Huge Table Slow In Loading

Jul 23, 2005

I try a few grid table and they are nice BUT loading thousand rows of data are slow.

May be there is any simpler yet attractive table style format I can use just to beautify the current <table> ?

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JQuery :: Autocomplete Combobox - Loading Huge Amount Of Data

Apr 11, 2011

I am using jquery autocomplete combobox I load more than 25000 data. I set
minLength:3, delay: 700,
When I start typing three characters, in the third character ie8 shows the "Stop running this script" how to handle this huge amount of data

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Slow Loading Site

Apr 1, 2006

I put a javascript for a preload in it and it hasnt helped the front page. Right now the header is swish and we took that out and it still took over 2 minutes to download on DSL. I do have the JS anthology book but the script in there didn't work for us. Come to think of it I have almost all of the sitepoint books. Does anyone have any suggestions.

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Why Two Tags Menu Together Cause Loading Slow

Oct 30, 2010

I want use two jquery tags menu in one page.I tested each one alone, even more than 10 pages, they all loading correctly. When I open the page, then can stay in the div position they should stay.But when I conbain them together, there will be caused that when I open the page, the pictures will drop down untill all the pictures have been loaded. Then they come back to the position where they should stay.

HTML Code:

<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>


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Slow Loading W/ External Script

Jan 23, 2004

In my page, I have to load an external javascript (it's an ad serving code, using src='....') and once the external site is not accessible, it slows down my site significantly (to a level that unacceptable to visitors). Is there anything I can do to prevent this? Or anything the ad server needs to change?

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Slow Loading Time For Slideshow Gallery

Jul 23, 2005

I created an image gallery which displays 63 images in a slideshow. The
problem is that the show was slow because each image loaded one at a time
during the show. No problem right? I just did a preload script. But then the
user has to sit for 5 minutes waiting for 63 images to download! My images
are about 640x480 and average 100kb. Is this too much for one page to load?
Should I load my slideshow into differerent windows? If so, don't I have the
same problem with my loading time?

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JQuery :: Cluetip IE8 Very Slow Adding To Table Rows

Apr 16, 2009

I've recently been using cluetip on a datable of about 400 rows. Recently I tested this against IE8 and found it very very slow. Doing simply the following:

$(document).ready(function() {
$(".user").each(function(i) {

Basically for each row in my table (400 rows) it would attach the cluetip to it. In IE8 it would freeze the browser for a good minute, if I pushed the compatibility mode button to run in IE7 mode it worked as xpected. In all other browsers it worked perfectly. Is there something different going on with IE8?

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Hover Effect / Mouseover Table - Painfully Slow In IE?

Apr 28, 2010

Hover effect is painfully slow IE (only IE) and table mouseover causes very high processor usage When you move the mouse over table elements flash animation stutters/pauses (making flash banners impossible)

You can se the page here: fondovi ( (there's a flash animation on the right side of the page (light grey/blue color))

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JQuery :: Handling Huge Sets Of Elements?

Jan 23, 2011

I developed a plugin which loads some content via AJAX. Every time the content is loaded I need to bind to certain elements ( let's say the elements with 'bar' as classname ) the mouseover and mouseout elements. I achieved it by using the ' live() ' instruction.Now my problem comes when I need to scan every element which has 'bar' as classname and do some calulcations on it (they are over 600). I tried to do like this

$container.find('.bar').live('customevent', function()
// do some stuff

then, once the contents is loaded


but this will cause the browser to carsh ( I think because jQuery is scanning over than 600 elements)

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JQuery :: Access And Clone A Huge Array On Another Page.js ?

Aug 13, 2011

I'm attempting to design my first 'just-watch-it' canvas show, which fills in randomly each time you click start. Doing pretty well, but this is where I'm stumped:

I have an array of 10,000 coordinate pairs = absolute positions on my canvas. I have this monster array on its own 'page.js' and used a <link src="template.js .. to link it in the head of my 'canvas.html'

How do I instruct my script to make a working copy of it? I don't want to manipulate the template array, but my script needs to make a clone of it what? a variable? an object? I don't know what functions to use. This clone will be manipulated and have indices removed one by one as areas are filled in on the canvas.

my template.js just reads:

canvasTemplate = ['H0V0',..................,'H99V99']

Do I need to identify as an element differently so jQuery can locate it?

Each time you click for a new 'show' it needs to run a function of cashing a fresh copy of this array to operate on.

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Huge Array Performance - Re-calculate The Speed For Each Movement?

Nov 8, 2011

I have got a div-container the size of the window itself. So its relativly big.This in turn has a child-div-container which is substantially larger.This 2nd div-container is absolutely positioned in the first and shall now be scrolled using the mouse. Because for this Project i don't want scrollbars.If the mouse moves to the edge of the outer div, the inner div should move in the appropriate direction.For that the first container has a MouseMove-listener and depending on how close the mouse is at the edge, a scrolling-speed-variable is set.Sidenote: the speed has not a linear but a quadratic increase. The moving itself is not the problem, but the calculation.Because of the quadratic increase in speed the calculation is rather expensive.The question is now whether it would be more performant if i create two arrays (for x- and y-axis) in which I store the velocities for each pixel, or whether I re-calculate the speed for each movement.

That would mean, at a window size of 1200x700px I had two arrays. One with 1200 fields ald values and another with 700. And thats a relativly small resolution.In this way the calculation must be performed only once. After that I only need to read the velocities out of the arrays.

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Time Based Image Rotating With Huge Amount Of Images?

Apr 12, 2010

make a site with image wich would change based on seconds and minutes of an hour.

Image (size about 500x280) should change every second (or at least every 5 sec).

Example: If I enter the site at 15:00.07, first image i would see would be Image 0007 which changes after a second to 0008 and so on.

If entering the site 17:59.59 Image would number 3600 and next would be 0001.

I hope you understud. Ask is problems to understand.

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Upload Huge File Size: "The Page Cannot Be Displayed" Browser Error

Jul 23, 2005

I have an upload file operation in the web application. UploadForm.jsp
is the form, and UploadAction.jsp is the form processing. The web server is

<FORM NAME="InputForm" ACTION="UploadAction.jsp" METHOD="POST"
<input type="file" name="fileName">
//etc ...

After I deploy the application to the web server, if I upload a small
file size, it is fine.

But if I upload a huge file size more than 10MB, then it cannot even go
to UploadAction.jsp.

After 30 seconds, it has error "The page cannot be displayed" shown on
the web browser.

It cannot even go to UploadAction.jsp. But both UploadForm.jsp and
UnploadAction.jsp are in the same machine.

Interestingly, if I test in local machine, I can upload any file size
without problem. I don't have any hints now. any ideas?

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Huge Email List - Getting "The Data Area Passed To A System Call Is Too Small" Error?

Oct 24, 2011

I'm trying to open an default email client (outlook) with 200+ emails by the javascript.When the list consists of a few emails it works fine, when the list is large, I am getting "The data area passed to a system call is too small" error.


var toList=';;.......;';;

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Javascript Often Very Slow

Sep 17, 2007

We're developing an ASP.NET / C# intranet application. All users use
Internet Explorer 6.0 and JavaScript is always enabled.

In a HTML table, we use an onclick event on each tablerow and in that
onclick event (javascript) we save some values in hidden fields.

Most of the time, this works very fast, but it also happens a lot of
times that the internet browser respons very slow or gets stuck. We
really don't know what causes this, because in the javascript we do only
simple things such as setting values in hidden fields.

Is there anyone who recognizes this problem and knows some possible

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Why Are My Rollovers So Slow?

Nov 8, 2007

Images are cached by the browser depending on the headers sent by
the server. If the server does not send sufficient information
for the browser to decide the image is cacheable, the browser
will check if the image has been updated every time you change the
src of an image (in some user settings). To overcome this you
must send suitable headers.

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Slow Preload For IE

Jul 20, 2005

Has anyone else had this issue? Basically, the preload of images for a
rollover effect for the navigation is really really slow when using IE
6.0 but when i view the site using Netscape, it's fast like it should
be(no lag!)

My problem is that since 96% of users use IE, i need to figure a way
to fix this. Below is the javascript currently being used. The
arguments are passed in before the script is called.


function gn_rollover_preload(){
//preloads middle images for the navigation
if (document.images){
var argLength = gn_rollover_preload.arguments.length;

for (arg=0; arg < argLength; arg++){
eval(arguments[arg] + "_off = new Image()");
eval(arguments[arg] + "_on = new Image()");
eval(arguments[arg] + "_left = new Image()");
eval(arguments[arg] + "_right = new Image()");

eval(arguments[arg] + "_off.src = '" + ASSET_PATH_HEADER +
"button_nav_"+ arguments[arg] + "_off.gif'");
eval(arguments[arg] + "_on.src = '" + ASSET_PATH_HEADER +
"button_nav_"+ arguments[arg] + "_on.gif'");
eval(arguments[arg] + "_left.src = '" + ASSET_PATH_HEADER +
"button_nav_"+ arguments[arg] + "_left.gif'");
eval(arguments[arg] + "_right.src = '" + ASSET_PATH_HEADER +
"button_nav_"+ arguments[arg] + "_right.gif'");

// Now Preload all "corner" images for faster swapping
corner1 = new Image();
corner2 = new Image();
corner2_both = new Image();
corner3 = new Image();
corner3_both = new Image();
corner4 = new Image();
corner4_both = new Image();
corner5 = new Image();

corner1.src = eval("'" + ASSET_PATH_HEADER +
corner2.src = eval("'" + ASSET_PATH_HEADER +
corner2_both.src = eval("'" + ASSET_PATH_HEADER +
corner3.src = eval("'" + ASSET_PATH_HEADER +
corner3_both.src = eval("'" + ASSET_PATH_HEADER +
corner4.src = eval("'" + ASSET_PATH_HEADER +
corner4_both.src = eval("'" + ASSET_PATH_HEADER +
corner5.src = eval("'" + ASSET_PATH_HEADER +


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Mouseovers Slow In IE?

Apr 21, 2005


As far as I can tell, there seems to be a distinct lag time in IE before the switch from the 'off' to the 'on' image, and vice versa, which doesn't seem to exist in Mozilla.

Is this something that can be fixed by tweaking the script?

The script, btw, is pretty ancient, so I expect it may contain some outdated stuff. I found it years ago when looking for a script that would allow me to easily customize the number of target images changed by a single onmouseover/onmouseout action. Since I don't actually know javascript, I tend to stick with the ones I've learned to at least do basic customization of.

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Site Slow In IE7 - Speed It Up?

Apr 6, 2010

I've got the following site that loads great in FF and Chrome (no surprise), but is terribly slow in IE7. It's even quick in IE6, but not 7. Here's the site code...

Now I'm using JQuery in a couple places, but it's by no means nothing crazy. The page is fairly simple.

I thought of preloading the main content images, but even after they are loaded in the cycle, the loading time is still slow.

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DIV Invisible - Fade In / Out Too Slow

Aug 19, 2010

I have a div that is invisible all the time, and when one popup is activated, that div will fade in to darken the website background, like this:
And I'm using the following code when the darkness appears:

PHP Code:
function raiseOpacity(obj,counter) { = counter/100;
counter +=2; //Raise 2% each time
if(counter < 100) setTimeout(function()
//Repeat the incrementation again}raiseOpacity (document.getelementbyid('example'),0); 
//Just an example of how the function is called.

But it is too slow, the browser hangs alot while doing this. Is there a faster way to do this fade in stuff? I've seen a lot of websites that do this and the browsers is fast, but I couldn't extract the code from them.

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X: X_drag.js And Slow Computers

May 6, 2004

i've encountered a problem with the way the drag events are handled in this file, but it had an easy fix. I have a slider (a draggable div) and dragging it involves a lot of processing power. The problem arises if the mouse pointer seperates itself somehow from the element being dragged (by, say, a spike in CPU usage or something). the x_drag library file registers a mouseup listener on the object which is being dragged, but that doesn't do any good if the mouse pointer tracks so much as one pixel off the dragged element.

I've encountered this in almost every situation where i have draggable elements. Thankfully, it's a real easy problem to solve: if the mouseup events are registered on the document itself, there's nothing to worry about, because any old mouseup will end the drag.

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Lightbox 2 And Slow Connections?

Sep 10, 2011

I have installed Lightbox 2 Lightbox 2 for a client's site redo, and we are concerned about the opening speed of Lightbox for those on a slower Internet connection. Lightbox is only for those visitors who want to see images in a larger view. Is this something we should be concerned about? Are their other choices that would be better?

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Ultra Slow Form Submitting

Jul 23, 2005

Recently submitting forms (specifically forms which have javascript attached
to them with the submit function) has become very slow. The browser appears
to sit there for seveal seconds doing nothing (the page also becomes non
responsive) and then suddely loads quickly. This happens on all of my
computers... What's happened to javascript? Is there some setting that's
been turned on that I'm missing?

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Window.onresize Slow (firefox)

Mar 19, 2007

I am attempting to modify the style of an element (its width) as the
window is being resized, in firefox.

Long story short, I've tried to use CSS but one particular part of the
layout just won't do what I need.

The javascript solution assigns a function to window.onresize that
sets the inline style, it works with one problem -- the handler only
gets called after the resizing stops, and so there is noticeable lag
before it redraws.

It is not the function that is taking a long time to execute, its
appears to be firefox's handling. It doesn't call it as frequently as
I expected.

Is there another javascript method to accomplish this without the
extra lag?

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JQuery :: .ajax() Seems To Be Too Slow For Key Events

Jun 12, 2010

I have a problem with the jQuery.ajax() function combined with a keyup event (i think key events in general). I'm binding an keyup event to an input field so that on every change the current input is send via the ajax function and receives new data from the server, displaying it in a selectbox.

when I'm typing very fast it seems that the ajax function is too slow for this and shows up old result elements. After triggering the event another time, e.g. via UP,DOWN,.. it receives and displays the correct data.

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JQuery :: Animation ScrollTop Is Not Slow / What To Do?

Dec 6, 2011

I have following code to have a scroll animation effect. The cod eis triggered e.g. by a click.[code]...

The problem is, that the browser (tested in FF, Chrome, IE9) just jumps to the scroll target, no effect is viewable. I googled the code in different places, everybody else seems to have no probs with it.

Any ideas what I'm missing here?

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