Let's say I want to remove/insert one button in the popup panel of the
confirm function, or change the text of the button (ex. "ok" rename to
"pls try again"); and also change the background of that panel.
I need to modify the searchBlog() function so that the user is prompted, "Search rest of blog?" after a hit. If the user indicates yes, continue the search, otherwise exit the search.
how to add a confirm box after the search has been initialized and found a hit, and how to make it continue searching and display results...
// Search the list of blog entries for a piece of text function searchBlog() { var searchText = document.getElementById("searchtext").value; for (var i = 0; i < blog.length; i++) {
I am submitting a form using an image as the link to a js file. The image calls a js function which checks fields- issuing alerts for errors - if no errors it then submits the form.
I would like to have a final confirm box run from the function before the form is submitted. I guess I would have to use the return statement somehow but I can't see quite how.
I'm trying to build a confirm dialog box. If found a nice plugin [URL] but the behavior is not like a normal confirm dialog box. You have to add a callback function to react on the ok/cancel buttons. Is it possible the simulate this behavior so I can have a function like this: function showConfirmation(title, text){ //this displays a jQuery Dialog form and returns true/false return myjQueryConfirm(title, text); }
I tried this with the plugin: function showConfirmation(title, text){ var res; jConfirm(title, text, function (r) { res = r;}); return res; } But after the jConfirm is executed, the function proceeds and immediately returns res which is not defined.
i want to use confirmation() function to confirm submit button and if its true ...then submit form... else keep on same page (thats logic)am using php as server scripting ..and i wrote ..in php
I have some problem while while working on a script..i want to use confirmation() function to confirm submit button and if its true ...then submit form... else keep on same page (thats logic)
Am using php as server scripting..and i wrote..in php
And used a javascript in head
My problem is if i click "OK" or "Cancel" both case the form is automatically submitting ...
I was wondering if there was a way to have a customized scroll bar with hidden layers? I have about 10 links and when you roll over each link a hidden layer appears. The scroll bar appears in the middle of the page and I'd like to customize it so it matches the site. I cannot really find any javascript or jquery that works with hidden layers.
I'm trying to customize the popup menu based on which table I right-click on. I have disabled the right-click function on the page except for the tables. I did this on purpose. This web page will be called from a python software, using the IE activeX, so no worries here about the browser compatibility.I just don't know how to get the variable from showmenuie5(getid) and transfer it to the menu.[code]
I am having some difficulty in constructing a window.confirm() function that works with my code.So if the form data is valid, I need to use a window.confirm() dialog box to show the user's total cost based on the rental rate of equipment chosen and the reservation period. The user must accept the cost by pressing the confirm button, and if user cancels do not submit data.I have written this code but cannot figure out how to find the number of days from the 2 date fields and use that to calculate and display the total cost.
//confirm submit and display rental cost var equip = document.forms[0].equipment.value var pDate = document.forms[0].pickupDate.value[code].....
In my Servlet filter i am setting response code and customized response message. I want to read this customized response message in jQuery ajax success call back method.Filter code:httpServletResponse.setStatus(200,"MY OWN MESSAGE"); // Though this method is deprecated i am using this.In my jQuery success call back if i give following alert statement, i am getting "OK" message. But i am expecting "MY OWN MESSAGE" message.alert(xhr.statusText)Note: I don't want to write customized status message in my response body.
I know that the input "file" type can't be customized very well using css, so I figured I might try to make my own with javascript. The only problem is, I don't know too much about javascript. point me in the right direction on how to make my own custom file upload box in javascript that works the same way as the default one works (so I don't have to edit my PHP coding). Also, heres something I'd like to achieve: [URL]
is there a way of changing the values of the confirm box from ok / cancel to yes / no
i have the following alert/confirm box but it is worded in a way that the ok and cancel do not make sense:
function confirmNewSupplierWelcome(){ return confirm( 'Before going on to request a new supplier ' + 'are you sure there is no suitable alternative?' + ' Remember, new suppliers are authorised by exception only' ); }
Is there anyway to display a confirm msg onUnload of a page?
I mean to say if iam calling onUnload=javascript:check();
and in check(){
if(confirm("check?")) { unload the page; } else { Dont unload , just come back to the previous state( i have some values in text fields to be retained) } }
anyone know how to pop up a confirm window with (Y) & (N)? I want to pop up a "Do you want to continue?" message box (javascript only, can't use vbscript) with (Y) & (N). when click (N), then close the current window. If click (Y), then back to server side to continue. Is it possible?
is there anyway to make certain text in the confirm window, the one what comes up when i call confirm(text) in javascript? I'm displaying a message in the confirm window to the user and wanted to make certain text bold.
This is a weird one and I am wondering if someone can help?
I have a piece of Javascript function deleteRequest(searchID) { if (confirm('Are you sure?')){ location = "index.php?spDB=inactive&searchID="+searchID; } }
When the page gets reloaded, it runs a database query and something is made inactive.
The problem is:
When the confirm box appears, if I press OK quickly, the database query doesn't happen. If I wait 1 second and then press OK, it is fine and the query is run.
Basically it appears that the time between the confirm javascript appearing and the time taken to press the Ok button affects the reloading of the page.
when my page loads it starts with a confrim box. If "Cancel" is selected then the rest of the page loads fine. If "Ok" is selected nothing after the confirm box loads.Also, it appears that IE and Firefox have trouble with this type of media and Chrome will only play the audio file for about 15 seconds.
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd"> <html> <head>[code].....
I need to give two separate alerts depending on what the user clicks when they click the "Submit" button. I am using a confirm box. If they click "OK" it thanks them for their order. If they click "Cancel" it should go back to the form. I have written the code that I thought would work but it will not.
function confMsg(){ var s s = confirm("Click OK to Submit Order. Click Cancel to Cancel") if (s=="true"){ alert("Thank You for Your Order!") else return; }}
How would I go checking if a certain submit button was pushed and if so confirm the user if he is sure. But if he pushes cancle, then it will cancle the operation.
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to delete '" + title + "'")) { window.location.href = 'http://www.example.com/delete.php?t=' + type + '&id=' + id; } else { return false; }}
I have created a form with two submit button “Delete and Edit” in the form I have a javascript code, that displays a confirm box when the delete button is clicked, clicking on cancel should stop the execution of the delete script and ‘ok’ should run the script. Now, using the form this way works perfectly in Mozilla fireworks, but IE posing a problem when I click on cancel, it still executes the delete script.
<form method="post" action="eddel.php" > <input type="submit" value="delete" name="delete" onclick=”return confirm(‘are you sure you want to delete record?’)”;> <label> <input name="edit" type="submit" value="edit" />