iPhone and more can automatically recognize phone numbers and make them an active link to click and initiate a call to that number. I can do this on many webpages, but not in myTinyTodo task list. Anyone know what might be preventing the phones from being able to recognize the number and make it active?
You can input a task on this page with a phone number and then view on your phone to see if it is active link or not.[URl]...
I'm new to jQuery and have a problem with links inside an accordion.
The simplified code looks like this: <div class="active-item"> <div class="available-items"> <h5>Headline</h5> </div>
The problem is, that the links inside the table are not active. If i click them, the accordion is closing What do i have to do, to keep the links inside the open accordion as normal links, without closing the accordion?
I have some problems with assigning a class to my included navagation menu. I would like to give the last clicked menu item a active class so I can style it but i have no clue how that works with javascript. as you can see i have three files two pages which included the same menu. Now I would like to set the first page to active because it would be the page the would start. but then when someone clicks the second page it should become inactive and set the active class to the secone link.
I have a sample page with three tabs (tabs.html). Tabs are displayed as follows: <ul class="tabs"> <li><a href="javascript:tabSwitch('tab_1', 'content_1');" id="tab_1" class="active">Tab 1</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:tabSwitch('tab_2', 'content_2');" id="tab_2">Tab 2</a></li> <li><a href="javascript:tabSwitch('tab_3', 'content_3');" id="tab_3">Tab 3</a></li> </ul>
The JavaScript used to switch tabs is: function tabSwitch(active, number, tab_prefix, content_prefix) { for (var i = 1; i < number+1; i++) { document.getElementById(content_prefix+i).style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById(tab_prefix+i).className = ''; } document.getElementById(content_prefix+active).style.display = 'block'; document.getElementById(tab_prefix+active).className = 'selected'; } Now, by default, when I link to tabs.html, the first tab is set to active. Is it possible to create a link from another site that links to tabs.html and forces the second or third tab to be active?
I have this script where if users click on a link it will show that particular link in a slideUp, slideDown effect. For example There are two links and Two divs.Both Divs are hidden to start. If the user clicks link 1, Div 1 will appear. If the user clicks link2 Div 1 will close and Div 2 will appear. how do I add a active state when the user clicks on each particular link.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <html xmlns ="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
I started using jQuery yesterday so im a noob. I have a navigation bar, and i want it to display a background image on the active menu item. (Like the top most menu on this website, it has a little blue underline)
Line 2: It loops though all the <a> tags in an <UL> with id nav_prim. (The <a> tags are inside of <li>'s in the <ul>.
Line 3: I check to see if the <a> tag's href atribute is the same as the URL of the page, if it is
Line 4: i want that specific <a> tag's background-image to be images/nav_bg.gif.
I can't get it to work. In firefox i get the error " $("ul#nav_prim a")[i].css" is not a function.
Why is that? Can anyone please help me? As i've said im new to jQuery and Javascript in general aswell.
I am trying to figure out how to make a certain text link load in the active link color. What I'm doing is using frames to display different colors of product. In the right frame is the list of colors, and when clicked on, the image in the left frame changes to show the same product in a different color.
What I need is to let users know which image is being shown when they first come to the page, so I would like that link to show in the active color when the page is first loaded and then change to a visited link when another link is clicked on.
I've been able to develop the content div swap for the following test site, [url], but can't figure out how to highlight the active name in the left-hand sub-navigation.
I'm creating an accordion menu and need to make the link you click on go from saying "click here to view" to "close". The way I had to set up the accordion is making finding code that works very difficult. Here is my [code]...
I am working on the project that will be only one page and the menu will link to the same page. The problem is that i can't add active class to the menu the same we did in the normal linked pages. For example, in css we can see .about .menu ul li .active a { color:#black} . This means the menu will be in black when the user is in the about page. I can't do like this in one page scroll menu as there is only one menu. Are there any ways to let the menu change (add active class)when i scroll to some specific part of the page?
I'd like to be able to get Superfish to expand the entire menu and show the current active link in pathlevel 2. I'm using the nav-bar style and it seems that only pathlevel 1 is visible:
I am trying to develop a jquery based keyboard navigation for my new project.....
My code:
But the problem i face is that when my active link goes to first element of unordered list and then i press up arrow key, then i lose track of my active link...
If I have this regular expression that matches anything that contains the string "link": links = links.replace(/link/gi, "<a href="+ assigned link number goes here +.html">Click</a>");
How can I sequentially assign a number to each string that it replaces (in the order that it finds it from top to bottom)? If I had an unspecified number of strings that match "link", how can I use one regular expression to output the following for each string it replaces?:
In a nutshell, I need to set add/remove a class called 'active' to/from a link that is clicked within a DIV. So if the link has the class 'active' already assigned I need to remove it and vice versa however the issue I am having is that I have to double click the link in order for it to work!!
getting all the header text:jQuery("#accordion h3").text();how do you get the active index? and how do you use that index to get the active header?how do you get the header text for the active header?
I have the following code that, among other things, should validate US telephone numbers with format: "(800) 800-8000" with hyphen, parenthesis and spaces optional.My main problem is that it validates also numbers like 800 or 800000000000000 etc.The code works perfectly on test pages but not on my website. Something similar happens also for the zipcode.
I have strip of navigation tabs, which are marked up as a <ul> and styled to look like tabs with borders and all that. In my stylesheet I have the pseudo-classes for :link , :visited , :hover , :active and all of those work fine.
But I'd like to have the browser highlight whichever link a viewer is currently on by having Javascript activate the already defined :active pseudo-class. What's the syntax for that? Is it even possible?
I've been googling for almost an hour and havn't gotten anything.
I'm having issues with jquery and the tabs I'm using. My tabs work but... I want some more functions and that seems to be a big problem for a Javascript and jquery newby.
I really don't know if this is correct but it works! What doesn't work is the active class. If you use one of the buttons in the first tab you go to the right tab but the tab itself has no class called active and that ruins the style.
2) I also have one other question: lets say that all the above is my second page and I have my frontpage in which I also have buttons. I want somebody to use the button and end up in the third tab of page 2. My link is something like
Code: page2.html#tab3
I read that using this should lead you the third tab but it's not working for me. You go to the first tab of page 2 instead.
I've been reading a LOT! Jquery for dummies, I googled, read the forum and other forums. I posted on a Dutch forum but no answer. I've added a lot of different code but it doesn't work.
Is there a way to adjust my coding to make my phone numbers appear as ###-###-####? No number bigger than 999-999-9999. No matter what numbers are used in the textbox it is throwing the alert to enter the telephone number correctly. Do I need to add an array or a parseFloat somewhere?
Here is a snipit if my function:
<tr> <td>Telephone Number:</td> <script language="Javascript"> function onlyNumbers(evt)
I'm trying to validate an input type text html tag with JS.There is an array (prefisso[]) with a lot of dial codes.The first 3 characters of the value to check must be one of the elements of "prefisso[]".The value to check must be longer than 9 chars (min 10).
how to get my form to give an error message if the telephone or email is not filled in. I only need one of them to be filled in, i.e. it's a contact form, I need to be able to respond somehow. I can make it do an error for each individually, but not either or. I was trying to use an OR statement. || but I couldn't make it work
I want to Create a simple scanner app for the iPhone so when someone scans a URL embedded in a QR code, it opens the browser and loads that URL. :thumbsup:
Trying to pass variables from the javascript into my php script and into my SQL query so i can track the location of the iphone. So far i have...
<script type="text/javascript"> function getGPS() { if (navigator.geolocation) { navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(showGPS, gpsError);
This gets the coordinates in javascript and the php runs and i get a new record in the database but it doesnt pass the variables from java to php. Anyone know a workaround to get the variables from the iphone to sql on a single page?
I want this to run in the background and refresh every now and then so i can track users location.
I'am having trouble making it work. I placed it in the head section, am I missing something or could the code just be crap? Here is the code i use. found on [URL]
<script type="text/javascript">{literal} function iPhoneAlert() { if((navigator.userAgent.match(/iPhone/i))||(navigator.userAgent. match(/iPod/i))){
and on the <Body> I've put this <body onLoad="iPhoneAlert();">