Function Works When User Selects Value, But Not In Value Preloaded?

Mar 30, 2011

I have a script one of my pages which is designed to prevent a user from selecting the same option from a drop down more than once. Here is the script:

function changeSelect(sel) {
option = sel.selctedIndex;
var sels=document.getElementsByTagName("select");


Here is the basis: A user is greeted with a page of blank fields. On the right is a drop down menu which has the select options you see. The user enters the address of a few DNS servers, then selects their main and least favorite DNS of the group. If there is a "Main DNS" already selected, it will blank the originally selected drop down, and fill in the newly selected drop down.

The problem I'm having, is when the user calls their settings back, the PHP will load the proper "main" and "last" options, but I have to select two more to get it to blank. I know this is because the script is called with an "onchange" function, but I've tried using "onLoads" and I've also tried making a quick function to "select" the option, but to no avail.

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Search Depending On What User Selects

Jul 20, 2005

what i want to do is create several radio buttons and a textbox for
searching purposes. the search will perform a search depending on
which button the user selects.

here is what i have now:

- for each radio button, i use the onClick event handler, which calls
a function called showMe()

- showMe() {
if (button 1 was selected)
document.write('form which will search down path A');
else if (button 2 was selected)
document.write('form which will search down path B');
else if (button 3 was selected)...

this works, but once the user makes their selection, the search form
will pop up on another page. how do i fix it so that the search form
will display on the same page as the radio buttons? Is there any
other way to accomplish this?

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Show Text In Search Box After User Selects Something?

Sep 8, 2010

I have this search box form with 2 select boxes :

<form action="search.php" method="get">
<select name="RingType">
<option value="Nose">Nose</option>
<option value="Toe">Toe</option>


For example, when a visitor selects "Belly" RingType, I want "Belly Ring" to appear in the search box.


when the visitor selects "pearl" NecklaceType, I want "pearl necklace" to appear in the search box.

if the visitor first selects "Belly" RingType, and then selects "pearl" NecklaceType, I want "Belly Ring pearl necklace" to appear in the search box.

After making his selections in the search box, if he types something in the search box, it should add to what is already there in the search box. Or, if he first types something in the search box for example, "jewelry" and then selects "pearl" in the necklacetype select box, the search box should show : "jewelry pearl necklace"

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JQuery :: Catch The Value Of <select> When A User Selects An Option?

Aug 15, 2011

how can i cath a html <select> event? i have a <select> list... i want to catch the value of <select> when a user selects an option..

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JQuery :: (autocomplete) Not Selecting Value Unless User Explicitly Selects It?

Sep 30, 2009

I'm using the jquery autocomplete plugin.Suppose the user starts typing, and the autocomplete presents a drop-down of possible values. If the user presses return, the first valuein the drop-down is selected.What I want instead is the user experience that Firefox's search boxprovides: As the user types, search suggestions are offered. If theuser presses return without selecting a suggestion, what the user hastyped so far is submitted. And of course, if the user does explicitlyselect a value from the drop-down, then the selected value is

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JQuery :: H5validate - Livequery - User Selects From A Dropdown Menu - Via AJ

May 27, 2011

I'm currently using h5validate with my forms but recently setup a few where a second form is generated based on what a user selects from a dropdown menu (via AJAX). Since the new form ID's were not existing when the document was loaded jQuery does not bind h5validate to the new form. I found a plugin called livequery that will bind new elements on the fly. Unfortunately, I'm pretty new to jQuery and can't quite figure out how to make this work with h5.

My current h5 function looks like this, where formID is the ID of the from that does not exist but is later loaded in via AJAX.

Here are the sites to the two plugins:

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OnClick - Show Image + Link - Displays Whenever The User Selects A Combination

Nov 14, 2010

I opted to use JavaScript & PHP (instead of Flash) to create a sort-of "t-shirt designer" -- basically, it's a gallery-type script that allows users to scroll through t-shirt styles, swap colors, and so on, prior to reaching the actual design tool. And I'm starting to regret.

It's actually working very well so far, except for one thing: I want the t-shirt option that the user selects to link the user to the design tool. The "gallery" already has an image for each possible option that displays whenever the user selects a combination, but I want to make that image is a clickable link.

I have no idea where to start -- I know next to nothing about javascript -- and to accomplish this in Flasjh I'd have to start this stupid basic thing all over again from scratch, and it would defeat the point of not using Flash in the first place, so

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Dynamic MCQs - Error Alert If User Selects Wrong Choice?

Nov 2, 2009

I am creating dynamic questions and question's choices (radiobuttons or checkboxes) from database when runtime..after users answer the question, press next button to pass the next questions

For example
1) Question definition
a)choice definition
b)choice definition

Users have to choose any choices..if not, my system is giving alert, Actually my problem is about checkboxes. I created hidden textboxes, if question choices' type is checkbox. So the last choice definition is name "Other". If user checks the other choice, the hidden textbox is going to be visible. It is all okay until here. I want to give a error alert if user checks the other choice and doesn't fill the textbox when press next question. I don't validate this. How can i do it.

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JQuery :: Not Refreshing Page - Form That A User Selects Item From Dynamic List

Mar 26, 2011

I have a search form that a user selects item from dynamic list hits the submit button and it returns each matchingresulton same page in an update form, i have 2 checkboxes in update form that updates the DB when 1 is checked, this all works fine until i check the checkbox the data updates ok but allremainingupdate forms are removed because the page refreshes.

So i need to update formstwith out page refreshing but i cant get it to work with multiple forms on same page.

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JQuery :: Replace The Entire Page When The User Selects Adifferent Option In A Combo Box?

Sep 5, 2009

I am trying to replace the entire page when the user selects adifferent option in a combo box. The code I have works for the firstiteration. However, It fails everytime there after.I went throughfirebug and it appears after the first refresh it never triggers theready() method.My Code is,

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#id_company").change(function () {


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Create A Form That Expands Or Collapses With More Or Less Fields To Fill In When The User Selects Or Deselects A Check Box On It?

Apr 6, 2010

I need to create a form that expands or collapses with more or less fields to fill in when the user selects or deselects a check box on it. This form also needs to be secure. What is the best way to accomplish this?

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Dynamic Drop-down List - Create A Dynamic Menu Where A User Selects One Item And Another Select List Is Shown

Jun 30, 2009

I've been beating my head against a wall for a few days trying to get this working. I'm trying to create a dynamic menu where a user selects one item and another select list is shown, then another and another (and so on). Here is my JS, it *should* be taking the ID of the div, comparing it to the selected value and then showing another div by settings it's class property to visible:


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Images Keep Loading, Although Preloaded

Apr 22, 2006

In my website I constructed a script that changes the image.sources of several images. The changes are made by calling a JS-function. The function is invoked by selecting an option in an html-form. In my second post below I pasted the code.

The problem is that each time the images are changed the browser starts to load them all again, although all images were PRELOADED in the <head> section of my HTML page. It takes time every time a user invokes image changings, and also the visual effects are worsened.
How can I prevent the browser from loading the images again each time?

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Preloaded Image Won't Display

May 19, 2006

I'm working on a web map, in which you click on a building to open a pop-up with a photo of that building in the window. Rather than use a generic pop-up, I've styled it to look similar to the parent page. Since my map contains over 200 buildings, initially this meant creating over 200 separate html pages with the image source and dimensions for each building photo. That's clearly very inefficient and not a process I want to duplicate! Therefore, I needed some dynamic code to generate the content in the pop-up.

I successfully used a cookie to pass a building ID variable to the pop-up and use that to grab the associated photo from a directory and that worked fine. However, I ran into problems because the photos are not identical in size, and I also needed to get the image width and height. I tried preloading the image using a standard image caching script and used that to obtain the width and height of the image. Then, I used document.write to place those variable in the <img> tag and place the photo on the page.

The problem is that the cached image will not display on the page when it loads, only if I hit refresh. Can anyone tell me how to get around this? Here's the code I'm using. I call this function inside a <p> tag in the body of the page:

if (document.images) {
bldg = new Image();
bldg.src = "../../Columbia/bl/bl_" + BldgId + ".jpg";

theWidth = bldg.width;
theHeight = bldg.height; }

function showImage() {
var photoSrc = "<img src='../../Columbia/bl/bl_" + BldgId + ".jpg'";
var insertPhoto = photoSrc + " width='" + theWidth + "px' height='" + theHeight + "px' alt='" + BldgId + " Photo not available' />";


Is there another way to get the image's dimensions BEFORE I place it on the page?

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DOM Isn't Preloaded With CSS Values

Aug 5, 2011

I ended up having to preset style with JavaScript.

Here is what I did.

CSS Code:

JavaScript Code:

HTML4Strict Code:

The first time I hit toggle, nothing happens. The second time I hit toggle, the hidden list appears, but only because I used JavaScript to set the display property.

My workaround is to do this in the HTML after the element to be toggled.

JavaScript Code:

Putting this code in the elements onload event property didn't work either, which I found odd, but I read that it was not the recommended way of doing this.

I can't figure out why the CSS declaration didn't load into the JavaScript HTML DOM. I suspect it's some sort of order of execution thing, like the difference between the two following function declarations.

JavaScript Code:

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JQuery :: When A Class Is Created - Preloaded Events Don't Seem To Work

May 13, 2009

So, if a user clicks a button, I set a function to create a new class like:

When I click the button, nothing happens. I also used $ (".new_button").addClass functionalitiy to test it..

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Ask The User For Input - Store It In Array And Use An Alert To Check If It Works And Functions?

Dec 8, 2011

i need to ask the user for details about a car, i will not know how many cars are going to be stored and therefore need an array i think. I need the function for asking the user and will need to repeat the code later in a menu. at this stage i just want to ask the user for input, store it in array and use an alert to check if it works?

// Purpose: Gather car information and store it in a datbase
// Ask user for REG info, CAR MAKE, car VIN
var CarDetails = {
RegNum:"",CarMake:"", CarVin:"";

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Slideshow Timing (basic) - Message Should Disappear After The Final Image Has Been Preloaded

Dec 19, 2010

I'm trying to build a slideshow page in Javascript. It's dynamically built and all of that is working, but the Javascript timing is giving me trouble. First, a PHP script builds an array of Image objects to preloads. I have a 'Loading pictures....' message appear in the foreground of the page. This message should disappear after the final image has been preloaded.

I'm using Javascript's onLoad() event of the last image to change the message's CSS div display property to hidden, but it always executes immediately, even though the browser is obviously still working. Is there a way just to tell Javascript "do not proceed with the rest of the code until this task has finished"?

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My Function Works Only If Alert Function Exists Inside It?

Jan 17, 2011

I have what I think is a strange issue but others may see something I am missing.I am using AJAX functionality to process a php script on a server and then place the output of the script into a div element.Here is the code snippet

function doWork13(typeCode,colorBlockName,objectCategory,imgID){
httpObject = getHTTPObject();
if (httpObject != null) {[code]....

This code shown here works perfectly BUT....I do not want the alert message to be there. When I remove that line of code the script fails to function. There is no error just nothing happens.The function is to replace one image with another and the variable in question is simply the ID tag of the particular image being modified.As I said it works with the alert but does not with out, could it be a timing issue in that the alert gives enough time for the if statement in the setOutput13 function become TRUE

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Passing Replace Function As An Argument Of User Defined Function?

Jul 12, 2011

I am facing a problem in passing replace() function as an argument in user defined java function.

intention is to pass a file path to my user defined function, but before passing the path i want to replace the character '' to '\'

I am posting my javascript function here:

<a href="#" onclick="OpenDocPreview('<%# Eval("PATH")%>'.replace(/\/g,"\\"), '<%# Eval("Filename")%>')"><%# Eval("DocTitle") %></a>
function OpenDocPreview(url, docname) {
alert('message from search base : ' + url + ' ' + docname);

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Replace Function As An Argument Of User Defined Function?

Jul 12, 2011

I am facing a problem in passing replace() function as an argument in user defined java function

intention is to pass a file path to my user defined function, but before passing the path i want to replace the character '' to '\'

I am posting my javascript function here:

<a href="#" onclick="OpenDocPreview('<%# Eval("PATH")%>'.replace(/\/g,"\\"), '<%# Eval("Filename")%>')"><%# Eval("DocTitle") %></a>
function OpenDocPreview(url, docname) {
alert('message from search base : ' + url + ' ' + docname);

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Function Works In IE But Not In FF And Chrome?

Jun 30, 2011

i got this javascript function which run perfectly in IE but does not work in Mozilla.

function Changed() {
var theGridView = document.getElementById('MainContent_GridViewRDR1_Hidden');
var sum = 0;
var total = 0;


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Function Works On IE But Not On Mozilla FF

Nov 28, 2005

Following function works for IE, but not for Mozilla FF. I am truncating the string to size =20. Also I am using custom attribute att as I have too many tags inside a <td>.

function trunc_dest()
var x = document.getElementById('chtbl');

var t = x.getElementsByTagName('tr');
for (var i = 0; i < t.length; i++)
var d = t[i].getElementsByTagName('td');
for (var j = 0; j < d.length; j++)
if (d[j].att == 'dest')
// var e = d[j].innerHTML;
var w_str = unescape(d[j].innerHTML).split('<');
// alert(w_str[0]);
if (parseInt(w_str[0].length) > 20)
d[j].innerHTML = w_str[0].substring(0,19)+"...*";
} } } }}

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Why This Javascript Function Does Not Work On IE5, But Works On IE6?

Jul 20, 2005

function CheckImageBtn(eleName,sortfield)
document.forms[0].txtIsHrefClick.value = 'Y'

var objElem;
return true;

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JQuery :: Function Works In IE 6 But Not In Firefox Or IE 7&8

May 10, 2010

I am not really sure where to start with this as my function works perfect in IE 6. However when I select one of my categories and hit submit in Firefox or IE7 or 8 nothing happens. No error message. Just nothing. How can I get this working for firefox and IE7/8?

<script language="JavaScript">
var categories=[];
var categorieslist=[];


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JQuery :: Load Function Works Once Only

Mar 6, 2011

I've got this code to work the first time that the user changes the select option:
$('select.third, select.fourth').change(function(event){
var id = $(this).siblings('.hidden').text(),
token = $('#token').val();
param = $(this).hasClass('third') ? 'isSold' : 'isActive';
value = $(this).val();
action: 'update',
id: id,
token: token,
param: param,
value: value
}, function() {
$('select.third').filter(function(){return $(this).val() == '1'; }).css({backgroundColor: 'yellow'});
$('select.fourth').filter(function(){return $(this).val() == '0'; }).css({backgroundColor: 'red'});
}); });
Everything works as I expect - the POST request is made correctly, the database is updated and the display updates correctly. However, if I repeat the same action, selecting a different value, nothing happens until I refresh the page, at which time I can then make the change.

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