JQuery :: Clicking Anywhere But On A Particular A Tag?

Nov 8, 2011

I have a webpage with lots of links, buttons, text etc. The page also has an <A class="mylink" HREF="#">Click here</a> tag.

What exactly I want is, if I click anywhere on the page, button, text or any other <A></A> tag on that page except the A tag that has the class="mylink", an alert() should popup.I tried the following but I still see the alert when I click on the <A class="mylink" HREF="#">Click here</a> tag.




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Stop Users From Double Clicking On The Page Or Disable Double Clicking?

Sep 3, 2009

I have a page that submits to a db then re-loads its self with new information. Unfortunately it goes wrong when the user double clicks on a one of many text links that provides the info for the display on reload. How do I stop users from double clicking on the page? Ideally I think I would like to call some sort of js function from body onload as I presume this would then cover the whole of the page, but have no idea if this is possible or how to go about writing it.

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JQuery :: Always Clicking Twice With .toggle()?

Oct 7, 2010

I have a page with the code below (you can see the page herehttp://thegamingmall.com/realsite/testing.html). I'm using the .toggle() function to show/hide a div tag. However you ALWAYS need to click it twice! It's driving me and the users insane.

<!DOCTYPE html>


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JQuery :: Clicking Select Box ?

Jun 11, 2009

You know when you click on a select box (size=1) and then the options show up? I'm looking to simulate that with jQuery.

What I would like to happen is I have an image I am using as my "down arrow". It would be a custom image laid over the select box. If you click the select, it will drop down the options, but if you click the image, nothing happens. I want those options to drop down.

I got as far as:

But it's not a focus I want, and .click() doesn't work.

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JQuery :: Div To Disappear When Clicking Outside It?

Apr 21, 2010

So, I have a content div and a floating sidebar (that's draggable). When I click on the content div, I want another div (with id #formatting) to appear inside the sidebar. This is already working.When I click outside the content div I want the #formatting div to disappear — but if I click inside the #formatting div it also disappears. How can I get it to stay there when I click inside the sidebar?Should I use an if statement, or are there other options?

$('#content').focus(function() {
$('#formatting').show('fast', function() {


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Jquery :: Hide A Div By Clicking Outside

Apr 23, 2011

I have a table that display users in a database. When a user clicks on the usergroup a dropdown div will appear with a selection of available usergroups. I would like that div to hide again when the user clicks outside that div

Here is the code for the div

HTML Code:

I have no problem displaying the hidden div but i can't get it to close when the user clicks outside.

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Clicking A Button To Make Something Appear, And Then Clicking It Again To Make It Dis?

Mar 4, 2010

so I have a button that makes a table appear absolutely(dynamically), and I was wondering how would I go about making it disappear once I made it appear.

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JQuery :: Dialog After Clicking On Image?

Aug 20, 2009

I Have an image and onlick dialog appears


It works fine but when I close the dialog and click on the image again nothing happens.

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JQuery :: Expand A Row When Clicking Only On An Image

Jul 31, 2010

I'm testing the Jexpand plugin (expand table rows): [URL] and i would like to know what i have to modify to expand/collpase rows only when i click on the left arrows picture (not by clicking everywhere on the row)?


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JQuery :: Getting Value Of Selected/clicking Li Element?

Sep 25, 2010

i try to make thing like this: My list is like below:

ul id="cssdropdown">
<li class="headlink">
Search Engines


</ul> what i want is, when i click the <li>(home,downloads..),i will take its value and i write the value instead of "Search engine". How can i make this?

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JQuery :: Clicking Hyperlink A Actually Clicks B?

Oct 20, 2010

I am a JQuery newbie, and was asked to use jquery to do something like this: when clicking hyperlink A, it actually clicks hyperlink B? How to accomplish this using jquery?

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JQuery :: Changing A Class Name Without Clicking?

Sep 24, 2009

I have the following: <div class="unselected" >content</div>

I want to change unselected into selected when calling a function. The ways I'm finding to do a class name change is using a clicking:


But I don't want to click, I need to do it by calling a function ..

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JQuery :: Temporary Disable Any Clicking?

Nov 8, 2011

Is there any way to temporary disable any clicks? I've made a jquery code where you press a button and after 1,4 sec it will go to the next screen. But I don't want people to click on anything within those 1,4 sec.

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JQuery :: Update DIV When Clicking On Link

Nov 18, 2011

I have a couple of links which when clicking on them start a video. In another div with id="info" I want to give more information about the video which is playing. When you click on a new link and the video starts the information should update. The information wich is in a list item is hidden with display: none before you click on the link. My problem is that the information of the previous video is not disappearing when I start a new one. I don't know what to write to make the information of the previous video disappear.

I tried empty() and remove() but then the div id="info" shows nothing.
#info {
width: 195px;
height: 338px;
border: 2px black solid;
.hide {display: none;}
$('#text1').click(function () {
}); .....

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JQuery :: Call Js Func When Clicking A Div

Apr 18, 2011

im trying to call a JS fuc when a certain div is pressed.this is how i call it from a hyperlink


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JQuery :: Change Background Image Upon Clicking A Div?

Jan 5, 2011

I am trying to change the background image of the body to a different image when I click a particular div. What would be some simple code to do such a thing.

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JQuery :: Change The Text In One Element By Clicking On The Other?

May 22, 2010

I have this simple code and I am trying to change the text in one element by clicking on the other.

Relevent code shown:

<script type="text/javascript" language=javascript>


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JQuery :: Changing DIV-Blocks By Clicking On Buttons?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm trying to understand how jQuery works, so I wanted to create something in order to learn a little bit ;-) here's the case:

I want to create a box with a text in german. Above the text, there are buttons in order to change the language. So, by clicking on "French", the german text disappears and is replaced by the french one. So, I created the buttons and the DIV-Blocks.

The question is, which function I should use with jQuery in order to achieve my goal (?) show / hide ? replace? First, I should show only one DIV, and hide all these others, no?

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JQuery :: Call A Toggle By Clicking Another Element?

Nov 9, 2009

i have a search icon at the top of my page, when i click this it toggles show/hide on the search form. now when the user loses focus of the search form (.blur), i want it to activate the hide part of the toggle.

when the search icon is clicked, it gives focus to the search form, so the moment the icon is clicked, the search form gains focus, then when someone clicks somewhere else on the page and the form loses focus, i want the search form to hide.

the problem is, if i just have the search form hide on .blur, then when you click the search icon and then click somewhere else and the search form loses focus, and then you click the icon to show the search form again, it will hide the search form(to the user, it looks like it didn't do anything, since the search form is already hidden). so after 2 clicks on the icon, then, it finally shows the search form again.


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JQuery :: Make Clicking A Tab Perform An Action?

Mar 21, 2010

I am having a hard time implementing a feature on my website. I want an input box to appear when the "sell" tab is clicked, and I cannot figure out how to do it with Jquery. I can't figure out how to chain an action to tabs. here is my code so far

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


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Jquery :: Replacing DIV Content When Clicking On Another Element

Apr 14, 2010

I'm trying to change content depending on the <a> link the user clicks. My code is far is as follows but isn't working?

<div id="content">
<div id="cx300">
<div class="auriculares_spec_mx560">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec luctus varius magna.</p>
<img class="img_cx300" src="img/cx300.jpg" alt="Sennheiser Headphones CX300"/> .....

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JQuery :: Clicking On Image And Getting Target.href

Jun 15, 2010

I'm having a problem with this code: $('nav a').click(function(e)When I click on the text, the I get a URL as the target.href, but when I click on the image, I get undefined.

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JQuery :: Show Text When Clicking On Button?

Mar 30, 2011

I have the following website: [URL]. As you can see, there are a couple of news items. In fact, there should be 3 items on the homepage, the rest should be hidden.

When you click the button "oudere nieuwsberichten" what means "older news", the other newsitems should be shown underneath the 3 existing ones.

Is there a jquery plug-in to do so?

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JQuery :: Show The Prod_item Tab By Clicking The Corresponding Image?

Dec 16, 2010

Here is my detailed version of my question. And following requirement needs to be donethrough jQuery.* me as fast as you can.Consider i having two division.

Div A:
| |


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JQuery :: Submitting A Form Without Clicking On Submit?

May 3, 2010

I have a form with about 10 fields, and the action is sent to a php file which processes the form. Now, I also like to use a Thickbox such that the user can preview the page before actually submitting it to the process.php. That means, I have one submit button and one href, which href links to an iFrame thickbox to preview the page. My problem is that I don't know how to obtain the input values in the iFrame, without user clicking on submit (rather i want to get the values through href). something like the preview on this forum, except I want it on thickbox.

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JQuery :: Using Functions, Combining Sliding And Clicking?

Dec 30, 2011

I guess I'm having some trouble with combining regular OOP javascript and jQuery.Here I'm trying to make a simple molewhacking game with jQuery. Somehow the click() method doesn't work anymore when I use my (strangely and unexpectedly working...) slideDown and UP combination-loop. Probably the approach I'm taking is very wrong. Should I put $ before all functions? I just dunno.


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