Finding Index Of Frames !
Jun 11, 2007
I have some frames in my pages and I dont want use ID of them because they generate automaticaly so how can I send the index of frames to a function for using like this :
function myFunc(indx){
myObj = window.frames[indx] ;
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Jan 25, 2011
I have a calendar in which each day is a separate div, and all these are within a container div #cal. When a user mouses over one of the days, I want to figure out the index number of that day's div within #cal. Simplified example:
<div id="cal">
<div onmouseover="findIt()" id="nov1">1</div>
<div onmouseover="findIt()" id="nov2">2</div>
<div onmouseover="findIt()" id="nov3">3</div>
I can easily get the index of #nov2 from Firebug if I do this in the console:
$('#cal div').index($('#nov2')
But, I can't figure out how to write a function so that I don't need to assign an id to each day div. I'd like to be able to just take "this" from the moused-over div, and pass that to a function that can turn it into the needed index.
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Jan 26, 2009
I have the below array called "results". When I loop through all document elements I would like to check "field_name" against the "results" array and see if it exists and what index number it is at??
// Split the comma delimited response into an array
results = result.split("~");
//Loop through array and populate fields[code].....
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Aug 25, 2010
I am trying to get the index of a li with a specific class. I know I'm selecting the right object because I can apply a CSS class to it (eg change border colour) but when I try to get the index it returns -1. But I know the object exists as I can alter it. :-s
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var active = $("#tertiarynavigation .bordered").get(0);
var num = $("#tertiarynavigation li").index(active);
alert("Index: " + num);
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Nov 3, 2011
I have a problem with layers. In my example there's a link inside div#msg with 'z-index:1' and a overlay with 'z-index:2'. Now when "mousedown" fires, will change the div#msg z-index value from 1 to 3 to be on Top, so the link become a clickable link.
The question is, it is possible to make the link on top and open it with just one click?
This example can do that but won't open the link!
HTML Code:
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Jul 23, 2005
As a rule, I don't like frames but I'm stuck supporting a web that uses
them. I have a page, default.asp, that has a header and body frame: "fHead"
and "fBody". What I want to do is to prevent default.asp from ever loading
itself into "fBody". Some users still have code that causes this behavior.
So how, using javascript , can I do something to the effect of: "If
default.asp tries to load default.asp (itself) into fBody, then reload the
top-level browser window with what fBody is trying to load."
Make sense? Any thoughts?
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Feb 5, 2001
my main page consists of frames.
i'm using ssi to include copyright info, tos, and a privacy statement at the bottom of each page.
the ssi is working on all regular (ie non-frame) pages, but it doesn't seem to be called or parsed on the main page.
a look at the source shows the ssi call just sitting there, doing nothing.
has anyone dealt with this before?
i didn't think it mattered if an ssi was called from within a framed page, but i might be wrong.
i suppose i can just use the actual html for that one page but i'd rather just be able to use ssi since it's used through out the rest of the site.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a frameset with two frames, and want to have a button in one
frame call print() in the other one:
This is the layout:
<frameset rows="*,40" frameborder="NO" border="0" framespacing="0">
<frame src="..." name="pritableText">
<frame src="..." name="printButton" scrolling="NO" noresize>
And, in printButton, I got this code:
<a href="#" onClick="parent.printableText.focus();
parent.printableText.print();">Print the page</a>
However, nothing happens in Netscape (7.01) and Firefox (0.8), and in IE (6)
I get an "error in the script". However, I do not identify the error.
Does anyone have a clue onto what's happening?
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Jul 23, 2005
Let me just start by saying... and I truly do mean this... I HATE frames. Now that I have that out of my system, unfortnualty I do not have a choice and am forced to use the complex structure that I am so SO needing help with. My framesets look like this
| title |
| buttons |
| base |
inside the base frame I have ANOTHER frameset... split into frmLeft and frmRight... now if your mind isnt tied into knots... I am sure this will do it... I have a button called 'add category', which is on the buttons frame. When I click the button, I get a popup with the details... I add the category details... then I need the frame titled frmLeft to refresh. Is this possible?
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Jul 23, 2005
What's the trick to sharing cookies between frames? I can set and read a
cookie in the same frame, but if I try to read the cookie in another frame
it is undefined. :o(
There are some other cookies that are available in all frames, so I know
that the frames are capable of reading cookies, just not the ones that I set
in the other frame.
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Sep 12, 2005
I believe that different browsers treat frames/iframes differently, and this
is one of the reasons to avoid using them in websites/applications.
Are there any other reasons to avoid them?
In my experience I find them clunky and messy to implement using javascript
and prefer to keep the whole web page as a single page.
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Sep 14, 2005
I have to iframes within one page. When I triger action in one frame, I
need to update the content's of other frame's selection list.
How to access second frame's form element from my first frame in index
Suppose I named my second frame "content", and form element is named
simply "form1". If I try to access that form by refering:
parent.content.document.form1, I get nothing at all.
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Sep 22, 2005
I apologize if this is not the right group for this, but I saw some
other messages on this topic in here, so thought I'd take a shot in the
I am running IE 6, XP, SP2. When I connect to certain sites that use
inline frames, I get the message 'Your browser does not support inline
frames or is currently configured not to display inline frames.'
The aggravating thing is I recently bought multiple Dell computers,
have 2 in the room with me right now, haven't touched a thing
browser-wise on either, and it works fine on 1 and not the other. Same
OS, same IE version, etc.
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Nov 23, 2005
How can I refresh a page in a separate frame. For example, when someone logs in in the main frmae, I want to refresh another frame to display info differently.
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Mar 8, 2006
I am using a frameset with two frames that looks like this:
| |--------------------------| |
| | FRAME 1 | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| |--------------------------| |
| |
| |--------------------------| |
| | FRAME 2 | |
| | | |
| | <html><body> | |
| | <table><tbody> | |
| | <tr> | |
| | <td>Data 1</td> | |
| | <td>Data 2</td> | |
| | </tr> | |
| | </tbody></table> | |
| | </body></html> | |
| |--------------------------| |
FRAME 2 has no height, so it looks as if you only have 1 frame. I am
using FRAME 2 to retrieve data from my server.
I open up FRAME 1 with my webpage and leave FRAME 2 empty. When the
user request data I target FRAME 2 and the data is loaded into FRAME 2.
What I have been trying to do is this. Take the innerHTML of the FRAME
2's table and load it into a table in FRAME 1.
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Sep 19, 2006
I am using frames - yes frames - I do not know how to do anything but and I
know that there is better out there......but........
I am trying to set a frame so that it automatically puts a page
corresponding to the month in that frame (a calendar) Code:
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Jan 26, 2007
how do I create a print button that is on my index page that prints my
target page (and only the target page)
I tried
<INPUT onclick=window.print(); type=button value="Print This Page"
style="font-size: 10px; float:right">
But it prints the index page.
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Jul 20, 2005
I have a script for printing the contents of a frame.
It works fine but I would like it not only to print the designated frame
but to add a header or message at the top or bottom.
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Jul 20, 2005
i'm trying to use javascript to change the content of a textbox in a
different frame.
by clicking on a 'folder' link in 'leftFrame' i want to put the value
assigned by that link into the 'folderName' textbox in the
'uploadForm' form in 'mainFrame'. i'm doing this as...
onClick="parent.mainFrame.uploadForm.folderName.value='fold er'"
this works perfectly fine with IE and Safari on my Mac OS X machine
and IE 6 on my PC laptop but anything Mozilla-based on either machine
gives me an error i just can't seem to get round...
'parent.mainFrame.uploadForm has no properties'
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Jul 20, 2005
Suppose I have a page, call in parent.html . Inside, there is an iframe,
call it child.html . I want it so that in response to a keyboard event
in either parent or child, child.html will respond in a particular way.
Do I need to use a different set of code for each html page, or can I
reuse the same code?
If the code is different, what are the fundamental differences in code?
How do I make one frame respond to events in a different frame as a
general rule?
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Jul 20, 2005
How can I define the size of this whole window, i.e. to 600 * 800 pixels ?
Is there a script I can includre here?
<FRAME SRC="head.html" NAME="head" SCROLLING=NO>
<FRAME SRC="menu.html" NAME="menu" NORESIZE>
<FRAME SRC="menu-exe.html" NAME="main">
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Nov 6, 2005
You people might have seen some calendars used in sites float every where when the mouse moves.I don't know whether it's a frame or layer.My question is i need to use something like that in my site too.Just now i'm submtting some form values in a pop up window.I need to replace this with that kind of frames or layers.So how to make frames moving.U people help me find a sample code for a floatable frame.I've searched for this in google but i'm not getting a desired result.I need to know the site names for tutorials or open source code for this floatable frames.
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May 15, 2006
i have 3 frames on one page. I want to know how can i access the elements such as a listbox or a button defined in one frame from the other frame or the main page.
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Oct 15, 2009
<script language=javascript>
function getSelText()
var txt = '';
how do i identify the frames?.. document.getSelection(); and window.getSelection() only work for the frame the code is on. how do i change these getSelection(); for specific frame? i tried copying code to top frame but doesn't work. i tried changing to this but no success
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May 20, 2003
How can i do to load a new page in the main frame using a javascript function placed in the upper frame page?
I want to do this with a javascript function because my goal is to insert a flash movie in the upper frame and make a fscommand that would call the mentioned function...........
Lets say the flash movie placed in the upper frame has in itself several buttons that calls different html pages with and fscommand, and i'd like these pages to appear in the place i like, in this case, the main frame. But also i'd like to be able to do this in other frames..
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Jun 27, 2003
I have a friend that needs help. They emailed me and said they notice that when there site is in a frame from another site, the cookies do not work. The email prompt pops up even if the person has already set a cookie. If you input an email address it still comes back with null. Do you know why it cannot read the email cookie from within another site, but works fine from his site.
Anyone know what to chnage in this script to fix this?
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