Form Onchange

Dec 29, 2004

<form> onchange event doesnt work in IE. but works in Mozilla. Is there any other alternative in IE for <form onchange>????

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OnChange And Form

Jan 2, 2002

I'm trying to design a bracket for our office to use for the NCAA tournament this March. I'll have drop down menus for the user to choose the winner of each game and I'd like for the drop downs to change dynamically, based on what has previously been selected. Ideally, this code below will change the third drop down menu to contain the values of the first and second fields. Code:

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Hot Swap Using Onchange Form

Jul 23, 2005

I have seen this technique on a couple websites, but haven't been
clear on how it's done. What I am looking for is to have a form with
x-options. The technique is that when the first option is selected it
auto updates the other options to correspond. For example if I was
looking for specific cities in a state. Once a state is selected I am
only given specific cities. The end result is to combine this with
php and mysql, but I am sure if I understand the javascript aspect I
can run with it.

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Get Value Of (form) Select OnChange?

Feb 4, 2009

How can I get and pass the value of an HTML form select object to a javascript function? code...

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Form Onchange Event?

Jan 6, 2011

I would like to use some event handling on a form, not something I have done before and looking for some assistance. Here is my code:

<select name="LocO">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="O">Outside</option>


So what I need to happen, is based on the selection of the first selection box, some of the options of the other selection boxes should not be available.If Outside is selected, everything in LocA should be available, but only up to 4 in Loc1... and if Inside is selected, only up to E should be available in LocA and everything should be available in Loc1.

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Using Onchange To Relaunch Form?

Dec 12, 2010

I'm trying to populate a drop menu of boat launch options by using an onchange event in my form to reload the page after I select a state and then a lake, which is built after state selection. The state select works perfectly by populating the lakes in the second select, but when selecting the lake, it never reloads the page.

Here's my Javascript


<script language=JavaScript>
function narrowState(form) {
var val=form.state.options[form.state.options.selectedIndex].value;


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OnChange Problem With Two Dropdowns And One Form

Jul 20, 2005

I have a form with two single-choice dropdowns. Upon doing an onChange event on either one of them, I want to check to see if the other dropdown has also been selected. How would I do that, considering that this.parent causes an error "null or not an object"?

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Using OnChange To Add/remove Form Elements?

Nov 3, 2010

I have an entry form where a length needs to me entered. It can either be entered in meters (one input field) or feet and inches (two input fields).

I'd like to have the user select which units he wants to specify (with a selection tool) and then the form would automatically either display one text box or two.

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Onchange In Form Moves To Next Field?

Sep 16, 2009

Have an form where the textboxes have had the onblur attribute added. Though VS2008 still barks it's an invalid attribute...However, my problem is primarily w/the txtFICODate field.When testing using 10/10/2009 in this field, the code displays the appropriate msg based on format param. However, on exiting the isValidDate function in debug mode, I see that the code does not stop at the txtFICODate html but moves to the txtDOBB isValidDate function. Here the param is MM/DD/YYYY and it loops back into the function but now displays a different format message.Previous code (ValidateFICODate(obj)) below also caused the same looping error.

Debugging the same code with the txtDOBB field (10/10/56), I see it enter the function, display the appropriate message and exit. However, in debug, the code comes back to the function and then selects the field to fix problem so code stops at the txtFICODate field .Using xp Pro SP3, visual studio 2008 (c#).in the process of writing this, I searched other post here related to onblur + loop. So changed the event to onchange...and while the looping does not now occur, the focus just moves to the next field.

On page load code(if (!isPostBack)):
txtFICODate.Attributes.Add("onblur", "isValidDate(this, 'MM/DD/YY');");
txtDOBB.Attributes.Add("onblur", "isValidDate(this, 'MM/DD/YYYY');");


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OnChange On Form Should Display Image

Jul 6, 2006

Alright. I want to make an onchange image thing; where someone can select a name from a form and it will display an image.

I want the form to have two options.

They can pick a MALE or FEMALE version (these two things in one box)
and below it, they can pick different PET versions of it.


1st box: male, female
2nd box: pet one, pet two, pet three, etc

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Submitting A Form Using The Onchange Event?

Oct 5, 2011

why doesn't this form get submitted once the onchange event is triggered (I thought that it gets triggered once the element is used?)[URL]

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JQuery :: How To Bind Form Field OnChange

Dec 4, 2010

I have a form where I need to populate a field with a math equation using inputs in the form. Here's the example:
fieldA fieldB fieldC ... fieldJ
As the user inputs a number in fieldA, I need fieldX to immediately change and display the average of fieldA - fieldJ if the field is not empty (valid entry for all field's is a number between 20 - 80). I don't have the ability to make many changes in the form because I'm using a product called Gravity Forms for Wordpress.

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Onchange=this.form.submit() Working In FF, Chrome, Not IE7?

Jul 21, 2009

I have two radio buttons. When their value changes the form is resubmitted. In other words, when you select the other one, the form is resubmitted.However, in internet explorer, it takes two clicks. The first click is to change the radio button (it has to be changed) and the second is to select the other one (it has to be changed, again). The form remembers the first change. Edit: You can click the unchecked radio twice and it will also submit. Usually.I'm not even sure if this should go here or HTML but I think here is the better options since I am, after all, dealing with javascript.

<table id="..." class="radio">


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Using OnChange And Focus() To Submit Form Fields

Oct 12, 2010

My script is designed to show a simple question and the user submits the answer using onchange via the tab key. If the answer is correct the next question appears and so on. But if it's wrong there's an alert and the user stays at that question and has another go to enter a correct answer to move on. It works well as long as user gets answer right. If they enter a wrong answer I'd like that answer box to clear and be focussed (ie cursor in place). Problem is, using the tab key has already sent the cursor off to highlight the address bar! I can get it to work if each answer box has a submit button and I use onclick but I really want to change the submit function to a keystroke, pref TAB.

<SCRIPT language=javascript type=text/javascript>
function thetests(){

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Changing OnSubmit To OnChange Form Function

Mar 21, 2010

I have the following form working with on onsumbit function, but I would like to change it so that instead of having to click the purchase button to see total price, you only have to change the quantity text box input. I just can not seem to get it to work.

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function checkQuantity(frm) {
var succesful = false;
var numQuantity;
numQuantity = parseInt(frm.Quantity.value);
var numTotalPrice;

if (numQuantity != 0) {
numTotalPrice = numQuantity * 4;
frm.TotalPrice.value = numTotalPrice; //new String(numTotalPrice);
successful = true;
} else {
alert("Sorry must order more than 0");
successful = false;
} return succesful;

<form action="" onsubmit="return checkQuantity(this)" style="width: 193px">
<table cellpadding="4" style="width:111%">
<tr><td class="style1">
Quantity:</td><td class="formInputCell">
<input name="Quantity" type="text" style="width: 55px" /></td>
</tr><tr><td class="style1">
Total Price $
</td><td class="formInputCell">
<input name="TotalPrice" type="text" style="width: 55px" /></td>
</tr><tr><td class="style2"></td>
<td><input id="Submit1" type="submit"
value="Buy Now" class="buttonstyle" /></td>

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2 Select Boxes In 1 Form With Onchange Display

Jun 17, 2010

I'm using onchange display to hide/show form elements depending on the value of a select box. It works perfectly well (I actually really adore it) for one select box, but I have another select box which I'd like to act similarly.


But when I go to add a second select (obj,id1,id2,id3,id4,id5,id6) with new "ifs" and id's, etc and so forth, neither work.

Is there any way to fuse them and get a second select to work the same?

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Accessing Form Element Properties Using Onchange?

Jul 5, 2006

I have 1 form, and dozens of elements. In the select elements I use onchange="somefunc()". In this function I'd like to access and change the form element attributes (such as form.element.option[].value and form.element.option[].innerHTML).

Is there a way to access the element that has just changed (unsing onchange="somefunc()") by passing a "this.element" parameter to access the elements properties such as form.element.option[].value within the function?

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Internet Explorer Not Rendering Onchange In A Dynamic Form

Jan 14, 2011

I have created some Javascript to make a form application dynamic. My problem is that the code works in every browser except for internet explorer. I get no errors from Firebug and I have made sure that internet explorer has javascript enabled. I am completely in the dark as to why this would be happening. It works perfectly in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari. Here is my entire code for the form, it is for a housing application for a college,

function runAll2 (processPart, areaType, spaceType, mealType) {
pp = document.getElementById('fld2416');
at = document.getElementById('fld2417');
st = document.getElementById('fld2418');
mt = document.getElementById('fld2481');


This for is supposed to go live on Tuesday and I didnt realize that it wasnt working in IE until today. I am pretty good at HTML and CSS and know a bit about cross browser testing, I just didnt even think about it because this form is entirely ASP and Java, my bad.

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Anything Better Than OnChange - User Changes Information In A Textbox As Appose To What OnChange Does?

Jan 28, 2011

Is there something that will update as soon as the user changes information in a textbox as appose to what onChange does, which is update once the focus has been taken off of the textbox? I am writing a custom cart and I am using AJAX to update the price according to how many they are ordering, I was hoping to have it update the price as soon as the user put in the volume, but it doesnt update until the user clicks somewhere else on the page.

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OnChange Submit() Form Doesn't Post Upload Files To PHP?

Mar 2, 2009

I have an upload form that is working fine with a submit button, but I really would like it to submit on its own without a submit button onChange when a user selects an image. I have it sending the form with onChange but it is not sending the uploaded file like when you hit the button! It is sending it as "example.jpg" instead of actually sending the file for upload.

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OnChange="document.status.submit() In Form And PHP While Loop

Feb 18, 2011

I have the following code and on it's own works fine, but I need to have it in a PHP while loop as there may be hundreds of records. This does not work, meaning it does not submit the form.


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OnChange Without Appending OnChange Directly To Element?

Feb 10, 2010

Can I target the element and base an onChange outside of directly calling it in the element tag?

Due to the nature of my script, the best I can do is wrap a tag around the element.

example of what I am trying to do



document.form.field1.onchange = function();


And if this might work, can I call it in the head or must it come after the element.

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Making Drop Down Form "stick" Onchange?

Oct 13, 2010

I have a drop down form which submits the form onchange.

<form action="<?php echo htmlentities($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>" method="post" >
<label for='selectboxvalue'>Sort by:</label>
<select name="selectboxvalue" onchange="this.form.submit();" >
<option value="name">Popular</option>


everything is working nicely except I think it makes sense if after the form submits, the last option value clicked is still selected. Is there anyway to do this with some code that says something like: after submit, initially selected = last clicked?

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Jul 23, 2005

In the next sentence, what's wrong?

<select name='id'
= 'Daniel Perez'&valor='+this.options[this.selectedIndex].value">

IE complains about missing ";"

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Triggering Onchange

Jul 23, 2005

I understand that the onchange event occurs when the value of a
form element changes (and after the element loses focus).

But what about the case where the value of a text box (for example)
is changed from a javascript function? Is an onclick event triggered
in such a case? I find that this is not happening in IE.

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Onchange Et Firefox...

Jul 11, 2006

I have a big problem with a simple event : onchange!

If I write this page:

<form id="vu">
<input id="var01" name="var01" size="5" onchange="return false;"/>

everything is ok in IE (I can't leave the input zone !) but nothing happens in Firefox!
It looks like the event is not fired or...

Do you have any clue?

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