JQuery :: Versions Conflict - Code For PrettyPhoto ?

Aug 12, 2010

I have a site which uses a version of jQuery that might be an older version and when I try to add the code for PrettyPhoto which uses jQuery version 1.4.2 the site breaks. The earlier version of jQuery is used to implement the accordion effect and the background resizing effect.

Can someone peek at the multiple versions of jQuery in my code and tell me more about what is going on and how I can fix it?

Here is a link to the site in question: [url]

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JQuery :: PrettyPhoto Plugin Display Larger Size Versions Of Photos

Jul 7, 2011

I have a site that I am developing where I use the prettyPhoto plugin to display larger size versions of photos. I have everything configured as per the directions on the plugin page here: [URL] I am experiencing a weird issue however. When I mouseover my anchor image, the mouseover is only on the top and bottom half of my image. The whole middle section of my anchor image is getting no mouseover effect. Meaning my cursor only changes to a pointer on the top & bottom parts of the image. It changes back to a regular cursor when directly in the middle of the image. The anchor image (the image I'm using to link to the larger version) is sized 333px wide by 500px tall and I am linking to jQuery version 1.5 as hosted on the Google api server.

prettyPhoto is working perfectly except for this mouseover issue. I do have a caption telling the user to click the picture to see the larger version, however if they mouseover directly in the center and don't see the mouseover effect they may think something is wrong. Does anyone know what I may be doing wrong and how I could fix the issue?

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Jquery :: Conflict - Prettyphoto Popup - Works Fine In Firefox And Safari But Not In Any Version Of IE

Aug 7, 2009

The following code is needed for the prettyphoto javascript popup. It works fine in Firefox and Safari, but not in any version of IE.


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JQuery :: PrettyPhoto Compatibility With Newsticker?

Nov 14, 2011

I'm implementing prettyPhoto into my site which already contains a jquery newsticker from [URL]... There is a compatibility issue between this two, I can only manage to make one to work, but I really need both of them.

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JQuery :: PrettyPhoto: Stop It From Shrinking To Fit?

Jan 14, 2011

I'm using prettyPhoto for a gallery on my page. I'd like to keep it the same size independent of the photo size. So if the image is too big, the image shrinks down to the size of the box (although I don't mind the way it currently works of mostly filling the window). More importantly, I'd like it to not shrink to fit smaller images. It would be best if it would just center a too-small image.

Unfortunately, one of the images that is in the gallery is only 200x150, while most are around 800x600.


Somehow, I just now realized that the default dimensions don't seem to apply to anything (or at least they're not limiting anything as far as I can tell).

Perhaps something from how it works for iframe? The images don't thumbnail properly for the gallery if I put the width/height in the anchor href...

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JQuery :: PrettyPhoto, WordPress And IE Not Playing Nice With Each Other?

Sep 2, 2011

I'm having an issue with PrettyPhoto not working in IE. It works great in all other browsers. In IE, it will start to open, show a really small box and then no content. Here is a link to the site that I'm working on:[URL]..

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JQuery :: Display PrettyPhoto Lightbox In Parent From Iframe?

Feb 2, 2010

I have been trying to get some assistance with this issue for a while now. I know this issue has been discussed before but I can't seem to get it to work. I have a master html page with an iframe on that page. I am using jquery prettyphoto and I was wondering how I can get the light box to display in the parent window when I click on the link in the iframe?[code]...

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JQuery :: Implemented The ScrollTo And PrettyPhoto Plugin - Internet Explorer - Not Working

May 27, 2009

I'm sure this is a very trivial and probably simple thing to fix, but unfortunately I've run into a massive wall with it!

(Vague disclaimer - i'm new to Javascript and jquery, but learning slowly.)

I've implemented the scrollTo and prettyPhoto plugin on my websites, both work brilliantly on everything but Internet Explorer: [url]

I've used the following code to initialize the jquery:

I've followed instructions for both plugins pretty well down to the T, so i can't see where i've gone wrong here.

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JQuery :: Import Two Different Versions?

Apr 15, 2010

I am running what is called "XpressEngine" on my website. It is a Korean CMS tool that is like Joomla and it loads jquery 1.3.2 as standard on its boards and etc.

I have developed a new design website with jquery 1.4.2 and it works fine with by it self.. but it does not when it loads a board running by XE. I guess the reason is that the websites loads two jquery. So I tried to load the jquery 1.3.2 only so that it can run both my board and the website layout, but layout is not working with jquery 1.3.2. (except, if I only import jquery 1.3.2, then the board works fine but not the layout.) I guess my code is some what requiring jquery 1.4.2.. but I am not sure why yet..

My question is, is there any way to import jquery 1.4.2 and 1.3.2 simultaneously? (I personally think its not possible though..


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JQuery :: Multiple Versions In IE?

Sep 22, 2010

Below is the head section of the page. It works in everything but IE?

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://jqueryjs.googlecode.com/files/jquery-1.3.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.easing.min.js"></script>


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JQuery :: Lightbox Or PrettyPhoto Or Fancybox Break When Submitting Content With JEditable Plugin?

Sep 25, 2009

i have a site that uses a lightbox based image viewer and the jeditable plugin. basically my site has a photo gallery and below each gallery i have the option to set a caption to the photo.

i have done the caption using jeditable and i've also tried using the ajaxForm plugin for jquery to see if jeditable caused the problem. but whichever method i use, approximately 20% of the time a photo caption is submitted, if you then click on the photo to view full size using lightbox (so far i've used fancyBox, prettyPhoto and Lightbox itself, and all break in the same way) it gets stuck at "loading", whereby the overlay appears, the inital empty box and animated gif appear, but then it just spins forever and never loads the image, as if it cant access the URL. weirder still, the FIRST time i do a page refresh to try and fix the problem, it doesnt work (something in the cache i expect), but if i do a second refresh or a shift + refresh, it resets and works again. it's very difficult to eliminate all variables because the problem is so sporadic, but it seems that the most likely way of breaking lightbox is to do the following:


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JQuery :: Multiple Versions On The Same Page?

Mar 2, 2010

Is it possible to handle conflicts between 2 versions of jQuery loaded in the same page? Assume that two applications (from different developers that know nothing of each other) share the same canvas (page) and each one of the developers is allowed to register global JavasScript libraries on the page. If each developers registers a different version of Jquery how could the hosting page handle conflicts?

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JQuery :: Animate Not Working In IE (all Versions)

Feb 4, 2010

I'm new on the forum and also using JQuery, came to this Framework thru ZendFramework.... My problème is that i've done an animation that works fine on all browsers (Firefox, Opera, Chrome, Safari) but not on any IE ?


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JQuery :: Using Multiple Versions On One Page

Oct 12, 2011

I need to use some features in later versions of jQuery (specifically, hoverIntent in v1.5), but my current sites are running 1.4, and in some cases 1.2.

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JQuery :: Attr() Return Different Values Across The Versions?

Jan 8, 2012

I have a problem with attr() function.I made my own lightbox and with jQuery 1.4.x it works nice. But now I use 1.7 and there is a problem. When I called attr in 1.4 $(element).attr("rel") when element hasn't rel, it returns empty string, but in 1.7 it returns undefined.Why? I read a changelog and I didn't find any change at that function.

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JQuery :: Transparent Layer Between Us Developers And The Different Browsers And Versions Out There?

Jul 14, 2011

Please do not take this the wrong way, but rather as a genuine question I have. I do not want to be negative, but the answer to our bug reporthttp[URL]... One of the main reasons we turned to a javascript framework (we used to use prototype before we - migrated to jQuery), is that we wouldn't need to worry about browsers and versions our users use.[URL].. I now notice that I can not rely on jQuery framework for making functions work cross-browser.

In my opinion, if there is an issue with this, shouldn't jQuery intercept and wrap the call to something that does work in Webkit? Again - this is not meant to be negative, but as an end-developer, I think I should be able to rely on same behaviour of all methods provided in the jQuery library, regardless of what browser/version is being used. (or perhaps at least document it in the api docs?)

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JQuery :: Importing Two Versions Of Cause Plugins To Stop Working?

Oct 6, 2010

I'm brand new to jQuery, so I apologize if this is a 101 question, but I'm trying to sort out a production issue. I do QA for an ecommerce website. When one of our developers made some changes to our application recently, a couple of the plugins we use stopped working on those pages. Looking at the code, it seems we load jQuery 1.4 and several plugins, including autocomplete and popdown. In the changes, for some reason, the developer loads jQuery 1.4.2 (after 1.4 has been called) but doesn't call the plugins again. I'm assuming that this is the reason the plugins stop working. Can anyone confirm this theory?

(The reasons why we don't call 1.4.2 earlier in the document are, sadly, mostly bureaucratic. If I can get this confirmation, hopefully I can push through that.)

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PrettyPhoto Gallery Not Working?

Nov 17, 2009

I have the page linked below. The first three thumbnails are videos and have a working tag of rel="prettyPhoto" but the next table of thumbnail images have a tag of rel="prettyPhoto[1]" that is not working.


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Disable Scroll Behind PrettyPhoto Lightbox?

Apr 17, 2010

I have a prettyPhoto lightbox plugin on my site. When I click the thumbnail, the lightbox window opens. The problem is that when I scroll, the lightbox shakes violently. I have tried every available option through CSS positioning and none of them suit my situation. I need to be able to DISABLE all scrolling while the lightbox is open.

I tried this:

<SCRIPT type="text/javascript" language="Javascript">
var stop_scroll = false ;
function scrolltop(){
if(stop_scroll ==true){


This does nothing unfortunately and I imagine I am either approaching this incorrectly or I have some kind of syntax error.

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Prettyphoto Will Not Work With A Certain Slideshow Script?

Nov 10, 2011

I have a variety of scripts on my webpage... I have multiple slide shows that require javascript... out of the three 2 of them work fine with pretty photo but the one I need does not....

Does anyone know why prettyphoto conflicts with this certain script?

You prolly need the code but I thought this could be a common problem and i figure there maybe an easy solution..

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Closing A Video In (prettyphoto) Lightbox, On A Timer?

Dec 4, 2011

I had a code I found on google a few weeks ago that did this function well, but as I redesigned a few parts I deleted the code, and I cannot find it again :

The one thing I didn't like about the code was that the timer was not set in minuets or seconds it was set in hundreds ex. 800 would be equivalent to IDK I would have to guess and it wasn't very accurate.

Ex. of the lightbox and video to give you a better picture can be found here: www.VisumDesignz.com the second slideshow image has a play button on it click that and the video will appear in a prettyphoto lightbox.

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JQuery :: Two Scripts Conflict With One Another When Used Together?

May 19, 2010

I have two different scripts I am using on a web form, one which highlights the field when the mouse focuses on a field and another which checks the info and submits. They work fine separately, but together there is a conflict.how to resolve the conflict?Here are the two scripts.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.4.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">


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Regarding Jquery Conflict Mode?

Sep 30, 2009

I have read that if i have to use jquery with other libraries then i have to use jquery in no conflict mode.I understand that and and it works. i use$j = jquery.noconflict()so that $ of jquery does not mix with $ of other librariesNow my question is that i use any jquery plugin , and i include that JS filee,g plugin.jquery.jsI am not sure whether i am correct or noti think that plugin is coded by using $ sign not the $jnd i think it will conflict with other libraries.So it means i have to chnage the plugin code as well or there is no need to change plugin

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Testing On Different Netscape Versions

Jul 23, 2005

If I have to test my code on different Netscape versions, can I download and run those versions on the same computer or will it create conflicts? And if I had to test only one version which one should it be - which one has the most common elements to all the versions?

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Combining Six Versions Of A Function

Mar 27, 2010

I have this function which rounds up the <p>s, checks their ids, twice, for specific letter combinations and, depending on the combination, changes the class name in one of two ways. It's referencing <p> tags with ids that look like this: <p id="Labaabb6">, where 'a' could be 'b' & vice versa, '6' any number from 1 to 6, and 'L' is just there to be zero in the character count. Still here? OK, there are six variations, V1() to V6(): these work standalone, but it'd be good to combine them. This is where I'm having some trouble...


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Any Script Versions Of This Htmlarea

Nov 20, 2004

Are there any javascript versions of this htmlarea that will work on a browser besides I.E. I cant use html area, as i and many of my staff members hate I.E and dont use it. I only need these capabilites

underline, bold, italic, text aligning, listing (numbers or dots)

Is there any javascript alternative that will allow me to do what htmlarea does and on lots of browsers.

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