I have found whit google this form in this group. But i'n not good in
javascript :(. I try and error normal but i only error now.
Whit i now want to now how can i get access to the vars vis and inv. Normal
when i submit a form then is see something link
But i dont see that in this form. I want the use data form this form to set it in a databse whit php. I cant get use nog $_GET['vis'] is wil give nothing.
i have repeated this code(which works btw) and changed the ('field_') bit and it reads the first and third but not the second var why?
if i cahange the substring to correspond to the var to (2) it reads f and d if i add the third one calling substring (3) it wont read (2) but reads 1 and 3.
<SCRIPT type=text/javascript> window.onload=function() { var data=location.search;
I have now a form inside a form which of course doesn't work. I need to have a way of getting specific field data without posting till the whole form is done.
For example,
the form contains several items but a specific section for part quantities allows the user to enter the quantity and then click on the "Add Part Nums" button to get a form in a popup that has entries for part numbers based on what the quantity was in the first form.
I have this part working perfectly but it's a form inside a form so it only works when I comment out the outer form tags.
Is there a way to submit the quantities fields only and get the pop up and then later submit the entire form? A way to do this without having a form tag for the inner part?
I finally created a cookie but my web host automatically created a cookie for my website already. Whenever I try to access my cookie, I accesses my web host's cookie. How do I fix this?You don't have to read this, but here is my code.Quote:
I have a web page which utilizes both Moo tools and JQuery features. The Moo Tools seems to be negating my JQuery functionality for a sliding menu. I did some research and it looks like I can add $.noConflict(); to resolve this, but I am not sure how to add it. For instance I am linking to both the JQuery and Moo tools code.
I am making a mobile version for our bulletin board website. Users often post photo's by hotlinking and on the desktop this is no problem.But on a mobile phone (I test with an iPhone) these images are just waaay to large to load.First of all: The size of the photo. It's dimentions. They are way to big for a mobile screen to display they fully, so I now have a javascript that shrinks all loaded images to a max width.
Problem is: The have to load first and while loading they mess up de rest of the text. It stretches the browsers viewport so people need to swipte to the left and back to the right UNTIL the photo is loaded. Only then the javascript puts the large images back in proportion. Is there a way that, while on loading a page with a lot of large photo's (postes by users), the photo's are resized WHILE loading? Even setting the max-width in css is not enough. The css property only applies after load.
This is really more a IE issue than jquery but I am using jquery.
Has anyone used this setTimeouts method from the IXMLHttpRequest2 object from IE.
I want to monkey path jquery calls with this call below. I tried this and I still get a property method error even though the method seems to be available. Has anyone experienced this?
With this Javascript code, I get this error "Object does not support this property or method" error. I checked that the methods are available and I do a check that the method is there. Am I sending the wrong number of args? Has anyone used this?
I have a two fold question:1) Why would my while statement not be workingI have cleaned up my code a little (although not perfect) but my while statement is not behaving, it does not output any numbers on a console.debug (using google chrome, or any other browser for that matter) which from my understanding it should?and 2) Slightly out of the remit of this forum I suppose, but this code is quite lengthy and I know there are ways to make this more efficient I just dont know what they are?
function generatePurchaseFields(dom) { new Ajax.Request('/control/?page=tldmaxyears&domain=' + dom, { method: 'get',
I'm struggling a bit with trying to make sure when I set an event handler (or listener) on some element which calls a function I've got elsewhere, that the function can't see necessary vars because they've already been garbage collected.I'm following the type of setup as in Simply Javascript or the Javascript Live course.o I have stuff like this
this is a simple question, but it's had me stumped for months now.If you program a lot in javascript, this class implementation may not be so complicated, but:
Code: // say I have a class call classA var classA=
Is there always a conflict between javascript and php when sending vars since javascript is client side and php is server side? Is there another way to size the opened page, for instance, on... /shades.php itself? - Only doing the popup for this reason.
Inserted this in head of the destination page; shades.php itself, but not as a function. Might there be a way to activate this when the page loads, without onClick of a button from prior page?:
I am doing this project. It is a flash app that the final output will open a borwser window. The flash app will send vars in the URL, ex/invoice.html?num=1&blablabla=blabla). In the HTML doc there will be a template invoice that I need to replace some of the content (prices) with the sent GET / POST vars.
It all needs to be client side that's why I need someone's javascript help. the app needs to be able to run without internet or any server side processing. so I figured some javascript would work.
I am confused about how to do this the right way.I have a change event which grabs the value of the selected optionlist and sets that as a var. But, I would like to add that to the endof my post string when I submit the form, how would I do this?
$('select').change(function() { $('select option:selected').each(function() { var my_val = $(this).val();
Note: answers along the lines of 'use jquery' or 'use (insert wellknown framework)' is not helpful.Frameworks such as jquery includes alot of extra code which is not nessary at all for what I am doing. 'But, you can include one from Google', yes that may be the case, but I prefer to keep to my own code. With that in mind, lets proceed to the problem.
I have an ajax call which doesn't pass POST vars through on IE7/IE8, but only on odd occasions. It appears to be extremely random and the majority of the time it does work. I am had a look at jquery and cannot see much difference in the way it works compared to this custom one.
I am creating a mp3 playlist player for a mobile page on my website. Got the music to play fine and everything the only thing I have left to do is get my page to display the timer for the running time for each song. The one problem I am running into is this....my phone and I'm sure many other phones/mobile devices support javascript, but not javascript functions. For example I can run a <body onload="setTimeout('blah',1000)"> function on my phone and anything in the body onload statement, if it's in javascript will run. However, refer to a function and the code won't work. Here is the code that will wok in a standard web browser with javascript support:PHP Code:
echo"<script type="text/javascript"> [HIGHLIGHT="JavaScript"]var minutes= $thissongsmins; //Amount of minutes settimeoutruns
I'm building a comment system modeled after Tumblr's, where each post will have it's own comments. I've modded a system from 9lessons and am having an issue implementing it for multiple instances on a page. Each post has its own ID, so I'm trying to set this up using the post's ID. It works fine for a single post, but when there's more than one on a page it doesn't work.
I want to make a script that composes an image depending on several variables. The image is composed of a base piece of clothing (e.g. t-shirt) on which an image and text can be placed. The color of the piece of clothing; the location of the image, the image itself and the text are variable. Also the font of the text can change. Is there a base script I can use? Or is there a small script that handles a piece of the desired functionality?
Probably this is a thing better done in flash. But I don't know flash and really don't want to either. Code:
I have a flash header on my website with 5 menu items (home, register, about us, etc)
myheader.swf?button=1 "Home" is focused myheader.swf?button=2 "register" is focused etc etc
When you click on a menu item it becomes the focused menu item (or "button") and the flash fires off a javascript event which handles the AJAX.Using the browser's back/forward buttons, the flash header's focused item does not change.
I can capture the history change, but how can I change the " .swf?button=x " using javascript.
PS: the flash header is a big file and I do not want to reload it every single time to update the var
I want to pass window size variables to javascript's window.open() function from a flash movie (actionscript) to javascript embedded in an html page. The idea is to generate a pop-up window when the user clicks a button in the flash movie. I've programmed the flash movie button like this:
on (release) { getURL("javascript:open_win('http://www.mysite.com', winfeatures)"); }
where winfeatures is a string containing the pop-up window options, e.g. width=400,height=300,resizable=1 . I have 'traced' the string to make sure it is formed properly. These variables may change so I don't want to just insert them verbatim as the arguments. They are read from an xml file and made into a string - e.g.
var current; startOff = $('#all').offset(), offString = "{top :"+ startOff.top +", left :"+ startOff.left + "}"; current.css(offString);
When "offString" is alerted its fine - eg {top: 123, left: 342}BUT it doesn't seem to like it, but when the alerted output is added into current.css() inplace of offString, the element is positioned as it should be.
We are downloading a few thousand rows of data for users to choose from and need to speed up the operation. The data is related in four levels. The current design allows the user to select the first level from about 20 choices and then the next level's choices are retrieved from the server. This is taking about 4 seconds. We are required to make it faster.
We need to be able to download all the data once and save it for use any time this particular page is visited. The app is a support app and the page will be used throughout the day. The obvious idea is to cache it in a Java applet but we are not allowed to use applets. The other idea is to embed it in JavaScript arrays but we have tried this and the performance penalty is about the same and will be incurred on other lookups on the page becuase the page reloads for these other lookups (we are using WebLogic netui).
What we need is a cookie that is not submitted unless the page explicitly sends it; that is, some data needs to be downloaded once per session and remain in the browser memory/on the disk throughout the session. It would be nice if we could write to a temp file or access a heap - can we? Any ideas?