expand the size of the facebox div and position it over top of some of the parent document elements but, since it's within the iframe, I'm limited to the size of the iframe and positioning is limited to being within the iframe.
I have a webpage with an IFrame in it. The content for the IFrame could change per page and with it size. I don't want scrollbar's inside the IFrame but rather for the whole page. To accomplish this I must resize the height of the IFrame (width = fixed). But I can't seem to accomplish this. The links within the Iframe load the new content but I have to access the parent document to be able to resize the IFrame height. How I can resize the iframe from within javascript in the IFrame.
I have a problem with an application i'm working on ( using for developing). I'm normally used to doing middle tier development, so my javascript skills are not up to par. Here is my problem:
I have a javascript file called 'PMP/Scripts/Popups.js' (pmp is the root of the website). In that file is the following function:
function OpenTutorial(sTutID) { var sURL = '../support/tutorials.aspx?tutid=' = sTutID; var sProperties = 'center:yes;etc..' window.showModalDialog(sURL, self, sProperties); }
where ../support is acutally pmp/support.
Most of the website pages are located in sub folders from the root of the website. When editing is to be done on a record, a popup window is called from the main page. the popup pages are in another sub folder (i.e. pmp/review would be where review.aspx resides and the edit page would be located at pmp/review/popups). We give the user a tutorial icon to click on which calls the OpenTutorial function on a button click event.
The problem is the tutorial popup page won't load properly when called from another popup page. I've tried variations of location.href, location.pathname, location.hostname etc.. but can't seem to get the pages to open correctly. The most common error i get is that the url is not correct. here is a sample of the urls being called by the function:
I code with javascript in ruby on rails. So I need to switch between localhost and my website. So the domain changes every time. What can I do, so that javascript grabs the root domain, so, lets say: Code:
I have the following script using the closet method. It works fine for the inner most li tags however the outer li tags don't get seen? So both Root 1 and Root 2 don't get selected but the Sub Cat 1 and Sub Cat 2 get selected fine. I'm sure I'm missing some code to make this work.
Well, it's been a while since I last visited CF, but I'm finally back and, for the life of me, am drawing a total blank on something that seems like it should be fairly easy to handle.
The Math.sqrt() function works just fine if all a person needs is the Square Root of a number, but what about needing the Cube Root or even a 4th Root of a number?
My first instinct was to use the Math.pow(x,y) function with a negative value for "y." For instance;
var z=Math.pow(27,-3)
This should return a value of 3. Unfortunately, this doesnt seem to work when I tested it through the W3 reference pages, so I am looking for a clue as to how I might go about finding such values, or if it is even possible through Javascript.
i want to make a module to swap ads randomly from folder named �ads� on the root like,, the advertising are either .swf, or .gif all that i need is to play the swf (when one is finished it starts the other one.. till the display of all swf's)..
The folder �ads� is supposed to have 5 ads, when it finished number 1... it start randomly until it finish displaying all the advertising swf... i dont want to display only one of the five ... but display all in a random way..may be i have to know the length of the swf (in seconds ) and when it is finished i want to display the second and third .... etc
I have what some would identify as a Kiosk machine running a browser in full screen(true full screen, no address bar visible). It serves as an internet cafe machine, with unique users and a login system.
What I'm looking to do is when the user leaves the root site (via clicking a button), to embed a frame at the top of the page with an address navigation bar, so I can track the time the user spent browsing. I'm exclusively using firefox, and I'm not concerned with support for such functionality in other browsers.
I assume I can achieve this with javascript, jquery, or ajax, I'm just not sure which to start with and how to begin planning the execution.
I have some code that changes a PDF file in another frame using:
parent.frame.document.location.href = "PDF File"
This code works fine the first time it is called. But if a PDF file is in that frame and the code is called again IE gives me an error:
"no such interface supported"
I have used this code for the past 5 years and it has worked fine with Adobe Acrobat 4-6 it is only 7 that started to cause me grief. It is only IE that has this problem, Netscape seems to work fine.
I have checked the web and talked to Adobe and have yet to find a solution.
I have some javascript that works in Firefox 2 but not in IE 7. In the parent page, a user clicks a link and a new window is opened so that they can maintain some values. When the user is finished, they can click either a save or a cancel button. If the user clicks the save button, I want the parent page to be refreshed and then the child window to close. I have this working perfectly in FF2 but it does not in IE. In IE, the parent page is refreshed but when it refreshes, the screen that comes back is the same screen as the child window. When the child window should close, it instead is being refreshed and comes back as a blank screen. Code:
Looking at the code, you might assume (as I did) that clicking the button on page1.htm would load page2.htm. However for some reason, when calling a parent function, the function runs with the calling file's path rather than the path of the parent.
So it is actually trying to load /files/files/page2.htm! How do I force all calls to parent.function() to run with parent.hta's path as the root?
Realize that this is a simplistic example and simple solutions such as putting all the files in the same path, or dropping the "/files" in the loadPage2() function are not valid solutions.
Essentially I need to call parent.loadPage2() and have it run the function with the root path = parent.hta's path.
i have a popup from the parent window which allwos the user to add in new location. when the lcoation has been added succesfully. then thewindow closes and the parent gets refreshed. In particular, just the location listbox gets updated with the new value. the location listbox i generated from the database using asp.
How do I get the width of a document (the inner width of the window) with javascript? Can't use document.width because it only works in Netscape, and same with window.innerWidth....
The scenario is of two different web servers. The parent frame (html page orginates from server 1) has script like function x1() { ..... alert('parent invoked'); .... }
Inside child frame (html orginates from server 2) the html refers to parent script like { ..... parent.x1(); .... }
It throws Microsoft Jscript runtime error: permission denied. I am using IE based on WinCE 4.2 version platform.
I'm wondering if someone has already succeed to open a word2000 document located on server side with javascript code executed by a web browser on client side.
In fact, i make it without any problem when the client use Word XP & 2003 but no result with Word 2000.