Generate A Text Area By Clicking A Button Within A Table?
May 20, 2010
I'm trying to generate a text area by clicking a button within a table. It works great. however, i'm trying to get a label to show up on the same row but in a different column.
Here's what i have: |_____________|Label - Text area here| How do i get it so it will look like this |Label ________| Text area here_______|
This might be an easy one. I'm looking to generate text in a simple HTML text box by using a radio button. The concept goes as this:
User input Choose a color: (*) Blue () Red () Yella' <---simulated radio buttons w/ blue selected Output
My favorite color is Blue
^--- simulated text box with resulting output
In other words, the radio button selected would generate the underlined word within the sentence in 'real-time' in a text box below the radio buttons. Is this do-able?
I'd like to put a button on a page. When clicking the button, the table below it gets selected so the user can do Ctrl C to copy the entire table without using the mouse to select the table which can be big. How do I do it using javascript? I tried:
There is a Text Area that user can enter text. assume that user enter something and put a dot Following values should be populate in a drop down at the place where dot locate .
like when we get the string object using Net Beans IDE and when we put "Object." , drop down will be displayed with available methods for that particular object. idea is to build a editor using java script.
I know how to make something function onclick(), but how can I make it so it copies the area of a textarea element, does Javascript have the ability to do this?
WebPage A - Has 3 different rollover buttons, each button when you click on them will go to the same URL WebPage B.
WebPage B - is a Submit Form page, were people can write Name # and Comment Text Area.
Problem: What code could I use so, that on Page A that has 3 different buttons, When you click on one of the 3 buttons on Page A, it would genterate a text related to that button in the comment field on Page B.
I am trying to move some text by clicking a button. When clicked the button runs the java script and this will then take the value in the text field and add 10 to it to create a new value, this is then used to move the text (id=h1) to a new position and to display the new value in a text field. My script is below but does not work. Im new to javascrip and there is probably something embarasingly obviour that Im missing. Code:
I have the following website: [URL]. As you can see, there are a couple of news items. In fact, there should be 3 items on the homepage, the rest should be hidden.
When you click the button "oudere nieuwsberichten" what means "older news", the other newsitems should be shown underneath the 3 existing ones.
I am looking for someone who has used jQuery in the capacity of assigning a value to a text area when the user clicks a radio button. Here is the example code I have worked on so far that does not work.
1. When I have the "<textarea>" code lines in it put a text-area on the page, but it puts all of the code following that first text-area line into the text-area box and doesn't execute that segment of code.
2. When there is no "<textarea>" (for the sake of seeing if the rest of it worked) it doesn't check the survey.
I'm stumped and can't figure out what to do at this point Code and pictures follow:
I have a table with a couple random numbers, and i want to click a button that will dynamically regenerate the numbers each time the button is clicked without re-generating the entire table., im using DOM and innerhtml for these random numbers. heres the javascript and html code. so far, it just generates the random numbers when the page loads.[code]...
As a homework assignment, we are being asked to generate a table of images with at least 2 rows and 3 columns from an external javascript function. I've been trying to find some kind of javascript reference for this and I can't. I don't want someone to do it for me.
I have a table with a couple random numbers, and i want to click a button that will dynamically regenerate the numbers each time the button is clicked without re-generating the entire table., im using DOM and innerhtml for these random numbers. heres the javascript and html code. so far, it just generates the random numbers when the page loads.code...
i am using the folowing jquery function to generate a table of contents from the h tags in my web page. I could make some changes but i am not able to extend the function, so that it puts numbers in front of my toc elements like
I have this script that gets the value of the selected radio button and then i put into a table from the id. I have over thrity of these and realized that if i didnt cut the values down to a certin size, it would completely destroy the table. I was wondering if there was any way to run the selected value from the radio group through the function(or something else that can cut it to a certin length) then display it in the table. i was thinking it might be easy to do the whole thing in javascript.
Everything above here works great, i just need to cut it to a certin lenght before its displayed
Im not sure what to put into the function to get it to do what is want echo trimStr(**************);?>
I'm looking to create a web form with various text field to get input from users. Upon enter data to each field, users should have option to genenrate another text field underneath (i.e. a sub criteria of the above field). This is what i have so far, but i cannot get each button to generate the textfield right underneath. Here's my code:
<html> <head> <title>test</title> <script> var maxFieldWidth = "500";
I would like to be able to generate a table from which I can easily edit the contents of a mySQL database (similar to phpMyAdmin.) In that table I would like to have a button that will open a pop-up, allowing me to edit - and maintain formatting such as apostrophes and line breaks - a long description field. That popup will then populate a hidden input field on its parent with the modified description.
I've got the pop-up opening and its fields are populated using php's GET function (see line 11). The special characters, particularly carriage returns, are messing me up; I can remove them using php's str_replace, but I want to retain them for formatting.
In a Prompt Box, ask the user When do you plan to come to the Hatch to eat? and expect the user to provide the time in military time (e.g., 0400 = 4 am and 1700 = 5 pm). If the hour is between 7 am and 10:59 am (0700-1059), reply using an Alert Box The Hatch is Serving Breakfast! If the hour is between 11 am and 3:39 pm (1100-15:59), reply The Hatch is Serving Lunch! If the hour is between 4 pm and 10 pm (1700-2200), reply The Hatch is Serving Dinner! If the hour is between 10:01 pm and 11 pm, reply The Hatch is serving coffee and tea! Otherwise reply The Hatch is closed after 11 pm!
I want to get the cursor start and end position of a selected range in a text-field or text-area. i tried lot of functions in various forums. but when the last character of the selection is a new line character JavaScript ignore it in IE6. any one having idea ?