JQuery :: Code For Enlarging Images - Overlay Effect
Oct 16, 2011
I know nothing about javascript, but have found a useful code for enlarging images, and it would be great if I could just insert a line or two to get the overlay effect - so, what I want to add is a background when an image is open: for example - [url].
I am using the cycle plugin to vertically scroll images with text overlays on a WordPress homepage. I position a div with a semi-transparentbackgroundto darken behind the text The div style uses abackground-image with the -moz-linear-gradient and for IE it uses filter with the microsoft gradient. I thought it might be a problem but it actually works half the time. When a new slide appears and scrolls down the text background is completely transparent - through to the page background. The text over the background is also faintly visible. Once the new slide is in position however, the background and textappear as intended. The suprising point -while theslide is being removed the text and background display perfectly.
Why this greybox isnt displaying my images? Click on the 'launch gallery' button at the bottom of the page: [URL]. I know all the paths are correct I just cant figure out why they wont display in the overlay!
I am trying to achieve a relatively simple effect but having a hard time. I have the code to swap the images displayed in a particular div with an external trigger but want to add a slide effect to the new images that loads upon activating the trigger. The code I have so far is:
<script type="text/javascript"> function changeBelt(beltName,BeltHolder) { var obj = document.getElementById(BeltHolder);
I'm using Jquery to create a rollover effect on 2 images (placed on top of each other) to fade the bottom image in on a mouseover and out on a mouse out. Clicking the faded in image also opens a fancybox gallery. The problem is that sometimes the animation (the fade in and out) gets stuck after closing the fancybox window and the mouseover doesn't work anymore.
i am trying to do a mouseover effect with some images inside an unordered list. i have a lot of divs in my html (some are generated) but its fairly straight forward. i have tried all sorts of variations on my jquery code below but cannot get it to alert me. i am not sure if the other div containers matter at all or not.
So when the page loads the thumbnails cycle through using setInterval. When the user clicks on one of the thumbnails, it is supposed to open a new window and show the enlarged version of that thumbnail stored in bigpics. However it only comes up with a broken image link. Any ideas why this is not working?
I have problem with javascript for image effects. Here is the link [URL] login with these nick and pass: nick: google pass: googleads When you log into, on the top of the page are 4 images with fade effect. But effect is wrong. When I came first I see those images in full colors. How to change my script to show them in grey when I first came?
I am seeking to change the color attribute in my CSS file under the ID's #realmaturesingles and #seniorpeoplemeet upon the hovering of these links. These two ID's are initialized inside an <a> tag (these are links). How can I do this with JavaScript? This is what I tried:
Im having a bit of trouble with the bounce show effect from jquery ui. To see what I mean, check out my development site. Anytime you modify a part in this computer builder, the rigth side gets updated. Right now its removing and adding list items. Problem is when click items too fast, the animation doesnt finish and the next item gets bumped lower and lower.
I am building a new website which has some boxes that changes from classes(done with jquery magic ).I want to add an overlay(like the lightbox fading background) to the page when the user clicks on the switch button.I have tried a couple of things but it seems not to work:If tried to append a div to the body but that doesn't seems to work:
I have a PDF file that appears in an IFRAME. I use the ddsmoothmenu but the dropdowns will not overlay the PDF. I read I could use the bgiframe plugin to solve the problem, but so far have been unsuccessful…the PDF always appears on top. Does anyone have any experience using bgiframe to layer on top of a PDF in an IFRAME?
I have an overlay that is implemented using Malsup BlockUI, with a "close" button, however it won't close! - here's the details... I have a DIV that I use as an overlay:
Displayed using: $.blockUI({ message: $("#mp").html() }); It has a cancel button (see above): ... <span class="divbutton greenbutton mp_no" style="margin-right: 1em">not now thanks</span> ...
Which closes the overlay by means of : $('.mp_no').click(function() { alert("close overlay"); $.unblockUI(); return false; });
However like I say, this simply refuses to close the overlay. I've used this same technique over and over again but this time something must be wrong. I just can't spot it! Moreover... if I place a button elsewhere on the page (and outside of the overlay DIV): <span class="divbutton greenbutton mp_no" style="margin-right: 1em">not now thanks</span> This will fire the click event, and is exactly the same "button" markup!
jQuery 1.6.2, jQuery UI 1.8.14. I use a sequence of dialogs to present a number of wizard type interfaces to my users, but I have a problem since upgrading to these jQuery versions that certain dialogs within each of my wizards open behind the dialog overlay and I can't get to it. I can see that the dialog is ending up with a zindex of 1000, and the overlay has a zindex of 1001, so I've overridden my dialog property to be 1002, and that brings it over the overlay, but then the input fields on the dialog are still not editable. The escape key will still close the dialog.
This doesn't happen to all my dialogs, but it does happen to the same ones in my sequence of dialogs each time, depending on which wizard I choose. I only see this problem with FF 3.6 (haven't been able to try newer ones yet), but things work fine in IE 8.
I am a beginner in jquery and search for a solution to display a overlay-Window. (ModalDialog, ModalPopup). I found the jdialog-extension: [uRL]. Looks very good, but I can't declare the overlay-content in a separate file. Instead I like to declare the overlay-content in the same page where it's called from. (asp.net-Eventhandlers etc). Is that possible or do you know another approach / another extension?
My Javascript abilities are sub-par so I normally try to follow tutorials or examples to implement java for now. Although I digress. To the point... I'm coding a web site for a photographer and need a natural looking picture selecting menu.
For example...
Now you kinda grasp what I'm attempting to do here.. anyone know of a good tutorial or example showing how to do this? I've seen several auto scrolling menus but that's not what I'm looking for. I just want an intuitive nav bar for pics...
I found a great piece of Javascript on this forum for linked random images with rollover effect but I can't figure out how to add "no border" to the script as I do not want to have a border around the linked images.
I'm creating an overlay with multiple effects and clicks. To setup the overlay and the general effects(slide, fade, duration,.) there's no problem. As for some actions there's need an automated close after a few seconds.Here is my jQeury code for the total animation.
Now for what I want exactly to do: Create overlay if clicked on div in the body content. (DONE) Open the refering overlay of witch div container was clicked. (DONE) In my project there are 2 div's (as clickable items) with actions. For one of them the content with in the overlay moves to the right side and showes some other content. (DONE) If that last is done (click and move tot right) the overlay is suposed to close automaticly after a few seconds.
I'm new to jQuery, but I'm very excited to incorporate it into my project. I'm trying to re-create the following flash-based technique for an open-source medical student project, but I'm not sure how to begin: [URL]. The example is exactly what I am trying to achieve with jQuery. I have a fundoscopic image (image of the back part of the eye) and I want to put a dark overlay that covers the entire image except for a clear circular center, centered over the mouse cursor. The clear circular center should move with the mouse cursor (with some delay/smoothness). When the mouse cursor leaves the image space, the clear circular center should return to its initial position.
I got the "loading external pages" overlay working just fine from the examples. My project calls for me to open an external overlay but we don't have control over the trigger point. The content is being injected into our pages via an external scripts. So I created an event listener with JQuery to listen for any clicks that occur to a specific link, this works just fine. What I've been struggling to do is open up an external overlay via my listener. I've tried creating a custom function called showOverlay that will do the real work but no luck. Is it possible to trigger an external Overlay via eventListener or do I have to take a different approach?
This is my eventListener. $('#ExternalLinkReadID a').click(function() { var id = $(this).attr('href'); alert("before: " + id); $(this).showOverlay(); alert("after"); });
<a href="readreviews.jsp" rel="#overlay" style="text-decoration:none"> <button type="button">Reviews</button> </a><!-- overlayed element --> <div class="apple_overlay" id="overlay"><a class="close"></a> <!-- the external content is loaded inside this tag --> <div class="contentWrap"></div> </div><!-- make all links with the 'rel' attribute open overlays --> <script> $.fn.showOverlay = function() { // if the function argument is given to overlay, // it is assumed to be the onBeforeLoad event listener $("a[href]").overlay({ mask: 'lightgrey', effect: 'apple', onBeforeLoad: function() { // grab wrapper element inside content var wrap = this.getOverlay().find(".contentWrap"); // load the page specified in the trigger wrap.load(this.getTrigger().attr("href")); }});}; </script>
I am looking for some recommendations for JS/HTML code that will allow me to generate drop down menus, sort of like the ones here Code:
where you can see the drop down menus if you roll over "Flights", "Hotels" and so on. The only thing I want to do differently with this is that I want to put a repeating background image behind the entire menu that drops down, and not necessarily just each item. So, in the above example, if you rolled over Flights, I'd like a background graphic to span all the menu items -- "Search Flights", "Top Deals", "Web Fares", "Low Fare Alert", and "Last Minute Packages."
i have two images which are part of a rollover button that i want to have paused until the intro animation finishes. I have the javascript code but the rollover images are specified in the css. I just have the id to them in the html. I was wondering if anyone knew how to include the rollover files with the pausing javascript code. the files are profile.gif and profileover.gif. I tried to add the files to the preload part of the javascript but that didn't work.
i have two images which are part of a rollover button that i want to have paused until the intro animation finishes. I have the javascript code but the rollover images are specified in the css. I just have the id to them in the html. I was wondering if anyone knew how to include the rollover files with the pausing javascript code. the files are profile.gif and profileover.gif. I tried to add the files to the preload part of the javascript but that didn't work. The website is [URL]...